Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: kinboshi on September 17, 2008, 18:59:03 PM

Title: Brendan Hartnett - RIP
Post by: kinboshi on September 17, 2008, 18:59:03 PM
It"s with a sad heart that I write this to tell everyone that Brendan passed away yesterday.

He became ill on Sunday, was admitted to Hospital, but died suddenly.

A true gentleman, always played with a smile on his face - win or lose.

He will be sorely missed by everyone who knew him, and no one else embodied the APAT spirit as well as Brendan.

The funeral is next week, and as soon as I find out more I"ll post the details on here.

RIP Brendan.

Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: kinboshi on September 17, 2008, 19:04:15 PM
For those who didn"t have the good fortune to meet or know Brendan, you can read about him here:

Brendan Hartnett - APAT Hall of Fame (

There"s also a touching piece about him here:
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Ripple11 on September 17, 2008, 19:14:02 PM

A very sad day.

A fantastic guy who will be greatly missed by so many.

Rest in peace Brendan.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: technolog on September 17, 2008, 19:16:14 PM
Gutted. RIP Brendan.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: duke3016 on September 17, 2008, 19:17:42 PM
Absolutely gutted -- even though he got his illnesses, he always seemed to bounce back and was always of good cheer, a true gentleman. Sometimes you tend to eulogise over the top when people pass away, however in this case every superlative used to describe Brendan is truly heartfelt

He will be sorely missed -- very sad -- May he rest in eternal peace
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: APAT on September 17, 2008, 19:18:36 PM
I haven"t had such sad news for a long time.  Brendan played the WCOAP main event three weeks ago and epitomised the APAT spirit.

Brendan was a true gentleman and competitor, who enjoyed life right up to the end - despite the many curve balls thrown his way. 

Condolences to his children, who I know he was very proud of. 

APAT will be considering an appropriate method of formally remembering Brendan in the coming weeks.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Hammerheid on September 17, 2008, 19:28:26 PM
I only had the pleasure of meeting Brendan on a couple of occasions and as well as a superb poker player he was one of lifes gentlemen . He will be sadly missed by everyone
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: HaworthBantam on September 17, 2008, 19:34:39 PM

I"m quite shocked and upset at this news.

Brendan was a great man who Caz and I looked forward to seeing at each of the events - a true gentleman.

Rest in Peace Brendan, you will be missed greatly.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: MAIR on September 17, 2008, 19:35:24 PM
Words cannot express how saddened I am to hear the news of Brendan"s passing.  Brendan showed us what the true spirit of APAT was all about, a gentleman to the core, he will be greatly missed.

RIP Brendan
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: jacklevel06 on September 17, 2008, 19:36:18 PM
After every thing Brendan had been through with illness he always had a smile on his face and a cheeky remark when you met him.When he finished 2nd in Ireland last year it was a great privalege to be there to rail.A true gentleman.Rip Brendan.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Bodddders on September 17, 2008, 19:38:37 PM
Saddest news I"ve had in a long time. Was fortunate to sit next to Brendan at Luton last year and had a long chat with him at the Vic just a couple of weeks ago. He stayed and railed me in the Razz and was one of the first people to congratulate me. He will be sorely missed, the world, and Apat have lost a true gentleman.

Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: mike saban on September 17, 2008, 19:41:49 PM
Saddened to read this, had the pleasure of sitting to Brendan at the recent razz event, he was a true APAT character - very friendly and played the game with the right spirit.

RIP Brendan
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: AMRN on September 17, 2008, 19:42:06 PM
Only met Brendan a couple of times and can"t claim to know him at all well, however having sat next to him for a few hands at a tournament in Walsall, I will have fond memories of a true and very friendly gentleman.  The last time I met him was when he ran over my toes at 2am one night at the Vic - we shared a joke about drinking and driving.  

What a nice chap.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: WiseOwl on September 17, 2008, 19:47:53 PM
Deeply saddened to hear this news. 

RIP Brendan and condolences to his family.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Maxriddles on September 17, 2008, 19:56:33 PM

Deeply saddened to hear this news. 

RIP Brendan and condolences to his family.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: scouse3465 on September 17, 2008, 20:12:12 PM
terrible news , played with Brendan a few times sat with him in my first APAT live even where he went on to come 2nd i believe, a great player and a true gent.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Charmaine on September 17, 2008, 20:24:57 PM
Was shocked and saddened to hear that our dear friend Brendan had passed away .

I have many fond memories of Brendan , such a sweetheart .

RIP my dear friend .

Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: SirPercival on September 17, 2008, 20:30:19 PM
I don"t think any words can express the loss this is to all who knew Brendan. I first met him on Day 2 in Dublin when he was 2nd and railed him to the end. We then met many times again, both online at at APAT events. He always had a smile on his face and was true gentleman.

RIP Brendan.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Chelsea on September 17, 2008, 20:41:53 PM
Very sad news. I too had the pleasure of crossing paths with Brendan on a number of occasions. As previously stated he always had time for a chat and a smile for anyone who took the time to say hello.

I think Brendan was APAT's first entry into its hall of fame and as such I would like to propose a memorial tourney in his name. Unsure if that would be practical in the current season or if it should be done in S3. The proceeds of this could go to a charity of his family's choice.

My condolences go to his family.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: M3boy on September 17, 2008, 20:43:58 PM
Such a shame - he was a true gentleman - an inspiration to us all.

He will be greatly missed by all who knew him

My thoughts are with his family and closest friends.

R I P Brendan
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: APAT on September 17, 2008, 21:07:40 PM

Brendan in Dublin, May 2007.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Hammerite on September 17, 2008, 21:10:39 PM
Very sad to hear this devastating news. I was only chatting to him on Saturday evening at Brighton Grosvenor.

A true gent and a pleasure to have known and played poker with him.

My condolences to Family & Friends.

God bless you Brendan. R I P
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Waz1892 on September 17, 2008, 21:18:32 PM
really sorry to hear this news.  I had the pleasure in meeting with Brendan at Poker player championship in Walsall when i printed and gave him the ticket for the event.  even though we only chatted for a while, it was clear he was a gentleman

Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Swinebag on September 17, 2008, 21:42:14 PM
Can only echo what has already been said. Very sad news and difficult to take in.

Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Santino67 on September 17, 2008, 21:47:08 PM
I never played with Brendan but did read the Hall of Fame script about him. Seems to have been a real gent who overcame such hardship with a smile on his face and true determination. Sad news indeed
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: ThinkerJE on September 17, 2008, 21:52:40 PM
Terrible news, shocked and saddened.  Mr Hartnett was pure class, RIP Brendan.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: APAT on September 17, 2008, 22:02:49 PM
Brendan playing the APAT event at the Vic a little over two weeks ago.


Brendan"s review...

"Great Day,at the good old vic. It was like re-discovering an old girlfriend,who you"d left behind,has got all toned up,and was out to imprese.

The dealers were supearb,Dana couldn"t do enough to help me,what a star she is.

The whole Apat crew attended to everything with the style we"ve grown to love.The hardbitten old pros behind their mounrians of cash chips,marvelled at all this new meat,but us Apater"s cash players held our end up.

The drinks flowed,friendshhips were renewed,there  seemed to be a real good vibe last night.......the best Apat yet,all week,roll on season 3.

Good luck to all those left in,have fun,enjoy the ride."
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Ant1966 on September 17, 2008, 22:24:11 PM
Very sad news indeed,i never met Brendan personally but knew of him and his achievements, a very sad loss.

my thoughts are with his family.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Sheriff Fatman on September 17, 2008, 22:34:53 PM
Very sad news.  Brendan was a truly inspiring person to have met and it was a priviledge to have known him.

Rest in peace.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 17, 2008, 23:39:12 PM
Just got in, and I"m in shock.  I can"t really add much more to the words that have already been said.

Brendan was a real supporter of APAT and especially the Brighton regional.  I had the pleasure of him being sat to my left at the Vic the other week and as usual, his arrival made the table all the better.

My thoughts go out to his family.  We will always remember you Brendan, a true gentleman of APAT and the game.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: linziwan on September 18, 2008, 00:52:27 AM
Brendan truelly a great gentleman in life and poker, the world is a sadder place without him.  My condolences to his family, having lost my father too this year I know how hard it is for them.

God bless you Brendon and heaven a happier place with you.

Richard and Linda
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: bigredders on September 18, 2008, 01:26:55 AM
horrible news... didnt know him but was in wales when he was announced in the hall of fame and made a funny and gracious acceptance speech as i recall. Obviously held in such high regard by all at apat and all who met him.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: morlspin on September 18, 2008, 02:13:41 AM
Im truely gutted and upset over hearing the news of Brendans passing.

I was sat with him playing at the pokerplayer championships in Brighton on saturday, and we were laughing along at the tales of being in the hall of fame on apat and blonde, he even commented that he wasnt gone yet!

Brendan was a true gentleman, an APAT god, and will sorely be missed by all. May you rest in peace Brendan, God bless you and your family.

Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: nosey-p on September 18, 2008, 08:30:01 AM
I don't know what to say that as not all ready been said.

I true gent


Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on September 18, 2008, 08:38:29 AM
I only met Brendan once, and that was briefly, but from all your tributes he was obviously a very nice chap, and will be sorley missed. My thoughts are with his family.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: lukybugur on September 18, 2008, 16:38:04 PM
Having heard about how well liked Brendan was, I was delighted to meet and be sat next to him in Dublin in May. Sandwiched between Sir Percival and I the banter was flowing, I found him to be a very likable person indeed and could see why he was a well respected poker player.

R.I.P. Brendan
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: MintTrav on September 18, 2008, 23:52:39 PM
Only met Brendan in the last year but seemed to keep running into him at any tournament I went to, including non-APAT events. The last time I saw him was at The Vic, when we were on the same table in the Main Event and then on the same cash table afterwards. I gave up at about 2am (or was it 3am) but Brendan was still going strong with a large quantity of chips (some of which had previously belonged to me) when I left. A very nice man - he always seemed to be in good humour. Also a very good poker player!
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: coprey on September 19, 2008, 11:55:01 AM
My condolences go out to Brendan"s family circle.

I met Brendan once, quite accidently at the Virgin Poker Festival at Dusk Till Dawn.

I had travelled there from Ireland, alone and found myself sitting in the bar area, at a table next to another table full of APAT"ers, who I recognized, and even felt I knew, but had never met in person or spoke to.

After some time I approached this table in order to introduce myself as a fellow APAT"er and wish the others luck for the tournament. At this moment the man I recognised as Brendan shifted off his seat leaned over and shook me by the hand. I was moved by this gesture of friendship.

Brendan"s great attitude should serve to be an example to us all.

I am very saddened by his passing.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: BioBlinx on September 19, 2008, 13:03:44 PM
This is very sad news indeed.

I remember sitting next to Brenden on the very first APAT even in Birmingham back in Season 1. He was a true gent as many people have already mentioned. Such a friendly guy.

During all the APAT events I"ve been to I can"t help but notice Brenden"s character at the events, always smiling, always creating a banter.

Condolences to his friends and family. Rest in peace Brenden.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: SteveTheRake on September 19, 2008, 15:43:34 PM
Just heard the news on EMS yesterday, played with him a few times at APAT events was a really nice guy, RIP.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett
Post by: Newportlad on September 19, 2008, 19:18:01 PM
Just catching up with news, and this is the first thing i see.

Such sad news. Brendan was a true gent, and always had a kind word for people.
I will always remember railing Brendan at APAT Ireland in 2007.

Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett - RIP
Post by: MrsBiffa on September 20, 2008, 22:02:43 PM
OMG.  We were at Brendan"s on Saturday before the Brighton tournament.  Mr Biffa wasn"t actually playing, but we"d gone to collect a scooter hoist for the car that Brendan had very kindly given to us as he already had one and had no need for two.  He wouldn"t accept any money for it at all, and was just glad to help Mr Biffa have a bit more independance.  He was a true gentleman - even joking that we were clearly mad to drive all that way when Mr Biffa wasn"t even playing!  Mr Biffa was going to get him a couple of buy-ins for next season as a thank you.

We went to Brighton anyway to give the kdis a day out, and Mr. Biffa was umming and aahing about going to the casino anyway, even though there were no seats left and no hope of getting one, just so he could sit and chat to everyone and rail those who were playing.  Unfortunately for us, we didn"t have the scooter with us in the car, and due to there being 20,000 odd bikers in town there was nowhere even remotely close to the casino to park and Mr Biffa is too heavy to be given a piggy back for 3 miles.

Sincere condolences to Brendan"s family.  Brightest blessing to you all, and to Brendan - thank you again.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett - RIP
Post by: Divitts. on September 20, 2008, 23:58:18 PM
Sorry to hear of the passing of a great APATer. Never had the pleasure but he sounds like a real gent.My condolences to his family.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett - RIP
Post by: biffa85 on September 21, 2008, 10:21:16 AM
I am truly saddened by this news, as Cheryl said we were with him at his home only last Saturday, he was laughing and joking with our kids and his generous gift of a hoist for my mobility scooter was received with my heart felt thanks.  He was telling us of his plans for various poker tournies he was playing over the coming weeks, and about having to reschedule his holiday to enable him to play in Ireland.  A nicer gent you"ll be hard to find.

I agree we need to find a way to remember him and the way he faced life and adversity with a kind word and a smile.  We have lost a great man.  he epitomised the ethos of APAT.

The world is a lesser place without him.

Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett - RIP
Post by: Doc Farrell on September 21, 2008, 19:36:43 PM
Very sad news indeed, my condolences to his family and friends, of which they are legion.

On a personal note he destroyed my self confidence at the final table of the Dublin Apat last year with his outrageously offensive, though technically spot on analysis of my play. Here"s a cut and paste of what he did:

Tell us about the Jennifer Tilly tell on Doc Farrell?!!!

Well it seemed to make people laugh. Doc pushed on a QQ4 flop (two diamonds) I looked down to see 10 10 when it was passed round to me down the other end of the table from Doc. I didn't want to call him for half my stack, but when I looked up at Doc Farrell, I saw his chest heaving, just like in that u-tube video of jenny trying to bluff, but giving it away by her rapid breathing. Phil Ivey couldn't believe she had such an easy tell..
So I knew he was flushing, so I said "Hay Doc your chest is heaving more than jenny Tilly's in that video" everyone laughed, then I folded, I didn't want to risk giving him 2/1 getting his flush, plus the outside chance he had a queen.

I don"t get much of a chance to play in Apat games but if you"re organising a game in his honour I would love to support it in some manner. Des Duffy has my email.

Goodbye Brendan, you chip robber!

Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett - RIP
Post by: GiMac on September 22, 2008, 00:05:45 AM
A sad loss to everyone. Condolences to his family.  :-[

Sadly, or fortunately some might say who have been KO"d by him, I only played on the same table as Brendan once, at this year"s Scottish APAT event, but had met him on several occasions at various events around the country.

His infectiously positive attitude was plain for all to see and I admired him greatly. I can only hope to be able to act in the same manner as Brendan did, seeming to laugh in the face of every adversity that was placed before him.

Brendan, you"ll be much loved and much missed. Yours, GiMac.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett - RIP
Post by: Digger on September 22, 2008, 16:39:27 PM
My best poker memory is watching Brendans fantastic performance in Dublin 2007 - RIP
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett - RIP
Post by: Baldus New on December 16, 2008, 10:30:25 AM
I had the pleasure of meeting Brendan for the first time last year at Cardiff and I have to say that he was an example to us all as to how to conduct yourself both on and off the table but then having read all your posts from people who knew him a lot better than I did, you all know that.

Even though I had the unenviable task of knocking him out of the tournament on the day that he was inducted into the hall of fame, he still had a few kind words and a smile.

Hopefully there will be a celebration event for him next year in Season 3 but if there isn"t, maybe we could rename one in his honour, as is befitting for a man that is obviously held in such high regard, as an example of the APAT spirit and all that is good about the friendships made in Poker.

God bless and rest in peace.
Title: Re: Brendan Hartnett - RIP
Post by: kinboshi on December 16, 2008, 13:07:06 PM
Nice post.  There will be a Brendan-sized hole at all APAT events, a hole that no one else can fill.

I"m sure Des has plans in place to remember him and honour his name in some form.