Team | Player | Alias |
BCPC | Andy Duncan | AJDUK34 |
BCPC | Steve Redfern | AMRNapat |
BCPC | Brian Yates | BOINGBLITZ |
BCPC | Andy Overton | Censword |
BCPC | Tony Trippier | TONYTRIPPS |
BCPC | Tod Wood | TRW1 |
Gold N Ben | Martin McNickle | BitTirrment |
Gold N Ben | Christopher Kelly | ckapat |
Gold N Ben | Tom Clark | LombBomb72 |
Gold N Ben | Ben Burnhill | OnlyNeed2 |
Gold N Ben | Nazar Wrigley | supernaz |
Gold N Ben | David Blacklaw | Well4ever |
Irish Wolfhounds | Frank Bailie | cormach111 |
Irish Wolfhounds | Damian Bailie | gunnerdub |
Irish Wolfhounds | Mark Lassman | jaytee1971 |
Irish Wolfhounds | Kevin O" Hanlon | kohan1947 |
Irish Wolfhounds | Brian Frew | kronstdat1 |
Irish Wolfhounds | Nick Avery | oznick4259 |
Kiss My Ace | Matt Carter | 5ugarFree |
Kiss My Ace | Colin Mcgrane | colinmcg |
Kiss My Ace | Pedro Simoes | pedrosimon |
Kiss My Ace | Phil Colls | Spirey1 |
Kiss My Ace | Suzanne Hayward | suzanne66 |
Kiss My Ace | Ben Russell | Toshiro42 |
The Mods | Matt Dale | *SuperHans |
The Mods | Des Duffy | APAT |
The Mods | Leigh Wiltshire | Fortunatus |
The Mods | Ger Smyth | Lubandige |
The Mods | Mary Martin | Mairs |
The Mods | Clive Wooldridge | ChiveyW |
Velvet Indulgence | Richard Baker | Curlarge55 |
Velvet Indulgence | Darren Shallis | Drowslash1 |
Velvet Indulgence | Michelle Gascoine | FFS_Really |
Velvet Indulgence | Steve Roderick | NCFCAPAT |
Velvet Indulgence | Gordon McArthur | RiggedOFC |
Velvet Indulgence | Sharon Roberts | Zwicky18 |
Yorkshire Puddings | Richard King | 74sNuts! |
Yorkshire Puddings | Adrian Long | Adilong1 |
Yorkshire Puddings | Barry Simpson | baz1471 |
Yorkshire Puddings | Michael Holmes | FEFelson |
Yorkshire Puddings | Wayne Parker | Mr-Nosey-P |
Yorkshire Puddings | Mark Gray | sm3llyp00p |
HitSquad HitDonks | Steve Marskell | Bluffonz |
HitSquad HitDonks | Dai Llewellyn | Dboot |
HitSquad HitDonks | Dave Harvey | HitmanRV |
HitSquad HitDonks | Barry Moody | roofermen |
HitSquad HitDonks | Robert Green | Sherifoo7 |
HitSquad HitDonks | Wynne Gibson | Wynne2 |
We Will Muck You | Gary Morris | Premier333 |
We Will Muck You | Rob Greene | Raisefish87 |
We Will Muck You | Cecilia Sparkes | Sparklett |
We Will Muck You | James Newman | Trafa1ger |
We Will Muck You | Ian Witt | x3N1GM4z |
We Will Muck You | Kevin Martin | ZXDAKEV |
The Hitsquadettes | Teresa Reynolds | Betterha1f |
The Hitsquadettes | Lisa Reynolds | Lisar83 |
The Hitsquadettes | Emma Venvell | Llama7 |
The Hitsquadettes | Pati Gallacher | Mrs_Balti |
The Hitsquadettes | Karen Mead | MrsLuiz |
The Hitsquadettes | Samantha Bottomley | Samdonk |
Hitsquad Central | Duncan Howarth | BenAlman |
Hitsquad Central | Carl Norris | BWFCrule |
Hitsquad Central | Peter Munro | EBBERDON |
Hitsquad Central | Steve Ball | Ice_Tiger |
Hitsquad Central | Andy Hollingsworth | lcfcfan |
Hitsquad Central | Simon Allen | Slykllist |
Nobody Wants Us | Patrick Conlin | alfieruby1 |
Nobody Wants Us | Tom Slikboer | Kayden2012 |
Nobody Wants Us | John Tice | lawjohn |
Nobody Wants Us | Tony McColgan | MangoooUK |
Nobody Wants Us | Andrew Galloway | nomug |
Nobody Wants Us | Vitor Mendonca | OQCpt |
Hitsquad Scotsquad | Cameron Mckillip | 0BAN |
Hitsquad Scotsquad | Willy Higgins | 3barrels |
Hitsquad Scotsquad | Roddy Farmer | ctownkid |
Hitsquad Scotsquad | Robert McCarrol | RAB642 |
Hitsquad Scotsquad | Bryan Cameron | Scwuffy54 |
Hitsquad Scotsquad | Nicholas Howat | Tsaaaar27 |
GNF | Rob Swindells | bobbys22 |
GNF | John Patten | kloobes |
GNF | Lee M | Raiser98 |
GNF | Denis Wilson | Ramster44 |
GNF | Patrick Kelly | The Paster |
GNF | Ben Walton | vilerodent |
East Mids Six Pack | JP Round | AceOn5th |
East Mids Six Pack | Vaino Tiik | Rhino5656 |
East Mids Six Pack | Bal Powar | shozboy15 |
East Mids Six Pack | Gina Weiss | StarshineI |
East Mids Six Pack | Simon Gordon | Tigerflash |
East Mids Six Pack | Ellen Gascoine | xKWN34x |
The Bounty Hunters | Mark Hill | blackpuma9 |
The Bounty Hunters | Colin Crawford | col16 |
The Bounty Hunters | Rita Galvin | galvo68 |
The Bounty Hunters | Joe Burge | s6chap |
The Bounty Hunters | Jack Warner | snoopy58 |
The Bounty Hunters | Bill Shepard | SQR64Q |
Hetton Mob | Iain Ayre | hettonmob1 |
Hetton Mob | Gary Roberts | pickledegg |
Hetton Mob | Craig Johnson | jbonguk |
Hetton Mob | Kath Johnson | katos11 |
Hetton Mob | Owen Fenwick | OwenFTM |
Hetton Mob | Dinos Patrinos | iKLUP |
EoE Utopia | Colin McCarthy | 147thinsy |
EoE Utopia | Cris Sharp | Crisasharp |
EoE Utopia | Ian Matthews | GFP_Fan |
EoE Utopia | Simon Alcock | Ivorbiggin |
EoE Utopia | Ralph Osker | Merkland |
EoE Utopia | Warren Fenwick | xWaz1892x |
NTBAWS | Paul Jefferies | _The_Nutz_ |
NTBAWS | Jason Browes | _Top_Draw_ |
NTBAWS | Lee Bentick | benners4 |
NTBAWS | Liam Harper | H4RP5 |
NTBAWS | Chris Hibberd | redchris76 |
NTBAWS | Karl Bursford | U.T.U.B. |
EoE Untouchables | Andy Cairns | aj_cairns |
EoE Untouchables | Stewart Brodie | camkingEoE |
EoE Untouchables | Carl Pilgrim | fandango41 |
EoE Untouchables | Stuart Fordham | FatBlokey2 |
EoE Untouchables | Jo Sharp | ninjajojo |
EoE Untouchables | Liam Crawford | TheReflex |
B2Bpoker&co | Donovan Ross | antiunrea1 |
B2Bpoker&co | Mick Doyle | B2Babdoman |
B2Bpoker&co | Michael Martin | b2bmartini |
B2Bpoker&co | Sam Girling | Bugler |
B2Bpoker&co | Gary Davies | captingee |
B2Bpoker&co | Alan Chowles | TheAlchow |
The All-Inners | Billy Johnstone | BigBlin |
The All-Inners | Gary Purcell | Gaz18881 |
The All-Inners | Mark Barsley | gizahand |
The All-Inners | Kevin O"Driscoll | kevod11 |
The All-Inners | Lorraine Johnston | lojo30 |
The All-Inners | Craig Dawson | ZozzyApat |
Team51 | Alan Holland | elsadog_ |
Team51 | Toby Khanna | HitPupRV |
Team51 | Joe Harrison | ICOFTW |
Team51 | Myles Carter | ImAConMan |
Team51 | Allan Hewitt | riverdog69 |
Team51 | Keith MacAskill | seemyinbox |
The HitSquad Emerald Guard | Pat De Ferreira | day4eire76 |
The HitSquad Emerald Guard | Benny Shrimpton | KaizaSaucy |
The HitSquad Emerald Guard | Paul Lambert | Lambert180 |
The HitSquad Emerald Guard | Mark Neill | Neiller |
The HitSquad Emerald Guard | Micky Barr | Smarr |
The HitSquad Emerald Guard | David Watkin | wacko1992 |
EAPL 4 Ever | Phil Hertel | 4KSuited |
EAPL 4 Ever | James Lee | Da_Mental |
EAPL 4 Ever | Craig Waddington | kromesky |
EAPL 4 Ever | Omar Khan | Munty_x |
EAPL 4 Ever | Ed Stanborough | steadyedd1 |
EAPL 4 Ever | Frank Moszkal | Tvpumps99 |
OBWYTLT - Shakira Shakira | Andy Hall | Hallst@r |
OBWYTLT - Shakira Shakira | Maggie Holt | Raggie63 |
OBWYTLT - Shakira Shakira | Mark Rowbottom | SharkLPPL |
OBWYTLT - Shakira Shakira | Justin Hazeldene | skippyjust |
OBWYTLT - Shakira Shakira | John Murray | TravMint |
OBWYTLT - Shakira Shakira | John Woodbridge | w00dy66 |
7.30 start, I take it there will be late reg, if so how long?
7.30 start, I take it there will be late reg, if so how long?
You can"t do late reg in these, it will bugger up the scoring
7.30 start, I take it there will be late reg, if so how long?
You can"t do late reg in these, it will bugger up the scoring
How about a 8.00 start?
See you Saturday Matt (Seat 10, don"t nick by blind, you have been warned ;))
I"m looking forward to being a part of the APAT mods team that is going to smash this. ;)
This sounds like alot of fun, I"ll try and drum up some interest from the HitSquad masses.
Couple of questions as I"m a little simple......
1, Once the 6 players are picked are these then fixed for the duration of the competion? ie. no substituations between rounds etc. I ask as I know that I personally can"t play the 1st two as I"m away snowboarding but would love to get invloved later on.
2, Would we be OK to submit multiple teams if we have enough interest? ie. HitSquad North and HitSuad South for example?
Hmmmmm Just seen this.....
Mr Dale, lets see if we cant sort a GNF Team or 2? Ill also have a word with the ITM posse this weekend....looks good!!
I would like to put myself forward for consideration for Team Mod.
I would like to put myself forward for consideration for Team Mod.
Team HitSquad Donks.... IN PLEASE!! Can we name later, as we just getting organised for the APAT Team Tournie, this weekend!!
We may enter another 1 ......& if room 2, dont want to be greedy, is it defo limited to 16 Teams??
Many Thanks, great idea!!
Dave Hitman Harvey
Team HitSquad Donks.... IN PLEASE!! Can we name later, as we just getting organised for the APAT Team Tournie, this weekend!!
We may enter another 1 ......& if room 2, dont want to be greedy, is it defo limited to 16 Teams??
Many Thanks, great idea!!
Dave Hitman Harvey
Team HitSquad Donks.... IN PLEASE!! Can we name later, as we just getting organised for the APAT Team Tournie, this weekend!!
We may enter another 1 ......& if room 2, dont want to be greedy, is it defo limited to 16 Teams??
Many Thanks, great idea!!
Dave Hitman Harvey
Team HitSquadettes would also like to enter a team please!! Awaiting confirmation from a few ladies so will name in the next few days. This sounds fun :D
Team HitSquad Donks.... IN PLEASE!! Can we name later, as we just getting organised for the APAT Team Tournie, this weekend!!
We may enter another 1 ......& if room 2, dont want to be greedy, is it defo limited to 16 Teams??
Many Thanks, great idea!!
Dave Hitman Harvey
Team HitSquadettes would also like to enter a team please!! Awaiting confirmation from a few ladies so will name in the next few days. This sounds fun :D
Welcome to APAT Lisa and the HitSquadettes
Thank you ;D
Scottish Terriers will be entering a team. We are in the process of selecting interested parties and will post shortly. Thank you all
Team - Gold N Ben
Ben Burnhill - OnlyNeed2
Tom Clark - LombBomb72
David Blacklaw - Well4ever
Nazar Wrigley - supernaz
Martin McNickle - BitTorrment
Christopher Kelly - ckapat
Team - Gold N Ben
Ben Burnhill - OnlyNeed2
Tom Clark - LombBomb72
David Blacklaw - Well4ever
Nazar Wrigley - supernaz
Martin McNickle - BitTorrment
Christopher Kelly - ckapat
Now feeling very unloved, dropped from Scotland B and replaced by BEN!!!!!
the irish wolfhounds shall be entering a team in this
will post up the team in next couple of days woof woof
Team - Gold N Ben
Ben Burnhill - OnlyNeed2
Tom Clark - LombBomb72
David Blacklaw - Well4ever
Nazar Wrigley - supernaz
Martin McNickle - BitTorrment
Christopher Kelly - ckapat
Now feeling very unloved, dropped from Scotland B and replaced by BEN!!!!!
This sounds like alot of fun, I"ll try and drum up some interest from the HitSquad masses.
Couple of questions as I"m a little simple......
1, Once the 6 players are picked are these then fixed for the duration of the competion? ie. no substituations between rounds etc. I ask as I know that I personally can"t play the 1st two as I"m away snowboarding but would love to get invloved later on.
2, Would we be OK to submit multiple teams if we have enough interest? ie. HitSquad North and HitSuad South for example?
1 Teams of 6 with top 4 players scoring for the team means if a player has to miss a week the rest of the team shouldn"t be at much of a disadvantage (In fact, you could just enter a team of 4 if you feel confident enough)
2 The more teams the merrier, so open to everyone, Hitsquad North, Hitsquad South, Hitsquad East, Hitsquad West, Hisquad In Space, Hitsquad Big Hitters, Hitsquad Heros. You get the idea ;)
Team - Gold N Ben
Ben Burnhill - OnlyNeed2
Tom Clark - LombBomb72
David Blacklaw - Well4ever
Nazar Wrigley - supernaz
Martin McNickle - BitTorrment
Christopher Kelly - ckapat
Now feeling very unloved, dropped from Scotland B and replaced by BEN!!!!!
you are more than welcome to join the irish wolfhounds shug you definitely qualify
cos i seen you drinking pints of guinness at several apat events
the irish wolfhounds shall be entering a team in this
will post up the team in next couple of days woof woof
the irish wolfhounds team
kevin o hanlon (c)
brian frew
nick avery
frank Bailie
damian Bailie
a n other to be named before next sunday
woof woof come on the wolfhounds
the irish wolfhounds shall be entering a team in this
will post up the team in next couple of days woof woof
the irish wolfhounds team
kevin o hanlon (c)
brian frew
nick avery
frank Bailie
damian Bailie
a n other to be named before next sunday
woof woof come on the wolfhounds
mark lassman has the final place on our team
Team - Gold N Ben
Ben Burnhill - OnlyNeed2
Tom Clark - LombBomb72
David Blacklaw - Well4ever
Nazar Wrigley - supernaz
Martin McNickle - BitTorrment
Christopher Kelly - ckapat
Now feeling very unloved, dropped from Scotland B and replaced by BEN!!!!!
Team - Gold N Ben
Ben Burnhill - OnlyNeed2
Tom Clark - LombBomb72
David Blacklaw - Well4ever
Nazar Wrigley - supernaz
Martin McNickle - BitTorrment
Christopher Kelly - ckapat
Now feeling very unloved, dropped from Scotland B and replaced by BEN!!!!!
After Naz"s performace over the weekend, there might be a spot for you Shug
The Mods
Matt Dale - *SuperHans
Des Duffy - APAT
Ger Smyth - Lubandige
Leigh Wiltshire - Fortunatus
We may have a 5th and 6th player, but we"re pretty confident with the four we have at the moment ;D
Make me a Moderator and I will play :p
I"m looking forward to being a part of the APAT mods team that is going to smash this. ;)
I"m looking forward to being a part of the APAT mods team that is going to smash this. ;)
I"m looking forward to seeing how organising the Worlds goes when you"re all playing in it because you smashed this. :)
I"m looking forward to being a part of the APAT mods team that is going to smash this. ;)
I"m looking forward to seeing how organising the Worlds goes when you"re all playing in it because you smashed this. :)
You"ve not seen *SuperHans play then?!
:P :P
The Mods
Matt Dale - *SuperHans
Des Duffy - APAT
Ger Smyth - Lubandige
Leigh Wiltshire - Fortunatus
We may have a 5th and 6th player, but we"re pretty confident with the four we have at the moment ;D
I"d like to enter the team below
The Mods
Matt Dale - *SuperHans
Des Duffy - APAT
Ger Smyth - Lubandige
Leigh Wiltshire - Fortunatus
Me: Joe Burge - s6chap
I"d like to enter the team below
The Mods
Matt Dale - *SuperHans
Des Duffy - APAT
Ger Smyth - Lubandige
Leigh Wiltshire - Fortunatus
Me: Joe Burge - s6chap
Hi Joe,
We"re planning on running our team with just 4 at the moment, but I see you"ve got your name down on the Player Market thread, so I"m sure you"ll get into a team.
You could always contact a few of the players on that thread and look to put a team together yourself.
We"ll see you at the tables.
I"d like to enter the team below
The Mods
Matt Dale - *SuperHans
Des Duffy - APAT
Ger Smyth - Lubandige
Leigh Wiltshire - Fortunatus
Me: Joe Burge - s6chap
Hi Joe,
We"re planning on running our team with just 4 at the moment, but I see you"ve got your name down on the Player Market thread, so I"m sure you"ll get into a team.
You could always contact a few of the players on that thread and look to put a team together yourself.
We"ll see you at the tables.
hi leigh there are 5 teams from the hitsquad definitely playing in this teams should be posted by tomorrow or friday
hi leigh there are 5 teams from the hitsquad definitely playing in this teams should be posted by tomorrow or friday
Good Good,
Free chippies all round :) ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D :o :o :o :o :P :P :P :P :-* :-* :-* :-*
hi leigh there are 5 teams from the hitsquad definitely playing in this teams should be posted by tomorrow or friday
Good Good,
Free chippies all round :) ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D :o :o :o :o :P :P :P :P :-* :-* :-* :-*
hi leigh there are 5 teams from the hitsquad definitely playing in this teams should be posted by tomorrow or friday
Good Good,
Free chippies all round :) ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D :o :o :o :o :P :P :P :P :-* :-* :-* :-*
Oi, I"ve got my eye on you!
"We Will Muck You"
Gary Morris - Premier333
Dann Williams - URFugly
Kevin Martin - ZXDAKEV
Cecilia Sparkes - Sparklett
Rob Greene - Raisefish87
and one more tbc
hi leigh there are 5 teams from the hitsquad definitely playing in this teams should be posted by tomorrow or friday
Good Good,
Free chippies all round :) ;) ;) ;) ;D ;D :o :o :o :o :P :P :P :P :-* :-* :-* :-*
Oi, I"ve got my eye on you!
As have many ladies, so join the Queue!! :P :-* :-* :-* :P :P
He He....are you and the Better half playing in this? Sunday is awful for me, but i will be putting in an "In The Muck Podcast" Team....Just awaiting confirmation of 1 more player!!!
Really looking forward to this now, all these bandit teams!!! ;D
Tom Slikboer (DodgyEnd) - Kayden2012
Patrick Conlin (patrickc) - alfieruby1
Vitor Mendonca (Lusitanea) - QQCLusi
Tony McColgan (MonkeyMagic) - MangoooUK
Andrew Galloway (andyg) - nomug
one spot open
Leigh, can we have 2 more players for the Mods please? I suggest JohnMW & Paulie.
And please add our 6th player to the team (Nobody Wants Us):
John Tice (LawJohn) --- lawjohn
I play as "The Klup"
If a team is looking for an extra player - I"m up for it.
Keep in touch with me by email: or by phone 07841 191937 as Im not great on following threads on forums.
Dinos Patrinos
PS- i play 72 like its the nuts!
Leigh, can we have 2 more players for the Mods please? I suggest JohnMW & Paulie.
We need to talk about your recruitment policy here.
JonMW only plays H.O.R.S.E. or any game that means we have to update until 5am waiting for them to finish, and Paulie doesn"t play online, and not only that, but he blocks all the ads, so will have no idea this is even happening.
Apart from that, I think they"d be perfect for the team. :D
Drop them a pm Matt, tell them Ger is in charge of team tactics, that"ll hook them in.
I play as "The Klup"
If a team is looking for an extra player - I"m up for it.
Keep in touch with me by email: or by phone 07841 191937 as Im not great on following threads on forums.
Dinos Patrinos
PS- i play 72 like its the nuts!
Hi Dinos, can you post on this thread please?
When you have, I"ll delete the post here. Thanks.
I play as "The Klup"
If a team is looking for an extra player - I"m up for it.
Keep in touch with me by email: or by phone 07841 191937 as Im not great on following threads on forums.
Dinos Patrinos
PS- i play 72 like its the nuts!
Hi Dinos, can you post on this thread please?
When you have, I"ll delete the post here. Thanks.
This is too funny Matt :) See if you can spot the potential problem?!
the newbie with the last laugh...
if you all look back at the players market set up, your find i was the first on the list !!! eager , keen , and enthusiatic, yes thats me...and yet im still not allocated within a team.. guess thats what the price is for being a newbie !!,
just remember my name...COL16 will be the one knocking you guys out along the way...looking forward to doing battle
;) ;) ;) ;) ::) 8) :o :-\ ;D :D :) :"(
Lonesome tonite
Jack Warner Snoopy58 Snoopypillow
The Mods are delighted to confirm the signing of Mary Martin to the team, just in time for the start of the National Online Cup.
Team Owner, Des Duffy, was quoted as saying " Mair is an APAT Gold Medalist who not only brings an A game of poker to the team, but also much needed glamour"
When star player Matt Dale was asked about any issues with team communications due to the addition of the Scottish player, he said "She"s from where ? I thought we"d banned the Scots from APAT after the Stoke weekend ?"
Mary is now at a secret training camp with player/coach Ger Smyth. (Corona have been notified, and emergency shipments are en route)
Bring on Sunday !!!!!!!!!!!!
Paul Jefferies - Jeffers - _The_Nutz_
Karl Bursford - KARL66 - UTUB
Chris Hibberd - chrish1976 - redchris76
Jason Browes - Browse - _Top_Draw_
Liam Harper - H4RP5ONF1R3 - H4RP5
Lee Bentick - Benners - benners4
Peter Munro - EBBERDON
Carl Norris - BWFCrule
Andy Hollingsworth - lcfcfan
Steve Ball - MADSTEVE
Simon Allen - Slykllist
Duncan Howarth - BenAlman
Team - B2Bpoker&co.
Michael Martin - b2bmartini
Mick Doyle - B2Babdoman
Alan Chowles - TheAlchow
Donovan Ross - micky132fanobvs
Gary Davies - captingee
Sam Girling - Bugler
Can someone advise on how you make amendments to a team for the APAT National Online Cup as we need to edit a player?
Many Thanks,
Replace me with James Newman (Trafa1ger) cheers
Can someone advise on how you make amendments to a team for the APAT National Online Cup as we need to edit a player?
Many Thanks,
Just post on here before 7:30pm tonight
James Lee (Da_Mental) will be replacing Debbie Roberts (Dallas067) for EAPL 4 Ever.
Sorry Leigh, little typo in the nickname of our team member: it"s OQCLusi...
Thx for correcting.
Sorry Leigh, little typo in the nickname of our team member: it"s OQCLusi...
Thx for correcting.
Sorry, my mistake Tom and Leigh, the correct nickname is OQCpt, i"d confuse with username...
Replace me with James Newman (Trafa1ger) cheers
As you only have 5 at the moment, shall I just add James instead ?
Hi everyone, please note that for the first game only there will be 30 minutes of late registration. So if you"re running a bit late, don"t despair - you"ve 30 minutes after the game starts to get involved!...
Hi everyone, please note that for the first game only there will be 30 minutes of late registration. So if you"re running a bit late, don"t despair - you"ve 30 minutes after the game starts to get involved!...
Presumably a cock up by the powers that be?
Will you be keeping note of any eliminations in the late reg period?
name alias
gary roberts pickledegg
playing for hetton mob.
There"s a few ringers in tonight, messing up the scoring
Individuals in a team event? Whatever next?
Individuals in a team event? Whatever next?
It"s a crazy world we live in ;D
Replace me with James Newman (Trafa1ger) cheers
As you only have 5 at the moment, shall I just add James instead ?
Sorry we did have 6, i forgot to put him in
x3N1GM4z - Ian Witt is in the team instead of me (im not gonna be able to play any)
so should be
and sorry for being a pain
Individuals in a team event? Whatever next?
It"s a crazy world we live in ;D
You"re right crazy to allow individuals to play alone in a team event. Different strategies different dynamics. ;D
Individuals in a team event? Whatever next?
It"s a crazy world we live in ;D
You"re right crazy to allow individuals to play alone in a team event. Different strategies different dynamics. ;D
It"s a password protected tourney, albeit the password is standard for us. I"ve got 6 players that have played tonight that I don"t have a record of a team for (bit weird that it"s the same number as on a team).
We"ll be contacting them tomorrow to find out if there is a reason why they chose to play. Unless we restrict access to the tourney to just those in teams (which is pretty much an impossible situation without giving the network a number of days notice as to aliases etc.), there is always the possibility that this will happen.
There is an individual element to this cup, as outlined in the original announcement. This was aimed at giving everyone something to play across all 7 weeks. I"m sure some players in teams have more of an individual outlook to their play then others, it"s just something that everyone has to contend with if they want to be succesful in this format.
Individuals in a team event? Whatever next?
It"s a crazy world we live in ;D
You"re right crazy to allow individuals to play alone in a team event. Different strategies different dynamics. ;D
It"s a password protected tourney, albeit the password is standard for us. I"ve got 6 players that have played tonight that I don"t have a record of a team for (bit weird that it"s the same number as on a team).
We"ll be contacting them tomorrow to find out if there is a reason why they chose to play. Unless we restrict access to the tourney to just those in teams (which is pretty much an impossible situation without giving the network a number of days notice as to aliases etc.), there is always the possibility that this will happen.
There is an individual element to this cup, as outlined in the original announcement. This was aimed at giving everyone something to play across all 7 weeks. I"m sure some players in teams have more of an individual outlook to their play then others, it"s just something that everyone has to contend with if they want to be succesful in this format.
Apologies someone told me that individuals were allowed to enter on their own, which I found a bit strange. You are saying that is not the case, which makes sense. :)
Team | Player | Alias |
UNATTACHED | Scott Ashworth | ashy4 |
UNATTACHED | Keng hang Cheong | Donubis |
UNATTACHED | Karl West | K-dizzzzzz |
UNATTACHED | Steve Penfold | sential |
UNATTACHED | Jordan Ryan | steakinbad |
If anyone knows any of the below, feel free to post
Team Player Alias UNATTACHED Scott Ashworth ashy4 UNATTACHED Keng hang Cheong Donubis UNATTACHED Grant Gardner IDONTFLOP UNATTACHED Karl West K-dizzzzzz UNATTACHED Steve Penfold sential UNATTACHED Jordan Ryan steakinbad
If anyone knows any of the below, feel free to post
UNATTACHED Steve Penfold sential
If anyone knows any of the below, feel free to post
UNATTACHED Steve Penfold sential
Bristol Poker Meetup Player
Individuals in a team event? Whatever next?
It"s a crazy world we live in ;D
You"re right crazy to allow individuals to play alone in a team event. Different strategies different dynamics. ;D
It"s a password protected tourney, albeit the password is standard for us. I"ve got 6 players that have played tonight that I don"t have a record of a team for (bit weird that it"s the same number as on a team).
We"ll be contacting them tomorrow to find out if there is a reason why they chose to play. Unless we restrict access to the tourney to just those in teams (which is pretty much an impossible situation without giving the network a number of days notice as to aliases etc.), there is always the possibility that this will happen.
There is an individual element to this cup, as outlined in the original announcement. This was aimed at giving everyone something to play across all 7 weeks. I"m sure some players in teams have more of an individual outlook to their play then others, it"s just something that everyone has to contend with if they want to be succesful in this format.
Apologies someone told me that individuals were allowed to enter on their own, which I found a bit strange. You are saying that is not the case, which makes sense. :)
Teams of 4-6, if your team gets knocked out, you can carry on playing for the top 3 individual points positions. As I said, really weird that 6 players decided to play tonight without being in a team.
What is the team name in full?
If I put your team name in full John, there will be no room for your scores, which are also looking like they might be reasonably long :D
can someone have a look at the hitsquad scotsquad scores, says in league we scored 340 points but we actually scored 355 points.
thanks Rab :-\
Hope the all-inners can make a full attendance again tomorrow night - great start in week 1 - 4th. See you all on the felt.
[/i defo playing
enjoyed it last week,great result hope everyone playing this weekquote]
During last nights game (Quarter Finals) a hand was brought to our attention. On reviewing this hand, it is our opinion that there was a case of chipdumping between two players.
Due to this breach of network rules, we have had no alternative but to disqualify the two players involved from scoring in last nights game and also disqualified them from the remainder of this cup.
We really don"t like having to make this decision, but it is vital we keep the integrity of APAT games, and chipdumping has and always will not be tolerated.
We hope everyone continues to enjoy the remainder of this cup and play it in the spirit expected by APAT and all other players.
During last nights game (Quarter Finals) a hand was brought to our attention. On reviewing this hand, it is our opinion that there was a case of chipdumping between two players.
Due to this breach of network rules, we have had no alternative but to disqualify the two players involved from scoring in last nights game and also disqualified them from the remainder of this cup.
We really don"t like having to make this decision, but it is vital we keep the integrity of APAT games, and chipdumping has and always will not be tolerated.
We hope everyone continues to enjoy the remainder of this cup and play it in the spirit expected by APAT and all other players.
During last nights game (Quarter Finals) a hand was brought to our attention. On reviewing this hand, it is our opinion that there was a case of chipdumping between two players.
Due to this breach of network rules, we have had no alternative but to disqualify the two players involved from scoring in last nights game and also disqualified them from the remainder of this cup.
We really don"t like having to make this decision, but it is vital we keep the integrity of APAT games, and chipdumping has and always will not be tolerated.
We hope everyone continues to enjoy the remainder of this cup and play it in the spirit expected by APAT and all other players.
oh gawd - this sparks up the whole team poker debate again. When the prizes will be won by the team that is able to carry the most players over the line, chip dumping, soft play, and a whole load of other things that are usually illegal, are surely to be expected, and therefore accepted?
We can put it in the rules and say it"s not allowed - but then we are actually saying that "team" poker is not allowed.
Yeah, it"s a bad case, that one.. in the end though, it"s one type of chip re-allocation among many different types. In our case, I know nothing has been pre-arranged, except for just the obvious "don"t go mad against each other, if you can help it".
Hard to imagine there isn"t collusion going on in this, and hard to know how to stop it. Having said that, now it"s down to 4 teams, I wonder if there might be a review of random hands to see if anything unusual crops up. I know it won"t be us, unless you guys have excluded me.
We generally favour giving the benefit of doubt to players where we can but felt that in this particular case, the chip dumping was so visible, that we couldn"t not take action.
As it transpires, the decision to disqualify two players did not impact the match result - but it will disadvantage one team for the next stage of the event as obviously they"ve lost the services of two of their six players.
Of course we also want to ensure that no players become banned by the network fraud team for this type of play. Ultimately we"re playing a real money game and APAT would have little say if such deliberate chip dumping was identified and the players subsequently banned from the network and all of our activity.
All in all, the decision wasn"t taken lightly. Removing players from an event is always a very difficult decision for APAT and I can count on the fingers of one hand the instances of us having to do it previously live or online.
I hope the players can understand our dilemma and support the decision, albeit we accept it will not be popular.
As always, we"re here to learn alongside you guys.
Unfortunately it doesn"t work like that Gordon. Network rules and licensing laws do apply and there isn"t an operator out there who can work outside of those laws. An element of soft play has always been deemed ok in these games, but blatant chip dumping can"t be accepted in the same light, if only for the protection of the players involved. If players have gotten away with that previously then APAT have not done a good enough job in clarifying our concerns in that area.
Nothing personal with the two players who were picked up for this last night. Just bad timing by the sound of it and we regret that.
So long as both players were on the same team, I don"t see this as being a problem, and is an acceptable part of team poker. That said, some of us are a little more subtle about it, and it doesn"t usually attract such attention.
My problem with taking this action and the DQ, is that a precedent has now been set, and APAT will be open to people crying foul in the future, and should then really follow through with other DQs for chip dumping. If that happens, more than half the field will be absent in future team leagues - chip dumping (team survival) is an integral part of the team game.
In my opinion, if the rule is to be followed, then it has to followed vigorously in all circumstances..... we can"t say that it"s ok to breach the rule, so long as we do it subtly - it"s either a rule or it isn"t.
Example A - as posted by Leigh.
Example B - large stack open raises to 3x and then folds when his short stacked team mate shoves for 4.5x.
Example B is quite clearly chip dumping, and breaches the same rule as that which has been breached in Example A..... but this happens in every single game without any action being taken.
IMO it"s either a team game where the prizes are awarded for getting your team safely across the line, or it isn"t.
So long as both players were on the same team, I don"t see this as being a problem, and is an acceptable part of team poker. That said, some of us are a little more subtle about it, and it doesn"t usually attract such attention.
My problem with taking this action and the DQ, is that a precedent has now been set, and APAT will be open to people crying foul in the future, and should then really follow through with other DQs for chip dumping. If that happens, more than half the field will be absent in future team leagues - chip dumping (team survival) is an integral part of the team game.
In my opinion, if the rule is to be followed, then it has to followed vigorously in all circumstances..... we can"t say that it"s ok to breach the rule, so long as we do it subtly - it"s either a rule or it isn"t.
Example A - as posted by Leigh.
Example B - large stack open raises to 3x and then folds when his short stacked team mate shoves for 4.5x.
Example B is quite clearly chip dumping, and breaches the same rule as that which has been breached in Example A..... but this happens in every single game without any action being taken.
Tough call this one.
(stepping away from thread now ... just really sad to hear two people were DQ"d and if I am totally honest quite shocked that someone in an APAT "TEAM" game, actually went as far as reporting it)
The reason this would never be picked up is because this sort of play is common in individual MTTs. If the hand last night happened in one of these games it would be picked up. People play lots of different styles with different theories on what we would do in certain circumstances. What happened last night, the fold could never be justified unless you were multi tblg and mis-clicked ;)
IMO it"s either a team game where the prizes are awarded for getting your team safely across the line, or it isn"t.
IMO it"s either a team game where the prizes are awarded for getting your team safely across the line, or it isn"t.
You do whatever it takes to ladder the team up the board.
I too am fine with the play that took place as its a TEAM game and this needs to be recognised by the networks. There are more and more team events popping up so its something that is not going to go away.
The incident Curly mentioned brought the discussion to the fore last season as we were a bit blatant in what we did but imo it was perfect team play. Chip dumping has to be allowed in these games and I have seen it done several times this season...even joked about it in the chat box. Its not wrong... its survival!
Unfortunately it doesn"t work like that Gordon. Network rules and licensing laws do apply and there isn"t an operator out there who can work outside of those laws. An element of soft play has always been deemed ok in these games, but blatant chip dumping can"t be accepted in the same light, if only for the protection of the players involved. If players have gotten away with that previously then APAT have not done a good enough job in clarifying our concerns in that area.
Nothing personal with the two players who were picked up for this last night. Just bad timing by the sound of it and we regret that.
Did the network pick up on it or was it reported?
Did the network pick up on it or was it reported?
Scrub that good will come from the answer.
I feel VERY strongly about this and would like the 2 disqualified players re entered into the game. I still dont know who they are or from what team but i am sure the opposing team would not want to win in these circumstances.
If network rules has laid down the law then we need to challenge them dont we?
It takes a lot to get me on my high horse but I am deffo there on this one.
..... but now they need to make it very clear that soft play in these things is NOT permitted and if it is picked up in any form players receive a warning and may be disqualified if repeated examples occur. .....
And here endeth the team game. Understand that if soft play is NOT permitted, the "team" element of the team game no longer exists.
..... but now they need to make it very clear that soft play in these things is NOT permitted and if it is picked up in any form players receive a warning and may be disqualified if repeated examples occur. .....
And here endeth the team game. Understand that if soft play is NOT permitted, the "team" element of the team game no longer exists.
Seems to me the only way to have team poker is for team mates to be playing in separate games ie 6 mtt"s running at the same time with one player from each team.
We have listened to the views of everyone on this thread and also those that have contacted us over the past few days.
We have listened to the views of everyone on this thread and also those that have contacted us over the past few days.
I"ve said it before and I"ll say it again, that"s what makes APAT the best.
We have listened to the views of everyone on this thread and also those that have contacted us over the past few days.
I"ve said it before and I"ll say it again, that"s what makes APAT the best.
Not sure where anyone has said they are against team play (you can call it soft play all you want its just sensible team play in reality) yet it"s now been outlawed. ::)
We are aware that there may have been some confusion regarding what is allowed and what is not allowed within these team games, to the extent that players have interpreted the rules differentely.
To make it very clear, these tournament are run as per the network rules that every player signs up to when they open an account. We have no control over these rules, and any breaking of these rules gets dealt with via the network compliance team.
We have listened to the views of everyone on this thread and also those that have contacted us over the past few days.
I"ve said it before and I"ll say it again, that"s what makes APAT the best.
Not sure where anyone has said they are against team play (you can call it soft play all you want its just sensible team play in reality) yet it"s now been outlawed. ::)
But two players have now been reinstated having been disqualified for doing the same as almost every other team in the competition.
I love the idea about there being simultaneous tournaments with one player from each team. But as it is now, I guess there will be more watchful eyes in the last two weeks, and that"s good.
We are aware that there may have been some confusion regarding what is allowed and what is not allowed within these team games, to the extent that players have interpreted the rules differentely.
To make it very clear, these tournament are run as per the network rules that every player signs up to when they open an account. We have no control over these rules, and any breaking of these rules gets dealt with via the network compliance team.
There is still confusion over what is allowed and what is not allowed. Is soft play/team play now outlawed completely? At what stage does soft play become chip dumping? Would it have been ok for player A to fold to player B"s 30 chip bet rather than just open fold? We clearly need guidance rather than just a reminder that we agreed to some rules that none of us can remember.
Well, if there"s no behind-the-scenes collusion going on, I"d be mighty surprised. When those people then do the moves that increase their chances of taking chips, that will be more readily seen by someone that can see the cards face up, than it can by the players. It"s not even like people living in the same town coincidentally. You can see instantly who has an interest in each other, especially with only 4 teams. Yes, it"s a team game, but telling each other your cards is not "just part of it". Of course, some might disagree, and have arguments for it. I doubt anyone will present them here though, will they?
Ok, as someone looking from the outside at this IMPARTIALLY (there hasnt been any of that so far, most of what has been posted has been bordering on Hysteria) I would say that Leigh has made it fairly clear that APAT are against OBVIOUS foul play ie the chip dumping example shown earlier.
Dont be OBVIOUS and there wont be an issue.
Am i wrong?
This is ridiculous.
How about we let APAT run APAT's competitions as APAT see fit?
They have never done anything in the past to prove that they cant do things in a fair and even handed manner, quite why people are questioning them now is well and truely beyond me.
This is ridiculous.
How about we let APAT run APAT's competitions as APAT see fit?
They have never done anything in the past to prove that they cant do things in a fair and even handed manner, quite why people are questioning them now is well and truely beyond me.
[ x] totally missing the point
Seriously though, if someone from the affected team is going to make a statement like this on the APAT forum, I don"t understand the need to disguise it by creating a new forum account to make the post anonymous. If anything, surely the team statement should just come from the team captain in an open post (like everything else that ever happens on a public forum). We"re all friends on here.
If I"d known it was John Murray"s team that was in question, I wouldn"t have questioned the DQ so vociferously :D ;)
Seriously though, if someone from the affected team is going to make a statement like this on the APAT forum, I don"t understand the need to disguise it by creating a new forum account to make the post anonymous. If anything, surely the team statement should just come from the team captain in an open post (like everything else that ever happens on a public forum). We"re all friends on here.
This is ridiculous.
How about we let APAT run APAT's competitions as APAT see fit?
They have never done anything in the past to prove that they cant do things in a fair and even handed manner, quite why people are questioning them now is well and truely beyond me.
[ x] totally missing the point
If I"d known it was John Murray"s team that was in question, I wouldn"t have questioned the DQ so vociferously :D ;)
Seriously though, if someone from the affected team is going to make a statement like this on the APAT forum, I don"t understand the need to disguise it by creating a new forum account to make the post anonymous. If anything, surely the team statement should just come from the team captain in an open post (like everything else that ever happens on a public forum). We"re all friends on here.
Is there not something to be said for taking this OFF the main forums and having a discussion with captains?
End of the day, APAT are bound by rules, if they dont follow said rules, they dont have a skin? Is this not correct?
I personally think that some of the people who have "contributed" are doing more harm than good, and making themselves look a bit silly...
Seriously though, if someone from the affected team is going to make a statement like this on the APAT forum, I don"t understand the need to disguise it by creating a new forum account to make the post anonymous. If anything, surely the team statement should just come from the team captain in an open post (like everything else that ever happens on a public forum). We"re all friends on here.
End of the day, APAT are bound by rules, if they dont follow said rules, they dont have a skin? Is this not correct?
Ok, as someone looking from the outside at this IMPARTIALLY (there hasnt been any of that so far, most of what has been posted has been bordering on Hysteria) I would say that Leigh has made it fairly clear that APAT are against OBVIOUS foul play ie the chip dumping example shown earlier.
Dont be OBVIOUS and there wont be an issue.
Am i wrong?
Is there not something to be said for taking this OFF the main forums and having a discussion with captains?
Is there not something to be said for taking this OFF the main forums and having a discussion with captains?
So the opposite of what you said about leaving it to APAT.
End of the day, APAT are bound by rules, if they dont follow said rules, they dont have a skin? Is this not correct?
A bit different from your earlier post which basically said break the rules as much as you like, just don"t get caught.
APAT shouldnt have to say dont be obvious. Where are the issues that they have raised with soft playing? The reason they had to act was that someone did something so ridiculously obviously chip dumping that they had to act on it.
If you fold AK, that is up to you, say you want to avoid a race. Simple. There is a huge difference between this, and the example that was shown, but people are merging the 2 into one.
If you fold AK, that is up to you, say you want to avoid a race. Simple. There is a huge difference between this, and the example that was shown, but people are merging the 2 into one.
If you fold AK, that is up to you, say you want to avoid a race. Simple. There is a huge difference between this, and the example that was shown, but people are merging the 2 into one.
And that is why, justifiably imho, people are requesting clarification. You think there is a huge difference, we think there is a huge difference, but do the rules allow for this leeway or is it black and white? Of course if it is the black and white option then it"s team poker Jim but not as we know it. ;)
[ ] Finally gets the point
A more realistic example may be that our team is in the final of this league thingy we are playing (well the rest of the team are playing I am just along for the ride it seems lol). Anyway imagine this scenario
It is the final table and our opponents have two players left as do we, at the moment the points are pretty even, Gordon has a massive stack and I have 3BB but the other two players from the other team have even smaller stacks and are going to be forced all-in in their blinds. Gordon finds AA (he is REALLY good at this) and shoves as the other players left to act have small stacks. It folds to me in the BB where I have JJ, I have 2BB left in my stack this a call as clear as day but in this spot due to the team element and dynamic it is actually a fold. This is not an unrealistic possibility. I don"t want to be knocked out before them as one of them will probably go out before me and then Gordon just has to outlast the other one assuming one survives. If I get knocked out they may be able to ladder a few places and beat us.
This is where we need the clarity can I fold this hand in this spot. It make perfect sense to do it in a team setting but in a normal tournament it is a snap call. Everybody seems to be saying it is obviously OK for me to fold here but are we sure about that?
If you fold AK, that is up to you, say you want to avoid a race. Simple. There is a huge difference between this, and the example that was shown, but people are merging the 2 into one.
And that is why, justifiably imho, people are requesting clarification. You think there is a huge difference, we think there is a huge difference, but do the rules allow for this leeway or is it black and white? Of course if it is the black and white option then it"s team poker Jim but not as we know it. ;)
[ ] Finally gets the point
If 2 people hadn"t been stupid, would this conversation ever be happening?
APAT have never done anything about "soft play" and I would imagine that if no one does anything stupid like complaining about it, that will stay the same!!!
If you fold AK, that is up to you, say you want to avoid a race. Simple. There is a huge difference between this, and the example that was shown, but people are merging the 2 into one.
And that is why, justifiably imho, people are requesting clarification. You think there is a huge difference, we think there is a huge difference, but do the rules allow for this leeway or is it black and white? Of course if it is the black and white option then it"s team poker Jim but not as we know it. ;)
[ ] Finally gets the point
If 2 people hadn"t been stupid, would this conversation ever be happening?
APAT have never done anything about "soft play" and I would imagine that if no one does anything stupid like complaining about it, that will stay the same!!!
I really don"t think it is me that is missing the point
This debate will never be resolved like this - everyone has opinions about how the team game should or shouldn"t be played. What we need is a stake in the ground that is definitive, clearly outlining what can and can"t be done, and what is allowable or not allowable.
Bending rules carefully is not a black and white approach, and it will also leave it open to interpretation.
Ultimately, in my opinion, a decision has to be made whether our team games are:
1. Team games where the objective is to get as many players into the high scoring positions as possible to maximise the success of the team
Or 2. An MTT where a particular set of players scores are combined to define the winning team.
I believe #2 was the intention of the current team game profile that we use, but also believe that it is unworkable (ie the debates in this thread, and the fact that people will always try and do right by their team mates)
If we are going to continue with a team game, let"s bite the bullet, and do it properly. Let"s allow all aspects of proper team play, including soft play, chip passing, etc, and make it a real strategy game where the team that can carry the most players over the line wins. This could open a whole new strategic aspect for players to look to intercept chips being passed within a team, and could lead to some real levelling scenarios. Naturally, the network would need to understand what was happening so that their filters don"t auto-report players for rule breaking.
If we are going to continue with a team game, let"s bite the bullet, and do it properly. Let"s allow all aspects of proper team play, including soft play, chip passing, etc, and make it a real strategy game where the team that can carry the most players over the line wins.
If we are going to continue with a team game, let"s bite the bullet, and do it properly. Let"s allow all aspects of proper team play, including soft play, chip passing, etc, and make it a real strategy game where the team that can carry the most players over the line wins. This could open a whole new strategic aspect for players to look to intercept chips being passed within a team, and could lead to some real levelling scenarios. Naturally, the network would need to understand what was happening so that their filters don"t auto-report players for rule breaking.
Naturally, the network would need to understand what was happening so that their filters don"t auto-report players for rule breaking.
Err, shouldn"t it be Velvet Indulgence in the final not Hitsquad Hitdonks?
Err, shouldn"t it be Velvet Indulgence in the final not Hitsquad Hitdonks?
Won"t matter either way.
Nah, they"re 20% all-in chance masters. They"ve got this. Funny, mine never came in when I ran a K/K into one of their A/A"s!
For future reference...Isnt this whole discussion pointless unless we can convince the network to change its rules for team games or at least ignore collusion??
Hold on a minute, our player only got lucky on a hand right at the end, after we had been tremendously unlucky throughout the whole final table. Remember that we would have been out of sight if Woody hadn"t been knocked out on the FT by a T landing on the river, when he was holding AJ against AT, all-in pre. And then you somehow won about eight races to stay in the game when Maggie kept putting you in. You were ahead in all of them, but on average we should have won one or two.
Anyway, it was a tremendous final table and the Nobodies played some great tactical poker. It could have gone either way but we came through in the end. They did well to come back cos they were in a lot of trouble early on, but three of them doubled up just before the break to bring them back into it. On the FT, it seemed like we couldn"t put them away. Maggie had a huge stack and played hyper-aggressively, putting them in many times, but losing every race. Everything went against us until, just when it seemed all was lost, things finally turned our way.
A great match. Well played both teams.
Its been a brilliant online cup again, good luck to the two final teams and well done John (Mint) as it looks like you will be the player of the tourney.