Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Poker Forum => Staker Exchange => Topic started by: Zozzy on February 08, 2016, 11:07:26 AM
It is that time of year again the GUKPT comes to ManchesterG at the end of the month which is the Casino I play at more than any other. Two of my biggest cashes I won here, in October I collected £7K for my part of the chop in the 25/25 Series and I won the Summer Event for £16K. These were buy ins of £220 and £110.
full hendon mob results here.
The Main Event is £1000 +100 reg
I have played at this level before and I have cashed in a 500 Main Event.
For the last few weeks Manchester G have been very active promoting this Event with last man standing and live satellites replacing regular tournaments in the target of reaching 100 local players to qualify for this prestigious tournament, of which I am one.
I am very familiar with many of the players.
1% £12.50
2% £25
This equates to 1.136 , 1% goes to Apat .If the Prizepool predictions are accurate this would provide a potential return of £700 for a 1% stake.
For anyone interested I will provide my bank details for transfer. Any winnings will be paid back the same way bank transfer immediately after the tournament.
I won"t be seeing you in London unfortunately for the Apat Worlds this Easter because I won a seat online for the Irish Open, so I will be off to Dublin for the first time.
All the best
Modified Post
Revised stake after Apat fee wavered
1% = £11
5% = £55
Hi Craig
I have backed you before and would be interested again.
I"m slightly uncomfortable about a couple of things in your post. One is quoting the return of £700, which is dependant on you finishing first (and the prize-pool increasing a lot from last year). I think your chances of cashing are better than average, but your chances of finishing first and returning £700 must be slight, so that is a little misleading. The second thing is I"m not sure what you mean by "1% goes to Apat". This is paid by the player, not the stakers, so doesn"t affect the staking. Also, how much are you selling and how much are you keeping yourself?
I would take 5%, so long as the return is a full 5% of winnings, without any reduction for APAT and so long as you are keeping a substantial proportion yourself.
Best of luck
ps Are you intending to sell part of the Dublin tournament?
Hello John
Thanks for your interest in a stake and having faith in me.
I will clarify.
After reading it back I could have worded it better.
Yes the 1% of winnings* will be paid to Apat by me not the Staker, so a 5% stake would return a full 5% of what I collect.
The reason I mentioned the Apat 1% was to justify the 1.136.
Regarding the £700. I wasn"t trying to mislead in any way, I was simply saying that Apat has the potential for a windfall of this amount if I happened to go on to win it, which I would pay with great pleasure. I have a strong fondness for Apat, they were my first introduction to "live" poker after clicking a few buttons online.
The first prize has a possibility of being £70,000 this time with all the extra satellites in the Casino replacing some of the regular tournaments on top of the online satellites but I agree it is speculative and I wouldn"t want to put too much emphasis on this.
I am selling 45% of my action, retaining 55%
First come first served.
To clarify this point. Any Staker would receive a percentage of the payout irrespective of what the buy-in was.
In the case of the 1% Apat fee, a hypothetical situation would be that a player buys in to the tourney for £1100 and min cashes for £2200. The fee payable would be £22 which is 1% of the payout but 2% of the winnings/profit.
This is not a complaint, just a clarification of the procedure as I understand it.
Feel free to ask any more questions.
Super, I"m in.
By the way, I believe the 1% is payable only on the part taken by stakers, not the part retained by the player.
Gents the "APAT 1%" was the subject of a recent forum discussion (led by JM I believe) when I thought APAT advised it would no longer be relevant... maybe we didn"t make that clear at the time, so I"m happy to confirm now that indeed that is the case... so you"re working to 100% Craig :)
I"ll review the APAT Staker thread/information and look to update it accordingly asap.
Thanks for messing my calculations up Tom :D
Ok I might be underselling myself but for ease of reckoning my revised figures are 1:1 No mark up
1% = £11
2% = £22
5% = £55
5% reserved for MintTrav
I will be capping my stake at 45%
I will be putting a bit of Mark Up on my Irish Open staking to cover some of the cost of the Guinness Hotel fees :)
Gents the "APAT 1%" was the subject of a recent forum discussion (led by JM I believe) when I thought APAT advised it would no longer be relevant... maybe we didn"t make that clear at the time, so I"m happy to confirm now that indeed that is the case... so you"re working to 100% Craig :)
I"ll review the APAT Staker thread/information and look to update it accordingly asap.
Excellent news. I wasn"t aware that APAT came to a decision on it. Stand back while the flood of stake requests comes in.
Craig my old mucker...
I"ll take a large 2%
Send me the details for me to send you my coins.... ;D
Good to have you on board Bill
MintTrav 5%
Scousebill 2%
I"ll take 3% please.
Thanks Mark
MintTrav 5%
Scousebill 2%
jayteejack 3%
£33 payment received Mark I won"t let you down
Hi Craig,
contemplating investing in this as can"t ever seem to get anywhere to play myself
Just got a small niggle in the back of my mind that won"t go away.
Was watching your last "live" event & saw the AA hand.
You got a fair bit of stick on the chat at the time & would like to hear your side of it.
Hi Craig,
contemplating investing in this as can"t ever seem to get anywhere to play myself.
Just got a small niggle in the back of my mind that won"t go away.
Was watching your last "live" event & saw the AA hand.
You got a fair bit of stick on the chat at the time & would like to hear your side of it.
haha :D This is so funny Bob because I heard about what the commentator said and your message is reminding me about it. It is making me laugh again.
I will recall it the best I can. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Action folded round to me, I had AA on the button and raised about 2.5 bigs. sb folded and bb called.
Flop 789 he checked, I bet, he 3bet ,I insta folded.
I don"t know who the commentator was but he probably isn"t as good a player as I am.
My opponent"s range here to re-raise me consists of the made straights (56 / 6 10 / 10 J),
Any two pair, sets, possibly open ended straight draws (but he may have just called with these) and JJ QQ KK.
His actual holding was JJ which is one of the few hands I am in front of. So the commentator was being "results oriented", with the advantage of seeing both players" hole cards.
As you can see I was massively behind his range with the possibility of being completely crushed with two streets of betting to come.
Add in to this the fact that the JJ QQ and KK would likely 3-bet pre-flop, there were very few hands I could put him on that would persuade me to invest more chips.
I cannot understand why the so called expert didn"t examine my opponent"s range to see how far behind it I actually was.
If I remember correctly it was bubble time hand for hand. I don"t know if this was mentioned at the time because I haven"t had chance to look back over it yet. This definitely was not a reason for my fold, in fact this actually could be a reason to continue in the hand. The meta game on the bubble can be fascinating.
You got a fair bit of stick on the chat at the time
Twitch chat is not the best place to find informed discussion. They are often people joking around or looking for negatives.
I think the word is "Trolling".
Tx for the replies Craig.
Excellent answer, very well explained.
I"ll go & shake the piggy bank & get back to you
as to what % I"ll take.
I hope you can come on board Bob I think you will be pleasantly surprised.
I am focused on having another successful year and better. I can judge my progress after studying my own game and also studying poker strategy coaching videos. And I talk to experienced players.
If I am ever on a livestream feature table I like to have as many poker playing friends watch me and tell me any hands I could have played better.
So thanks for watching Bob and commenting on the above hand.
I am confident in my game but not over confident, for example I am glad that I wasn"t on the feature table for my exit hand in the Vienna tournament which I played poorly. I learnt an important lesson from this and I believe that every incident in poker makes you stronger as a player.
Flop 789 he checked, I bet, he 3bet ,I insta folded.
I don"t know who the commentator was but he probably isn"t as good a player as I am.
Pretty sure he isnt 3betting bet (1) he bet (2)??
Wonder if the commentator knew it was a raise, not a 3bet :P :P :P :P
:D Thank you Dann for bringing me back down to earth.
Replace the word 3bet with re-raise and continue. This is why I am an Amateur and not a professional :D
2% please. PM bank details and will send over glgl
:D Thank you Dann for bringing me back down to earth.
Replace the word 3bet with re-raise and continue. This is why I am an Amateur and not a professional :D
You"re gonna hate me - it"s "raise", not "re-raise"
You"re gonna hate me - it"s "raise", not "re-raise"
;D Thanks Matt
As you can see I"m not best at writing down and poker lingo(
I think I should just stick to playing this daft game (
Thanks fatpants 2% booked
MintTrav 5%
Scousebill 2% -paid
jayteejack 3% -paid
fatpants 2%
Sent glgl
Sent glgl
received ty
MintTrav 5% -reserved
Scousebill 2% -paid
jayteejack 3% -paid
fatpants 2% -paid
Put me in for 5% please Craig.
Put me in for 5% please Craig.
Certainly Bob your"re in.
MintTrav 5% -paid
Scousebill 2% -paid
jayteejack 3% -paid
fatpants 2% -paid
mousebob 5% -paid
MintTrav 5% -paid
Scousebill 2% -paid
jayteejack 3% -paid
fatpants 2% -paid
mousebob 5% -paid
20% sold offline to local players
Total sold 37%
Available 8%
I am one of the sixteen players pre-registered for Flight 1A Thursday 3rd March 1pm
I will update on Twitter @CraigZozzy
Good luck with this Craig - would have had a couple of %s, but am too late.
I like your reasoning re the AA hand - think you had it spot on, and it"s actually a fairly trivial fold in the scheme of things.
Straight on to the feature table. Day 1 level 1.
Don"t expect interesting poker at this stage :-)
Hand showing at 2.55pm :
Player in seat one with the bet sizing tell over bets preflop because he doesn"t want to see an ace.
I call in position.
Ace high flop. He c-bets .I min raise to 900 . But he as hit the set
Sigh :-(
Can"t remember my holding
But irrelevent
The limped pot I played badly no excuses. That was a terrible board texture for me to lead out, OOP
Ended up hoping he hadn"t hit his straight on the turn in a limped pot. Poorly played hand by me.
Even if it had been a raise pre it wouldn"t have made any difference with this opponent.
he is sat to my right, he has the biggest vpip and he is opening a wide range.
I want to put this hand down to experience ;D
you"ve got a great seat - the two to your right are playing very loose, and Seat 2 is classic loose/passive.
guy in seat 4 is a rock! oh wait, that"s you :)
The limped pot I played badly no excuses. That was a terrible board texture for me to lead out, OOP
Ended up hoping he hadn"t hit his straight on the turn in a limped pot. Poorly played hand by me.
Even if it had been a raise pretty it wouldn"t have made any difference with this opponent.
he is sat to my right, he has the biggest vpip and he is opening a wide range.
I want to put this hand down to experience ;D
He called your lead out on the flop (7,8,5) with J4o when you had K7, then bet river with just bottom pair.
Lost WiFi connection but back on now.
Thanks for the info Steve I appreciate it
I agree with you that I am on a good table.
I actually have played against all these players before.
No superstar pro players here on this table
Break time after four levels
Won"t be as many updates now.
I will post on twitter
I played well in that session.
Break time after six levels
I got one of the tournament chip leaders on my right.
The same player from before loosy goosy.
TV table at 11.10pm with 29k.
Just lost a 36k pot with KK v JJ all in pre
Just lost a 36k pot with KK v JJ all in pre
This hand was at the end of level 8 with one hour to go. blinds 400/800 25 .
A new player moved to our table raised to 2k utg+1 , it folded round to me on the button with KK I raise to 5,100. He tanks and then shoves the remainder of his 18k stack. I call but lost the hand.
I took 29k to the camera table for the last hour.
For anyone that watched it I thought the only hand I could have played better was when I had open-ended and flush draw with one card to come. My big stack bully opponent to my right bet 2,500 . I had 20k at this point and was undecided whether to shove or call. My natural instinct is to shove here but I elected to call and give up on the river but in hindsight I think I made the wrong choice because he could have had any two cards.
I welcome any criticism or comments from my play seen on livestream. It can only help me in the long run.
I am taking 18,800 back on Day Two which is a bit disappointing after peaking at 70k. The Big Blind is 1k.
Thanks to everyone who has taken an interest either by staking or railing.
I will do my best to win this tournament.
Thanks again
Chip and a chair!! Day 1 for show, day 2 for dough!!
OK can"t think of any more..... but hey, you"re still in the tournament, and with a bit of early luck, you can spin that stack up.
I bet you have been in worse positions and ended up good....
Good Luck Zozzy....
Day two started at 1pm
Break time after two levels
48k .66 players
I move to feature table about 5.15pm
This was the hand that crippled my stack
1200/2400 local player in late pos bets 6500 with AA
I call in the big blind J9s
flop J96 i check he jams the lot 55k i call
Ace on turn :-(
I finished 40th/232
Top 20 paid
I think overall I played well over the two days. There were a couple of hands that I could have played better. The hand that cost me most of my chips I felt was not a mistake by me because I know him and know that he would make that move with an over pair.
Thank you to all that followed
Wp, ul!
ul mate - bit of a sick exit. wp though
Good run, well played.
Keep battling.