Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => World Championship of Amateur Poker (WCOAP) => Live Archive => Live Poker => WCOAP 2014 => Topic started by: Quadran666 (Christoff on March 10, 2014, 19:37:13 PM

Title: WCOAP - The Belgians !
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on March 10, 2014, 19:37:13 PM
Hi all,

Here"s a little word about the Belgian team present at the forthcoming WCOAP in April. First of all wer"e all looking forward to see all of you again after the superb event we had at the ECOAP in Prague. Whenever we talk about it we still have big smiles on our faces and that"s not just because of the great result we got over there. The ECOAP brought us competition against you English and Scottish and Germans and ..... but above all friendship laughs and a few good drinks. We want more from all of that next april.

Let me represent the team:
* The Team Captain: Tom, A long time APAT forum member and probably the best player on the team. Looking at his Hendon Mob records you""l find out he only cashes in the same country twice. THis mean he won"t cash in England no more thus the other teams are safe. :-)
* Mr cool himself: Jerry: Hadn"t played for a very long time before the ECOAP but he was the most "zen" guy of the tournament. Beware of coming heads-up with him. He"ll play you for hours .... and still win it. :-)
* Big Boy: Jan: The most talkative player from the team. He"ll chat you up from start to finish and either you make him crazy or he"ll make you crazy.
* Q aka me or Christoff: A cashgamer who loves to play a tournament once in a while. Most tilty of the four but when on a mission he"ll finish it off.

So this is us and all I"ve heared is that the WCOAP has always been won by one of "the islanders" team" (England and Wales if I"m correct) and that"s about to change. We want to do one better than at the ECOAP and we won"t go for nothing less. WCOAP here we come.

By the way, if "Duffy" reads this and I bust one of the English at the first SNG -> I want another Scottish beer !!!!

C y"all in London !
Title: Re: WCOAP - The Belgians !
Post by: kohan on March 10, 2014, 20:56:41 PM
they dont sell scottish beer in london  so it will have to be a scotch whiskey this time  lol      gl lads it was great meeting you"s in prague
Title: Re: WCOAP - The Belgians !
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on March 15, 2014, 06:53:22 AM
Whiskey -> I like :D
Title: Re: WCOAP - The Belgians !
Post by: HERBIEHACKIT on March 18, 2014, 13:00:53 PM
good luck lads. dont forget to pack your scotland flags.
Title: Re: WCOAP - The Belgians !
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on March 18, 2014, 16:59:33 PM
hey guys,

looking forward to meet all you guys again and, since it"s in the UK, meet a lot of other forum members!

Our time in Prague was simply amazing; hopefully London will be epic!

Besides the team event we will play a few other events... Christoff and me are registered for the cash tournament; Jerry is playing the main event for sure. And Jan wants to play the highroller, but it will depend on when we arrive in London.