Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => Online Poker => Topic started by: nosey-p on August 28, 2008, 19:37:03 PM

Title: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: nosey-p on August 28, 2008, 19:37:03 PM
Am I right in thinking that they is some sat's this Sunday, Monday and Tuesday for the pro-am?
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: APAT on August 28, 2008, 19:41:30 PM
No.  Details to be announced early next week.
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: nosey-p on August 28, 2008, 21:08:43 PM
Thanks Des
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: APAT on August 28, 2008, 21:48:50 PM

Thanks Des

No probs Wayne.
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: RioRodent on August 29, 2008, 08:29:16 AM

No.  Details to be announced early next week.

Thursday or Friday.  ;D
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: billyho10 on September 01, 2008, 15:50:43 PM

No.  Details to be announced early next week.

according to blue sq lobby, it starts in 4hrs!!! :-\
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: APAT on September 01, 2008, 16:15:21 PM
We haven"t agreed these so I don"t see them playing out.  However, if ten players do take part then we will allocate the seat.
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: linziwan on September 01, 2008, 18:38:33 PM
Tried to find the tournament and couldnt assumed its been taken off.
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: nosey-p on September 03, 2008, 16:16:08 PM
Any news on this?
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: Swinebag on September 03, 2008, 16:22:49 PM
looks like a $10 rebuy sat tomorrow night and a $50 freezeout satellite on sunday, same day as the WCOAP PLO
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: nosey-p on September 03, 2008, 16:54:57 PM
So it's just the one night for qualifying?
Will there be any other night for this Des?  

Rob, how was your first day back after six weeks off?  ::)

Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: kinboshi on September 03, 2008, 17:10:05 PM

looks like a $10 rebuy sat tomorrow night and a $50 freezeout satellite on sunday, same day as the WCOAP PLO

So it's just the one night for qualifying?
Will there be any other night for this Des?  

Rob, how was your first day back after six weeks off?  ::)

That"s two nights, surely?
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: APAT on September 03, 2008, 17:45:40 PM
Those sats will run at the same times for the remainder of the month.  Good luck in qualifying.
Title: Re: Pro-am
Post by: Swinebag on September 03, 2008, 17:50:06 PM

Rob, how was your first day back after six weeks off?  ::)

Terrible!! I have forgotton how to write!!

oh well, only seven weeks untill half term
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 04, 2008, 19:32:41 PM
First qualifier for the Pro-Am is tonight on Blue Square 8pm.

$10 Rebuy with one Luton Pro-Am package for every $750 in the prizepool.

27 runners in total.  GL all.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Swinebag on September 04, 2008, 20:00:01 PM
great valooo so far! I"m in
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: lukybugur on September 04, 2008, 20:19:49 PM
Great Valyoo - how did I not notice this before ... ?
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 04, 2008, 20:22:13 PM

Great Valyoo - how did I not notice this before ... ?

I have been bumping this post since half seven.

And it"s mainly me adding the value at the moment. :"(
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 04, 2008, 20:36:03 PM
Half an hour in and the 27 runners have rebought 13 times so far.

Can"t see any limit to when rebuys end.  If not, may be here for quite a while.   ;D
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: RioRodent on September 04, 2008, 20:39:51 PM

Half an hour in and the 27 runners have rebought 13 times so far.

Can"t see any limit to when rebuys end.  If not, may be here for quite a while.   ;D

At the break, end of lev 4
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: kinboshi on September 04, 2008, 20:43:00 PM
Bugger, my broadband NEVER goes down, but decided to tonight.  Only got back on about 30 minutes ago - and about 15 minutes too late for the fun.

Good luck all, and see most of you in the next one.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: biffa85 on September 04, 2008, 20:44:47 PM
forgot the rebuy period with 5000 chips it"s gonna take a few days at this rate!!

Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Garth Maul on September 04, 2008, 20:50:51 PM
Hmmm, but no add ons!
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 04, 2008, 21:02:35 PM
First break, 27 started, 27 still in, and 27 rebuys (Most supplied by scouse 3465)

Woop Woop
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Swinebag on September 04, 2008, 21:22:30 PM

First break, 27 started, 27 still in, and 27 rebuys (Most supplied by scouse 3465)

Woop Woop

nice overlay from BSQ. gotta hand it to the sponsors!
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: MintTrav on September 04, 2008, 21:27:47 PM
This is one crazy game. Before the break we were unbelievably quiet on our table. We had no rebuys (or even close). The whole thing was like a freezeout. I won most hands I was involved in, but just gained a couple of thousand at my peak, then lost a bit. Because the other tables have had so many rebuys, I"m now one of the shortstacks overall.
Since the break our table has gone crazy with raises & all-ins, like you would have expected pre-break in a rebuy event, not after. Upside-down poker.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: biffa85 on September 04, 2008, 21:34:40 PM
Yes it was our table that went mad with chips flying everywhere, (mostly from Scouse) we have 115k out of 270k
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: APAT on September 04, 2008, 23:40:19 PM
We"ll get the starting chip stack and add-on fixed for the next rebuy.  To my knowledge there is not a guaranteed seat to Luton in this event and the lobby states 1 seat for every $750 in the prize pool, but I will speak to Blue Square to understand what their intention was when setting the satellite up.  We will market the next sats which should increase the numbers.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: linziwan on September 04, 2008, 23:51:16 PM

We"ll get the starting chip stack and add-on fixed for the next rebuy.  To my knowledge there is not a guaranteed seat to Luton in this event and the lobby states 1 seat for every $750 in the prize pool, but I will speak to Blue Square to understand what their intention was when setting the satellite up.  We will market the next sats which should increase the numbers.

Lobby stated one seat available so assuming that is what the winner gets.  Finished 4th in the end.... just couldn"t fold AQs to a 49k all in.... justed didn"t think he had KK.... whoops

Des don"t get the chips fixed.... I preferred the 5k in starting chips... didn"t bother with any rebuys, at the break chip stack to blind ratio was too good  ::)

See you all at the next satellite.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: batch007 on September 05, 2008, 00:05:51 AM
sorry it was me who knocked you out.

Finished second in the end which i was proud of. First APAT event ive played and hopefully many more with results to come. Was dragging the bootom all the way. grinding, was down low stacked on 1000 when everyone one else in the 10,000 and chip leader 40,000 so looked grim.

Turned it round to be chip leader but for some reason i could not change my game. Do not normally play aggressive but as it was working i could not stop. Must have been the best come back ever and if i had of won. I would not stop talking about it, not that i will anyway.

well done zzzzzzrope you deserved the win, i never got control of the heads up but ill get you next time.

Enjoy the ups and downs because the downs make the ups better. I never bad beat because they are part of the game and anyway i never bad beat i just nevr make the same mistake again.

Watch out theres a new kid on the APAT curcuit, hes a beginner and his name is batch007 and he wants an APAT medal and a place on the team. So watch this name because im here to win.

Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: scouse3465 on September 05, 2008, 00:06:18 AM
Well done to zzzzzzzz, but what did the muppets at my table do with all the chips i donated to them all !!!!!
I am absolutely disgusted they never won when at one point my table was 4 out of top 5 left !!
Even though when i went out pawprint or lucky something ( A4 lol ) hit full house on river when i nut straigtht on turn lol !!
Although won omaha on bs league so not too bad of a night after my 99 re buys lol
n1 zzzzzzz gl all in others
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: scouse3465 on September 05, 2008, 00:07:54 AM

Yes it was our table that went mad with chips flying everywhere, (mostly from Scouse) we have 115k out of 270k

see and they still didnt win lol !!
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: batch007 on September 05, 2008, 00:16:28 AM
as i said in the torn if i turn 1,000 into a second place i should get an APAT medal??? please please just a nobody poker player begging.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: ZZZZZZZROPE on September 05, 2008, 02:51:04 AM
cheers scouse and others
wd on the omaha tonight scouse, looking good so far. mayb catch you for a pint in luton if your going ;)
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 07, 2008, 13:48:09 PM
Next qualifier for the Pro-Am is tonight on Blue Square 8pm.

$50 Freezout with one Luton Pro-Am package for every $750 in the prizepool.

Why not double up with the WCOAP Pot Limit Omaha $20+$2 which starts at the same time.

Good Luck All.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: biffa85 on September 07, 2008, 19:48:00 PM
wd to zeds, I"m in for tonites..... ;D
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: lukybugur on September 08, 2008, 08:59:43 AM
Did it go ahead last night ... ? Result anyone?
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 08, 2008, 19:35:30 PM
Scouse was leading when I left it.  I know nothing more.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: SirPercival on September 08, 2008, 20:26:11 PM

Scouse was leading when I left it.  I know nothing more.

Scouse was out around 7th/8th.

Linziwan1 was 4th
I was 3rd
TheDukeofHazard was 2nd
avillan was 1st

gg wp
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: lukybugur on September 09, 2008, 08:53:38 AM

Scouse was leading when I left it.  I know nothing more.

Scouse was out around 7th/8th.

Linziwan1 was 4th
I was 3rd
TheDukeofHazard was 2nd
avillan was 1st

gg wp

A nice run of results for you then Stuart. What are you doing differently? Just flopping nut flushes against short stacks more often ya luckbox? :)
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: nosey-p on September 09, 2008, 10:46:18 AM

Scouse was leading when I left it.  I know nothing more.

Scouse was out around 7th/8th.

Linziwan1 was 4th
I was 3rd
TheDukeofHazard was 2nd
avillan was 1st

gg wp

A nice run of results for you then Stuart. What are you doing differently? Just flopping nut flushes against short stacks more often ya luckbox? :)

He as stopped playing AJ  ;)  
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Ripple11 on September 09, 2008, 11:45:43 AM

The rebuy event has far too many starting chips (5000) with such low starting blinds. No wonder the seat amount of $750 wasn"t reached last week. It needs to be a 1,500 or maybe 2000 rebuy, with an add on .
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Swinebag on September 09, 2008, 12:01:48 PM

The rebuy event has far too many starting chips (5000) with such low starting blinds. No wonder the seat amount of $750 wasn"t reached last week. It needs to be a 1,500 or maybe 2000 rebuy, with an add on .

agree, there was no real motivation to build a stack early. I think the aim is to make a more affordable route for us amateurs with small rolls, whilst also sticking to the deep stack philosophy of APAT.
But if $750 isn"t being reached then it does need looking at
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: monkeyman on September 09, 2008, 12:23:29 PM
Or maybe qualifiers could be freezeouts rather than rebuys. I loathe rebuy tournies and I find it strange that qualifying for a deepstack freezeout uses this format. Hence the reason why I"ve made no attempt to qualify for the Pro am or any leg of the GUKPT.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: linziwan on September 09, 2008, 13:14:28 PM

The rebuy event has far too many starting chips (5000) with such low starting blinds. No wonder the seat amount of $750 wasn"t reached last week. It needs to be a 1,500 or maybe 2000 rebuy, with an add on .

agree, there was no real motivation to build a stack early. I think the aim is to make a more affordable route for us amateurs with small rolls, whilst also sticking to the deep stack philosophy of APAT.
But if $750 isn"t being reached then it does need looking at

With actual number of people in the event I don"t think it was worth a rebuy and it would not have generated another seat.....  be thankful the mistake was made and they gave us so many starting chips - BSq honoured the seat.... which gave us all a lot of extra value...

that is unless your name is Scouse and you did lots of rebuys....  :D

Keep it at 5000 chips I like it that way but only if the seat is guaranteed
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: scouse3465 on September 09, 2008, 13:22:02 PM

Or maybe qualifiers could be freezeouts rather than rebuys. I loathe rebuy tournies and I find it strange that qualifying for a deepstack freezeout uses this format. Hence the reason why I"ve made no attempt to qualify for the Pro am or any leg of the GUKPT.

None of the gukpt or pro am because you loathe re buys ! well play the freezouts then ???!?!
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: scouse3465 on September 09, 2008, 13:25:16 PM

that is unless your name is Scouse and you did lots of rebuys....  :D

Thank you linda although i did say i was goin all in every hand after i had them 2 bad beats !
And with all the chips on the table unbelievable no one won it from my table !!
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: monkeyman on September 09, 2008, 13:56:33 PM

Or maybe qualifiers could be freezeouts rather than rebuys. I loathe rebuy tournies and I find it strange that qualifying for a deepstack freezeout uses this format. Hence the reason why I"ve made no attempt to qualify for the Pro am or any leg of the GUKPT.

None of the gukpt or pro am because you loathe re buys ! well play the freezouts then ???!?!

Maybe I"ve not looked hard enough and maybe I could be corrected if I"m wrong, but certainly in the case of the GUKPT, every time I looked at a qualifier, it was a rebuy. Have I missed something?
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Swinebag on September 09, 2008, 15:10:15 PM
there are definitely $270 freezeout super satellites to the £1060 main events. If $270 is too steep (as is my case) then there are qualifiers. I think the qualifiers for this are a mixture of freezeout, STT and rebuy.

Just be careful which one you are qualifying into though. Those $109 rebuys are bankroll killers!!

I remember "winning" a $109 token in a Pokerplayer freeroll, playing in the qualifier, adding on at the break because everyone else did, just missing out on the seats and "winning" another $109 token, playing in that, rebuying once and adding on and getting nowhere. So I "won" 2 $109 tokens, didn"t qualify for the GUKPT and put a $300 dent in my roll :(

That was a year ago and I"m too traumatised to try again
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Roscopiko on September 09, 2008, 15:49:48 PM

Maybe I"ve not looked hard enough and maybe I could be corrected if I"m wrong, but certainly in the case of the GUKPT, every time I looked at a qualifier, it was a rebuy. Have I missed something?

I know I shouldn"t say it site other than the mighty and excellent BlueSq also run qualifiers to GUKPT events with smaller buy ins and freezeout structures
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 09, 2008, 17:43:31 PM

Maybe I"ve not looked hard enough and maybe I could be corrected if I"m wrong, but certainly in the case of the GUKPT, every time I looked at a qualifier, it was a rebuy. Have I missed something?

I know I shouldn"t say it site other than the mighty and excellent BlueSq also run qualifiers to GUKPT events with smaller buy ins and freezeout structures

Shame on you.  >:(

Only kidding.  As with all of these qualifiers, unless there is added value, you are often better off playing other cash/STT/MTT to build your bankroll and buy-in direct.  That way you are playing the games that you feel most comfortable with and getting a shot at the bigger events.

There"s very few live events that you can"t buy direct into.  Virgin Festival is qualifier only and APAT is high demand.  The Pro-Am should have a slightly reduced demand due to the buy-in, but who knows, the thought of a free buffet, added value GUKPT seat and an interview from Des may pull the punters in.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: APAT on September 09, 2008, 18:10:21 PM

Maybe I"ve not looked hard enough and maybe I could be corrected if I"m wrong, but certainly in the case of the GUKPT, every time I looked at a qualifier, it was a rebuy. Have I missed something?

I know I shouldn"t say it site other than the mighty and excellent BlueSq also run qualifiers to GUKPT events with smaller buy ins and freezeout structures

Shame on you.  >:(

Only kidding.  As with all of these qualifiers, unless there is added value, you are often better off playing other cash/STT/MTT to build your bankroll and buy-in direct.  That way you are playing the games that you feel most comfortable with and getting a shot at the bigger events.

There"s very few live events that you can"t buy direct into.  Virgin Festival is qualifier only and APAT is high demand.  The Pro-Am should have a slightly reduced demand due to the buy-in, but who knows, the thought of a free buffet, added value GUKPT seat and an interview from Des may push the punters out.

FYP  ;)
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Santino67 on September 09, 2008, 21:48:49 PM


Maybe I"ve not looked hard enough and maybe I could be corrected if I"m wrong, but certainly in the case of the GUKPT, every time I looked at a qualifier, it was a rebuy. Have I missed something?

I know I shouldn"t say it site other than the mighty and excellent BlueSq also run qualifiers to GUKPT events with smaller buy ins and freezeout structures

Shame on you.  >:(

The Pro-Am should have a slightly reduced demand due to the buy-in, but who knows, the thought of a free buffet

Chilli anyone  :o

Yummmmmmmmmmmmm  :D :D :D
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: scouse3465 on September 09, 2008, 23:06:15 PM
Sunday 21 15
gukpt freezout 250 + 20
but loads of play bit too slow to be honest finishes too late !
but is freezout
admitted the 109 ones are nuts but if u treat it as freezout out cracking value because lots of idiots ( like i was in $10 re buy other night for pro am lol )

And 109 easily qualified on satelittes $3 one nevr make 109 and normally played by 10 freerollers + plus others who dont re buy , shouldnt say but if u can spare a couple of hours easy in . but nothing for 2nd but easy 1 in 3 hit ratio for 6-9 bucks
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 11, 2008, 18:08:15 PM
Next qualifier for the Pro-Am is tonight on Blue Square 8pm.

$10 Rebuy (1500 starting stack) with one Luton Pro-Am package for every $750 in the prizepool.

Good Luck All.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: George2Loose on September 11, 2008, 22:26:58 PM
I run good in these APATs!

As Hellmuth would say- I set them up get them to put their money in practically drawing dead and they still suck out on me.

See ya in Luton
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: nosey-p on September 11, 2008, 23:11:52 PM

I run good in these APATs!

As Hellmuth would say- I set them up get them to put their money in practically drawing dead and they still suck out on me.

See ya in Luton

Sorry for that George but it happens to us all

Finished 8th after my 55 v AQ AA on the turn and river
Then my AQ v K 10, K 10 on flop
To the same person  

AQ is now the new AJ
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Swinebag on September 11, 2008, 23:48:15 PM
AQ is my favourite dog hand. I hate being ahead with it ;D
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chelsea on September 12, 2008, 00:00:36 AM
WP Boddddeeers...Great heads up
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Bodddders on September 12, 2008, 05:37:38 AM
Thanks Nigel.

I was short stacked for most of the final table but just hung on in there and managed to pull through in the end. Well played everyone its just a shame that more people didn"t enter so that more seats would have been available.
Unlucky River as usual I did hit some flops hard during our heads up and you were unlucky a couple of times when there were 3 or 4 left.

See you all in Luton.

Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: George2Loose on September 12, 2008, 07:20:08 AM
Don"t be silly nosey was a standard play just begrudging my luck ATM and moaning like a baby!
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: billyho10 on September 18, 2008, 23:10:23 PM
cant believe i qualified for this. was meant to go to casino tonight, but changed my mind last minute. so decided i would buyin for the $10 but not rebuy or add on, get my poker fix, and see what happened! now thats valuoooooo! gg to all who played, the banter was top notch as usual.

now better check out the details of this tourney  ;D
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: lukybugur on September 18, 2008, 23:16:30 PM
Congrats Billy! 8)
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: billyho10 on September 18, 2008, 23:17:37 PM

Congrats Billy! 8)

cheers mate, well pleased  ;D

lookin forward to report on london/annette.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Santino67 on September 20, 2008, 10:32:03 AM
Well done again Billy boy. You"re on fire at the moment but don"t worry, you"ll be able to put it out soon  ;D
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: billyho10 on September 20, 2008, 11:14:46 AM

Well done again Billy boy. You"re on fire at the moment but don"t worry, you"ll be able to put it out soon  ;D

;D yeah baby!
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 21, 2008, 10:22:41 AM
Next qualifier for the Pro-Am is tonight on Blue Square 8pm.

$50 Freezout with one Luton Pro-Am package for every $750 in the prizepool.

Good Luck All.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 25, 2008, 09:42:11 AM
Next qualifier for the Pro-Am is tonight on Blue Square 8pm.

$10 Rebuy (1500 starting stack) with one Luton Pro-Am package for every $750 in the prizepool.

Good Luck All.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: nosey-p on September 26, 2008, 16:48:21 PM
Who is planning on playing in this Sunday's sat?

as there been enough players playing?  
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 28, 2008, 11:32:33 AM

Who is planning on playing in this Sunday's sat?

as there been enough players playing?  

There"s been at least 15 in each of the other freezeouts, which is enough for a seat.

Last chance tonight.
Title: Re: Luton Pro-Am Qualifying on Blue Square
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 28, 2008, 11:38:50 AM
The final qualifier for the Pro-Am is tonight on Blue Square 8pm.

$50 Freezout with one Luton Pro-Am package for every $750 in the prizepool.

You can still buy-in direct to this tournament after tonight, so get spinning those bankrolls up.