Well as I stated i have not bothered to read link. With regards to private bots(hang on, is this a real conversation?) If individuals are using a bot type program, then they must also have access to typing when available.
I obviously havn"t read as I should possibly have, but can"t be bothered really to follow up link. I assume by your reply people are saying sites are using bots??
If this was the case, then "fraud" is the only word to mind. License(or unliscenced) to print money.
Having had experience of blatant cheating at Live games on numerous occasions(some by so called respected folk)
and having just watched, "catch me if you can". Based on true stuff. Taking into account all the real online scandals etc.
I do not think that I am naiaeve??? Yet maybe 99.7% of us are naiaeve compared to the 0.03% of the post graduate, Programming mathematical swindeling genius out there. Or organised crooks.
I do though give the benefit of the doubt and trust in humanity, no doubt to be provenmtotally wrong at some point, but until then....live and let live. Before anyone replies, Yes I have had two yes TWO bottles of wine. I am happy, and will continue to play both online and live.
P.S. Happy birthday you old sod.