Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bainn on June 10, 2008, 01:48:58 AM

Title: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 10, 2008, 01:48:58 AM
...of the true herald of biscuity goodness, I throw down the -


To "Mal666" ! !

Trial by combat ! The unworthiness of your Bourbon shall be proven in the best of 3 HU games and the most revered Ginger Nut shall reign supreme once and for all.

Times to be arranged, but I shall set up private and passworded HU tables on Laddies.

Do you accept ? ? ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Cyntaf on June 10, 2008, 10:10:12 AM
Hey Bainn, how u doin?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Cyntaf on June 10, 2008, 10:12:06 AM
Now that is vey strange, it"s posted itself again, without any prompting or authorisation from me.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Cyntaf on June 10, 2008, 10:23:08 AM
I was in the process of discussing the biscuit discussion? between yourself and Mal.
As much as i like bourbon biscuits, i have to tell you of when i was a lad. I used to love sucking milk through a ginger bisuit.
Weird? maybe, but absolutely georgeous. Later on i contemplated trying to make a milky drink with a hint of ginger, but never got around to doing so. I think it would have gone down a treat in schools(Money maker). Well somebody has probably making something similar nowadays. There seems to be all flavours of everything.

Which brings me back to biscuits, and there are some very nice biccies today, but do you remember the likes of lemon puffs? Mmmm!! or the small biccies with cream and a little jam inside(can"t recall their name).

I can see this thread is for your hds up challenge, but you have awoken, dorment long forgotten childhood memories, and i can"t believe i am talking biscuits on a poker forum..Lmao.  But there you go, continue in your quest with Mal and may the best man win.

P.S. I can"t see how this will decide the tastiest biscuit though? Bit of a personal choice, as is how you decide to play your heads up match. G.L.

Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 10, 2008, 11:25:10 AM

....... when i was a lad, I used to love sucking milk through a ginger bisuit.......

(   ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 10, 2008, 12:26:03 PM

Hey Bainn, how u doin?

I"m fine thanks, the Lithium is now kicking in, how are you this fine day ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 10, 2008, 12:26:55 PM

Now that is vey strange, it"s posted itself again, without any prompting or authorisation from me.

Did you nickname your pc "Hal" ? ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: lukybugur on June 10, 2008, 12:28:13 PM

....... when i was a lad, I used to love sucking milk through a ginger bisuit.......

(   ;D

LMAO! That"s a great Smiley!
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 10, 2008, 12:42:58 PM

I used to love sucking milk through a ginger bisuit.

A most obvious sign of mental illness.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on June 10, 2008, 21:18:17 PM
Have to agree, there"s nothing quite like a lemon puff........
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Cyntaf on June 10, 2008, 23:11:48 PM
Well now Hal won"t let me have any dinner or biscuits of any description. Damn that Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C.C.  >:(

Don"t knock it until you"ve tried it Mr Moderator, and i was only 5 yrs old or so. I don"t remeber how it got started, but it was to die for. If that s mental, then bring on the men in white coats.

Lemon Puffs are still good, I may bring some to Dublin. Or better still some gingers and a glass of milk.(Cows milk is all I"ve tried, so i can"t say if it"s the best). I do recommend Mcvities though for the biccies.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 10, 2008, 23:47:32 PM

Don"t knock it until you"ve tried it Mr Moderator, and i was only 5 yrs old or so. I don"t remeber how it got started, but it was to die for. If that s mental, then bring on the men in white coats.

Point taken. I have to admit, that at the age of 5, I was eating far worse  :D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: biffa85 on June 11, 2008, 08:50:12 AM
The great biccy debate has raged for enternity, well a while now.....

You"re both wronger than a wrong thing.  The truth will be outed, like the bright blade of thunder, like an avalache of noise......

Hobb Nobbs are the best!

Great for dunking (just like the ginger nut)(or for sucking milk through)!

And you can eat a whole pack without feeling even a bit guilty about not sharing.

Others that get a notable mention are the gariboldi (spelling not my strong point)
The ever humble Rich Tea.  You can have a fun game whilst dunking them, seeing how long you can dunk without in breaking off into your cup.
And the Cow biscuits.  Which have different pictures of famous cows on them. (like
Cow-as-aki, Bull-dozer. To name but a few)

Which brings me back to biscuits, and there are some very nice biccies today, but do you remember the likes of lemon puffs? Mmmm!! or the small biccies with cream and a little jam inside(can"t recall their name).

Do you mean The Jammy Dodger. Yeah they"re not bad.

Protector of Elkes,
Defender of Foxes
and all round good guy..... ;D

P.S.  You"ve got Lithium.....SHARE i say, share!!!!

.....They"re coming take me away haha.....

Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 11, 2008, 10:53:47 AM

Ok, without wanting to share the obvious medication that biffa, Cyntaf, Mal and (especially) Bainn are on, I feel the need to join in the great biccie debate.

Choccie Hob Nobs and a pot of tea after a long bike ride is my idea of heaven ( nothing else comes close.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: REvans84 on June 11, 2008, 11:48:49 AM
Has anyone ever tried Tim Tams?

Bite off opposite corners and then you suck your tea up through them.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 11, 2008, 12:15:53 PM
An interesting site for all biscuit motivated beings:

It also boasts a "biscuit tin quiz", how many can you identify ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 11, 2008, 12:39:20 PM

Hobb Nobbs are the best!

P.S.  You"ve got Lithium.....SHARE i say, share!!!!

.....They"re coming take me away haha.....

Hobnobs, bloody HOBNOBS ! ? ! ? ! ? ?

How dare you even mention those ! They are pretenders to the crown of the Chocolate Digestive and are nothing more than the scrapings from the floor of the Alpen factory smeared with chocolate......

I need all the Lithium for me and all my friends in my head......
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 11, 2008, 12:41:22 PM

Has anyone ever tried Tim Tams?

Sweet Mary Poppins, there"s a ruddy Antipodean on the forum.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 11, 2008, 12:42:57 PM

Choccie Hob Nobs and a pot of tea after a long bike ride is my idea of heaven.

Stone the herectic ! ! !
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 11, 2008, 12:58:47 PM

I think a certain somebodies medication needs upping........  ::)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 11, 2008, 13:05:43 PM

I think a certain somebodies medication needs upping........  ::)

Which one of me  ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Cyntaf on June 11, 2008, 15:15:33 PM
          Who would"ve thought biscuits could start a war? Well war of words anyway. Yes Biffa rich tea dipped, and then 2 at once dipped, stronger? or heavier and therefore 2 lots of biccie in your drink.??? I"m sure you have experimented. just like the rest of us ;)
And no not Jammy dodgers although they were nice, but these were smaller and with a little cream in also.
I don"t fancy the Tim TAms, as i don"t like tea. Would be alright to try it with milk? Or a pint of Guinness? ;D :D ;D

I don"t want or need the lithium, i haven"t even got a cigarette lighter ::)

But me do"s want the precious YES!! me do"s!!
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Cyntaf on June 11, 2008, 15:18:37 PM
Haworth, i have to say Hobbnobbs are very nice, not tried the choccies, and they do stand the dunk test every time ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: REvans84 on June 11, 2008, 15:25:45 PM

I don"t fancy the Tim TAms, as i don"t like tea. Would be alright to try it with milk? Or a pint of Guinness? ;D :D ;D

Warm milk, as they need to melt in your mouth.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 11, 2008, 15:44:16 PM
The best biscuit hands down for a cup of tea (or even for sucklin milk!).....GINGER NUT!!!....nuf said! we will accept no substitutes!

A close second would be some shortbread mmm, but with the guilt of extra calories and fat i just cant bring myself to eat them at the same rate!! "dont deny urself" "dont deny urself".....damn u temptin voice in my head........ ;D

which leads me to another question if its a biscuit and found in the biscuit aisle, why is it called shortBREAD  ???.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Cyntaf on June 11, 2008, 22:26:58 PM
Good question Billy. Bring some to Dublin for tasting trials and we"ll try to work it out between us. :)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 12, 2008, 00:37:10 AM

The best biscuit hands down for a cup of tea (or even for sucklin milk!).....GINGER NUT!!!....nuf said! we will accept no substitutes!

Absolutely right my friend, Ginger Nuts FTW ! ! ! !

Interesting point about Shortbread though.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on June 12, 2008, 00:57:46 AM

which leads me to another question if its a biscuit and found in the biscuit aisle, why is it called shortBREAD  ???.....

Good point, LOL, which brings me to dare to suggest... Jaffa Cakes enjoyed to the refrains of Bryan Adams in the background... (guess this will get me banned from this thread...?!)  ;)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on June 12, 2008, 00:59:10 AM
Bainn just retorted rather loudly in my ear... having read my post...

"F***ing Jaffa Cakes!!!!"
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on June 12, 2008, 01:00:13 AM
Just wait till the choice of music sinks in.............. ::) :-*
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 12, 2008, 02:15:45 AM

Just wait till the choice of music sinks in.............. ::) :-*

Ignored for the sake of our relationship.......
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: biffa85 on June 12, 2008, 08:25:31 AM
Here Here Bainn, Jaffa cakes blow!

Shortbread is always a good dunker!

Choc Digestives are ok, but the new Yog Digestives are better! both really good dunkers especially if you dunk two at a time choc to choc (so that your fingers stay choc free, but it all melts between the layers.

All Hail Discordia.... ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Swinebag on June 12, 2008, 09:50:07 AM
Jaffa cakes (along with Rice pudding) are my favourite hangover cure............

............along with more beer of course!!
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: mal666 on June 12, 2008, 18:26:05 PM

...of the true herald of biscuity goodness, I throw down the -


To "Mal666" ! !

Trial by combat ! The unworthiness of your Bourbon shall be proven in the best of 3 HU games and the most revered Ginger Nut shall reign supreme once and for all.

Times to be arranged, but I shall set up private and passworded HU tables on Laddies.

Do you accept ? ? ?

the feeble ginger nut is no match for the mighty bourbon,let me see if i can retreive my laddies login details and finally put an end to your futile crusade of ginger nuttery. of course i accept the challenge,let battle commence.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Cyntaf on June 12, 2008, 22:32:43 PM
Wey Hey

Go for it lads!!!
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: hi_am_chris on June 12, 2008, 23:29:49 PM
how do chocolate or toffee hobnobs not win this argument?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: andarax on June 12, 2008, 23:37:34 PM
hi,why not all have our fav bicci as card protecters for dublin :o
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 13, 2008, 00:15:31 AM

...of the true herald of biscuity goodness, I throw down the -


To "Mal666" ! !

Trial by combat ! The unworthiness of your Bourbon shall be proven in the best of 3 HU games and the most revered Ginger Nut shall reign supreme once and for all.

Times to be arranged, but I shall set up private and passworded HU tables on Laddies.

Do you accept ? ? ?

the feeble ginger nut is no match for the mighty bourbon,let me see if i can retreive my laddies login details and finally put an end to your futile crusade of ginger nuttery. of course i accept the challenge,let battle commence.

Pah ! ! !

Bring it on ! ! (Which I believe the "Kids" on the "Street" would say.)

It will be after Dublin and then Harmony"s and my appearance on TV next week, we will arrange via pm.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 13, 2008, 00:16:03 AM

how do chocolate or toffee hobnobs not win this argument?

Simple, because they are s***.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 13, 2008, 00:16:38 AM

hi,why not all have our fav bicci as card protecters for dublin :o

Now THAT is a cracking idea........
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Swinebag on June 13, 2008, 00:27:56 AM
I assume Mal666 is not going to be in dublin. Otherwise a HU could be organised there, with the loser having to eat a packet of the winners favourite biscuits!!
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 13, 2008, 00:41:39 AM

I assume Mal666 is not going to be in dublin. Otherwise a HU could be organised there, with the loser having to eat a packet of the winners favourite biscuits!!

I don"t know if he is in Dublin, but will bring a packet of the most revered Ginger Nuts just in case......
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on June 13, 2008, 08:58:06 AM
Jaffa Cakes "in the bag" as they say...!

(oh....err......and Ginger Nuts, for some reason...well, they are in His bag!)

GL all!

C u there!
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 13, 2008, 09:16:44 AM

Jaffa Cakes "in the bag" as they say...!

(oh....err......and Ginger Nuts, for some reason...well, they are in His bag!)

GL all!

C u there!

I can only assume that lack of sleep is the reason for the "Puns", may I suggest -

"The Comic Toolbox: How to Be Funny Even If You"re Not" by Jon Vorhaus.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: TightEnd on June 16, 2008, 19:55:37 PM
I became aware of this thread in Dublin. I have spent 24 hours cogitating and inwardly digestive-ing as to my response. A biscuit thread. One of my specialities.

Let me first declare my obsession. The Sog. "What is The Sog" I hear you cry?

The Sog is that finely balanced judgement you have to make when drinking piping hot tea accompanied by a Rich Tea biscuit. Or Six.

Can you dunk said biscuit in the tea to the stage where it is very soggy, but not so soggy that it falls into said tea and becomes, quite frankly, a right bugger to extract without burning yourself and ruining said cup of tea?

I think I have mastered the Sog at 13 seconds. 15 is too many, 10 too few. Years of practice at the threat to my sylph-like figure has proven this to me.

Biscuits are a passion. From the cheeky chocolate covered varieties, where often only four fingers will do, to more savoury confections such as a nice classy shortbread, the sort of biscuit that was like my ex-wife...all to ready to turn its nose up at you if you treat it wrong.

Not a great fan of the garibaldi, as raisins should be neither seen or heard in a biscuit consistency.However most other biscuits will do.

Thank you very much to Bainn for his ginger nuts at the weekend, most delectable.

I am now off to find some Custard Creams. Which are definitely not Custard Cremes as often referred to in socially mobile circles, however mistakenly
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 16, 2008, 20:24:02 PM

I became aware of this thread in Dublin. I have spent 24 hours cogitating and inwardly digestive-ing as to my response. A biscuit thread. One of my specialities.

Let me first declare my obsession. The Sog. "What is The Sog" I hear you cry?

The Sog is that finely balanced judgement you have to make when drinking piping hot tea accompanied by a Rich Tea biscuit. Or Six.

Can you dunk said biscuit in the tea to the stage where it is very soggy, but not so soggy that it falls into said tea and becomes, quite frankly, a right bugger to extract without burning yourself and ruining said cup of tea?

I think I have mastered the Sog at 13 seconds. 15 is too many, 10 too few. Years of practice at the threat to my sylph-like figure has proven this to me.

Biscuits are a passion. From the cheeky chocolate covered varieties, where often only four fingers will do, to more savoury confections such as a nice classy shortbread, the sort of biscuit that was like my ex-wife...all to ready to turn its nose up at you if you treat it wrong.

Not a great fan of the garibaldi, as raisins should be neither seen or heard in a biscuit consistency.However most other biscuits will do.

Thank you very much to Bainn for his ginger nuts at the weekend, most delectable.

I am now off to find some Custard Creams. Which are definitely not Custard Cremes as often referred to in socially mobile circles, however mistakenly

Many thanks to Tighty for sharing his insight into "The Sog", a wonderous combination of skill and art that has taken many years for him to master. I can only hope to one day achieve the perfect "Sog".

A pleasure to share the Gingery goodness with you Squire and a delight to see that the great "Biscuit Debacle" was able to enlighten a fair few APAter"s this weekend......
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 16, 2008, 20:47:09 PM
Bainn, there is no greater dunkin biscuit than the ginger nut and no greater ginger nut than the free ginger nut! so i thank you for the delicious ones given too me during play on saturday night. it take a great man to give up a few of his favs lol! its only a shame that cyntaf wasn"t about with his warm milk for a dunk!

it was a pleasure meetin you and the lovely "harmony" over the weekend.

ps. i can only imagin the excitment you must get when u find a few forgotten ginger crumbs in that beard of yours..... ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 16, 2008, 21:19:54 PM

Bainn, there is no greater dunkin biscuit than the ginger nut and no greater ginger nut than the free ginger nut! so i thank you for the delicious ones given too me during play on saturday night. it take a great man to give up a few of his favs lol! its only a shame that cyntaf wasn"t about with his warm milk for a dunk!

it was a pleasure meetin you and the lovely "harmony" over the weekend.

ps. i can only imagin the excitment you must get when u find a few forgotten ginger crumbs in that beard of yours..... ;D

It was an honour to share them with another devotee and grand to meet up with you and the lads, please tell the "Studenty Haired" lad from Glasgow that if he had traded that 1000 chip for my chewing gum he may have got further in the Sunday comp....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 17, 2008, 10:18:45 AM
lol, i will let him know!

how did i finish up in the sunday tournie and how did david graham get on? (the redhead guy that dealt at ur table with the two chip towers)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: g-idiot on June 17, 2008, 10:19:45 AM
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 17, 2008, 13:49:37 PM

lol, i will let him know!

how did i finish up in the sunday tournie and how did david graham get on? (the redhead guy that dealt at ur table with the two chip towers)

I took 3rd through consumate skill and scary powers of perception, as to the David, the Ginger, He went out in 5th or 4th when I took him out with Jack Six. In my defence should he post on here, I did say at the time that "I sholud"nt really call".....

Hhhhmmm, I do seem to recall the event started with 4000 chips and not the 8000 mentioned by someone, so that made the price I was charging for the PACK of chewing gum at 7.50. I ain"t cheap you know.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 17, 2008, 13:51:38 PM
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: BioBlinx on June 17, 2008, 14:02:13 PM
Hi Bainn, you took me out in 5th in the end. Was a throughly enjoyable tourny though and was good playing with you on the final table. In the end, the blinds were so high, my game totally disappeared as a result, and I think actually thinking about it, if you didnt put me on KK, which you couldnt possibly do, then the call was probably right in terms of pot odds.
Anyway, a hello to Billyho and g-idiot (is it graham or greame). Was great playing poker with you guys and Dave and charlie :P too, oh and of course having the most delicious steak in that little place near Temple Bar! Did you have a decent journey back home?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 17, 2008, 14:10:30 PM

Hi Bainn, you took me out in 5th in the end. Was a throughly enjoyable tourny though and was good playing with you on the final table. In the end, the blinds were so high, my game totally disappeared as a result, and I think actually thinking about it, if you didnt put me on KK, which you couldnt possibly do, then the call was probably right in terms of pot odds.
Anyway, a hello to Billyho and g-idiot (is it graham or greame). Was great playing poker with you guys and Dave and charlie :P too, oh and of course having the most delicious steak in that little place near Temple Bar! Did you have a decent journey back home?

Aha, thanks for putting my mind at rest regarding where you went out and I enjoyed our chat and playing together on the final 2 tables. If you ask me nicely, I will let you know how I knew to put you under pressure when you had a marginal hand.....

Thinking about the Jack Six incident a little further, I was probably something like 47-48% against your unknown hand but as you say, odds likely said to call.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 17, 2008, 14:11:44 PM
hi dave, congrats on the cash in sundays tourney! that cheeky bearded one callin with jack six is unfogiveable pot odds pfff! ;)

its graham bye the way, but feel free to call him g-(fill in any word u fancy) as we regularly do.....g-dawg, g-mental, g-idiot, g-fluff (hair)..... ;D

that steak was the bomb!

the flight was a little late but that was it. had the hugest omelette i have ever seen in my life at the airport!

was great chattin and playin poker with you and i hope to see u at the felt again soon  8)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 17, 2008, 14:13:52 PM

hi dave, congrats on the cash in sundays tourney! that cheeky bearded one callin with jack six is unfogiveable pot odds pfff! ;)

its graham bye the way, but feel free to call him g-(fill in any word u fancy) as we regularly do.....g-dawg, g-mental, g-idiot, g-fluff (hair)..... ;D

that steak was the bomb!

the flight was a little late but that was it. had the hugest omelette i have ever seen in my life at the airport!

was great chattin and playin poker with you and i hope to see u at the felt again soon  8)

The "Odds" excuse works for everyone else, why not me ? ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 17, 2008, 14:19:00 PM
ok i will let u away with it as fellow member of the Ginger Nut Appreciation Society  :)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: g-idiot on June 17, 2008, 14:36:42 PM

And welcome my studenty chum and all I can say is -

1, I took pity
2, You could have moved your head
3, Showed you were a true Scotsman by retrieving and eating said Gum.

I never have, and never will be a student!

I just realised i didnt even wipe the chewing gum after picking it up. My breath smelled so bad that wiping was not even considered.

I went to the casino last night and had my 3rd bad hand in a row in tournement play. My top pair (10) was called all the way to the river for 7 bb"s in total for a runner runner flush :(

I am going again tonight, Karma will balance eventually (i hope)

I like starting my sentences with "I"

I am self centered
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Santino67 on June 17, 2008, 16:33:36 PM

Hi Bainn, you took me out in 5th in the end. Was a throughly enjoyable tourny though and was good playing with you on the final table. In the end, the blinds were so high, my game totally disappeared as a result, and I think actually thinking about it, if you didnt put me on KK, which you couldnt possibly do, then the call was probably right in terms of pot odds.
Anyway, a hello to Billyho and g-idiot (is it graham or greame). Was great playing poker with you guys and Dave and charlie :P too, oh and of course having the most delicious steak in that little place near Temple Bar! Did you have a decent journey back home?

Hi Davie

Glad you made some money back for the Sunday game. Was great meeting you and hope we bump into you again soon. I did promise I"d mention Gallaghers in Temple Bar for their fine food so posted their wee promotion already. Damn good food  8)

Keep in touch mate
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on June 19, 2008, 17:09:41 PM
Good to meet those of you who were there in Dublin.

Have to say, this is a great thread!  

All the best folks!

Jaffa cakes-lovin Harmony  (tho" partial to Bainn"s Ginger Nuts...)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: TightEnd on June 19, 2008, 17:28:19 PM

 (tho" partial to Bainn"s Ginger Nuts...)

too much information.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: APAT on June 19, 2008, 17:31:46 PM
lol.....good gal took our ribbing in good spirit on Saturday!  :D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on June 19, 2008, 17:50:07 PM

 (tho" partial to Bainn"s Ginger Nuts...)

too much information.

he he!  :) ;)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on June 19, 2008, 17:50:54 PM

lol.....good gal took our ribbing in good spirit on Saturday!  :D

:) ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Santino67 on June 20, 2008, 09:37:23 AM

Good to meet those of you who were there in Dublin.

Have to say, this is a great thread!  

All the best folks!

Jaffa cakes-lovin Harmony  (tho" partial to Bainn"s Ginger Nuts...)

Apologies for my ignorance but are you the "Can I have your autograph" girl??? If so I was chatting to you both around the final table on Sunday but had to head downstairs as I was keeping time for the 30euro game blind levels. Was nice meeting you guys.  8)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: lukybugur on June 20, 2008, 09:42:08 AM

Harmony is "The Beard"s" better half who was sitting beside the fridge and behind Davey when you were dealing the final table on Sunday night.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Santino67 on June 20, 2008, 09:52:22 AM


Harmony is "The Beard"s" better half who was sitting beside the fridge and behind Davey when you were dealing the final table on Sunday night.

Yeah, stupidly just figured that one out. Who was the girl from Manchetser who asked TK for his autograph? She then got ripped to pieces all of Saturday & a good part of Sunday as well  :D Rightly so!

PS I sent you an e-mail to g3lboy did you get it?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 11:23:41 AM


Harmony is "The Beard"s" better half who was sitting beside the fridge and behind Davey when you were dealing the final table on Sunday night.

And he dealt very well, at least I did not have to reach to the other side of the table to get my cards....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Santino67 on June 20, 2008, 11:36:52 AM


Harmony is "The Beard"s" better half who was sitting beside the fridge and behind Davey when you were dealing the final table on Sunday night.

And he dealt very well, at least I did not have to reach to the other side of the table to get my cards....

Think that was during your all-in; all-in; all-in spell when I kept having to count your chips + previous 2 blinds from last hand  :D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 11:42:15 AM


Harmony is "The Beard"s" better half who was sitting beside the fridge and behind Davey when you were dealing the final table on Sunday night.

And he dealt very well, at least I did not have to reach to the other side of the table to get my cards....

Think that was during your all-in; all-in; all-in spell when I kept having to count your chips + previous 2 blinds from last hand  :D

Did I do the "Go allin except for a couple of chips that represent a fraction of the Big Blind" thing, or was that when I suffered the cack-handed dealing of "Lucky" ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Santino67 on June 20, 2008, 11:50:06 AM


Harmony is "The Beard"s" better half who was sitting beside the fridge and behind Davey when you were dealing the final table on Sunday night.

And he dealt very well, at least I did not have to reach to the other side of the table to get my cards....

Think that was during your all-in; all-in; all-in spell when I kept having to count your chips + previous 2 blinds from last hand  :D

Did I do the "Go allin except for a couple of chips that represent a fraction of the Big Blind" thing, or was that when I suffered the cack-handed dealing of "Lucky" ?

We"ll blame Neil for that one  8)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 11:57:33 AM


Harmony is "The Beard"s" better half who was sitting beside the fridge and behind Davey when you were dealing the final table on Sunday night.

And he dealt very well, at least I did not have to reach to the other side of the table to get my cards....

Think that was during your all-in; all-in; all-in spell when I kept having to count your chips + previous 2 blinds from last hand  :D

Did I do the "Go allin except for a couple of chips that represent a fraction of the Big Blind" thing, or was that when I suffered the cack-handed dealing of "Lucky" ?

We"ll blame Neil for that one  8)

May as well blame him for everything, Neil FTB ! ! !
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: lukybugur on June 20, 2008, 12:23:50 PM
Yeah, I think u started that p*sh when I was dealing.

You were mucking hands that often I didn"t feel it worthwhile shoving the cards all the way to you. It was just taking longer for you to get them back to me.

I"m sure the table contained grease from your beard and it was stoppin the cards sliding all the way to you

Bainn FAK!!! (for a kickin!) ;)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 20, 2008, 12:27:44 PM

Bainn FAK!!! (for a kickin!) ;)

Sounds good to me  ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: lukybugur on June 20, 2008, 12:28:28 PM
A right good boot in the ginger nuts required !
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: APAT on June 20, 2008, 12:34:20 PM
I just had to do it.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 12:39:17 PM

I just had to do it.....

? ? ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: APAT on June 20, 2008, 12:39:55 PM
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 20, 2008, 12:40:17 PM

I just had to do it.....

How are you doing that Des ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: APAT on June 20, 2008, 12:41:37 PM
Using a DeLorean....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 20, 2008, 12:42:21 PM

...with a Flux Capacitor..?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 12:45:28 PM

I just had to do it.....

I am choosing to ignore your sabotage and slanderous insertion of "L***** P****" in the previous post as it pushing the limitations of our friendship, especially after making us suffer that Ruddy Coffin "Joke"......
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 20, 2008, 12:46:38 PM

I just had to do it.....

I am choosing to ignore your sabotage and slanderous insertion of "L***** P****" in the previous post as it pushing the limitations of our friendship, especially after making us suffer that Ruddy Coffin "Joke"......

Oop, the alarm"s gone off  ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: APAT on June 20, 2008, 12:49:16 PM
What type of biscuit do we think Bainn should be seen to like the most?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 12:49:50 PM

I just had to do it.....

I am choosing to ignore your sabotage and slanderous insertion of "L***** P****" in the previous post as it pushing the limitations of our friendship, especially after making us suffer that Ruddy Coffin "Joke"......

Oop, the alarm"s gone off  ;D

Using the "Word filter", tsk tsk, a most shocking abuse of power.

G IN G ER N UT S FTW ! ! !
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 12:50:36 PM

What type of biscuit do we think Bainn should be seen to like the most?

Please see my post above, oh once friend of mine........
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: APAT on June 20, 2008, 12:51:39 PM

...with a Flux Capacitor..?

a Puff Capacitor, yes....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 12:53:05 PM

...with a Flux Capacitor..?

a Puff Capacitor, yes....

Which reminds me, is it me or does Billyho have "Girly" eyelashes ? ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: APAT on June 20, 2008, 12:55:56 PM

...of the true herald of biscuity goodness, I throw down the -


To "Mal666" ! !

Trial by combat ! The unworthiness of your Bourbon shall be proven in the best of 3 HU games and the most revered Antiseptic Chalk Cake shall reign supreme once and for all.

Times to be arranged, but I shall set up private and passworded HU tables on Laddies.

Do you accept ? ? ?

Does anyone else find this admission worrying?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:04:57 PM

...of the true herald of biscuity goodness, I throw down the -


To "Mal666" ! !

Trial by combat ! The unworthiness of your Bourbon shall be proven in the best of 3 HU games and the most revered Antiseptic Chalk Cake shall reign supreme once and for all.

Times to be arranged, but I shall set up private and passworded HU tables on Laddies.

Do you accept ? ? ?

Does anyone else find this admission worrying?

Sigh, slow day Squire ?

You set your Sky + yet ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 20, 2008, 13:06:40 PM

Which reminds me, is it me or does Billyho have "Girly" eyelashes ? ?

uncalled for beardy.....maybe its maybelline  ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: lukybugur on June 20, 2008, 13:08:08 PM
Details of your appearance so that I can set my Sky + please Bainn
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:08:57 PM

Which reminds me, is it me or does Billyho have "Girly" eyelashes ? ?

uncalled for beardy.....maybe its maybelline  ;D

Hey don"t knock it, women pay through the nose for products to give them eyelashes like yours Squire.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 20, 2008, 13:10:36 PM

Details of your appearance so that I can set my Sky + please Bainn

details of apearance.........more facial hair than the dulux dog and ginger nut crumbs in his beard.....sound about right? ;)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:11:24 PM

Details of your appearance so that I can set my Sky + please Bainn

Why certainly, channel 846 at 9pm, Skypoker"s "Primo".

Email - or text "OPEN" then your message to 84846.

As well as Harmony, myself and Tikay, there will be that bloke from "Byker Grove"....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 20, 2008, 13:11:46 PM

Which reminds me, is it me or does Billyho have "Girly" eyelashes ? ?

uncalled for beardy.....maybe its maybelline  ;D

Hey don"t knock it, women pay through the nose for products to give them eyelashes like yours Squire.....

if only i had that amount of hair on my heid! baldier than one of these smileys! 8)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: APAT on June 20, 2008, 13:11:48 PM

Which reminds me, is it me or does Billyho have "Girly" eyelashes ? ?

uncalled for beardy.....maybe its maybelline  ;D

.....women pay through the nose......

That would be a payment server somewhat in line with our own....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 20, 2008, 13:11:54 PM
I have a strange feeling that a number of people who wouldn"t ordinarily do so, will be watching and mailing the show tonight........  ::)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:12:58 PM

Details of your appearance so that I can set my Sky + please Bainn

details of apearance.........more facial hair than the dulux dog and ginger nut crumbs in his beard.....sound about right? ;)

Your observational skills are top notch, big girly eyelashes doing their job of protecting your eyes I see....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 20, 2008, 13:14:39 PM

details of apearance.........more facial hair than the dulux dog and ginger nut crumbs in his beard.....sound about right? ;)

Your observational skills are top notch, big girly eyelashes doing their job of protecting your eyes I see....

"look into my eyes, not around my eyes, into my eyes, ur gettin sleepy...."
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:14:48 PM

I have a strange feeling that a number of people who wouldn"t ordinarily do so, will be watching and mailing the show tonight........  ::)

Ah, because of the intelligent and informed guests and analysts on the show tonight ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:15:48 PM

details of apearance.........more facial hair than the dulux dog and ginger nut crumbs in his beard.....sound about right? ;)

Your observational skills are top notch, big girly eyelashes doing their job of protecting your eyes I see....

"look into my eyes, not around my eyes, into my eyes, ur gettin sleepy...."

Nope, afraid not as I"m not actually hearing your voice.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 20, 2008, 13:16:37 PM

I have a strange feeling that a number of people who wouldn"t ordinarily do so, will be watching and mailing the show tonight........  ::)

Ah, because of the intelligent and informed guests and analysts on the show tonight ?

So who"s on other than Harmony..... ???
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 20, 2008, 13:17:13 PM
cant here my voice? mere details, u are under my spell......
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: lukybugur on June 20, 2008, 13:21:36 PM

Details of your appearance so that I can set my Sky + please Bainn

details of apearance.........more facial hair than the dulux dog and ginger nut crumbs in his beard.....sound about right? ;)

Yup, sounds about Spot On!

I have a strange feeling that a number of people who wouldn"t ordinarily do so, will be watching and mailing the show tonight........  ::)

Ah, because of the intelligent and informed guests and analysts on the show tonight ?

Aye, somethin like that! LOL!
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on June 20, 2008, 13:25:00 PM

I have a strange feeling that a number of people who wouldn"t ordinarily do so, will be watching and mailing the show tonight........  ::)

oh f***...   :-[

PS: Thanks for Caz"s good wishes
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:27:46 PM

cant here my voice? mere details, u are under my spell......

Is that "Spellchecker" ? ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 20, 2008, 13:28:41 PM

I have a strange feeling that a number of people who wouldn"t ordinarily do so, will be watching and mailing the show tonight........  ::)

oh f***...   :-[

PS: Thanks for Caz"s good wishes

You really should keep a tight hold of his Ginger Nuts Helen, I think he"s trying to whip us all up into a frenzy for tonight  ;D  Oh, and it appears to be working....  ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:29:51 PM

Details of your appearance so that I can set my Sky + please Bainn

details of apearance.........more facial hair than the dulux dog and ginger nut crumbs in his beard.....sound about right? ;)

Yup, sounds about Spot On!

I have a strange feeling that a number of people who wouldn"t ordinarily do so, will be watching and mailing the show tonight........  ::)

Ah, because of the intelligent and informed guests and analysts on the show tonight ?

Aye, somethin like that! LOL!

As I believe the "Kids" on the street would say -

Bring it ! !

Any questions about Trains, biscuits and Goldfish care will be answered.

Oh, and maybe some poker questions too.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:31:35 PM

I have a strange feeling that a number of people who wouldn"t ordinarily do so, will be watching and mailing the show tonight........  ::)

oh f***...   :-[

PS: Thanks for Caz"s good wishes

You really should keep a tight hold of his Ginger Nuts Helen, I think he"s trying to whip us all up into a frenzy for tonight  ;D  Oh, and it appears to be working....  ;D

Remember kids, drink 2 cans of Redbull and eat a packet of Haribo around 8.30pm then get emailing and playing, sugar rush FTW ! !
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 20, 2008, 13:33:32 PM
Bainn, with the facial hair and hat i think mibbe u should stay away from the kids on the street  :o
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:34:36 PM
I can confirm that a packet of the most revered Ginger Nuts will be with us at the studio tonight....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:36:36 PM

Bainn, with the facial hair and hat i think mibbe u should stay away from the kids on the street  :o

How the Hell am I going to recruit for the "Manson family V.2" ? ? ? ?
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: lukybugur on June 20, 2008, 13:38:14 PM
Oh how hard I would laugh if, at the end, you give one of those gameshow wave goodbyes with the Ginger Nuts in your hand  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 13:39:28 PM

Oh how hard I would laugh if, at the end, you give one of those gameshow wave goodbyes with the Ginger Nuts in your hand  ;D ;D ;D


*Thoughtfully strokes Beard*
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: tumblet on June 20, 2008, 14:16:05 PM

Oh how hard I would laugh if, at the end, you give one of those gameshow wave goodbyes with the Ginger Nuts in your hand  ;D ;D ;D

Now that would be funny

Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on June 20, 2008, 14:39:39 PM

Imagine how much Harmony is looking forward to tonight.....  ;D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 20, 2008, 18:29:46 PM
Harmony is really excited about tonight, however we are stuck in traffic right now, fingers crossed......
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 21, 2008, 01:16:24 AM
Phew, what a time we had, cheers for the emails and support.

I did get a Ginger Nut in shot at the end of the show.

Look out for when we wave.....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 21, 2008, 17:36:49 PM
Watching the repeat now, thanks to Ian for getting the biscuit email in !

Again, it"s spot the Ginger Nut at the end of the show.......
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: billyho10 on June 21, 2008, 17:38:28 PM
is there any way non sky watchers can see this show? online maybe?

all hail the gingy nut!
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 21, 2008, 17:41:58 PM

is there any way non sky watchers can see this show? online maybe?

all hail the gingy nut!

Indeed, click below -

Watch Skypoker (
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on June 22, 2008, 13:46:30 PM
Try to spot the mini jaffa cake in my hand as we wave goodbye.  They just don"t compare with Bainn"s Ginger Nuts...
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 22, 2008, 14:17:36 PM

Try to spot the mini jaffa cake in my hand as we wave goodbye.  They just don"t compare with Bainn"s Ginger Nuts...

Why thank you Honey....... ;)
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Santino67 on June 23, 2008, 12:10:03 PM
Can"t believe you actually said "he does look like a Fat Charlie Sheen"..........that"s a first  :D

No mention of Wagon Wheels though  :"(
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 23, 2008, 12:12:08 PM

Can"t believe you actually said "he does look like a Fat Charlie Sheen"..........that"s a first  :D

No mention of Wagon Wheels though  :"(

Hey, it"s true and has given you a possible income as an impersonator, just glad you missed -

"He"s a nice bloke, Scottish, but a nice bloke..."
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: lukybugur on June 23, 2008, 12:14:36 PM
I"ve just skipped to the end to see that you both hold your biscuits whilst you give your best gameshow wave - priceless!
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 23, 2008, 12:18:54 PM

I"ve just skipped to the end to see that you both hold your biscuits whilst you give your best gameshow wave - priceless!

Good spot, we both -

Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Santino67 on June 23, 2008, 12:26:08 PM

Can"t believe you actually said "he does look like a Fat Charlie Sheen"..........that"s a first  :D

No mention of Wagon Wheels though  :"(

Hey, it"s true and has given you a possible income as an impersonator, just glad you missed -

"He"s a nice bloke, Scottish, but a nice bloke..."

Don"t dare think I missed that - "he"s from Scotland though" I think you said. I"ve already overlooked it as a minor misdemeanour given that I heard you say "oh dear", fearing the worst when you knew the e-mail was from me  :D
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on June 23, 2008, 12:40:57 PM

Can"t believe you actually said "he does look like a Fat Charlie Sheen"..........that"s a first  :D

No mention of Wagon Wheels though  :"(

Hey, it"s true and has given you a possible income as an impersonator, just glad you missed -

"He"s a nice bloke, Scottish, but a nice bloke..."

Don"t dare think I missed that - "he"s from Scotland though" I think you said. I"ve already overlooked it as a minor misdemeanour given that I heard you say "oh dear", fearing the worst when you knew the e-mail was from me  :D

Ahem, yes, but no one in the studio leapt to the defense of the Scot"s I notice....
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on July 06, 2008, 17:23:41 PM
Great news my fellow fomites ! ! !

The Ginger Nut is truly the finest biscuit known to God may soon be settled !

Obviously Mal666 and I will be in Blackpool, hoping we can get this best of 3 HU played then, place your bets now......
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Harmony26 on July 06, 2008, 18:16:16 PM
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: HaworthBantam on July 06, 2008, 22:30:27 PM

Looking forward to this - might even volunteer to deal.
Title: Re: For the Honour......
Post by: Bainn on July 07, 2008, 02:10:12 AM

Looking forward to this - might even volunteer to deal.

Good man, well volunteered ! !
Title: Madge and Guy.....
Post by: Bainn on December 13, 2008, 18:30:43 PM
"Bainn"s Biscuity Recreations"

Madge and Guy Rich-tea, Hollywood"s biggest couple in the early days -


After the split,


Guy was in pieces -


Title: Name the Biccy.....
Post by: Bainn on December 13, 2008, 23:50:32 PM
Title: Re: Name the Biccy.....
Post by: jacklevel06 on December 13, 2008, 23:51:55 PM


Geribaldy Ftw
Title: Re: Name the Biccy.....
Post by: Bainn on December 14, 2008, 00:09:24 AM


Geribaldy, the poor cousin of the most beloved Ginger nut.

Correct answer ! !

Micky proving that just because you are ancient does not mean your mental faculties stop working....