Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Poker Forum => World Championship of Amateur Poker (WCOAP) => Live Archive => Live Poker => WCOAP 2014 => Topic started by: rudders on March 12, 2014, 23:10:30 PM
Really difficult choice as ever this year- so many class players to choose from. after taking advice from APATers whose opinions I respect I have picked a team of past world champions to try to reclaim the world title.... It helps that these three guys are very well known to me!
Dan Owston two time world champion - His results both live and online speak for themselves
Dylan Herbert world champion, home nations champion -consistent winner live and online- om pl08 phenom
David Rudling-Smith world champion - ukipt final table, loves to play omaha - not sure that anyone enjoys playing him
Me- team taxi, and general gofer - will try to chip in where I can.
Great team rich
Good luck and bring home gold
C u all there !!!!
If the cards break even this team does not get beaten. Great selection Rich mate will be there to support you all. Bring the bracelets back where they belong. Good luck lads.
Great team rich
Good luck and bring home gold
And big congrats on being skipper... I"ll be supporting from a computer in deepest, darkest Cardiff... good luck all.
Excellent team very strong!!
Good luck all :)
Absolutely outstanding team. GL boys, with you all the way, heart and soul. xxx
A) great team.
B) Owston"s gonna be there? Best sort an overdraught and a spare liver!!
great team. good luck -not that you"ll need it. Have they started a book on who"ll come second yet ?