Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Poker Forum => Strategy => Topic started by: Erimus on February 19, 2012, 15:39:39 PM
First post in strategy section just wondered on peoples thoughts on these two hands.
Both hands are AJ off one is dtd 50k gteed, other is $55 fo on stars 10 off the money.
In both circumstances I was happy to go with both hands the way the tables had been playing.
I would like peoples thoughts on which strategy to take, push taking blinds and antes hopefully or raise to induce, as I said I was intending to go all the way with the hands.
DTD blinds 300/150/a25
UTG I raise to 650 my standard raise I have 22 bigs (6k) get 4 callers flop comes down A high 2 diamonds, small blind checks pot is now over 3k so happy to get it in here, don't think AK or AQ out as I would have been reraised, I get 3 folds and 1 caller, villain shows Qd 7d, villain gets there on the river hits his flush.
Stars $10k gteed $55 buy in. (10 off cash)
On the button AJ off again 20 bigs (4k2) min raise to 400 bb who covers me shoves, I call he has KQ off Q on the flop and I am out.
Obviously being results orientated folds would have been better, but my question is do you just shove in both positions and put the decisions on the others, or do as I did in the examples above.
More info required on players trends if you are in possession Brian and
Im a nit and UTG would expect to fold this holding on a full table and wait for button or better position!
As it is you get in good in 1st scenario and 2nd scenario he"s calling whatever u do I guess
Run better ;D
Run better ;D
and play all your live events in Vegas x
Far too much info missing here. At least post the hand historys.
First hand - did you shove 6k into a 3 k pot there or was there more action?
Second hand - not sure what is going on there but it seems you called a 3 bet shove from the BB for your tourney with AJ. This seems pretty standard. Though with reads you can raise fold. Open shoving the button isn"t the worst play either. All depends how much you want to min and how the table has been playing near the bubble.
Best advice is to learn how to post hand histories :)
Generally agree with ger
Fine, ul, etc
Fine, ul, etc
20bb stack utg at an obviously loose table were we get 4 callers.
AJo is in our utg open range?
Its ok to open for 4.3 x?
I love AJ posts
The Hand Of The Devil
Its ok to open for 4.3 x?
He opened just over 2x . Bri posted the blinds the wrong way round.
Its ok to open for 4.3 x?
He opened just over 2x . Bri posted the blinds the wrong way round.
oops, see that now alright.
Well ok my post was a bit short but difficult to answer without the hand history.
Sometimes I will fold AJ utg with 20 bigs but mostly will min/call or min/fold depending on opponent. Obviously as played flop is golden so I will do anything to induce, such as betting really small. I think over potting is unnecessary. But money went in good and you lost. Reasonably standard.
Hand 2 is very standard I would say.
No I don"t just shove in either hand
Cheers for the input, next time i will try and put more info in, but as i said in the op i was going all the way with the 2 hands, so the main question was raise to induce, or shove all in pre.
Even though i lost both hands was ok with the play, i have to agree with Dean though putting the rest in on the flop was a bit much but with a diamond draw on board made villain pay max price for his draw, ty again
Cheers for the input, next time i will try and put more info in, but as i said in the op i was going all the way with the 2 hands, so the main question was raise to induce, or shove all in pre.
Even though i lost both hands was ok with the play, i have to agree with Dean though putting the rest in on the flop was a bit much but with a diamond draw on board made villain pay max price for his draw, ty again
yep run better ;D
I love AJ posts
The Hand Of The Devil
I notice that Stuart hasn"t chipped on... :D
i will give you my thoughts on thursday Brian, i think about poker far better after a full day on the lash :)
i will give you my thoughts on thursday Brian, i think about poker far better after a full day on the lash :)
I bet Brian is awash with anticipation of that!
Hand 1 - I might be inclined to bet something like 1850 on the flop and plan to shove a non-diamond turn if called. Read dependent if he shoves over your bet on the flop, but if you know he"s got the flush draw rather than a set then you"re happy to get it in as 60/40 fave. 4000 chips is still sort of enough to play on if you find a fold after a flop bet here.
Hand 2 - AJo on the button? Raise call unless opp is uber tight. ie, I"d fold to your shove and snap call Stu"s.
Hi, first post.
AJ with your stack UTG = fold. You have an M of 8.8 which means you should really be playing super tight. Either that or shove to steal the blinds, which it looks like you would have in this spot. Personally AJ UTG is muck.
The second play seems marginal with a risky but ultimately good call. Id say that before making your bet consider what you are going to do if reraised/shoved. As other posters have said it depends on other information. Was he likely to re-steal?
Last thing I would say is stop looking at the lobby. You will play much better and more natural poker if you ignore it. Play to win and you will get a lot more return than playing to ladder so to speak.
Good luck
Hi, first post.
AJ with your stack UTG = fold. You have an M of 8.8 which means you should really be playing super tight. Either that or shove to steal the blinds, which it looks like you would have in this spot. Personally AJ UTG is muck.
The second play seems marginal with a risky but ultimately good call. Id say that before making your bet consider what you are going to do if reraised/shoved. As other posters have said it depends on other information. Was he likely to re-steal?
Last thing I would say is stop looking at the lobby. You will play much better and more natural poker if you ignore it. Play to win and you will get a lot more return than playing to ladder so to speak.
Good luck
Agree, normally this is a fold for me every time utg, but it looked like the nuts as it was the best I had seen for 2 levels, frustration had set in so I had decided i was going for it, in the end was a slight favourite both pre and post flop bit it wasn"t to be.
As for the lobby again agree with you here, I am not really bothered about my position I tend to just use how many big blinds I have to determine the way I am playing, with stars games being so top heavy in payouts not really bothered about min cashing, as long as I am playing games I can afford, a min cash is not what I want, I like to keep an eye on the bubble to try and get a few chips from those who have tightened up, last few mtts I have gone out close to the cash trying to get the double up.
I do use Facebook to show positions late on in mtts,the odd time I get to a ft get a couple of people on the rail for a bit of support, after all,I play for fun and profit not for a living, thanks for the input Gl to you.