Thanks Des
No. Details to be announced early next week.
No. Details to be announced early next week.
looks like a $10 rebuy sat tomorrow night and a $50 freezeout satellite on sunday, same day as the WCOAP PLO
So it's just the one night for qualifying?
Will there be any other night for this Des?
Rob, how was your first day back after six weeks off? ::)
Rob, how was your first day back after six weeks off? ::)
Great Valyoo - how did I not notice this before ... ?
Half an hour in and the 27 runners have rebought 13 times so far.
Can"t see any limit to when rebuys end. If not, may be here for quite a while. ;D
First break, 27 started, 27 still in, and 27 rebuys (Most supplied by scouse 3465)
Woop Woop
We"ll get the starting chip stack and add-on fixed for the next rebuy. To my knowledge there is not a guaranteed seat to Luton in this event and the lobby states 1 seat for every $750 in the prize pool, but I will speak to Blue Square to understand what their intention was when setting the satellite up. We will market the next sats which should increase the numbers.
Yes it was our table that went mad with chips flying everywhere, (mostly from Scouse) we have 115k out of 270k
Scouse was leading when I left it. I know nothing more.
Scouse was leading when I left it. I know nothing more.
Scouse was out around 7th/8th.
Linziwan1 was 4th
I was 3rd
TheDukeofHazard was 2nd
avillan was 1st
gg wp
Scouse was leading when I left it. I know nothing more.
Scouse was out around 7th/8th.
Linziwan1 was 4th
I was 3rd
TheDukeofHazard was 2nd
avillan was 1st
gg wp
A nice run of results for you then Stuart. What are you doing differently? Just flopping nut flushes against short stacks more often ya luckbox? :)
The rebuy event has far too many starting chips (5000) with such low starting blinds. No wonder the seat amount of $750 wasn"t reached last week. It needs to be a 1,500 or maybe 2000 rebuy, with an add on .
The rebuy event has far too many starting chips (5000) with such low starting blinds. No wonder the seat amount of $750 wasn"t reached last week. It needs to be a 1,500 or maybe 2000 rebuy, with an add on .
agree, there was no real motivation to build a stack early. I think the aim is to make a more affordable route for us amateurs with small rolls, whilst also sticking to the deep stack philosophy of APAT.
But if $750 isn"t being reached then it does need looking at
Or maybe qualifiers could be freezeouts rather than rebuys. I loathe rebuy tournies and I find it strange that qualifying for a deepstack freezeout uses this format. Hence the reason why I"ve made no attempt to qualify for the Pro am or any leg of the GUKPT.
Or maybe qualifiers could be freezeouts rather than rebuys. I loathe rebuy tournies and I find it strange that qualifying for a deepstack freezeout uses this format. Hence the reason why I"ve made no attempt to qualify for the Pro am or any leg of the GUKPT.
None of the gukpt or pro am because you loathe re buys ! well play the freezouts then ???!?!
Maybe I"ve not looked hard enough and maybe I could be corrected if I"m wrong, but certainly in the case of the GUKPT, every time I looked at a qualifier, it was a rebuy. Have I missed something?
I know I shouldn"t say it site other than the mighty and excellent BlueSq also run qualifiers to GUKPT events with smaller buy ins and freezeout structures
Maybe I"ve not looked hard enough and maybe I could be corrected if I"m wrong, but certainly in the case of the GUKPT, every time I looked at a qualifier, it was a rebuy. Have I missed something?
I know I shouldn"t say it site other than the mighty and excellent BlueSq also run qualifiers to GUKPT events with smaller buy ins and freezeout structures
Shame on you. >:(
Only kidding. As with all of these qualifiers, unless there is added value, you are often better off playing other cash/STT/MTT to build your bankroll and buy-in direct. That way you are playing the games that you feel most comfortable with and getting a shot at the bigger events.
There"s very few live events that you can"t buy direct into. Virgin Festival is qualifier only and APAT is high demand. The Pro-Am should have a slightly reduced demand due to the buy-in, but who knows, the thought of a free buffet, added value GUKPT seat and an interview from Des may push the punters out.
Maybe I"ve not looked hard enough and maybe I could be corrected if I"m wrong, but certainly in the case of the GUKPT, every time I looked at a qualifier, it was a rebuy. Have I missed something?
I know I shouldn"t say it site other than the mighty and excellent BlueSq also run qualifiers to GUKPT events with smaller buy ins and freezeout structures
Shame on you. >:(
The Pro-Am should have a slightly reduced demand due to the buy-in, but who knows, the thought of a free buffet
I run good in these APATs!
As Hellmuth would say- I set them up get them to put their money in practically drawing dead and they still suck out on me.
See ya in Luton
Congrats Billy! 8)
Well done again Billy boy. You"re on fire at the moment but don"t worry, you"ll be able to put it out soon ;D
Who is planning on playing in this Sunday's sat?
as there been enough players playing?