It"s that time of the year again! :)
The pre season discussion threads often become some of the largest and most interesting threads of the year on the forum and I suspect this year will be no different.
The planning process has already begun and Leigh, Matt and myself would love to hear members thoughts on all aspects of APAT, and what you"d like to see improve next season.
I expect that we"ll largely focus on the live schedule and developments in this thread, but please feel free to put online on the table also if you"ve a suggestion to make. That aside, we will run a separate similar thread for online a little closer to the season starting.
In looking for feedback, you need to be aware of certain limitations of course. Main events need to finish at a reasonable time on a Sunday night, so if you say "can we have starting stacks of 25,000", then you probably need to make that a reasonable option by adding "...and reduce the close to 30m levels" or similar. This is just an example of course.
I"m sure there are lots of things you will want to put on the table, but some of the things that I"m interested in hearing your views on are as follows:-
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events?
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value?
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
There is a ton of other stuff that I can think of but I don"t want to limit your thinking, so please feedback / debate on any topic and this will help us greatly in our planning for season seven.
Wayne likes this thread
Will look to provide a much detailed reply to S7 - but my immediate thought is on the normal APAT events,
What is the thinking/reason for Day 2 (brag I"ve made one at last) start at 2-2.30pm?
Imo, this means a lot of hanging around the hotel/casino for most people who book overnight, and a later finish on the Sunday night, which is generally a school night.
Even for those that go home as they are local-ish, you"re just hanging around at home waiting to leave.
Starting Day 2 at 12-12.30 would help both ends. Despite a late finish on Day 1 of 2-3am, bed at 4ish, up at 9-10ish, to me seems reasonable, and better than the current situ.
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events?
I"m very happy to the £75+10% for the standard buy-ins. £25-£40 for the non-festival Side Events is fine.
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
The S6 ECOAP & WCOAP were fine with me. Spot on IMO.
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
Every two months + ECOAP + WCOAP worked wonderfully for me. One every month would really strain the budget.
Just having four big festivals a year would be my last option.
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
I don"t think two-day side events is required. There is enough decision making as to what events I can play already without further narrowing my options.
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
I"m not in favour of multiple teams from the same communities (I might even extend this to APAT).
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
WCOAP or ECOAP should definitely include PLO8 even at the expense of one the Stud / HORSE / HU events.
Nationals as anything other than HE would surely cut the attraction to the local community?
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
Not really bothered on registration assuming that there is no currency conversion issue. I hate having to sign up for another site just to register though. I"m pretty much withdrawn from online poker so perhaps I"m not your target market.
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
I like it here on the forum...but then I"m biased as I"m here pretty much all the time so I get in early doors.
I don"t think Paypal will process "gaming" transactions but overall I"m not in favour of pre-paying the vig.
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
See my comment above about Registration.
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value?
Love the medals...love the additional Bracelet for the event winner. I"ve always contended that the live event medals are better than the online ones ;D ...no need to add a bracelet for those IMO.
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
Reasonable quality shirts as long as you do my size. ;D I liked the ones we had for the Stoke Team Championships.
I wouldn"t buy a photo of me [/opens door] but I"m sure others might like pictures of themselves.
As you know I"m an APAT enthusiast so I like the existing product. The Season 6 event schedule and so on was just about perfect for me and I"m very much in the "if it ain"t broke" category.
Enhance by all means but I"m old and large scale change scares me. ::)
The S6 ECOAP & WCOAP were fine with me.
As you seem to have an insight can you tell me how I got on so I know whether or not to bother turning up
I"ve never been keen on the bracelets - a medal is self explanatory, a big shiny cup is self explanatory - a bracelet is a bit meh. Not exactly something you can show off on the mantlepiece, the relevance is only ever going to be known to other poker players who are almost certainly going to already know what you won anyway. Even after you explain it to non players it"s still not going to look impressive.
I think merchandising is a good idea, even if it just starts at the level of playing cards and card protectors I think there would definitely be a market for the APAT brand.
The only thing I want to see added back in is the abroad APATs please.
As someone who has attended 3 of them (Spain, Estonia and Vegas) I would love to do it all again.
I heard thee might be a few APAT players going to Vegas in November... Just sayin"....
Ps. Can we go back to Estonia pretty please?
The S6 ECOAP & WCOAP were fine with me.
As you seem to have an insight can you tell me how I got on so I know whether or not to bother turning up
Event Lengthwise, of course.
As it happens...you did rubbish,
Buyins are fine £75+£7.50 is fine for the recreational poker player. Makes for a good prize pool but not too expensive. WCOAP main event at £100+£10 also sounds good. I also like about $50 for the online main events and £10 for the online league.
Format for a 2 day event is fine although if we can a 3 day main event for the WCOAP (DTD Deepstack style) that would be even better (maybe up the reg fee to accomadate this as I think most people would happily pay it). As far as the festivals go I liked the ECOAP and think it should stay as it is. WCOAP I would love to see the addition of PLO8 and a bit more cash action going, maybe an APAT table all weekend if this can be agreed with DTD somehow. It would get used so is there a way the rake could be split between DTD and APAT? I reckon we could even self deal at a push so DTD don"t need to provide a dealer and just charge a small fee per hour even.
Personally I like the online registration as you can pay for it there and then and I like to have everything paid upfront well in advance but that is not big deal really. Paypal would also be fine I would have thought it would be an advantage to APAT as you know you are going to get drop outs when you don"t have to pay anything up front.
Locations. If we are going to make ECOAP a fly away, 3 words here - Lloret de Mar. I will await Ger and Stu"s arrival to tell us about Tallin :-). However I think DTD is the best location with all thing considered.
If we can make Vegas happen in November some of us are going anyway.
May - Welsh Amteaur Championship, Les Croupiers, Cardiff
July - Irish Amteaur CHampionship, Dublin
August - ECOAP (Bank Holiday Weekend) - DTD
October - UK Amteaur Championship, London (ideally The Vic)
November - APAT Vegas
Early December - English Amteaur Championship, Coventry
Jan - UK Team Championship - Manchester
Feb - Scottish Amteaur Championship - Glasgow
April - Easter Time WCOAP at DTD
One Day Home Nations Championship inserted into one of the events. Use this event to try things out. Allow two teams from each of the Home Nations, maybe have some sort of qualifiers for people to win a place. Allow people members to elect captains for each of their teams with nominations having to be made and seconded by members with more than 300 post"s or who have played in more than 10 APAT events?
Maybe have each team made up of two online qualifiers. This gives everybody the chance to play for their National Team.
UK Team event only one team from each forum, I would include APAT in this as I think having 3 or 4 teams devalues the achievement of being selected.
I would happily play qualifiers on a third party site. Would probably play a very small stakes slots or Blackjack event but not to qualify for a poker event.
Please keep the braclets for WCOAP only (Not even for ECOAP). I think that there are already far too many medals floating about (literally EVERYBODY within APAT has a few it seems) and would like to see the braclets retain some prestige. No medals for winning teams in team events imo either only for individuals. NO Medals for side events either.
Online. I think the mini festivals are overkill except for Worlds and Europeans. One decent NLHE online event is fine for each National. Give the winner of that event the added value seat if there is one.
Bunch of 5"s is good I would like to see some of those run.
Online National League. Probably need a new thread for this one. It seems to work fine as it is tbh but my personal preference would be to allow players to form their own teams or say 8 people (the online cup suggests this would be even more successful) and play it out with any added value split between individual and team leagues. Maybe have a gold and silver medal play off. No automatic places in National Teams for WCOAP (I honestly really dislike this idea). Top team maybe invited to UK Team Event but only the top team.
May - Welsh Amteaur Championship, Les Croupiers, Cardiff
July - Irish Amteaur CHampionship, Dublin Cork is more likely
August - ECOAP (Bank Holiday Weekend) - DTD
October - UK Amteaur Championship, London (ideally The Vic) Luton
November - APAT Vegas
Early December - English Amteaur Championship, Coventry
Jan - UK Team Championship - Manchester
Feb - Scottish Amteaur Championship - Glasgow
April - Easter Time WCOAP at DTD
I"m fully mostly in agreement with Steve.
Dublin or Cork frankly but Dublin is a tough "get" as far as venues go.
My only problem with the above is where do we fit in / switch an overseas event?
If I had to lose one it would probably be the "forum" team event...but I understand the reasons why it probably won"t be.
Annoyingly I find myself agreeing with much of the aforesaid points, even Paulie"s ;) ;)
Almost all of the APAT tournament weekends are superb, (buy-ins, structure etc..) except for one thing.
As Waz mentioned, the start times of the Sunday events, Day 2"s and Side Events, should be no later than 1pm, for the following reasons.
All players staying in local hotels have to be out by midday at the latest and I"m sure that I am not alone when, after a frenetic few days on the felt and at the bar, fatigue has taken over and the thought of sitting around for 2-3 hours waiting for the side event to start is less than appealing.
I have, on more than one occasion, decided that as I can drive and get home before the event starts I have chosen to leave and not bothered with the side event. (memo to self here, MAKE MORE DAY 2"s!!!!!).
I"m sure it would encourage more people to stay for the side events if the "waiting around" time were made to disappear.
Bracelets - No
Medals - Yes (just my opinion)
The new online cup structure and format is great fun and should be retained as is.
Overseas APAT's are great fun and I would particularly love to go back to Lloret as it was superb, and maybe Vilamoura (this years scouting mission proved a great success), in fact almost anywhere tbh.
WCOAP - PLO8 please.
One last point.
I know that the thrill and excitement of each seasons new schedule announcement comes with a certain amount of trumpet blowing and fanfare, and rightly so, but would there be a way of announcing each individual event as it is agreed with the host casino, so that players that have to travel from afar can take advantage of the lowest hotel prices by booking as early as possible?
...would there be a way of announcing each individual event as it is agreed with the host casino, so that players that have to travel from afar can take advantage of the lowest hotel prices by booking as early as possible?
Generally, however, once the schedule is out I assume that the venue is "locked down" and thus hotels can be booked.
I know that in the past there have been issues but, IIRC, in recent years anything that hasn"t been nailed is listed as "TBA".
I don"t recall, other than absolute unforeseen emergencies, any instance in the last couple of years where the venue has suddenly changed after being announced.
Or is my memory failing?
I do agree on the Day 2 starts but realise that this is often down to casino staffing availability.
I"m pretty happy with with every thing mentioned above, agree with most points especially starting times for day 2 but I understand that staffing can sometimes be an issue..
Def PLO8 at festivals
Abroad isn"t really a goer for me at the moment, def once the kids have flown the nest..
Structure and buy ins are spot on IMO
Six events a year maybe a couple too short, 8 would be great, as if you can"t make them all your still have a good choice..
Genting Southend please please and pretty please as a venue ;D
More live feeds when possible with commentary
Medals fine , Bracelet I like but maybe just for WCOAP?
Ger owns thread.
Yorkshire event please ;)
East London event please ;)
Swap Luton for Stoke pleeeeeeeeeeease! Heck...swap Luton for anywhere else imo.
Swap Luton for Stoke pleeeeeeeeeeease! Heck...swap Luton for anywhere else imo.
Stockton IMO.
I"ve paid no attention to it and have no clue how it works but I"m vaguely aware of DTD"s multi-prize pool tourneys. I believe they have buy-ins of differing amounts for the same tourney. As someone with a limited budget, I wondered if it was something that could be incorporated into APAT. As I say, no clue how it works - it might be ridiculously complex (or just ridiculous :)) but if it allows us to get to see our APAT family more often, I might be in favour.
Could someone take the time to explain how it works?
I"m not a fan of the seat reservation on the forum, not that I"m able to propose an alternative however now there are multiple events each day (I guess I"d prefer client/website buy in to just a reservation). I just hope there won"t be any empty spaces in a WCOAP event due to people pulling out late and there not being enough people around to fill in.
I think earlier starts for most events (definitely Sunday sides) would be beneficial and give everyone more flexibility.
It"d be nice to have a live event every 6 weeks or so, alternating between North and South.
Finally, APAT TV - have a Premier League or Mixed Game champs (ripping the idea from Matchroom obv). Big buy-in, get it filmed, holecards and all - and make your own show! How awesome would that be?! (shotgun a spot ;)).
PLO8 please.
Eveything that Rodders said (great post!)
Def need PLO8 somewhere please.
Medals are great, and I value mine highly.... however think they should be for National events only. Team events, side events, online stuff, all devalue the medals a little. That said, the bracelets will be set apart, in the same way the trophies used to be.
And some live PLO8 would be appreciated.
Swap Luton for Stoke pleeeeeeeeeeease! Heck...swap Luton for anywhere else imo.
Well you are biased of course but let"s have something I don"t have to travel 3-4 hours to get to.
Swap Luton for Stoke pleeeeeeeeeeease! Heck...swap Luton for anywhere else imo.
Well you are biased of course but let"s have something I don"t have to travel 3-4 hours to get to.
Oh, I"m not picky...anywhere but Luton. ;D
Swap Luton for Stoke pleeeeeeeeeeease! Heck...swap Luton for anywhere else imo.
Well you are biased of course but let"s have something I don"t have to travel 3-4 hours to get to.
Oh, I"m not picky...anywhere but Luton. ;D
Sweet...Southend it is then.
I"m sure there are lots of things you will want to put on the table, but some of the things that I"m interested in hearing your views on are as follows:-
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events? Please keep this at £75 + 10%. Any higher prices out the couples (Joobs & I, Andy & Debs etc) and this will lead to an idea later.
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long? Only for the worlds and the ECOAP.
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe? If you were going to do it every month, then I would propose 6 £75 events, 5 £50 events (team games, mixed game champs, who knows) and the £100 event at the end.
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event? If the venue can do it, then yes. 2 day side events and a 3 day Worlds could probably work. It would take some scheduling though. The only other suggestion I have for the Worlds is a Women"s event, as we really don"t have that many Women on the tour and since the Betfred tour died, I think that"s a bit of an untapped market.
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure? Some of the teams chosen for the last forum event kinda took the proverbial. 1 team per forum please. I"m pretty sure we could find 25 forums to play.
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP? I like the idea of a mixed game championship but this could be trialled at a smaller buyin. The only other thing I could suggest is running a 3-day national over Fri/Sat/Sun if the demand is there - maybe start the Friday in the evening and play 40m levels Day 1/45m Day 2.
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel? Generic would work. Travel and Hotel only works if APAT would be willing to book the hotel, I think, and I don"t think that"s a good idea. Seat only for now would be my suggestion.
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in? Maybe reserve a % of the seats for events we know are going to be of a high uptake. Last thing we need is players not bothering to travel cos they think the event is full and then have it not sell out because poker players are far too lazy to unreserve their seat. As for the reservation fee, I wouldn"t bother with that, if the facility is there to pay the reservation fee (and Paypal won"t work) then just have us pay the full £82.50.
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods? OMG Please new UK locations! I would be amazed if we could get a schedule without Luton in it. Maybe try areas I think APAT hasnt been to before, eg Didsbury/Liverpool/Southend etc. As long as they are easy to get to by public transport then all is good.
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc? Wouldnt stop me playing APAT but I wouldn"t do this. I save up to play for APATs and have had issues in the past with slots, to the point I bar myself from some sites because of the casino. Without naming names - I"m not the only one who could be tempted and potentially slip back down.
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value? Bracelets for the Worlds only please. Except for the Cash Championship - I don"t think that should get a bracelet personally.
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve? Merchandise is good. If you can figure out a way to use FPP"s to buy it then you"re onto something there... ;)
Too Blue Lost The Plot ;D
It wouldn"t be appropriate for everything, but for some prestige events it might be nice to have the previous champion present the prize.
I"m all for PLO8, but not at the expense of Stud or Razz (or HORSE). Having those is just so good.
Dublin not Cork. Glasgow not Edinburgh. Cardiff not Swansea.
That"s if you feel you have to go to those countries. TBH I"d be quite happy if all the events were in England.
Portsmouth - have I mentioned the new shiny poker room at the extended and refurbished Gunwharf G? Or would you like a few more links?
With regard to going abroad, when you have done it once in a year, lots of people made the trip. When there have been lots in one year, very few went to any of them.
Couldn"t see myself buying merchandise or playing slots, but some people will.
Swap Luton for Stoke pleeeeeeeeeeease! Heck...swap Luton for anywhere else imo.
Well you are biased of course but let"s have something I don"t have to travel 3-4 hours to get to.
Oh, I"m not picky...anywhere but Luton. ;D
Sweet...Southend it is then.
Paulie speaks my kinda language ^^^^^^^^+1
Vajazzels and fake tans FTW!!
Can we get an event at Stockton G?
Dooooo Itttttttttttttt
Have I mentioned that there has never been a game in the South West? ;D
Bristol please x
Des, On the points you"ve raised as to find out members views - my thoughts opinions.
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events?
Perfect at £75
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
event lengths I think are also just right, as most 3-4 days are over a bank holiday or easter type seasons, which while is "family" time fits with the extra time from work/school situ. My only other point on times I refer to my previous comment in Day 2 should be an earlier start time.
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
I love every month, although I don"t make it every month, just having the option to have is good. 2nd option would be every 2 months. 4 APAT's per year seems like denying a child its breast milk! :D
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
with 4 years behind it I think, again its spot on. I have no idea on side events as I don"t play them to warrant the knowledge to comment on them and structures within. Large main event sounds good, as close to a world Series as I"ll get, so yes please!
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
As judged by the recent team event they are enough single communities that wish to play these that the need to have Team b, and c doesn"t seem right. If space allows then yes sure - maybe on some kind of rota type thing.
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
Anything new I think, personally should be done as a side event as the main nationals are the bread and butter of the Tour.
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
sats to nationals are good and allows everyone the chance, if the £75 is out of range, so you"re covering the whole of the membership at all times. direct buy in through a poker client is good, as long as we don"t keep switching. Purely through APAT, I"ve now got BlueSq, Betfair, 888, Whill, Genting and of course APAT.co.uk - all of which I rarely play on now (bar the last ;)) Packages, how many people as a % would enjoy the hotel/travel aspect? would this attract more to the sats - which I assume is the aim?
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
This is good for reg forum users, however (I"m assuming) the majority of the membership aren"t reg users, this counts them out so to speak. Depends on what the aim is? To drive more traffic to the site, or to make it easier for admin purposes. The 10% downpayment would result in a smaller amount of pull outs you"d think, so if this is a headaches that needs resolving, then fine. If not, then I don"t see the benefit.
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
New locations always nice of course, but understand the limits in some places.
Overseas - what is the aim? A chance for UK players to have a jolly few days out, or APAT brand awareness?
The few that go over seem to have a cracking time, so how can you deny them that. From an APAT sense, its about brand awareness and spreading the word. My question, therefore would be after the events in Europe, what is the take up on forum memberships from those countries? or online new members on apat.co.uk? And from a overall poker community sense, Does the casino that held it report a rise in new players? If we don"t know, we should know surely, otherwise how do we know its works and is worth the cost/organisation
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
don"t mind trying qualifying as such -only negative is you"re then separating the good players who will over the season always qualify, so while getting a high class of field for the event itself, it could become "elite-tist"?
edit - re-read this bit, i would assume that if you don"t qualify then you"d still be able to buy in direct, so it wouldn"t be as above. Not keen on Blackjack/slots this is a POKER site/community/forum/tour
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value?
3 medals is great. you could look at a FT award of some sort? these are tough tournaments, FT"s are not easy. A Wooden-spoon type gesture to first out would be new?!
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
Absolutely! Shirts, Protectors, Hats all things people can wear when playing other tournaments, so brand awareness in the poker environment can only be a good thing. Personally I wouldn"t buy the photos.
Just my thoughts.
I"d like to point out to Wax that the wooden spoon idea for first out was implemented by JAPAT in Vegas 2011. Paul Gildea was the unlucky "winner"!
I"d like to point out to Wax that the wooden spoon idea for first out was implemented by JAPAT in Vegas 2011. Paul Gildea was the unlucky "winner"!
I"ve been called some stuff before - :P
No copyright infringements were intended. :)
Have I mentioned that there has never been a game in the South West? ;D
Bristol please x
Yeah...cos Wales isn"t in the SW.
Bristol / Wales all the same innit? ;D
I think there should be a Men"s event. Women are obviously way better at the mind games and therefore have a significant advantage in poker. It"s therefore unfair that we have to compete in the same events.
In track and field we have the Men"s 100m and the Women"s 100m because of the physical differences, so why not in poker?
I realise this might not be in-keeping with the APAT ethos of inclusiveness and understand if it"s a non starter for that reason.
I think there should be a Men"s event. Women are obviously way better at the mind games and therefore have a significant advantage in poker. It"s therefore unfair that we have to compete in the same events.
In track and field we have the Men"s 100m and the Women"s 100m because of the physical differences, so why not in poker?
I realise this might not be in-keeping with the APAT ethos of inclusiveness and understand if it"s a non starter for that reason.
Let"s put "em back in the kitchen where they belong. ::)
I"d like to point out to Wax that the wooden spoon idea for first out was implemented by JAPAT in Vegas 2011. Paul Gildea was the unlucky "winner"!
I"ve been called some stuff before - :P
No copyright infringements were intended. :)
Oops...damn autocorrect on my phone!
I think there should be a Men"s event. Women are obviously way better at the mind games and therefore have a significant advantage in poker. It"s therefore unfair that we have to compete in the same events.
In track and field we have the Men"s 100m and the Women"s 100m because of the physical differences, so why not in poker?
I realise this might not be in-keeping with the APAT ethos of inclusiveness and understand if it"s a non starter for that reason.
Let"s put "em back in the kitchen where they belong. ::)
If I spend much more time in the kitchen, there won"t be an exercise on the planet that will help me.
I think there should be a Men"s event. Women are obviously way better at the mind games and therefore have a significant advantage in poker. It"s therefore unfair that we have to compete in the same events.
In track and field we have the Men"s 100m and the Women"s 100m because of the physical differences, so why not in poker?
I realise this might not be in-keeping with the APAT ethos of inclusiveness and understand if it"s a non starter for that reason.
Let"s put "em back in the kitchen where they belong. ::)
If I spend much more time in the kitchen, there won"t be an exercise on the planet that will help me.
No sugar in mine thanks ;D ;D
I tend to agree with the point about the late start on Sundays, but I know it"s hard to get the casinos to open any earlier.
I love the live events, but really struggle to get to them because, for me, they need to be in school holidays. Clearly it"s only me who cares about this, so don"t let it affect your planning (too much ;)). Having said that, I"m missing the Worlds this year because my partner booked a holiday before I had the chance to tell her about the dates. Annoying!
Oh, and Brighton. Obviously thinking of everyone there.
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events?
£75 + 10% is spot on IMO. Side events have varied from place to place, I"d much rather see £30+10% than the £20+25%!! that we had at Coventry. I"d also like to see more variety rather than NLHE or PLO - I know there was 7CS at Stoke but having registered for the 8.30 game I had to unregister when it started at 7. As we saw in the recent Bunch of Fives games, there are lots of APAT members interested in learning new variants and this would be the ideal stage to do it live for small stakes.
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
Can"t see that I"ll ever be able to play the ECOAP if it stays where it is on the calendar so I can"t really comment, WCOAP is causing its own problems due to its popularity.
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
Personally I"d like to see one every 6 weeks, alongside the two main festivals.
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
I think this is the toughest question on the list. From a personal point of view I would love to play all the listed tournaments, other than the open and the cash, along with a few others that aren"t listed. However, to accommodate this along with all the other people who haven"t been able to get in, the WCOAP would have to be at least a fortnight long. Add to that the problem of getting time off work, and even more difficult, time out of the family home, and that just isn"t happening. Only other option is, rather than having a festival with a taster of a few games, is split it over 3 or 4 weekends where we get a full game of each variant with no limits on places and just the ME at Easter along with a few minor non-bracelet side events.
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
If we were as over-subscribed as reported then definitely not. I also think that the league winners should maybe get an entry but not 2nd and 3rd. I thought the structure this year was excellent and meant the best team won, not just the team that got 2 to the FT.
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
Not sure what you mean. I think we should bring back the thing that really set us apart from every other game.....the applause.
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
I like seat-only satellites. Travel and hotel costs would vary too much from player to player. Unless it was the Western Europe thing you speak of.
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
I"d like to go back to the days where we paid the whole lot in advance
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
Loving the sound of this.
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
Does qualify mean satellite? If so then that"s fine by me provided it"s not WH after last year. Blackjack & Slots tournaments - not for me thanks.
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value?
Medals all seem fine, if you ever get them ahem. Bracelets for World Champions sounds great. As for differentiating between live and online....hell yeah. Huge difference between a £30, 60 runner game online and £75, 150-200 runner game live (and I don"t just mean the ability to wear nothing but pants) and the medals should reflect that.
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
I"d be interested in shirts, hoodies or a real quality deck of cards. Photos? No. Did Asa put you up to this?
Other points:
The increase from 10K to 15K in S6 has been brilliant and the structure re-jig that went with it has made for an excellent game. Like others, I would like to see the 1pm Sunday start that was meant to go with it enforced.
I was going to make a plea that one of the festival weekends was moved away from a Bank Holiday weekend so that those of us with families could be at home for either Easter or August BH. I can see now that that is never going to work as, if anything, these need to take up more days, not less.
I will therefore make the plea that all other National weekends are on "normal" weekends. I"m sure I"m not alone when I go missing for a "Des" weekend, the wife only notices I"m not there on the days she has off (Sat and Sun), whereas if she"s off on the BH Monday or even the Friday as well, I"m in for some grief.
I did have a few extra points to make but they have slipped away from me for now.
"The only other suggestion I have for the Worlds is a Women"s event, as we really don"t have that many Women on the tour and since the Betfred tour died, I think that"s a bit of an untapped market." from sharples
Actually Adam has made a valid point here, the Betfred tour was very popular and nothing has come along to replace it. It could in theory be quite popular as it introduced women to live poker in a friendly environment. If it had not been for this tour I never would have ventured into playing live, never mind setting foot into a casino!!
I am sure there are lots of guys who play Apat and leave their wives/girlfriends at home who would love to tag along, perhaps they have dabbled online but dont feel brave enough to play live. A Womens event would be perfect to introduce them to the game.
PS If you did do this it would need to be strictly supervised...perhaps a £500 buyin with a discount to £50 for women? ;D
I would like to volunteer to inspect credentials for any possible imposters ;)
Dawn please add photo :)
Have I mentioned that there has never been a game in the South West? ;D
Bristol please x
Yeah...cos Wales isn"t in the SW.
Bristol / Wales all the same innit? ;D
LOL :) joking apart I think this is probably why Bristol has never been considered before....that and the lack of a venue with decent management. The Gala has successfully covered Oneway live tournaments and a UKIPT tour which shows it is more than capable of handling us lot. It has an excellent airport (easyjet) with buses running regular straight into town BUT more important...no fecker round here knows who Apat are!!!
Seriously, I am not kidding. I dont play live very much but when i do play at the Gala I am asked what my card protector is as no one knows!! Some will say..ahhh yes I have read about them but most say nope..never heard of them.
Before Apat starts thinking about spreading the word abroad I think maybe you should go to areas in UK where you havent been. (PS another one in Lloret and I will deffo be there).
Pretty happy with the set up this season, even if I could only make 1 event.
Live - Would keep it pretty much the same with a few changes.
- mix the format of Main events. Have most of them NLHE, but maybe throw in a headhunter, 6 max, and (dare i say it)PLO. These are pretty popular variants so would have little trouble getting filled up. Amateur poker tours are ten a penny now and whilst APAT is easily the best, I think something different needs to be done to help it stand out from other amateur tours/events.
- lose the Ireland leg. Just doesn"t get the interest it used to.
- can we have a NW (stoke doesn"t count) leg and a SW leg too.
Online - ....
- firstly, the Boss network, sadly, seems to be dying. I would follow DTD onto ipoker.
- online festivals are good but there should be added value for ME winners. The number of runners for these have been <100 for ages now.
- scrap the online regional league. Despite numerous revamps, it is pretty much won by the team with the most runners. Team poker is generally a flawed concept IMO. Whilst it is fine for one offs like the live team events that are run, basing a whole season on a team competition is too much. If we have to have a team concept then the online cup is a much better concept.
Whatever is announced though, I will support as well as I can.
£75 is bang on the money although I would not object to £100 but this would mean that the Worlds and Europe games would be £150 and that would be too much.
Need more variation for the Sunday game. I"m not talking about Stud or Razz (I don"t think this would sell out) but NL 6 max, shootout, win the button etc.
More live games they are the more choice we have (has long as we don"t become over played and become just another casino game rather than an event, does that make sense?)
The team game in Luton is one of the highlights of the season, it brings allot of new people to APAT but the location needs to be more central. Plus if this was earlier in the season , it would promote APAT on all the forums for the coming season. How many new people join APAT due the this game?
Leeds/Sheffield have some very good casinos that can handle a 200+ runner tournament, it"s about time we had a game hear.
Start time to be earlier on the Saturday and Sunday. I know this is dependent on the casino and people have to travel and book in at hotels but if this could be achieved then it may lead to a bigger starting stack or a hour clock.
On-line needs a big overhaul but will save this for another day.
I wouldn"t describe Leeds/Sheffield as central.
I wouldn"t describe Leeds/Sheffield as central.
I"m not suggesting that the team game should be in Leeds or Sheffield, any game will do or are you implying you would use other names for Leeds/Sheffield :)
We already have a way of optional paying for membership if you want to donate to APAT, just register for a Staker Licence
We already have a way of optional paying for membership if you want to donate to APAT, just register for a Staker Licence
That"s not really the same thing as I"m suggesting
We already have a way of optional paying for membership if you want to donate to APAT, just register for a Staker Licence
That"s not really the same thing as I"m suggesting
I think JP is suggesting that Leigh walks round and gives the paying members massages and Des is made to wear a maids costume and fetch the drinks.
APAT the cash game over 48 contiunous hours alongside a tournament with the winner (most profit) getting an Apat gold medal?
I wouldn"t describe Leeds/Sheffield as central.
me neither - I seem to remember the proper centre of Great Britain/UK is in Lancashire, but if you do it by the place that is closest to "most people" its somewhere in Leicestershire. hth
...that Leigh walks round and gives the paying members massages...
Could Happen!!
...Des is made to wear a maids costume...
Each To Their Own!!
...Des is made to.....fetch the drinks.
Don"t be ridiculous!!
I wouldn"t describe Leeds/Sheffield as central.
me neither - I seem to remember the proper centre of Great Britain/UK is in Lancashire, but if you do it by the place that is closest to "most people" its somewhere in Leicestershire. hth
Next APAT at Jaxie Towers!
Just like to bring up a point I made a few years ago
We have been playing APAT events for a lot of years now and there have been a lot of winners in a lot of events.
When is there going to be a "Champion Of Champions" event staged with the prestige that would go along with this??
We all want it.
Just like to bring up a point I made a few years ago
We have been playing APAT events for a lot of years now and there have been a lot of winners in a lot of events.
When is there going to be a "Champion Of Champions" event staged with the prestige that would go along with this??
Didn"t they used to hold this at the end of each season or the start of a new season?
When is there going to be a "Champion Of Champions" event staged
Bolton....a couple of years back wasn"t it?
Sponsorship package was top prize as I recall.
Nope..never been a C of C event held.
C of C has been held
Just like to bring up a point I made a few years ago
We have been playing APAT events for a lot of years now and there have been a lot of winners in a lot of events.
When is there going to be a "Champion Of Champions" event staged with the prestige that would go along with this??
Don"t really see what APAT gain out of this and I don"t think it is in keeping with the ethos of APAT which I understood was about making the events open to all (except pros of course) and encouraging new players into the game.
I can see value in a beginners event though with a low buy-in where we could all encourage friends to give it a go.
Will there be events in May / June / July? If so can we please have the dates for these ASAP? Even if they are only provisional at this stage. It is getting harder to hold off booking things and I hate missing these events due to avoidable clashes
Any word on this guys?
I expect the first event of S7 will take place in the last few days of May / start June.
start June.
Please please please please please
It"s that time of the year again! :)
The pre season discussion threads often become some of the largest and most interesting threads of the year on the forum and I suspect this year will be no different.
The planning process has already begun and Leigh, Matt and myself would love to hear members thoughts on all aspects of APAT, and what you"d like to see improve next season.
I expect that we"ll largely focus on the live schedule and developments in this thread, but please feel free to put online on the table also if you"ve a suggestion to make. That aside, we will run a separate similar thread for online a little closer to the season starting.
In looking for feedback, you need to be aware of certain limitations of course. Main events need to finish at a reasonable time on a Sunday night, so if you say "can we have starting stacks of 25,000", then you probably need to make that a reasonable option by adding "...and reduce the close to 30m levels" or similar. This is just an example of course.
I"m sure there are lots of things you will want to put on the table, but some of the things that I"m interested in hearing your views on are as follows:-
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events?
No changes needed.
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
Absolutely fine
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
Every 6/7 weeks seems about right. Means 7/8/9 events per year.
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
I"ll be honest in that the upcoming WCOAP will be my first so can"t possibly comment yet
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
I think this years event was pretty close. One per community outside APAT ( but only the forum + winning team imo)
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
One European jaunt per year would be good. Maybe look at one similarly structed Omaha tournament?
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
satellites as is. We all like to sort our own travel I think. Direct buy in I"ll mention on the next bit
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
As is, however, to those wishing to reserve and pay in advance, that option should be available ( maybe password protected on the online site
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
One in Western Europe would be good
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
not for me, if it helps go for it
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value?
I would do a few things. Bracelets for WCOAP and ECOAP only. Something different for the team events to differentiate, medals for online and live ME top 3 only.
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
The pics are nothing to do with me, but might be an idea going forward. I"d like shirts, hoodies and card protectors. Good quality a preference.
There is a ton of other stuff that I can think of but I don"t want to limit your thinking, so please feedback / debate on any topic and this will help us greatly in our planning for season seven.
I"ve only missed 2 events in season 6 ( thanks to work) and I can honestly say I"ve loved it. Looking forward to the WCOAP and the release of S7 schedule
Just like to bring up a point I made a few years ago
We have been playing APAT events for a lot of years now and there have been a lot of winners in a lot of events.
When is there going to be a "Champion Of Champions" event staged with the prestige that would go along with this??
Think this a decent idea but also agree with the idea that it excludes too many people. I would have this on a friday night as part of a weekend festival. Winner gets a freebie into the national the next day. Go on Des!!!
Just like to bring up a point I made a few years ago
We have been playing APAT events for a lot of years now and there have been a lot of winners in a lot of events.
When is there going to be a "Champion Of Champions" event staged with the prestige that would go along with this??
Think this a decent idea but also agree with the idea that it excludes too many people. I would have this on a friday night as part of a weekend festival. Winner gets a freebie into the national the next day. Go on Des!!!
I agree that it should be held the friday night as mentioned above, however as it is a prestige thing and each person would have already received added prizes, seats, media exposure etc a token COC medal/trophy/certificate would suffice and not further freebie seats
Just like to bring up a point I made a few years ago
We have been playing APAT events for a lot of years now and there have been a lot of winners in a lot of events.
When is there going to be a "Champion Of Champions" event staged with the prestige that would go along with this??
Think this a decent idea but also agree with the idea that it excludes too many people. I would have this on a friday night as part of a weekend festival. Winner gets a freebie into the national the next day. Go on Des!!!
I agree that it should be held the friday night as mentioned above, however as it is a prestige thing and each person would have already received added prizes, seats, media exposure etc a token COC medal/trophy/certificate would suffice and not further freebie seats
The winner of the CoC could be the APAT captain for the subsequent team championships - that would be appropriate.
I expect the first event of S7 will take place in the last few days of May / start June.
That"s a terrible weekend for poker. There is a sweltering heatwave predicted and traffic is also expected to be awful. There may be a royal event too.
The weekend of 25/26 May is a much better option for you.
8/9 June also seems to be good.
Anyway, you"ll have to change it on account of all your players being at the Portsmouth GUKPT.
I expect the first event of S7 will take place in the last few days of May / start June.
That"s a terrible weekend for poker. There is a sweltering heatwave predicted and traffic is also expected to be awful. There may be a royal event too.
The weekend of 25/26 May is a much better option for you.
8/9 June also seems to be good.
Anyway, you"ll have to change it on account of all your players being at the Portsmouth GUKPT.
He"s booked for that weekend.
C of C has been held
Loving this idea!! Can"t we pencil it into the WCOAP quickly ;)
Each winner starting of with 10k starting stack and if you have won two events you get 20k!!! Starting stack simples.. ;D ;D
Winner gets a $10,000 WSOPME seat?? ::)
C of C has been held
Loving this idea!! Can"t we pencil it into the WCOAP quickly ;)
Each winner starting of with 10k starting stack and if you have won two events you get 20k!!! Starting stack simples.. ;D ;D
Winner gets a $10,000 WSOPME seat?? ::)
Pretty sure this COC has never happened before, I certainly remember nothing of any such event !!!!!!!!
Seriously. Having it as part of WCOAP does make sense actually if you are going to do it.
Pretty sure this COC has never happened before, I certainly remember nothing of any such event !!!!!!!!
Of course not, you weren"t in it very long...plus you fell over on the way.
C of C has been held
Loving this idea!! Can"t we pencil it into the WCOAP quickly ;)
Each winner starting of with 10k starting stack and if you have won two events you get 5k starting stack simples.. ;D ;D
Winner gets a $10,000 WSOPME seat?? ::)
I like this idea. Instead of 15k past winners only get 10k starting stack in the WCOAP ME, as a handicap to give the rest of us a chance. And if you fished 2 titles by some fluke of nature you only get 5k ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.
Apparently now S7 will kick of with the APAT Masters at the end of May / start of June at Wembley.
Leaving aside the ISPT stuff...I"m now looking at the first "real" APAT (as in Amateur) event of S7 being...what, end of June?
Saving me some "travel" money I suppose but if I"m working things out right and the WCOAP is at DTD in Easter 2014 (mid-April) and is the climax we"re looking at (effectively) a short season for S7.
Yes there are some caveats in there..I"ll have to give this some more consideration and plan something when I"m in Yarm.
Apparently now S7 will kick of with the APAT Masters at the end of May / start of June at Wembley.
Leaving aside the ISPT stuff...I"m now looking at the first "real" APAT (as in Amateur) event of S7 being...what, end of June?
Saving me some "travel" money I suppose but if I"m working things out right and the WCOAP is at DTD in Easter 2014 (mid-April) and is the climax we"re looking at (effectively) a short season for S7.
Yes there are some caveats in there..I"ll have to give this some more consideration and plan something when I"m in Yarm.
Is the WCOAP at DTD in Easter 2014?
Why does this have to be the climax?
It might be a long S7 with the climax being in November.
Apparently now S7 will kick of with the APAT Masters at the end of May / start of June at Wembley.
Leaving aside the ISPT stuff...I"m now looking at the first "real" APAT (as in Amateur) event of S7 being...what, end of June?
Saving me some "travel" money I suppose but if I"m working things out right and the WCOAP is at DTD in Easter 2014 (mid-April) and is the climax we"re looking at (effectively) a short season for S7.
Yes there are some caveats in there..I"ll have to give this some more consideration and plan something when I"m in Yarm.
Having negotiated 3 stag doos with Lilly.. whatever the event before August is.. will be the official APAT stag dooooo for me... fingers crossed its going to be a fantastic one. Roll on the full announcement x
Apparently now S7 will kick of with the APAT Masters at the end of May / start of June at Wembley.
Leaving aside the ISPT stuff...I"m now looking at the first "real" APAT (as in Amateur) event of S7 being...what, end of June?
Saving me some "travel" money I suppose but if I"m working things out right and the WCOAP is at DTD in Easter 2014 (mid-April) and is the climax we"re looking at (effectively) a short season for S7.
Yes there are some caveats in there..I"ll have to give this some more consideration and plan something when I"m in Yarm.
Most APAT seasons have ran for longer than a year. I will hazard a guess that the final event of S7 will be the WCOAP and will be in its rightful August slot for 2014.
Is the WCOAP at DTD in Easter 2014?
Why does this have to be the climax?
It might be a long S7 with the climax being in November.
Des has stated that he sees the WCOAP as being the final event of the APAT season and that makes sense to me.
Assuming it"s at DTD, and I have no reason to think it won"t then we"re limited to APAT festivals over Bank Holidays.
That means either August or Easter in practical terms based on my understanding of Bank holidays . On the basis that August would be the ECOAP...the "top" festival (WCOAP) would, logically, be Easter 2014.
Most APAT seasons have ran for longer than a year. I will hazard a guess that the final event of S7 will be the WCOAP and will be in its rightful August slot for 2014.
Actually, that"s not the case. So far NONE of the seasons" schedules have covered more than 12 months.
S1 - 9/2006 -> 8/2007
S2 - 11/2007 - 11/2008
S3 - 2/2009 -> 1/2010
S4 - 3/2010 - > 1/2011
S5 - 3/2011 -> 1/2012
S6 - 4/2012 -> 4/2013
S7 - 5/2013 -> 4/2014 ??
August 2014 would enable Des to cram in some more "standard" APAT events so I would prefer that.
I prefer to keep an open mind and wait for the announcements.
This thread is supposed to be a discussion and by the nature of that surly we need to consider other options that are not a repeat of the past? I wasn"t trying to speculate on what might be, I was mearly trying to open discussion.
I prefer to keep an open mind and wait for the announcements.
This thread is supposed to be a discussion and by the nature of that surly we need to consider other options that are not a repeat of the past? I wasn"t trying to speculate on what might be, I was mearly trying to open discussion.
I"m all for waiting for announcements but I like to think that we can influence the decision making process by offering options and opinions.
Anyway, I"m just speculating based on past experience....As I said, I would prefer an August "finish" to the season as I feel that stuffing, say, the S6 schedule into July - April would be a little hectic.
A June/July to August/September is much more to my liking. Heck, take the Forum event out and put it in October as it"s not a "standard" APAT event.
Just grist for t"mill. ;D
Oh...and who are you calling surly?
I agree with all those that are pushing for an earlier start. All the major UK tours (GUKPT, UKIPT & GPS) all start at midday on both day 1&2, so don"t see why APAT can"t get that.
Also would like to see a total overhaul of the online team stuff. I like the idea of running a live tourney that is based on an online league (bit like the Genting Vegas challenges) with say 4 in a team and points from the online stuff determines stack sizes. It would be fair numbers wise, encourage everyone to keep playing all league long and be a great way of introducing new players to APAT.
Omaha main event I would travel extra for. I"m not a fan of the National team comps really, so I would scrap them, but I know a fair few do like them so on balance probably worth keeping. As for venues, I would like to see nothing north of M62 or South of Luton. Keep it central and more likely to make it. Do think Leeds or Sheffield deserve a visit.
I wouldn"t describe Leeds/Sheffield as central.
Yes I agree should be described as South
I wouldn"t describe Leeds/Sheffield as central.
Yes I agree should be described as South
I had a girlfriend who lived in Hamilton and a couple of times she told me she was going "down South" for a day with her job. Newcastle was one of them. Carlisle was the other.
I had a girlfriend
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events?
I think the buyins work pretty perfectly.
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
Think is is spot on aswell, gotta remember that 90% of us are working stiffs and any longer would be too much holiday to use, and the better halfs will revolt!
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
Hmmmmm....i like 4 festivals a year, as it gives people time to save but i fear this would mean that the spread of events (ie locations) would be sp****.
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
Id love to see a larger field in the main, but would prefer an even deeper structure (ie wsop structure over 4 days)
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
Should prob just rename it the GNF cup and be done with it! ;) Start times need to be earlier than 2:30 though. (same for all events). Would like to see an online league in which the top 7 win spots in the APAT Forum team for next year. Whomever wins the event gets captaincy and the ability to pick the wildcard 8th member. Think this league would get lots of runners, which = rake for the site. Think its the one team event (ie not the internationals) in which everyone should have equal chance to qualify as normally you appoint a captain and then they pick the team they see fit.
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
Bounty event? Shootout event? Bounty Shootout event? Would love to see a 9-6-2 event over 3 days at the festival next year. Day 1 is played 9 handed. Day 2 is 6 handed down to final 16/8 players. Final 16/8 are then draw in Heads Up brackets which chips counts carried forward from each day. May be a logistic nightmare but would be a cool game.
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
Direct buyin on IPN would be useful, would encourage more to deposit on there and maybe play more. Sats are fine for seat only, and like the fact you let people use them for what they will.
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
Hard to say, do you have a lot of issues with players not turning up!? Think direct buyins on IPN would spot this problem if you closed reg say 2 weeks prior to event. That way you can still fill empty spots etc.
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
Europe doesnt work for me (think missus would kill me if i used my holiday at work for poker abraod and not for a summer holiday with her!)
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
Not bothered either way, understand your reason behind it.
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value?
Like the medals. Love the WCOAP bracelets. Added value is always good. Maybe online POTS could get next years series for free? idk, something to keep it within the community?
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
Id buy the pic if it was the winners photo! But think Merch is a great idea. Without being rude, if people are willing to spend money, and APAT can make a margin on it then its worth doing. Also bodes well for free advertising going forward. Im sure many would wear there APAT shirts at other events whether it be at local casino or bigger events.
As for cards, chip sets these are brilliant ideas. If good quality i would buy both for my monthly home game, and would act as a great conversation topic with the players i play with. Just imagine how many of your members play homegames with non apat"rs. You could get your brand to hundreds, if not thousands of new faces.
Would love to see a ladies event at the WCOAP/ECOAP.
Been mentioned before that there is a huge gap, and i think grabbing hold of the market could be really good.
The standard of the ladies game is very solid in the UK scene, and it would encourage people to get the GFs playing, less arguements when you book the time off and a safe environment for new faces to learn with no "stigma" or "pressure"
OK..so we know that the ISPT event is No.1 but that"s at the end of frakkin" may and this is getting silly now.
Can we hope for a full schedule immediately after WCOAP for the rest of S7?
Vacation days have to be booked you know!
OK..so we know that the ISPT event is No.1 but that"s at the end of frakkin" may and this is getting silly now.
Can we hope for a full schedule immediately after WCOAP for the rest of S7?
Vacation days have to be booked you know!
I don"t think we"ve ever published the following season"s schedule straight after the final event of the current season Paulie, you know that! :)
We have to use our resource appropriately and we"ve been very focused on WCOAP and some other stuff over the past two months.
That said, we know largely what we want to do and where we want to go, but we"ll need to do some work to sign off the detail. We"ll target end April to make that announcement, and anything before will be a bonus for us all.
We"re working hard though, you can trust me on that!
Two words for ya..............................
Cash Championship
I think the seat reservation needs a major overhaul. Half of the events needed late regs to fill up and some didn"t get close to the number that had been reserved.
The reservation in advance is perfect, however I think there needs to be a mechanism where players can buy in through Paypal as in the past, or at least without needing to be there in person at the venue.
I would suggest that 2 weeks prior to the event, everyone on the reserved list who hasn"t paid is removed. Those on the waiting list take their place. They then have 3 days or so to take up/pay for their allocation. After that it"s locked and then any empty seats are transferred to the venue.
I"m sure you can build simple reservation/waiting list functionality into the website and remove the manual need for updating (I"d volunteer my services to create this!).
Two words for ya..............................
Cash Championship
Yes please :)
And isn"t it time for an Omaha Hi/Lo tourney please?
Cash tourny to stay!!
Bounty shootout tourny please!!!
Two words for ya..............................
Cash Championship
Yes please :)
And isn"t it time for an Omaha Hi/Lo tourney please?
OXO World Championships?
OXO World Championships?
Different Gravy
Definite +1 to the bounty comp.
Cash tournie.....yes
Omaha Hi/Low....yes
Still gutted to have missed last weekend.
Is the Wembley event Friday/Saturday, or has it been moved to Sat/Sun?
Cash tournie.....yes
Omaha Hi/Low....yes
Still gutted to have missed last weekend.
Is the Wembley event Friday/Saturday, or has it been moved to Sat/Sun?
It"s been moved to Sat/Sun. More info very soon.
Haven"t played an APAT in a while but here"s my thoughts:
Entry Fees - £75 is right on the money.
Registration - I think people who want to reserve / pre-register should pay up front. This avoids any problems with events not hitting capacity or with no shows. Or give a deadline to pay for a seat and if that isn"t met, then un-register them and make that seat available again (or give it to a reserve). You can still choose to leave some seats for on the day signups this way too
Not sure what was mean by the commercial / slots / blackjack thing. Was that meant as a requirement or just an extra event that would be put on here and there? If it would be a requirement then it"s a disastrously terrible idea
Only last suggestion, for online tournaments / online registration, can you choose a poker network that mas a mac poker client. Please please please pretty please please please :p
Looking forward to S7 announcements and getting some more events under my belt!
DONT FIX WHAT IS NOT BROKE.buy ins are fine. if they increase then you could end up with less runners. you could decrease as i am sure there are members feeling the pinch at the mo. medals fine. structure fine. format fine. got to remain as freeze outs. would love to go back to cork for the irish. edinburgh for the scottish. would love to see newcastle on the map but defo not aspers, there are a number of us in newcastle that refuse to play there due to a person being banned for cheating being alllowed back in. i can help set up a deal with the g or genting if you like. teeside would be ok. an eastern euro game would be right up my street, again could help get a game on in kiev.
Hello Poker Fans,
First of all, wanted to say how much I enjoyed the WCOAP in Nottingham. I"d never heard of APAT until I saw the event listed in Bluff or some such magazine. I was seduced by the possibility of becoming a World Champion (though that didn"t happen of course) and went along and really enjoyed it, the atmosphere and banter was fun, as was the poker of course. I"ll definitely be back to play some more events, and quite possibly at Wembley. Anyway, for what it"s worth, the views of a newcomer are....
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events?
........ I was very happy with the buy-ins in Nottingham. I played the six-max and the main event and the money was well worth it for the pretty slow structures. You"ve got to prepared to lose your stake, and I was "happy" to lose mine for some potentially good time at the tables (though, as it happens, I min-cashed in the main event so even better!).
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
.......... I"m happy to take a day or two off work for a good meeting, some good tourneys and structures. Of course, runners will reduce the more time off work is required. So I guess two or three days makes sense, with four being possible at Easter.
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
............ I"ll never be able to come to all of them, but the more there are, the greater my chances of making three or four.
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
Bigger numbers in an event always makes it more exciting. But it"s good to play side events too; spread ones eggs in to couple of baskets. I guess most people will want to play the main event(?), well I would anyway. So how would you schedule a two day side event alongside a main event?
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
.............. I don"t have any idea how team events work or how the teams are formed. It"s a new concept to me!
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
............. I"m new. No valid opinion. Actually, no opinion at all.
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
........ I thought the website registration for Nottingham worked really well. I was a bit worried that my name wouldn"t be on the list when I arrived, but it was, and I was happy. I did wonder about people registering and not turning up, I don"t know whether that was a problem?
I wouldn"t be keen on registering via random poker sites. I quite fancy next week"s IPO in Stratford, for example, but understand that you can only register via Boyles Poker. My home PC is practically dead, and I simply can"t be ar5ed trying to load new poker software on the knackered ald piece of junk so I doubt whether I"ll make it along to the IPO. (Hopefully I"ll be getting a decent PC upgrade soon...)
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
......Sounds fair enough to me. Reg fees are not high, but having made a financial commitment, however small, should reduce no-shows.
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
............. Count me as definitely interested.
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
.............. I don"t really do the other casino stuff.
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value?
............ Sorry, no view really. I"ll let you know when I"ve won one!
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
............. I might be interested in a nice photo. Not too grand, though. Say, around a fiver.
- I agree with other opinions re start times. The pros might live vampire hours, but the rest of us are used to getting up in the morning.
- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.
Hope that helps; I"ve totally lost the thread of this film I"m trying to watch!
Anyways, well done APAT, I"m glad I found you!
Cheers, Andy Mac.
Would love to see a ladies event at the WCOAP/ECOAP.
Been mentioned before that there is a huge gap, and i think grabbing hold of the market could be really good.
The standard of the ladies game is very solid in the UK scene, and it would encourage people to get the GFs playing, less arguements when you book the time off and a safe environment for new faces to learn with no "stigma" or "pressure"
- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.
I wonder whether many ladies have called for a ladies event? Seems a strange concept to me (that being said, I didn"t realise that "the ladies" game" was that far removed from the normal one, ie. a fairly mixed bag).
Would love to see a ladies event at the WCOAP/ECOAP.
Been mentioned before that there is a huge gap, and i think grabbing hold of the market could be really good.
The standard of the ladies game is very solid in the UK scene, and it would encourage people to get the GFs playing, less arguements when you book the time off and a safe environment for new faces to learn with no "stigma" or "pressure"
- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.
Please do not do this .... ever.
Poker is one of the rare sports/activities that women can compete equally on the same footing as men without discrimination, and more importantly without reduced prize monies! (aka snooker etc). After years of women crying out for acceptance in the mainstream and to not be discriminated against why oh why would you want to create an event that really has no reason to be a single sex game.
Women only Poker event"s tilt the hell out of me, but more so because there is no equal "men"s only" event to run alongside.
There is no reason why women would be at any disadvantage whatsoever playing poker against a man.
The poker environment is like any other "unknown" environment, at first it can appear to be intimidating but actually isn"t. I personally have found that the nicest people I have met have been via the poker circuit (I entered the live circuit as a lone female having no idea what to expect) ... and like other environments, yes there can be the odd rude man although i have to say the most scarey rude people I have encountered across the felt have actually been WOMEN - at the one and only women"s event I ever played when I first started playing ... never again). Guys, if you want your GFs to play then bring them along to any APAT event, a mighty fine way to introduced them to the live scene, and the guys at the table will be more than happy to offer any advice to newbies.
You want to make a game where Laxie is APAT's ambassador??????? My lord. :D
Some great feedback in this thread everyone. Thanks everyone and please keep it coming.
To keep you updated.
We have a draft S7 schedule and set of dates on the table and we"re now starting the process of finalising with the venues, the majority of whom will be very straight forward.
Our Wembley Stadium date is confirmed as Saturday & Sunday June 1st & 2nd, with both days starting at 1.30pm. We"ll be on the pitch with the pros, so it should be something completely different for all of us.
We"re looking to have an Amateur Championship date towards the end of June also, so not too long to wait for those of you who may not be able to make Wembley.
You want to make a game where Laxie is APAT's ambassador??????? My lord. :D
Oi...I"d be excellent at that! Where"s me whip ffs?!
Some very fair anti-ladies-event comments from a couple of posters. I quite agree that this is not tennis and should be a sex-less game, I suppose my view may be a bit slanted by having a missus who"s a bit of a poker player who only really dabbles to make me happy. But, of course, that"s no different from having a poker playing female with a non-poker playing boyfriend. And isn"t it unenforcable anyway, legally? I think there"s a bloke or two somewhere who have entered supposed women-only events to make a point and it"s caused a bit of controversy. Anyway, if I do manage to get her along for a future event, she"ll probably beat me anyway; she usually does when we have a home game!
I"m not necessarily back tracking on what I said before (a la Stadtler and Waldorf), but I suppose I"m just saying that I"m not that fussed either way really.
You want to make a game where Laxie is APAT's ambassador??????? My lord. :D
Oi...I"d be excellent at that! Where"s me whip ffs?!
Oooh.... whips.... there may be potential yet!
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events?
Not qualified to comment
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
Good as is.
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
Every month is good. Locations are obv. a key issue, as everyone wants one close to home. I agree that Luton is a hole (and poorly run IMO), it"s my nearest atm. You may want to have a look at the new G in Reading. They have the size and are keen to please.
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
I have limited experience outside NLHE, but would def try PLO event next time. Only issue is that with more 2-dayers it becomes more difficult to plan the diary and therefore not want to commit to pre-reg...
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
I played this for the first time in January and loved it. Given that it"s so hard to get a team in, I was a little surprised that there were so-called "multiple entries". Personally I think there would be more credibility & kudos if only one team per community. NB: I must declare self-interest here, as I operate a private FB poker forum, and I"d LOVE to enter a team under the "Poker Buddies" banner.
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
I thought there was something for everyone - only issue was the inability to play them all!
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
Sats are an excellent idea; with special "package" sats run separately for those who want that option. I am also frustrated by the regular changing of the online administrator - I didn"t play the last tournament on William Hill for that reason FWIW. As mentioned earlier, pre-reg will become a trickier issue with the intro of more 2-day events. I"m happy to reg here & "pay at the door".
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
Agree with Waz
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
I love the idea, and it sounds like there are some low-cost venues out there. The issue of APAT's objective/s is a separate matter. What have the previous international events achieved? Was it worthwhile, or has there been enough learning to ensure that there will be sufficient benefit next time?
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
Not interested in Blackjack or slots & not sure that this is a direction APAT should be taking for brand integrity reasons. 3rd party site qual is ok - depending on the site (see prev comment)
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value?
I defer to others on this one
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
Some research should be done on this; I would start with just the "best sellers" as per market intelligence, then roll out if demand dictates. I wouldn"t do cheap (brand integrity again). Photos - yes, as long as I look like George Clooney.
Would love to see a ladies event at the WCOAP/ECOAP.
Been mentioned before that there is a huge gap, and i think grabbing hold of the market could be really good.
The standard of the ladies game is very solid in the UK scene, and it would encourage people to get the GFs playing, less arguements when you book the time off and a safe environment for new faces to learn with no "stigma" or "pressure"
So, do we really need a seperate event? xxx
- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.
taking men out of the equation shouldn"t change this tho, like Mich says, some of the most aggro poker players i"ve come across have been women and some of the nicest people I know are men from APAT...it"s a strange suggestion this one, imo...xxx
Please do not do this .... ever.
Poker is one of the rare sports/activities that women can compete equally on the same footing as men without discrimination, and more importantly without reduced prize monies! (aka snooker etc). After years of women crying out for acceptance in the mainstream and to not be discriminated against why oh why would you want to create an event that really has no reason to be a single sex game.
Women only Poker event"s tilt the hell out of me, but more so because there is no equal "men"s only" event to run alongside.
There is no reason why women would be at any disadvantage whatsoever playing poker against a man.
The poker environment is like any other "unknown" environment, at first it can appear to be intimidating but actually isn"t. I personally have found that the nicest people I have met have been via the poker circuit (I entered the live circuit as a lone female having no idea what to expect) ... and like other environments, yes there can be the odd rude man although i have to say the most scarey rude people I have encountered across the felt have actually been WOMEN - at the one and only women"s event I ever played when I first started playing ... never again). Guys, if you want your GFs to play then bring them along to any APAT event, a mighty fine way to introduced them to the live scene, and the guys at the table will be more than happy to offer any advice to newbies.
other than that, I have very little to add, I don"t qualify to make many suggestions as I don"t play very often but, for me, everything works really well and everyone seems to thoroughly enjoy themselves ;) keep going and "if it ain"t broke, don"t fix it..."
that"s just my two cents" worth :)
Didn"t realise that we are going to be on the pitch at Wembley. Can"t wait! When do we sign up!
I"ve got to say that I love APAT event and the only concerns I have would be the cost of events abroad.
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events?
Not my place really seeing as i only play the series"s, but if i cant sit on the fence id say stay the same, accessible and still with good prizes
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
One national event that was three days (UK champs) would be nice, but dont make them all 3 days otherwise travel and work commitments could skew things...a one off people could work around
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
Love the four major festivals idea, then have smaller events monthly alongside those
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
Definatley, make some events one day, but others (thinking six max, HU and omaha specifically) could do being 2 day"ers...this season showed this is the one series that needs to grow.
Main event being a three day event would be pretty sweet yeah, hour clock for the world championship maybe?
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
Not qualified to comment on this AT ALL
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
A championship in mixed games (HORSE or even 8 game if we can ever find the dealers for it) would be pretty sweet. But say only one a year.
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
I"d rather be able to buy in via the client than anything else...not gonna lie i wasnt a fan of the reserve list idea although i can see why it was done that way. Also maybe the idea of series passport packagaes with travel and hotel would be pretty nice and would deffo get interest.
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
I"m honestly not sure on this one
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
It"d be pretty cool to make euro"s move about but yeah your idea about cheap and outside of holidays is spot on...
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
Third party site seems fine, if it results in more tourneys and more locations with differing variations id be more than willing to play some other site for the chance...stars + apat anyone? :P
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value?
Medals are fine as they are, they have prestige enough...deffo keep bracelets to the worlds and only the worlds imo but thats just me...id probably make online events give less added value so that the live ones get more...but then an online player would say the opposite, so keep them as they are...as for added value team up with a big tour for the bigger events...that would be utterly immense (EPT for amateur world champion would be so sick)
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
Seriously though yes to everything on that list, good quality but dont go nuts, and send me some patches! :P
Would love to see a ladies event at the WCOAP/ECOAP.
Been mentioned before that there is a huge gap, and i think grabbing hold of the market could be really good.
The standard of the ladies game is very solid in the UK scene, and it would encourage people to get the GFs playing, less arguements when you book the time off and a safe environment for new faces to learn with no "stigma" or "pressure"
- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.
Please do not do this .... ever.
Poker is one of the rare sports/activities that women can compete equally on the same footing as men without discrimination, and more importantly without reduced prize monies! (aka snooker etc). After years of women crying out for acceptance in the mainstream and to not be discriminated against why oh why would you want to create an event that really has no reason to be a single sex game.
Women only Poker event"s tilt the hell out of me, but more so because there is no equal "men"s only" event to run alongside.
There is no reason why women would be at any disadvantage whatsoever playing poker against a man.
The poker environment is like any other "unknown" environment, at first it can appear to be intimidating but actually isn"t. I personally have found that the nicest people I have met have been via the poker circuit (I entered the live circuit as a lone female having no idea what to expect) ... and like other environments, yes there can be the odd rude man although i have to say the most scarey rude people I have encountered across the felt have actually been WOMEN - at the one and only women"s event I ever played when I first started playing ... never again). Guys, if you want your GFs to play then bring them along to any APAT event, a mighty fine way to introduced them to the live scene, and the guys at the table will be more than happy to offer any advice to newbies.
Post of the year IMO.
A womens event is sexual discrimination against Men unless there is a "mens event" (which sounds equally as daft to me as having a womens event).
The "intimidation" card is also invalid IMO. I felt intimidated the first time I played a live poker event, I was young and inexperienced. Does that mean we should have a "under 25s" event? I was even more intimidated by the woman playing in that same event and now I"m man enough to admit it!
Imagine the outcry if APAT had launched 7 years ago and said an event was going to be men only!
Anyway, as I said in my early post on the subject, I could argue woman have an advantage over men playing poker and if there was a 50/50 split of men/women playing each tourney, my money would be on the ladies winning in the long term.
Would love to see a ladies event at the WCOAP/ECOAP.
Been mentioned before that there is a huge gap, and i think grabbing hold of the market could be really good.
The standard of the ladies game is very solid in the UK scene, and it would encourage people to get the GFs playing, less arguements when you book the time off and a safe environment for new faces to learn with no "stigma" or "pressure"
- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.
Please do not do this .... ever.
Poker is one of the rare sports/activities that women can compete equally on the same footing as men without discrimination, and more importantly without reduced prize monies! (aka snooker etc). After years of women crying out for acceptance in the mainstream and to not be discriminated against why oh why would you want to create an event that really has no reason to be a single sex game.
Women only Poker event"s tilt the hell out of me, but more so because there is no equal "men"s only" event to run alongside.
There is no reason why women would be at any disadvantage whatsoever playing poker against a man.
The poker environment is like any other "unknown" environment, at first it can appear to be intimidating but actually isn"t. I personally have found that the nicest people I have met have been via the poker circuit (I entered the live circuit as a lone female having no idea what to expect) ... and like other environments, yes there can be the odd rude man although i have to say the most scarey rude people I have encountered across the felt have actually been WOMEN - at the one and only women"s event I ever played when I first started playing ... never again). Guys, if you want your GFs to play then bring them along to any APAT event, a mighty fine way to introduced them to the live scene, and the guys at the table will be more than happy to offer any advice to newbies.
Post of the year IMO.
A womens event is sexual discrimination against Men unless there is a "mens event" (which sounds equally as daft to me as having a womens event).
The "intimidation" card is also invalid IMO. I felt intimidated the first time I played a live poker event, I was young and inexperienced. Does that mean we should have a "under 25s" event? I was even more intimidated by the woman playing in that same event and now I"m man enough to admit it!
Imagine the outcry if APAT had launched 7 years ago and said an event was going to be men only!
Anyway, as I said in my early post on the subject, I could argue woman have an advantage over men playing poker and if there was a 50/50 split of men/women playing each tourney, my money would be on the ladies winning in the long term.
+ 1
Great post by Holdy (and not because she is my daughter)! It is not a physical game, except gathering your chips, which can be a problem with my arthritic hands that gender does not effect. I have found most women I have come across a poker table can be more aggressive than men, perhaps that is why they have the knack of keeping their men in order ;)
I was nearing 70 when I first entered a poker room and was quaking at my knees so cannot imagine how she had the guts to walk into a poker room for the first time by herself!
Would love to see a ladies event at the WCOAP/ECOAP.
Been mentioned before that there is a huge gap, and i think grabbing hold of the market could be really good.
The standard of the ladies game is very solid in the UK scene, and it would encourage people to get the GFs playing, less arguements when you book the time off and a safe environment for new faces to learn with no "stigma" or "pressure"
- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.
Please do not do this .... ever.
Poker is one of the rare sports/activities that women can compete equally on the same footing as men without discrimination, and more importantly without reduced prize monies! (aka snooker etc). After years of women crying out for acceptance in the mainstream and to not be discriminated against why oh why would you want to create an event that really has no reason to be a single sex game.
Women only Poker event"s tilt the hell out of me, but more so because there is no equal "men"s only" event to run alongside.
There is no reason why women would be at any disadvantage whatsoever playing poker against a man.
The poker environment is like any other "unknown" environment, at first it can appear to be intimidating but actually isn"t. I personally have found that the nicest people I have met have been via the poker circuit (I entered the live circuit as a lone female having no idea what to expect) ... and like other environments, yes there can be the odd rude man although i have to say the most scarey rude people I have encountered across the felt have actually been WOMEN - at the one and only women"s event I ever played when I first started playing ... never again). Guys, if you want your GFs to play then bring them along to any APAT event, a mighty fine way to introduced them to the live scene, and the guys at the table will be more than happy to offer any advice to newbies.
Post of the year IMO.
A womens event is sexual discrimination against Men unless there is a "mens event" (which sounds equally as daft to me as having a womens event).
The "intimidation" card is also invalid IMO. I felt intimidated the first time I played a live poker event, I was young and inexperienced. Does that mean we should have a "under 25s" event? I was even more intimidated by the woman playing in that same event and now I"m man enough to admit it!
Imagine the outcry if APAT had launched 7 years ago and said an event was going to be men only!
Anyway, as I said in my early post on the subject, I could argue woman have an advantage over men playing poker and if there was a 50/50 split of men/women playing each tourney, my money would be on the ladies winning in the long term.
You were playing back in the 60"s, WOW.....who knew ;D
Buy ins - Stay at £75? Increase? Decrease? Side events?
The present set up seems fine to me and generates enough prize money to be attractive, so I don"t see any particular reason to change it.
Festival style three and four day events - good? or too long?
A couple of 3/4 day festivals (as I think we currently have) seems fine, but I"m not sure you would get a lot of support for an increased number of them.
Timing - An event every month, every two months, or four big festivals every year maybe?
A live event every two months, with the on-line "equivalent" the month before. That gives us something every month of the season and maintains interest I think.
WCOAP - Should it extend further with the addition of two day side events and an even larger main event?
Seemed to work fine as it is to me.
Team events - Should we invite multiple teams from same communities? structure?
Again, I liked what happened this year. I think the team event was the most fun thing this season and I"ve heard others say the same. I don"t see why there should be multiple teams from particular communities, as the team event is already oversubscribed.
Formats - Should we be looking to include anything new? Should we run one of the nationals in a different format, outside of the WCOAP and ECOAP?
Registration - Thoughts on satellites, direct buy in via client, generic satellite packages versus specific satellite packages, should satellites packages include a contribution towards travel and hotel?
If the satellites could be done via poker.co.uk that would be fine I think. Best to avoid too many other sites as people find negotiating some of them a pain (I"m talking about you William Hill!) I think they should just be entry fee paid only - so that the number of players "paid" in a satellite tourney is maximised.
Seat reservation - Should this continue? If so, why? If we added a Paypal button to enable players to pay the 10% fee upfront, would this work? So players not taking up their reservation would lose the fee element of their buy in?
That sounds like a good idea - it would stop people just registering "on spec" when they know they are probably not going to actually go.
Locations - Overseas? New locations? For example we could take the ECOAP to Western Europe. Would players come, if destination was cheap and outside of holiday periods?
It doesn"t particularly appeal to me, though having the European tournament on the continent occasionally seems an obvious idea. It would need to be well timed (a bank holiday?) to make it practical for a decent number of the regs to get there.
Commercial - To increase our budgets we might ask you to qualify for events at a third party site, or join us for a crazy night of blackjack or slots tournaments. Is this acceptable, not acceptable, would stop you playing, etc?
It wouldn"t be of any interest to me - enough of my family and friends already think I"m a degerate gambler as it is!
Awards - Further develop the medals? More bracelets? Differentiate between live and online event awards? Added value?
Fine as it stands to my mind.
Merchandise - Should we sell stuff? Shirts, cards, chip set, card protectors? How deep should the range be? High quality or cheap? Would you buy high resolution pictures of yourself at events, branded with the event name, APAT logo and in an APAT sleeve?
Decent quality stuff, why not? Mark Lassman penguins would be a big hit I think.
Keep up the good work guys.
Would love to see a ladies event at the WCOAP/ECOAP.
Been mentioned before that there is a huge gap, and i think grabbing hold of the market could be really good.
The standard of the ladies game is very solid in the UK scene, and it would encourage people to get the GFs playing, less arguements when you book the time off and a safe environment for new faces to learn with no "stigma" or "pressure"
- I also like the idea of a womens event. My missus knows the rules, has played a bit and even won a few homes games and a couple of pub games, but playing live is still a bit scary for her and I think a ladies event might make her more likely to come along to a future event.
Please do not do this .... ever.
Poker is one of the rare sports/activities that women can compete equally on the same footing as men without discrimination, and more importantly without reduced prize monies! (aka snooker etc). After years of women crying out for acceptance in the mainstream and to not be discriminated against why oh why would you want to create an event that really has no reason to be a single sex game.
Women only Poker event"s tilt the hell out of me, but more so because there is no equal "men"s only" event to run alongside.
There is no reason why women would be at any disadvantage whatsoever playing poker against a man.
The poker environment is like any other "unknown" environment, at first it can appear to be intimidating but actually isn"t. I personally have found that the nicest people I have met have been via the poker circuit (I entered the live circuit as a lone female having no idea what to expect) ... and like other environments, yes there can be the odd rude man although i have to say the most scarey rude people I have encountered across the felt have actually been WOMEN - at the one and only women"s event I ever played when I first started playing ... never again). Guys, if you want your GFs to play then bring them along to any APAT event, a mighty fine way to introduced them to the live scene, and the guys at the table will be more than happy to offer any advice to newbies.
Sigh, puts kilt back in wardrobe. ::) ::) ::)
Post of the year IMO.
Yay, I won my bet!
Post of the year IMO.
Yay, I won my bet!
But was it enough to calm the gremlins?
Totally agree with the points Michelle put forward and glad it was a Lady making those points, but, when it comes to team events, now we don"t have a level playing field!
A male Captain when picking a team is going to have a natural bias to kid himself out of picking or even considering a Lady player a worthy selection, not to mention the peer pressure against making that decision.
I think we miss out on adding a fantastic dynamic to our already superb Team Events by not including a Ladies only team.
Totally agree with the points Michelle put forward and glad it was a Lady making those points, but, when it comes to team events, now we don"t have a level playing field!
A male Captain when picking a team is going to have a natural bias to kid himself out of picking or even considering a Lady player a worthy selection, not to mention the peer pressure against making that decision.
I think we miss out on adding a fantastic dynamic to our already superb Team Events by not including a Ladies only team.
I picked a lady in the very first team event.
I also believe there were other ladies playing and England had a lady captain.
whilst on the team event subject......
An interesting team event concept HERE (http://www.pokerfed.org/match-poker/)
whilst on the team event subject......
An interesting team event concept HERE (http://www.pokerfed.org/match-poker/)
I saw some nice concept cars at the motor show, they"ll never see the light of day either. ;)
I would love to see an APAT Forum Team event at DTD.
Because you could theoretically get 50 teams of 9 players (45x10) in there for a 2 day event and I think this should be done to accommodate the expanding team event. Team events are expanding rapidly and I think APAT's is the biggest regular event. Every year there are teams who miss out and expanding this in the only venue that can hold it would help get more people introduced to APAT.
We"ll target end April to make that announcement, and anything before will be a bonus for us all.
We"re working hard though, you can trust me on that!
You didn"t think I would let that one pass did you?
Bated breath and all that...I"m sure you are all hard at work. :)
We"ll target end April to make that announcement, and anything before will be a bonus for us all.
We"re working hard though, you can trust me on that!
You didn"t think I would let that one pass did you?
Bated breath and all that...I"m sure you are all hard at work. :)
What he said
What they said ;)
Soooooooooon ;D
Take what he said and add two months. You guys never learn ;D
All events and dates are with the venues but we are awaiting final confirmations from some of them. If I was a betting man (I"m not), I"d say this announcement will happen late next week.
That said, Mr Duncan is seldom not the smart money in a discussion like this...
If I was a betting man (I"m not), I"d say this announcement will happen late next week.
Popcorn ready, 3D glasses on and everything............
All events and dates are with the venues but we are awaiting final confirmations from some of them. If I was a betting man (I"m not), I"d say this announcement will happen late next week.
Starts rubbing hands together and readying the interwebz for franctic hotel searching. :)
If I was a betting man (I"m not), I"d say this announcement will happen late next week.
Popcorn ready, 3D glasses on and everything............
Hurry up, I"m gonna need a wee soon
It"s normaly on a Thursday at 9.00 plus we get notice before hand. So next Thursday is my guess or the Thursday after that or the Thursday after that..............
If any of you get any insider information as to when it might be, I"d love to know. ::)
(http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae36/s4ooter/popcorn_2-2_zpsacb73432.gif) (http://s955.photobucket.com/user/s4ooter/media/popcorn_2-2_zpsacb73432.gif.html)
We are not there yet, lets see whether Fri and Sat brings the answers needed. Either way we"ll definitely be posting a 24hr notice of the announcement because its likely to be a busy night with some of the stuff we"re going to put out.
We are not there yet, lets see whether Fri and Sat brings the answers needed. Either way we"ll definitely be posting a 24hr notice of the announcement because its likely to be a busy night with some of the stuff we"re going to put out.
more of anything in the south particularly london/ south east with the exception of Luton everything is northern/midlands
Hadn"t realised wembley was northern :\
Hadn"t realised wembley was northern :\
..or Brighton!
Hadn"t realised wembley was northern :\
..or Brighton!
...or Cardiff!
Hadn"t realised wembley was northern :\
..or Brighton!
Yeah, I"m sick of us going to Brighton all the time. We must have had at least one Main Event there. And only 73 up North.
To be fair it is all relative whether its north or south.. for me..
Coventry was 3 hours south
Cardiff was 5 hours south
DTD was 2.5 hours south
Stoke was 3 hours south
Luton was 4 hours south
Really don"t care where the events are, as long as they"re professionally run as always, the casino / staff are pleasant, dealers have banter and the bar is well stocked.
We are not there yet, lets see whether Fri and Sat brings the answers needed. Either way we"ll definitely be posting a 24hr notice of the announcement because its likely to be a busy night with some of the stuff we"re going to put out.
TBF didn"t quote which Fri or Sat it would be.. ;D
To be fair it is all relative whether its north or south.. for me..
Coventry was 3 hours south
Cardiff was 5 hours south
DTD was 2.5 hours south
Stoke was 3 hours south
Luton was 4 hours south
Really don"t care where the events are, as long as they"re professionally run as always, the casino / staff are pleasant, dealers have banter and the bar is well stocked.
Wedding list
New house down South ;D
We are not there yet, lets see whether Fri and Sat brings the answers needed. Either way we"ll definitely be posting a 24hr notice of the announcement because its likely to be a busy night with some of the stuff we"re going to put out.
TBF didn"t quote which Fri or Sat it would be.. ;D
Okay okay im sorry for trying to be a smart arse Des..
But can you stop punishing us all now pretty please :-* xx
We are awaiting one important confirmation at the moment. Frustrating for all of us. Coventry at the end of June will be the second event of season seven, so you can start planning for that weekend and we will get the rest of the dates out when we are able to announce the season as a whole.
Coventry at the end of June will be the second event of season seven, so you can start planning for that weekend
That would be 29th/30th right?
Yeah Coventry.
Coventry at the end of June will be the second event of season seven, so you can start planning for that weekend
That would be 29th/30th right?
Yeah Coventry.
Its my birthday on 30th June.
May as well cancel any plans then :-)
Coventry at the end of June will be the second event of season seven, so you can start planning for that weekend
That would be 29th/30th right?
Yeah Coventry.
Yeah Coventry indeed. My favourite card-room.
Coventry at the end of June will be the second event of season seven, so you can start planning for that weekend
That would be 29th/30th right?
Yeah Coventry.
Yeah Coventry indeed. My favourite card-room.
Coventry... that usually ends badly!
I"ve not been to the casino in Coventry, but apparently it"s very, very nice isn"t it?... Vegas style fountains in the lobby and everything?...
Alas, I"m unable to attend this event (have a stunt driving lesson - really! lol).
abso love Cov. prob my favourite. thanks for the heads up.
can you confirm 29/30th?
I"ve not been to the casino in Coventry, but apparently it"s very, very nice isn"t it?... Vegas style fountains in the lobby and everything?...
Fountain/Waterfall is actually downstairs by the bar next to the escalators...and I presume you mean the Don Roberts Memorial Fountain...so named when he attempted to walk on water one particularly balmy night.
Oh...is it definite for 29th / 30th?...there are some cracking hotel deals about.
I"ve not been to the casino in Coventry, but apparently it"s very, very nice isn"t it?... Vegas style fountains in the lobby and everything?...
Oh...is it definite for 29th / 30th?...there are some cracking hotel deals about.
Ricoh Arena is £40 per night which is not bad. Is that hotel any good?
I"ve not been to the casino in Coventry, but apparently it"s very, very nice isn"t it?... Vegas style fountains in the lobby and everything?...
Oh...is it definite for 29th / 30th?...there are some cracking hotel deals about.
Ricoh Arena is £40 per night which is not bad. Is that hotel any good?
It"s fine, I did it for one night after a late Sunday Omaha victory a couple of years back.
One of their images which gives you a rough idea
Normally I would be at the HI a few miles away which I can get for a few quid cheaper than the De Vere (Travel Tips coming up once the date is confirmed) but it"s about only about £3 difference and I wouldn"t have to drive so this will probably be my first option this time.
Don"t forget to give back to APAT via the Laterooms (http://www.laterooms.com/en/p3623/hotel-reservations/89982_71-rooms-and-silk-suites-coventry.aspxl) link
It"s fine, I did it for one night after a late Sunday Omaha victory a couple of years back.
Blatant brag... where"s the ban stick for thread abuse?!
It"s fine, I did it for one night after a late Sunday Omaha victory a couple of years back.
Blatant brag...
Damn straight it is...I earned that one!
Normally I would be at the HI a few miles away which I can get for a few quid cheaper than the De Vere (Travel Tips coming up once the date is confirmed) but it"s about only about £3 difference and I wouldn"t have to drive so this will probably be my first option this time.
Hmm...on thinking about it...I may, for purely personal reasons, do the HI.
Pub nearby suits me and if i have to get a cab back on the odd occasion, so be it.
abso love Cov. prob my favourite. thanks for the heads up.
can you confirm 29/30th?
29th & 30th guys, yes.
Cant wait, hotel booked, snorkel packed, all is good.
Cant wait, hotel booked, snorkel packed, all is good.
Wiiii will be good to see you back :)
Yea a local one!!
Booked the DeVere.
Booked Richo arena.. :) good times..
my favourite venue and I"ll have to miss this for the first time since I started playing apat :( Will definitely be watching the updates for this one.
Booked in at the Holiday Inn M6 Jcn 2 for £37.60 a night.
Could have spent a couple of quid more at the De Vere but the lack of anything else around there made the decision for me.
Can someone tell me the fountain story?
Can someone tell me the fountain story?
http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=7390.msg123898#msg123898 (http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=7390.msg123898#msg123898)
Just thought. Can somebody confirm how the buyin for this is going to work - ie that it is not going to be via William Hill as I can"t buyin on there?
Just thought. Can somebody confirm how the buyin for this is going to work - ie that it is not going to be via William Hill as I can"t buyin on there?
Think we may have to wait for the formal announcement on that one.
I"m hoping that they have fixed the APAT-Poker online buy-in exchange rate issue but otherwise I"m happy with the forum reservation thingy.
Can someone tell me the fountain story?
http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=7390.msg123898#msg123898 (http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=7390.msg123898#msg123898)
hahaha, classic! :D
Am excited about this. Can anyone confirm what the buy-in and side events will be?
Or do I have to go through the thread?
Am excited about this. Can anyone confirm what the buy-in and side events will be?
Or do I have to go through the thread?
You"ll probably have to wait for the full S7 announcement.
For myself (with NO inside knowledge) I"m not expecting any change to the buy-in amount.
At a guess, for the first side event (if there is one), I expect PLO...although I"m hoping for PLO8.
PLO8 would be great.
Is the ME buy in 75? I seem to have only played the last ones that were 100.
PLO8 would be great.
Is the ME buy in 75? I seem to have only played the last ones that were 100.
£75 + £7.50
Booked in at the Holiday Inn M6 Jcn 2 with my loyalty points.
Only taken me 4 seasons on tour to qualify for one free night.
Booked in at the Holiday Inn M6 Jcn 2 with my loyalty points :)
nice to see you are still a live :)
Booked in at the Holiday Inn M6 Jcn 2 with my loyalty points :)
nice to see you are still a live :)
Lol, yeah I have been concentrating on playing live as my internet conection still sucks!
Coventry booked up and cant wait :) wiiiii Season 7 here we come, tis exciting
I have just booked the De Vere. It is still £40 per night via laterooms but they advised that this was nearly fully booked so get in quick if you want one of their standard rooms.
Should be a good weekend as always, Coventry Casino is the second best is the UK imo.
Tried to book the De Vere via the Laterooms link today. The booking page said that the room was not available to book online and please ring the 0844 number which I did.
First couple of times it rang for 5 minutes then they cut me off. Third time I got through, went through all the lengthy rigmarole of giving details and then operator said, "I"ve just got to check with the hotel for availability first, I"ll ring you back." That was over an hour ago.
Finally four 0844 phone calls later I"m in ! It really shouldn"t be this difficult >:( >:(
Tried to book the De Vere via the Laterooms link today. The booking page said that the room was not available to book online and please ring the 0844 number which I did.
First couple of times it rang for 5 minutes then they cut me off. Third time I got through, went through all the lengthy rigmarole of giving details and then operator said, "I"ve just got to check with the hotel for availability first, I"ll ring you back." That was over an hour ago.
Finally four 0844 phone calls later I"m in ! It really shouldn"t be this difficult >:( >:(
I"m sure APAT appreciate you trying.
That said, the price was the same direct with the hotel. For obvious reasons, APAT would prefer you to use the link but not at the expense of that much hassle.
As far as i can tell, all of the £40 rooms have gone and the "Club" rooms (and up) are the only ones left.
The HI M6 Jct 2 still has rooms at £38 pn if anyone is interested.
Looks like i"m going for the Club Option.
I had to book Executive suit at De Vere price was £85.. (due to wheelchair access etc)..
I"m sure for £2.50 more each, if two people don"t mind sharing they can book and ask for twin beds?
I had to book Executive suit at De Vere price was £85.. (due to wheelchair access etc)..
I"m sure for £2.50 more each, if two people don"t mind sharing they can book and ask for twin beds?
I"ll happily share with you and Emma for £2.50, booked it Danno ;D ;D ;D
I fly back from my holidays on the 29th - Boooo
I arrive in Manchester @ 1700 -- Booooo
Never one to miss a pi$$ up I have booked a hotel and will hit the casino @ approx 2000 too late for poker but in time for a few nippy sweeties - hurrahhhhhh
I fly back from my holidays on the 29th - Boooo
I arrive in Manchester @ 1700 -- Booooo
Never one to miss a pi$$ up I have booked a hotel and will hit the casino @ approx 2000 too late for poker but in time for a few nippy sweeties - hurrahhhhhh
Probably won"t arrive much earlier than that myself.
Where will you be staying?
DE Vere
I fly back from my holidays on the 29th - Boooo
I arrive in Manchester @ 1700 -- Booooo
Never one to miss a pi$$ up I have booked a hotel and will hit the casino @ approx 2000 too late for poker but in time for a few nippy sweeties - hurrahhhhhh
Probably won"t arrive much earlier than that myself.
Where will you be staying?
You not playing Paulie? So just to be clear, it is a good idea to have been eliminated from the poker by 8pm? I think I have that right.
This should be fine.
I fly back from my holidays on the 29th - Boooo
I arrive in Manchester @ 1700 -- Booooo
Never one to miss a pi$$ up I have booked a hotel and will hit the casino @ approx 2000 too late for poker but in time for a few nippy sweeties - hurrahhhhhh
Probably won"t arrive much earlier than that myself.
Where will you be staying?
You not playing Paulie? So just to be clear, it is a good idea to have been eliminated from the poker by 8pm? I think I have that right.
This should be fine.
You"ll either do that...or go on to win the whole damn thing! :D
I fly back from my holidays on the 29th - Boooo
I arrive in Manchester @ 1700 -- Booooo
Never one to miss a pi$$ up I have booked a hotel and will hit the casino @ approx 2000 too late for poker but in time for a few nippy sweeties - hurrahhhhhh
Probably won"t arrive much earlier than that myself.
Where will you be staying?
You not playing Paulie? So just to be clear, it is a good idea to have been eliminated from the poker by 8pm? I think I have that right.
This should be fine.
You"ll either do that...or go on to win the whole damn thing! :D
I don"t do winning. It seems a bit like showing off. Much better to come second or third imo.
You guys coming too? Isn"t it pretty close to your neck of the woods?
I fly back from my holidays on the 29th - Boooo
I arrive in Manchester @ 1700 -- Booooo
Never one to miss a pi$$ up I have booked a hotel and will hit the casino @ approx 2000 too late for poker but in time for a few nippy sweeties - hurrahhhhhh
Probably won"t arrive much earlier than that myself.
Where will you be staying?
You not playing Paulie? So just to be clear, it is a good idea to have been eliminated from the poker by 8pm? I think I have that right.
This should be fine.
Misunderstood Ger.
I"ll be up on Friday by 8pm.
When does the reserve list open for this etc?
When does the reserve list open for this etc?
Don"t know that there will be a reserve list.
At the moment all we know is that there will be an APAT event that weekend in Coventry.
I think Leigh has confirmed the buy in at £75 + £7.50 but everything else is pending the final S7 announcement.
I don"t expect to see the full announcement until after the Wembley / ISPT event although before would be nice.
Just out of interest which event is it in Coventry (not that it really matters).
Just out of interest which event is it in Coventry (not that it really matters).
Not sure....English Championship I think...it was last year.
Just out of interest which event is it in Coventry (not that it really matters).
It"s an APAT event ;D
English Amateur Championship, Steve.
Ok i havent read the whole thread, cos believe it or not i have a life, but for clarification with regards the £5 reservation charge i have a question.
Will this charge be made PER TOURNAMENT or PER EVENT? What i mean is, if i reserve a seat in the wcoap main event 2013 and 5 side events. Is this going to cost £5 or £30. Tbh I have no problem in principal with the charge at a nominal £5 but if it was £30 in total I think I would.
Ok i havent read the whole thread, cos believe it or not i have a life, but for clarification with regards the £5 reservation charge i have a question.
Will this charge be made PER TOURNAMENT or PER EVENT? What i mean is, if i reserve a seat in the wcoap main event 2013 and 5 side events. Is this going to cost £5 or £30. Tbh I have no problem in principal with the charge at a nominal £5 but if it was £30 in total I think I would.
£5. Once you"re at the venue you"ve done your bit, and there needs to be a certain degree of flexibility around side event entries anyway.
Been practising my APAT S7 Announcement dance for months now, whadda ya think?
(http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae36/s4ooter/tumblr_mgqjlcJNow1r8v6qjo1_400_zps8502fffd.gif) (http://s955.photobucket.com/user/s4ooter/media/tumblr_mgqjlcJNow1r8v6qjo1_400_zps8502fffd.gif.html)
I think another couple months and it will be there
Been practising my APAT S7 Announcement dance for months now, whadda ya think?
(http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae36/s4ooter/tumblr_mgqjlcJNow1r8v6qjo1_400_zps8502fffd.gif) (http://s955.photobucket.com/user/s4ooter/media/tumblr_mgqjlcJNow1r8v6qjo1_400_zps8502fffd.gif.html)
Needs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pyjamas imo.
If only such a thing existed...
Any chance of an announcement over the weekend*?
Just that I have some decent flight offers to Ireland and hotel offers all round that expire early next week.
*Prods bear with stick....
Haha does that mean you have a pair too dave :D :D :D ??
Any chance of an announcement over the weekend*?
Just that I have some decent flight offers to Ireland and hotel offers all round that expire early next week.
Could you please tell us a date you will announce (any date will do...just make one up) but then don"t announce on that date.
because watching Pauline is like a watching a kid waiting for Santa and I"ve never had the balls to follow through on the threat that "Santa doesn"t come if your bad".
This would be harmless (I think!) and would provide a nice bit of entertainment whilst we wait for the actual announcement.
Waiting for Santa
We"ll target end April to make that announcement, and anything before will be a bonus for us all.
We"re working hard though, you can trust me on that!
You didn"t think I would let that one pass did you?
Bated breath and all that...I"m sure you are all hard at work. :)
Take what he said and add two months. You guys never learn ;D
Should be only two more weeks now ;D
Less than three weeks till Coventry, what are the chances of any satellites being run?
Looking forward to making a few events this year mainly scots open and a euro champs be kind with dates please guys.
Less than three weeks till Coventry, what are the chances of any satellites being run?
Sats will be on your favourite site from start next week I understand Matt. One way or another I really want that particular event open tomorrow for the reason you state.
Less than three weeks till Coventry, what are the chances of any satellites being run?
Sats will be on your favourite site from start next week
Stars? PKR? ;D ;D ;D
Less than three weeks till Coventry, what are the chances of any satellites being run?
Sats will be on your favourite site from start next week I understand Matt. One way or another I really want that particular event open tomorrow for the reason you state.
Thanks Des, full price for me I guess ;)
Less than three weeks till Coventry, what are the chances of any satellites being run?
Sats will be on your favourite site from start next week I understand Matt. One way or another I really want that particular event open tomorrow for the reason you state.
Thanks Des, full price for me I guess ;)
lol.... :)
Do we have any idea how close we are to an announcement is it likely to be before Coventry
If we don"t have the final venue confirmed for season seven within the next couple of days, we"ll publish full details for the second event; as we did Coventry, ahead of the overall schedule.
Sorry if I have missed this but can"t find it on the thread, what is the side event in Coventry. Is there one?
Sorry if I have missed this but can"t find it on the thread, what is the side event in Coventry. Is there one?
It"s Escalator Surfing. Starts at 3pm on the Sunday.
Matt is organising.
Sorry if I have missed this but can"t find it on the thread, what is the side event in Coventry. Is there one?
It"s Escalator Surfing. Starts at 3pm on the Sunday.
Matt is organising.
Eskimo surfing? Is Don involved?
Sorry if I have missed this but can"t find it on the thread, what is the side event in Coventry. Is there one?
It"s Escalator Surfing. Starts at 3pm on the Sunday.
Matt is organising.
Reserve me a spot please..love Escalators I do ;D
29th & 30th guys, yes.
Would this be 2pm start as per norm! And am I right I thinking your chips just get dwindled if you"re late?
Would this be 2pm start as per norm!
"Norm" would be Chinese Dentistry Time, No?
Would this be 2pm start as per norm!
"Norm" would be Chinese Dentistry Time, No?
Nope :)
Afternoon, everybody.
I can surf but I don"t have an eskimo to stand on, does this matter? ;D
Would this be 2pm start as per norm!
"Norm" would be Chinese Dentistry Time, No?
Had to do some peking to understand your comment, and following some further drilling, I clocked it
Nope :)
Afternoon, everybody.
Can anyone then confirm 2pm start, chips get dwindled until they are gone for late arrivals?
I"m in Dover at 10am picking up family, then back to Peterborough, to then hopeful onwards to Coventry as I don"t really want to miss the first event of S7!
Can anyone then confirm 2pm start, chips get dwindled until they are gone for late arrivals?
See Friday"s announcement which will (hopefully) have all the info.
It will be either 2.30pm (or perhaps 2pm) but if you are fully bought in (NB. Not a seat reservation) then your chips will be in play and you will be blinded out until you turn up.
I don"t know that it will be the same but here"s the briefing from 2011: Link (http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=8255.0) and 2012: Link (http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=10589.0)
Oh...and it"s the 2nd event. :)
I hope Des is bluffing :-)
Also, did he say which Friday!
I hope Des is bluffing :-)
Also, did he say which Friday!
I think he did on FB.
EDIT: Nope...just Friday but Sats start Monday and full buy-in on Wednesday so Friday, 21st would be bolting the stable door.
Love it! :) :)
EDIT: Do you have a link to the top-right (base) image...I might use that one myself.
Love it! :) :)
EDIT: Do you have a link to the top-right (base) image...I might use that one myself.
They were all from your facebook I think ::)
Love it! :) :)
EDIT: Do you have a link to the top-right (base) image...I might use that one myself.
just google "prism" it"ll be in there somewhere!
(Ps- thanks for the info previously)
Just had a quiet chat with the APAT server and gave her shoulders a rub down in readiness for the announcement at 9pm. She"s currently listening to the eye of the tiger in readiness for the F5 refresh fest due around 8:59... x
Just had a quiet chat with the APAT server and gave her shoulders a rub down in readiness for the announcement at 9pm. She"s currently listening to the eye of the tiger in readiness for the F5 refresh fest due around 8:59... x
I better start typing! ;)
I"m planning on popping out in a bit. Would you mind putting it off til about 10.30 if it"s all the same with you?
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He"s late!
Season Seven Announcement (http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=13889.0)
Season Seven Announcement (http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=13889.0)
....and a stonking good one it is too!