Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Communities => APAT Belgium => Topic started by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 15, 2015, 12:12:12 PM

Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 15, 2015, 12:12:12 PM
Hi all. Let"s get ready for the starting event of the Belgian Amateur Poker Tour !!!

For our kickoff, will be having the very first official Pineapple tournament in Belgium !!!
Together with you we wonder about the popularity of the game but we are sure that you will love it a lot. Especially since it"s an APAT Event.

In brief the rules:* Pineapple is being played almost alike NLHE with the only difference of getting 3 cards dealt.
* These three cards make your starting hand and preflop betting occurs based on these 3 cards as in NLHE.
* After the betting round is completed you get to see a flop.
* Now here"s the difference with NLHE. IN NLHE the betting takes place immediately. In Pineapple the remaining players first need to muck one of their hole cards based on the flop info, starting with the player on the SB and ending with the Dealer Button.
* Then play continues as we know it in NLHE with flop, turn and river action.

It"s as simple as that.

Don"t forget the tournament tomorrow starts at 21:00 local time at the Casino de Spa. We are expecting you !!!!


Post by: Sugar_Free on January 15, 2015, 13:12:49 PM
Good luck with the event Christoff, wish I could have been there.
Post by: Chipaccrual on January 15, 2015, 13:27:53 PM
Good luck with this.  Should be great.

Quick question.  When all the players muck a card, do the mucked cards get shown to the table or is it done face down ?

Just thinking ahead to the WCOAP London ;)

Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 15, 2015, 18:55:28 PM

Good luck with this.  Should be great.

Quick question.  When all the players muck a card, do the mucked cards get shown to the table or is it done face down ?

Just thinking ahead to the WCOAP London ;)

Hey Leigh! It"s face down :)
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 15, 2015, 18:57:52 PM

Good luck with the event Christoff, wish I could have been there.

We would have love to see you here. But we"ll make up for that in London ;)
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 16, 2015, 20:08:12 PM
We have just started our Crazy Pineapple tournament.

Players start with 8.000 chips and 20 minute blinds. There is 4 levels of late registration; and players are allowed to have 1 re-entry.

This is the very first Crazy Pineapple tournament in Belgium, let"s see how it goes!

The very first hand we have an all in situation!

On the AKJ flop, 2 players move all their chips in the middle... AA vs KJ.
No help for the KJ-hand, but he will fire another bullet!
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 20:16:43 PM
Joachim Wallaert has donated some chips to Niki Raskin.

Action is already at the river 6Q834. Joachim checks and Niki bets 1050 into the pot. Joachim calls but muccks when he sees that Nick flopped two pair.

Not the best start for our THE RED JACKS TEAM PLAYER !!!
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 16, 2015, 20:25:49 PM
A 4th table is opening up... looks like we currently have 35 players.
There"s also a local tournament running; a few players that are busting that event, are registering for the Pineapple.

In the field we have some players that are chasing for the 2014 POTY ranking:

Niki Raskin - 5th place
Ken Vandeplas - 8th place
Joachim Wallaert - 15th place

A win tonight would see them near the top of the ranking; Niki Raskin can even take the lead.

We also have Rieuwert Fleer from Holland; he is the current Razz World Champion and will be looking to defend his title in the 2015 WCOAP in London!
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 20:41:12 PM
Nick Stas is doing what he needs to do.

900 in the pot preflop and Nick Stas in SB is getting action from both Ken Vandenplas UTG and the Button.

Flop comes at Tc 2c 6d. Nick and Ken both check and the button bets 550, called by Nick but not by Ken.

Turn brings the Jc and Nick checks again. Once more the button bets. 750 this time, once more called by Nick.

River comes at 2h. No card to help either one of them it seems and  both players check. Nick would have hoped his opponent continued his betting since he holds AcQc versus T6 off. Nice pot Nick

Joachim Wallaert just told me he could see a free flop at the button with 256. Flop shows 256, all spades. He throws away the deuce and gives up at the betting round scared for the flush. Runner runner deuces on the board. That"s bad luck but hey, what card would you discard when flopping three pairs? Poker is still a bit gambling I guess.
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 20:51:43 PM
Joachim is being a bit unlucky.

We get to see a cheap flop 7 handed. -> Th Ah Jd
Player 1 checks and Joachim makes it 800 to go. MP player raises to 1800 and gets called by the player in first position. Joachim at his turn pushes his stack in for almost 4k, gets reshoved by the MP player who get"s reshover by the P1 player.

Three way allin and all three discard one of their hole cards.

P1: shows Qh6h for a flushdraw
Joachim shows KQo for a flopped straight
MP shiws Jacks and a set.

Turncard 8d
Rivercard Kh and Player 1 takes down the pot.

It"s CRAZY pineapple guys. Joachim will use his re-entry for a second attempt and our teamplayer remains in the game for now.
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 21:25:29 PM
Small dealer problem at Ken"s table. We picked it up when the dealer was choppin up the chips between the three player.

Flop was 9Q6A6 and Kan held QQ vs KK vs J9s (no flush there)

When distributing the chips the dealer shoves them all to the KK player while Ken won the main pot. A little count occurs first to set things straight and Ken states he played 3.5k preflop and he should get a 3 fold of that. In the end he gets almost 11k to play after the break and he"s a happy player.

Re-entry period is over now. After the break we play for the real deal !
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 21:32:43 PM
First level after the break will be 200/400 CHIPCOUNTS:

Joachim Wallaert: 9.1k (re-entry)
Ken Vandenplas: 10k
Niki Raskin: 5.1k
Nick Stas: 12.3k
Rieuwert Fleer: 12.6k (re-entry)
Kris Thys: 10.3k

We"ll soon know how many entries and re-entries we are having and then decide on the prize money.

And off course player of the year points:
2014 ranking -> 5 to 1
2015 ranking -> 9 to 1

Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 16, 2015, 22:00:28 PM
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 16, 2015, 22:13:05 PM
Ken Vandeplas is now playing 25.000.

With blinds 200-400/50, the UTG raises to 1000. The next player, an older guy, goes all in for 3.100.
Ken finds QQ4 and makes the call. The original raiser calls as well.

Both players check down the K9689 board. Ken wins the pot with his QQ.
Title: Re:
Post by: Joachimpje on January 16, 2015, 22:13:59 PM
Just saw a crazy hand :p players goes allin blind, gets called by 2 players...

Flops openended against a set and a flush draws... Gets there on the river :p

Verstuurd vanaf mijn HTC Desire 500 met Tapatalk
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 22:24:04 PM
26 left out of 43 players and 7 ITM.

Nick Stas just made a QQx fold on the flop when a shove countered his bet. A call by Nick meant his tournament life but he chose not to risk it with an overpair.

His opponent showed 3xx on a 4T3 rainbow board.

Niki Raskin just went out. We only see the chips movez away from his seat.
Niki: A3o
Opponent A5o

It went in on a flop J35 and ran 6 4.

No points in the POTY2014 ranking for number 5 in the standing. This means Tom will certainly remain first untill tomorrow.
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 22:35:29 PM
Clash between the WVL boys and Joachim doubles twice in a row.

Ken Vandenplas played a pretty good stack and we get the info after the hand was played. Ken doubles Joachim when both players flopped 2 pair and turn a full house and decide to slowplay it untill the river to clash hard on the final card:
Joachim A9
Ken A8

Board A89AQ

A few hands later we hear a lot of noice again at the same table where Joachim doubles his stack once more to 27.9k.

Flop 5dTdAsJc7h
Joachim played Aces while the losing hand held Kd9d. Small extra. The losing hand folded a Q on the flop to chase his flush. Lucky for Joachim that"s for sure.
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 16, 2015, 22:37:08 PM
Nick Stas just doubled his stack to 15.000

Preflop all in, 2 players see the 8Q3 flop.
After throwing away 1 card, Nick shows QQ; his opponent KK.

No king, and Nick is back in the game.
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 22:41:43 PM
Rieuwert Fleer is being rivered

Board is Qh 6h 9s 6d As

Rieuwert checks and a player in MP bets out 2.5k being called by Rieuwert.

Rieuwert Q6

The next hand it gets folded to him in the SB, No action by the big blind on his shove.
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 16, 2015, 22:56:28 PM
We just lost Nick Stas, our other Ace of Spades player.

He shoves preflop all in for 17.000 (blinds 500-1000/150) with AQ vs A9.

Flop: 9Q9

No further help for Nick and we are left with +/- 20 players.

Edit: 21 players left, average 16.380
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 16, 2015, 23:08:21 PM
And we lose Rieuwert.

On a T77 board, Rieuwert shows K8, but faces KQ.
No help for Rieuwert, and the Razz World Champ is out.

We will see him again tomorrow!
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 23:13:00 PM
We"re down to two tables and 18 players left and Joachim Wallaert does it again.

EP shoves allin preflop with Kh6hKs
Joachim thinks it over and calls for his complete stack with AhA4h
A third short player also makes the call.

Flop comes at Ah9h5d with two hearts on board.

EP mucks his Ks for a flush draw
Joachim mucks his 4h with his trips.

The heart comes on the turn but it"s the 5h so Joachim improves to a full house and he plays a stack of almost 51k at 19k avg. Blinds are 600/1200 A: 200 and Joa is well on his way to the final table and a first cash for our The Red Jacks Pokerteam!

Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 16, 2015, 23:14:07 PM
We also have Pasqual Lenior in the field, a Dutch player who we occasionally see in the online events.

Pasqual is playing a healthy 34.000 stack and is amongst the chipleaders.
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 23:27:23 PM
Joachim returns a little to the player who just donated him a lot of chips.

Preflop allin for 3.4k .

Opponent 773 and het keeps the pair on a 9TT board
Joachim keeps AJ for two overcards but turn and river are low so Joachim doubles up his friend.
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 16, 2015, 23:57:48 PM
20 min break and 14 left.
Blinds will be 1k-2k A 200 after the break.

Avg stack = 24.6k


Joachim: 32500
Ken: 17000
Pasqual Lenior: 45000
Stefan Fischer: 23000
Kris Thys: 17300

Work to do for some players.
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 17, 2015, 00:48:47 AM
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 17, 2015, 00:54:09 AM
Interesting fact:

Ben Despineux in Seat 1, who looks like being the chipleader, is a Belgian Paralympic athlete... he plays table tennis.

In the 2012 Paralympics he took part in the table tennis competition (class 7), but lost in the 2nd round to a player from Ukraine.

Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 17, 2015, 00:54:38 AM
In one of the first hands at the final table seat 10 Stefan Fischer doubles through Ben Despinneux.

Preflop allin and a call by Despinneux.

Both players muck a card at an Ts 3c Ad  flop and Stefan is ahead with JJ versus 56o. And he remains aheads on turn and river (Kc 2d)

Stefan plays 23.6k now.
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 17, 2015, 01:00:53 AM
And we loose 2 players in a single hand.

Preflop shove by Ken Vandenplas for a little over 10k and het gets reshoved by Seat 5 Michael Meyer. Marc Berger in seat 7 als has a nice hand so he calls as well for his entire stack which is a little over 12k. Meyer has them all covered.

Flop Th 6d 3c and players muck.

Ken: QQ
Berger: QJo
Meyer: AA

The flop reads as a low board but the ace on the turn kills it almost immediately. 5d on the river means no help for anyone and Michael Meyer takes down two players at once.

At the same time we mention that Marc Berger scores our very first 2015 POTY point !!!
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 17, 2015, 01:16:38 AM
Ben Despinneux takes one back

Seat 8 Pasqual Lenior raises preflop to 12k and Ben reshoves his 30k stack

Pasqual makes the call

The flop is very healthy for Ben: J9s

Ben JJ
Pasqual QT

Turn 2 and that locks the hand completely into ben"s favour He"s playing 64k now.

The next hand Joachim is allin but he gets no calls. Our team player is still alive and in the running to make a first team cash.
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 17, 2015, 01:23:40 AM
Didier De Swert shoves twice.

In the first hand, Ben raises to 9.000. Didier shoves 29.300 but doesn"t get a call.
Didier shows KK

The hand after, Mehdi raises to 10.000; Didier shoves again, this time for 48.000.
Mehdi folds; Didier shows KK again.
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 17, 2015, 01:31:01 AM
And wer"e ITM !!!

Stefan Fischer leaves in 8th !!

Preflop allin between Fisher and Mehdi Baes.

Flop comes at K23 with two clubs

Fisher is mad at that flop with a pair of Queens but also the nut flush draw. Mehdi already showed AK but Fisher didn"t see it. He mucks the Ace which is a bad decision if he had looked at Mehdi"s hand.

It would not have made a difference since no Q or club finds it"s way to the board.

And we have Ben Despinneux in 7th. His AK can"t wint from Mehdi Baes" A4 on a Q4QTx board.

7 left, Joachim in the money for the team and gaining some money back. We"re doing great !!!

Congratz to all zeven players left and ITM !!!
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 17, 2015, 01:43:51 AM
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 17, 2015, 01:45:55 AM
Desperately needing a double up, Joachim Wallaert moves in UTG for 19.600.

Pasqual to his left immediately reshoves. All other players are out of the way.

Flop: A T 6

Joachim: AA
Pasqual: 99

Turn brings a 9... but the river is a blank.

Joachim now plays 56.000.
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 17, 2015, 01:50:04 AM
Pasqual Lenior gets paid by Mehdi Baes

Pre allin by Pasqual for a little over 12k. Mehdi as the big stack pays him off.

Flop 78T all heart so you would expect.... no !!!

Mehdi: 9T for top pair and an open ended
Pasqual: 78 for two pair.

Mehdi takes the lead on the turn when the 6 shows but Pasqual recovers on the river with the help of another 8 for his Full House.

No exit in this hand and we"re still playing 6 handed !
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 17, 2015, 02:07:44 AM
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 17, 2015, 02:16:01 AM
And we"re down to four.

A clash between two nice stacks.
Mehdi Boes and Didier De Swert.

A 579 flop gives  Mehdi a gutshot with JT but Didier holds aces and they hold up.

Good Game Mehdi in 5th.

5 points for the 2015 POTY ranking and 1 point for the 2014 POTY Ranking !!
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 17, 2015, 02:21:47 AM
Ludovic Lambin in 4th

Didier AJ
Ludovic T9

Board: 278KA

We"re left with a German, a Belgian and a Dutch guy.

Michael Meyer (GER)
Didier de Swert (BEL)
Pasqual Lenior (NET)
Post by: DodgyEnd (Tom on January 17, 2015, 02:31:47 AM
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 17, 2015, 03:00:04 AM
Post by: Quadran666 (Christoff on January 17, 2015, 10:41:05 AM
Sorry guys,quite late last night and we only posted the pictures this morning. (