Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: Matt D on November 20, 2013, 20:48:34 PM

Title: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: Matt D on November 20, 2013, 20:48:34 PM
Hi all,

I"m 2 players short for "Team APAT" in the LPPL Interleague Team game that"s taking place on 30th November at a pub in Doncaster.

Full details, venue, timings etc. here:

It"s a free/just for fun game, with (massive) bragging rights at stake. Every player gets a free "limited edition" TEAM APAT t-shirt too(!) :D With 12 of us heading up (if I can find 2 replacements!), and 12 teams in total, it should be a great day out - and a fun challenge in a good atmosphere :)

The only caveat is that you must have played at least one APAT game in Season 6 or 7.

Could be ideal for any APATers living close by, who fancy helping us on our way to victory! :)

Please post here or PM me ASAP if you"re interested in playing.


Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: hi_am_chris on November 20, 2013, 20:50:04 PM
just win all our other games? simples!
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: MarkTheShark on November 20, 2013, 21:36:24 PM
Just to re-enforce Matt's post....

If anyone can make this event, i strongly recommend you to do so.

Apart from it being a fantastic social occasion, the team ethic certainly brings the best out of players that play and represent their area.

There is also plenty of "side action" available to all that goes on late into the night that can more than justify you being there, in the absence of any ultimate prize for the winning team - other than a huge trophy, huge bragging rights and a mass of PR!!!!

I hope anyone that can play does do - I can assure you you will not regret it.
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: Matt D on November 20, 2013, 22:25:35 PM
Make that 3 players needed! (just had another drop out).
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: Matt D on November 21, 2013, 12:05:10 PM
Quick update as still urgent...

Having gone from a full team > 11 > 10 > 9 (!) > 10, we"re back down to 9 again :(

So in need of 3 players...

If you can play, then please let me know ASAP. Either on this thread or by PM.

See above for full event details.

I"m sure there must be some APAT players who live in Yorkshire who are free for a day"s poker on 30th? :D
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: deanp27 on November 21, 2013, 13:48:35 PM
I would make one in but going to the Rugby League world cup final on that date
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: Matt D on November 21, 2013, 13:49:47 PM
okay, thanks anyway. Enjoy the match! :)
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: Matt D on November 21, 2013, 14:32:58 PM
One more player acquired :) So, just need 2 more again. Fire away!! :)
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: Matt D on November 21, 2013, 16:19:35 PM
I love it when a plan comes together :) Just 1 more needed now!...
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: Matt D on November 21, 2013, 18:00:22 PM
All spaces filled. That was a lot less of a headache than I anticipated :)

Thanks to everyone who contacted me, or shared the fb status.
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: nosey-p on November 21, 2013, 19:00:01 PM
Good to hear, so who"s in the team
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: adilong1 on November 21, 2013, 19:13:41 PM

All spaces filled. That was a lot less of a headache than I anticipated :)

Thanks to everyone who contacted me, or shared the fb status.

I"m not surprised to be honest Matt, now that your buying the beers all day!  ;D
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: nosey-p on November 21, 2013, 19:28:18 PM
If he is I need to get there without the car, anybody!!!!!!
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: adilong1 on November 21, 2013, 19:30:53 PM
He posted on FB that he indeed is, so I"m sleeping in mine by the looks of it

Cheers in advance Matt............... :P
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: ian.ski309 on November 21, 2013, 22:33:32 PM
What/who is the final line-up then ?
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: Matt D on November 22, 2013, 00:21:03 AM
Hoho, I think Leigh volunteered the beer buying on my behalf! :)

The full team is:

Wayne Parker
Ian Szerlowski
Adrian Long
Pedro Simoes
Rita Galvin
Bill Sheppard
Craig Dawson
Chris Hiam
Ian Burnett
Barrie Penman
Del Watson

p.s. I would recommend definitely not driving if possible (unless you"re tee-total), as being this game is in a pub, I expect it to be quite a boozy affair!.
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: hi_am_chris on November 22, 2013, 00:24:44 AM
I"m not happy with being listed 9th... please find someone else   ;D
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: Matt D on November 22, 2013, 00:25:37 AM

I"m not happy with being listed 9th... please find someone else   ;D

nice ninja edit :)
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: adilong1 on November 22, 2013, 17:28:22 PM

I"m not happy with being listed 9th... please find someone else   ;D

Probably your finishing position on your table?!?  :P
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: hi_am_chris on November 22, 2013, 18:21:45 PM
Haha i"ll nit my way to 4th :)

and ty matt haha counting skills not my strong point lol
Title: Re: Urgent: 2 players needed for Interleague game on 30th November in Doncaster.
Post by: IrishTom on November 22, 2013, 19:13:54 PM
Hi All, looking forward to seeing you at IL - they (us) are a boisterous and drunken lot that love to enjoy themselves - and to start off the weekend a lot of LPPL players are attending Doncaster Races on Fri afternoon, then making their way (slowly - the racing finishes about 15:30) to the venue for a small "doubles" team game on Fri evening where Mark The Shark has devised a weird and wonderful structure that should lend itself to being very vocal and enjoyable - before they will all retire for the evening to ensure a good rest for fun and frolics on Sat!

No doubt it will start off with you lot being the "opposition" against ALL other teams, but as the day wears on and the more you embrace this as a totally social (but EXTREMELY COMPETITIVE) and enjoyable occasion the more I am sure both you and they will get out of it.

Please do introduce yourself to me over the weekend if we haven"t already met - and best of luck - but above all else - I hope you enjoy it.
