Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => Online Archive => Online Poker => National Online Cup => Topic started by: Matt D on August 31, 2012, 14:42:45 PM

Title: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on August 31, 2012, 14:42:45 PM
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: AMRN on August 31, 2012, 14:48:44 PM
I"m not involved, so probably not much right to contribute opinion.... however I will anyway :)

Two points re scoring:

1. Should probably be 7 points for the win, down to 1pt for 7th, and zero for 8th (gotta have a bagel in there!)

2. Headsup - only 1pt for the winner? Seems to devalue it a bit, when compared to the STT points values. At ECOAP, a Headsup win was the same as 5th place in the STT, which seems a bit more like it.

Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on August 31, 2012, 15:26:05 PM

I"m not involved, so probably not much right to contribute opinion.... however I will anyway :)

Two points re scoring:

1. Should probably be 7 points for the win, down to 1pt for 7th, and zero for 8th (gotta have a bagel in there!)

2. Headsup - only 1pt for the winner? Seems to devalue it a bit, when compared to the STT points values. At ECOAP, a Headsup win was the same as 5th place in the STT, which seems a bit more like it.

Aye we were only going to have 1 day for the final - say Wednesday, and fit everything in that day: omaha, hold"em and headsup. However, with 3 tables on the go at once I think it could be too busy and confusing, especially for those not used to the software.

So, I decided to split the final across 2 dates instead. That gave room for 1 more round of heads up matches. It was initially set-up so that the heads up matches would be worth 2 points each. But, now we"re playing twice as many of them, I halved the points.

I think even with just 1 point per HU match, just 1 or 2 points could settle the whole thing.

I"m most interested to see how play pans out on the STTs.. With 4 players from each team sat at the same table, seat draw is very important! :)
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Starshine on August 31, 2012, 15:34:54 PM
can"t it be a hilo???
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on August 31, 2012, 15:36:38 PM

can"t it be a hilo???

ha, just standard this time round. Maybe next time?...
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on August 31, 2012, 16:23:14 PM
Update: Heads up will be 2 points per win after all, and 0 for the loss.

I"ll update the first post now.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Sugar_Free on August 31, 2012, 17:49:44 PM
Looking forward to playing these formats, will the third place play off be on the same nights? (not that we"ll be in it)
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Curlarge on August 31, 2012, 22:42:39 PM
Whilst playing NLHE and PLO is something I personally do regularly, I can see that this change of format may well hinder some teams, where players dont regularly play PLO. It may be the case that some players have never even played it before, thus putting their team at a huge disadvantage.

In addition, why are we playing 2 different games at the same time? I never (previous apat onlines aside) play more than one table at a time as I feel I get a much better handle on peoples play by watching just one table. The format has changed hugely by the PLO inclusion and this certainly wasn"t mentioned in the original post. The final match will feature heads up and sit & go rounds to determine the winning team.  A third place playoff will also take place utilising the final format

I"m struggling to see why these matches can"t be played on different nights, especially as they are completely different games!

Personally I"m all for the format overall, but not playing it at the same time.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: chrish1976 on August 31, 2012, 23:07:07 PM
whats the point of the 3rd place play off? I thought that only the winners won seats at the worlds. ignore there are medals to be won i see
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Rhino56 on August 31, 2012, 23:30:43 PM
I echo what Curlarge has said. While I enjoy  playing omaha, it would be difficult to play at the same time as playing Heads up. I find that when playing Heads Up the action is constant and it is impossible to other games simultaneously.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Swinebag on August 31, 2012, 23:54:11 PM

It may be the case that some players have never even played it before, thus putting their team at a huge disadvantage.

true but hardly unfair.

Its like a cricket team playing on a "bunsen" then whinging that they don"t have any spinners

It is a poker comp after all and was never promoted as an exclusive NLHE comp
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Curlarge on September 01, 2012, 00:18:49 AM

It may be the case that some players have never even played it before, thus putting their team at a huge disadvantage.

true but hardly unfair.

Its like a cricket team playing on a "bunsen" then whinging that they don"t have any spinners

It is a poker comp after all and was never promoted as an exclusive NLHE comp

Totally disagree Rob. There was no mention made of PLO being anypart of this comp., therefore it"s a massive disadvantage to anyone who doesn"t know how to play it. Like I said, I doesn"t affect me, but it will affect others.

And using your cricket analagy, it"s nothing like the same, as each cricket team will have had a chance to look at the wicket before announcing their team. To continue the theme, this is a bit like playing 3 test matches and then 2 ODI"s to decide the overall series.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Starshine on September 01, 2012, 00:49:04 AM
Well should my team reach the final, I can predict that if we win it won be up to me

as I can promise I won"t get any points for my team, well probably 1 point in the sit and go, but that"s it.

Having heads up at the same time than the sit and go, I know I would crap both completely

and I would not even enjoy it, which i think we should

I would prefer the heads up an hour before the other games or on a different day, and before anyone tells me heads up is just a few mins while the sit and go, yes may be, may be not, my longest heads up was 90 mins, and I would not have liked playing any other table with it. So the solution to go as 1st player in hu and go on sitout or late reg in the sit and go will surely not work with me

Some players might be wizards in multitabling, others aren"t (does not make a bad player)
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Swinebag on September 01, 2012, 00:59:02 AM

It may be the case that some players have never even played it before, thus putting their team at a huge disadvantage.

true but hardly unfair.

Its like a cricket team playing on a "bunsen" then whinging that they don"t have any spinners

It is a poker comp after all and was never promoted as an exclusive NLHE comp

Totally disagree Rob. There was no mention made of PLO being anypart of this comp., therefore it"s a massive disadvantage to anyone who doesn"t know how to play it. Like I said, I doesn"t affect me, but it will affect others.

And using your cricket analagy, it"s nothing like the same, as each cricket team will have had a chance to look at the wicket before announcing their team. To continue the theme, this is a bit like playing 3 test matches and then 2 ODI"s to decide the overall series.

There was also no mention that it was exclusively NLHE

however you are right, the cricket analogy is pretty poor :(
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Sugar_Free on September 01, 2012, 10:44:12 AM
I"m not keen on playing HU the same time as the SNG either
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: colmcg on September 01, 2012, 15:20:16 PM
Not too fond playing two tables at once either.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on September 01, 2012, 19:03:27 PM
The Heads Up games are pretty turbo. I think the max any HU game would take is 30 mins. So, you"ll be 2-tabling for 30 minutes out of the whole time.

The original format was to host PLO, NHLE and HU all at the same time. Which I thought was a little excessive, hence splitting over 2 days (Weds + Sun).

I haven"t actually set up a 3rd/4th place playoff. I wasn"t aware there was going to be one (my mistake for not reading the  briefing properly). Will PM Des/Leigh now to see what we"re going to do there.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on September 01, 2012, 19:11:50 PM
p.s. the Heads Up games are just going to played on the APAT Private tables. There isn"t a set-start time for them.

So.... If the team captains PM me their order of players for the HU games (2 lists as there are 2 sets of games. Or you can just use the same order for both games if you want), then I can post who is playing who, and they can arrange when to play their games.

It doesn"t have to be at the same time as the final. It can be played at any time, as long as they are all completed. Players could PM each other to organise the matches, arrange a mutually convenient time etc.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: suzanne on September 01, 2012, 21:24:08 PM

p.s. the Heads Up games are just going to played on the APAT Private tables. There isn"t a set-start time for them.

So.... If the team captains PM me their order of players for the HU games (2 lists as there are 2 sets of games. Or you can just use the same order for both games if you want), then I can post who is playing who, and they can arrange when to play their games.

It doesn"t have to be at the same time as the final. It can be played at any time, as long as they are all completed. Players could PM each other to organise the matches, arrange a mutually convenient time etc.

That sounds better, im hopeless at 2 tabling.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: AJDUK on September 01, 2012, 21:29:32 PM
Also not happy about the PLO. I don"t play it, except for fun at WCOAP and ECOAP.

Like Curly I also never multi-table online, but it seems that one has been addressed already.

Debjani has NEVER played Omaha or anything Pot Limit and she"s not happy.

If the brief had have mentioned Omaha initially Debjani and I would never have entered. It"s akin to playing the FA Cup using a football, until the final where we swtich to rugby. Swinebag"s statement about it"s a poker comp (and by implication you should effectively be ready for any format) is ridiculous.

It should be NLHE throughout.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: blowfly on September 01, 2012, 21:30:01 PM

Whilst playing NLHE and PLO is something I personally do regularly, I can see that this change of format may well hinder some teams, where players dont regularly play PLO. It may be the case that some players have never even played it before, thus putting their team at a huge disadvantage.

In addition, why are we playing 2 different games at the same time? I never (previous apat onlines aside) play more than one table at a time as I feel I get a much better handle on peoples play by watching just one table. The format has changed hugely by the PLO inclusion and this certainly wasn"t mentioned in the original post. The final match will feature heads up and sit & go rounds to determine the winning team.  A third place playoff will also take place utilising the final format

I"m struggling to see why these matches can"t be played on different nights, especially as they are completely different games!

Personally I"m all for the format overall, but not playing it at the same time.

This format completely sucks. I have never played Omaha. Had you mentioned an Omaha element to this competition at the outset I would never have entered.

I have multi-tabled before and could cope with doing so again but to do it whilst trying to play a game I"ve never played before is not something I relish.

I"m pretty tired of everytime any online competition in APAT starts, the format seems to be different by the end. However, it"s been pointed out that this wasn"t advertised as EITHER having Omaha OR as exclusively Hold'em ........ it just wasn"t mentioned. But the chance to know what to expect would have been good so that someone else who can play Omaha could"ve taken my place in my team.

I sincerely apologise in advance to my team-mates for my clueless performance in the forthcoming Omaha match and for turning our good chance of getting something out of this competition into a complete luckfest  >:(
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Tiger-flash on September 01, 2012, 22:09:27 PM
Tbh i would just have an eight table sit and go, that would be carnage lol. Just imagine the collusion and softplaying then an all in feast when the blinds get big. If it were a tie then who ever wins the stt would win the comp for the team, Nuff said!

I also agree to be fair that the others who havent played omaha would be at a huge disadvantage and to have this put upon them was a shock to me. Its a shame as omaha is my favourite game but i will go with the majority im afraid Matt.

Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on September 01, 2012, 22:56:00 PM

Tbh i would just have an eight table sit and go, that would be carnage lol. Just imagine the collusion and softplaying then an all in feast when the blinds get big. If it were a tie then who ever wins the stt would win the comp for the team, Nuff said!

I also agree to be fair that the others who havent played omaha would be at a huge disadvantage and to have this put upon them was a shock to me. Its a shame as omaha is my favourite game but i will go with the majority im afraid Matt.

Tbh i would just have an eight table sit and go, that would be carnage lol. Just imagine the collusion and softplaying then an all in feast when the blinds get big. If it were a tie then who ever wins the stt would win the comp for the team, Nuff said!

I also agree to be fair that the others who havent played omaha would be at a huge disadvantage and to have this put upon them was a shock to me. Its a shame as omaha is my favourite game but i will go with the majority im afraid Matt.

It"s no odds to me what games we include as part of the cup. I"ve just set them up as instructed.

I"m not sure what you mean by an 8 table sit"n"go? Do you mean an 8-seat sit"n"go? If so, that"s the way it"s already been set up (but omaha and hold"em on subsequent weeks, rather than just hold"em).
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Sugar_Free on September 02, 2012, 00:25:35 AM
On reflection I can see what people are saying, it does seem like like moving the goalposts and I do sympathise. Maybe it would be better to make this competition NLHE all the way through.

I think if you want to mix up the games then make the next cup competition a mixed game championship, but don"t just have NLHE and PLO, have as many variants of the game as the software will allow, be it Razz, Stud, Badugi, Acey-Deucey or whatever. I got my poker education through the LPM, if you can describe it, we"ll play it.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Curlarge on September 02, 2012, 00:40:02 AM

On reflection I can see what people are saying, it does seem like like moving the goalposts and I do sympathise. Maybe it would be better to make this competition NLHE all the way through.

I think if you want to mix up the games then make the next cup competition a mixed game championship, but don"t just have NLHE and PLO, have as many variants of the game as the software will allow, be it Razz, Stud, Badugi, Acey-Deucey or whatever. I got my poker education through the LPM, if you can describe it, we"ll play it.

Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: blowfly on September 02, 2012, 03:38:57 AM

it does seem like like moving the goalposts

Exactly my point - the format should be fully disclosed at the outset. Having an Omaha element is perfectly legit if you tell everyone about it BEFORE they register to play so that people who don"t know how to play don"t blindly enter, get deep in the competition but are then faced with pulling out or scouring the bookshelf for something with an Omaha chapter.

This game"s not a freeroll, there"s a decent prize up for grabs and the first opportunity I"ve had to win a medal for a medal for ages and I wouldn"t have been here if it had been made it plain I"d have to know how to play Omaha to get to the end. Quite frankly I feel cheated.

Any Omaha specialists - feel free to PM me an idiots guide to playing. At the moment all I know is I get dealt 4 cards!

Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on September 02, 2012, 04:49:58 AM
Hi all

On my way to the airport. Not sure if I"m going to have access to Internet on holiday, but will try and get on tomorrow, so I can send the password to winning semi finalists. I"ll also PM it to Leigh and Des now, so someone has it in the event I cannot get online.

Given the messages above, it seems the fairest thing to do would be to make the first game Hold'em instead of Omaha. I will get on to that now.

Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: blowfly on September 02, 2012, 16:59:17 PM

Given the messages above, it seems the fairest thing to do would be to make the first game Hold'em instead of Omaha. I will get on to that now.

I for one really appreciate this decision - thank you!
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Tiger-flash on September 02, 2012, 17:46:06 PM

Tbh i would just have an eight table sit and go, that would be carnage lol. Just imagine the collusion and softplaying then an all in feast when the blinds get big. If it were a tie then who ever wins the stt would win the comp for the team, Nuff said!

I also agree to be fair that the others who havent played omaha would be at a huge disadvantage and to have this put upon them was a shock to me. Its a shame as omaha is my favourite game but i will go with the majority im afraid Matt.

Tbh i would just have an eight table sit and go........ i did mean 8 players Matt lol
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: chrish1976 on September 02, 2012, 18:49:45 PM
i am interested by the fact that people do not want to play omaha yet that or stud is one of the prizes. I know that you can go in the 6 max if you get knocked out of the main event on day 1 like i will but most people must have more skill than me. (or can we enter the team event)?
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Sugar_Free on September 02, 2012, 19:04:19 PM

i am interested by the fact that people do not want to play omaha yet that or stud is one of the prizes. I know that you can go in the 6 max if you get knocked out of the main event on day 1 like i will but most people must have more skill than me. (or can we enter the team event)?

To be fair I think that the prize for most people who entered this is a title and a medal *, the WCOAP passport is added value. If you are thinking that far ahead then you could play the Heads Up, the 6 Max and the Main Event and not have to play any format other than NLHE.

*Oh, and bragging rights
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: blowfly on September 02, 2012, 19:48:46 PM

To be fair I think that the prize for most people who entered this is a title and a medal *, the WCOAP passport is added value. If you are thinking that far ahead then you could play the Heads Up, the 6 Max and the Main Event and not have to play any format other than NLHE.

*Oh, and bragging rights

Exactly this. Or if absolutely necessary would have had some time to learn/practice how to play Omaha in the event of a win if playing the 6 max was not an option.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on September 03, 2012, 11:48:23 AM
Both Weds + Sundays games (and all the heads up matches) will be Texas Hold'em.

I have received the order of players from N.T.B.A.W.S, but not yet from East Mids FORE!!!, so please can they send me them.

I"ll post up the HU match draw once I"ve got that.

I have also PMed both captains for passwords for Weds + Sundays game.

More info to follow later tonight...
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Curlarge on September 03, 2012, 13:17:12 PM

Both Weds + Sundays games (and all the heads up matches) will be Texas Hold'em.

I have received the order of players from N.T.B.A.W.S, but not yet from East Mids FORE!!!, so please can they send me them.

I"ll post up the HU match draw once I"ve got that.

I have also PMed both captains for passwords for Weds + Sundays game.

More info to follow later tonight...

Whats happening with the 3rd/4th place playoff please?
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Starshine on September 03, 2012, 13:31:37 PM
Sorry, just to be sure I understood it right.

Matt, once you did the draw for the headsup, did I understand right that I can contact my opponent to find out if we perhaps play the heads up on a time we both prefer? Which could as well be by example tuesday eve? or wednesday afternoon? or whenever?
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Starshine on September 03, 2012, 13:38:34 PM
oh and i saw the points for heads up win are changed, so it is now 2 points yes? oh dear my poor team  :"(
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: AceOnTheRiver on September 03, 2012, 13:50:24 PM

be it Razz, Stud, Badugi, Acey-Deucey or whatever.

I think they"re great.
Especially the "back in black" album
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Starshine on September 03, 2012, 16:19:07 PM
ermm I just wanted to register but i think it is set up wrong time

in post one of this thread it says starts 8pm british time, and the set up games now are starting 9pm british time

so has the starting time changed??? or is this by accident?
I personally would prefer 8pm, as I am an hour ahead anyway
I shall wait with registering, just for case it was by accident and the game will start like it said at 8pm
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Tiger-flash on September 03, 2012, 16:34:04 PM

ermm I just wanted to register but i think it is set up wrong time

in post one of this thread it says starts 8pm british time, and the set up games now are starting 9pm british time

so has the starting time changed??? or is this by accident?
I personally would prefer 8pm, as I am an hour ahead anyway
I shall wait with registering, just for case it was by accident and the game will start like it said at 8pm
same with me Matt, could it start at 8pm as i work nights (pretty please  :-*)
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Jeffers on September 03, 2012, 18:20:18 PM
As above, I can see 1 STT on Wednesday, 5th but 2 on the 9th - all of them starting at 9.

I"m assuming 1 is for 3rd / 4th place, but just wanted to check that Final 1 is the final, and Final 2 is 3rd / 4th place?
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Jeffers on September 03, 2012, 19:19:54 PM
I"ve spoken to the guys about the heads up, with regards to when is best to play the matches.

If it"s good for everyone it seems most sense to play them the same night as the STT, but before the STT starts. Assuming that this will be corrected to 8pm can we play our Heads Up from 7?
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Bigfella42 on September 03, 2012, 20:48:35 PM

Both Weds + Sundays games (and all the heads up matches) will be Texas Hold'em.

I have received the order of players from N.T.B.A.W.S, but not yet from East Mids FORE!!!, so please can they send me them.

I"ll post up the HU match draw once I"ve got that.

I have also PMed both captains for passwords for Weds + Sundays game.

More info to follow later tonight...

Whats happening with the 3rd/4th place playoff please?

please let this be on wednesday that"s all
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: AceOnTheRiver on September 04, 2012, 21:37:56 PM

ermm I just wanted to register but i think it is set up wrong time

in post one of this thread it says starts 8pm british time, and the set up games now are starting 9pm british time

so has the starting time changed??? or is this by accident?
I personally would prefer 8pm, as I am an hour ahead anyway
I shall wait with registering, just for case it was by accident and the game will start like it said at 8pm
same with me Matt, could it start at 8pm as i work nights (pretty please  :-*)

We need clarity on this please please please

Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Jeffers on September 04, 2012, 21:57:40 PM

ermm I just wanted to register but i think it is set up wrong time

in post one of this thread it says starts 8pm british time, and the set up games now are starting 9pm british time

so has the starting time changed??? or is this by accident?
I personally would prefer 8pm, as I am an hour ahead anyway
I shall wait with registering, just for case it was by accident and the game will start like it said at 8pm
same with me Matt, could it start at 8pm as i work nights (pretty please  :-*)

We need clarity on this please please please


Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Starshine on September 04, 2012, 22:08:13 PM
I caught Matt on Facebook lol
well sort of, he posted something from his mobile there, and i wished him nice holiday, but please not to forget to sort us out lol, as there lot questions

he posted back that he will go to a internetcafe tomorrow morning, and will do the draw and reply to all pms, I hope he has a look at this thread and answer questions here as well

Whoever will be my opponent in the headsup, and should it be possible that we do it ahead before the game, i will be online from bout 16:00 tomorrow, so should we be allowed and you be online than as well, it would be great we could do it, thank you
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Jeffers on September 04, 2012, 22:19:27 PM
Hi There,

In all honesty it"s probably unlikely any of the guys on my team will be back from work until 6 / 7 but will let them know anyhow, when we"ve seen the draw. :)

See you on the tables tomorrow.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Rhino56 on September 05, 2012, 09:37:07 AM
I"ve been looking to register for tonights games and can not see them in the lobby? Any ideas anyone? I"ve found one game for sunday, as earlier stated starting at 9pm.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on September 05, 2012, 11:39:07 AM

I"ve been looking to register for tonights games and can not see them in the lobby? Any ideas anyone? I"ve found one game for sunday, as earlier stated starting at 9pm.

The game is listed under Multi-Tourney > Private. 05/09 21:00 as "APAT National Cup F1"

The password was sent by PM earlier in the week.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Rhino56 on September 05, 2012, 11:51:18 AM
OK thanks Matt, now registered. Just wondering why the later start time? I"m Ok with it, but as stated earlier on this thread, one of the players is on nights and will struggle to finish the tournament.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Starshine on September 05, 2012, 13:23:54 PM
The game for today is in Lobby as well Rhino, just starting 9 your time not like we all thought at 8, :-(
I shall wait with register with the hope there will suddenly appear one starting at 8 british time  ;)
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Sugar_Free on September 05, 2012, 13:39:54 PM
Any news of the 3rd place play off? We seem to be the poor relations in this.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Starshine on September 05, 2012, 13:43:49 PM

Any news of the 3rd place play off? We seem to be the poor relations in this.

there are two games on sunday one is called F2, so you might be this one  ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on September 05, 2012, 14:40:06 PM

Any news of the 3rd place play off? We seem to be the poor relations in this.

there are two games on sunday one is called F2, so you might be this one  ??? ??? ???

Yes. The 3rd place playoff will be on Sunday. The name of the tournament is currently incorrect. It will be fixed tomorrow.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Sugar_Free on September 05, 2012, 15:05:40 PM

Any news of the 3rd place play off? We seem to be the poor relations in this.

there are two games on sunday one is called F2, so you might be this one  ??? ??? ???

Yes. The 3rd place playoff will be on Sunday. The name of the tournament is currently incorrect. It will be fixed tomorrow.

Is that just the first game or has the format changed?

8 )  From the knockout phase forward, half of the teams in each round will win their way into the next round until we are left with two teams.  The final match will feature heads up and sit & go rounds to determine the winning team.  A third place playoff will also take place utilising the final format.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Starshine on September 05, 2012, 18:13:55 PM
well as it seems the new/later starting time will be, even though this is a shame, I shall register now, as I give up hope now that there will a table appear being set to the original posted started time

really a pity as I would have preferred 20:00 (which is my time 21:00), and I know I am not the only one

well lets hope next APAT event the time won"t change just like this
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on September 06, 2012, 11:41:00 AM

Any news of the 3rd place play off? We seem to be the poor relations in this.

there are two games on sunday one is called F2, so you might be this one  ??? ??? ???

Yes. The 3rd place playoff will be on Sunday. The name of the tournament is currently incorrect. It will be fixed tomorrow.

Is that just the first game or has the format changed?

8 )  From the knockout phase forward, half of the teams in each round will win their way into the next round until we are left with two teams.  The final match will feature heads up and sit & go rounds to determine the winning team.  A third place playoff will also take place utilising the final format.

Following a few small complaints about the format it has been decided to just hold the Bronze match over 1-leg.

So, there will be an STT and 4 HU matches. The bronze medal winning team will be the one with the most points.
Title: Re: Format for the National Online Cup Final.
Post by: Matt D on September 06, 2012, 11:49:05 AM