Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: dougal7878 on July 18, 2007, 22:38:38 PM

Title: Who fancies playing some poker!?
Post by: dougal7878 on July 18, 2007, 22:38:38 PM
Anyone fancies trying to arrange a meet up for all apa at a local Midland casino....say a freezeout or even a rebuy? Getting bored waiting for the next live event. Anyone have any ideas?????
Title: Re: Who fancies playing some poker!?
Post by: kinboshi on July 19, 2007, 12:20:13 PM
Isle Casino @ the Ricoh in Coventry isn"t bad.  Read Rio"s post about it (  He managed to win £400 as well, whereas I crashed out early-ish.

No dealers (which I really don"t like), but very poor play (on the whole) and £30 double-chance freezeout with no juice (but with free buffet and soft drinks - but not cranberry juice, ask Alan  :D) in the most lavish casino I"ve ever seen in the UK, isn"t bad at all. 

Just make sure you have a collar on your t-shirt (probably safer with a shirt), otherwise you ain"t getting in.

Tuesday night - 9 o"clock kick-off.  First two levels are 45 minutes, and then after the double-chance period is done (3,000 + 3,000), it"s 20 minute levels.

Title: Re: Who fancies playing some poker!?
Post by: RioRodent on July 19, 2007, 14:50:30 PM

... but very poor play (on the whole)...

and there"s me thinking I"d played well.  8)
Title: Re: Who fancies playing some poker!?
Post by: kinboshi on July 19, 2007, 18:53:26 PM

... but very poor play (on the whole)...

and there"s me thinking I"d played well.  8)

It sounds like you did!  My table however, were playing a brand of no-foldem holdem that was impossible to beat without the cards.  People calling pot-sized bets to the river only to hit the idiot end of the straight against a flopped set (not mine by the way).