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Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: duke3016 on September 29, 2008, 18:36:54 PM

Title: The Turner Prize
Post by: duke3016 on September 29, 2008, 18:36:54 PM
Now please excuse my ignorance but lumps of glass, films of felix the fecking cat, and a couple of Tesco checkouts is not art.

I don"t care how much spin they put on it - how much the critics enthuse, it"s shiite, the Emporers new clothes,  we must be seen to like it or be branded ignorant.

One critic said "You can take whatever interperation you like"

OK I will, its pure and utter pants

No doubt the more educated and discerning of APAT members will argue I am wrong.

Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: Chipaccrual on September 29, 2008, 19:05:06 PM

Now please excuse my ignorance but lumps of glass, films of felix the fecking cat, and a couple of Tesco checkouts is not art.

I don"t care how much spin they put on it - how much the critics enthuse, it"s shiite, the Emporers new clothes,  we must be seen to like it or be branded ignorant.

One critic said "You can take whatever interperation you like"

OK I will, its pure and utter pants

No doubt the more educated and discerning of APAT members will argue I am wrong.

Wot he said.
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: HaworthBantam on September 29, 2008, 19:16:09 PM

Wow, nice outburst Ger. I had to google Turner Prize to see what the fuss was about.

Erm.....ok.....think I must be ignorant as well.
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: duke3016 on September 29, 2008, 20:25:09 PM

Wow, nice outburst Ger. I had to google Turner Prize to see what the fuss was about.

Erm.....ok.....think I must be ignorant as well.

No Ian that shows you have taste

Anyone who thinks that is art has all their taste in their mouths, and some sick, twisted, moneybagged moron will pay thousands for that shiite
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: MintTrav on September 29, 2008, 21:56:58 PM

No doubt the more educated and discerning of APAT members will argue I am wrong.

You"re wrong.
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: duke3016 on September 29, 2008, 22:06:15 PM

No doubt the more educated and discerning of APAT members will argue I am wrong.

You"re wrong.

John I am surprised -- go on then tell me why my eyes deceive me
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: Jon MW on September 29, 2008, 22:12:15 PM
Most of it most of the time is short term fashionable tripe.

My favourite painters are pre-raphaelite so it takes a lot for me to like any modern garbage, very occasionally something stands out - but not this year, it"s all shiite.
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: MintTrav on September 29, 2008, 22:27:10 PM
Had to look it up as well. Even the art-world isn"t necessarily on board this time. The Times" Chief Art Critic Rachel Campbell-Johnston said: "This Turner prize is going to be very, very confusing." On the checkouts: "On one level it is very intellectual and you go down lanes that you have to know all about art history to even begin to get. At the other level - a collage is the polite word, a clutter is the rude word." Duke has another word.

Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: bigredders on September 29, 2008, 22:39:18 PM
i can remember when a guy won it for turning a light on and off in a room...think it was meant to symolize something..

utter b*****cks

competition for pretentious indiots
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: duke3016 on September 29, 2008, 23:01:10 PM

Duke has another word.

Yep Shiite
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: duke3016 on December 02, 2008, 17:55:37 PM
And we have a "winner"

The key motifs of the work of Mark Leckey, who creates footage based on  contemporary culture, are desire and transformation. According to judges, he uses his "own state of being" - an artist in London who grew up in northern England in the 1980s - to explore those motifs "He celebrates the imagination of the individual and our potential to inhabit, reclaim or animate an idea, a space, or an object," they added.

He submitted Felix the Cat on TV FFS.  Nuff said
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: rubertoe on December 02, 2008, 18:32:16 PM

And we have a "winner"

The key motifs of the work of Mark Leckey, who creates footage based on  contemporary culture, are desire and transformation. According to judges, he uses his "own state of being" - an artist in London who grew up in northern England in the 1980s - to explore those motifs "He celebrates the imagination of the individual and our potential to inhabit, reclaim or animate an idea, a space, or an object," they added.

He submitted Felix the Cat on TV FFS.  Nuff said

A drawing of "felix the cat" done by the original Artist ("insert name" - i cant be bothered to google it) would be considered Art IMO - not some fella watching it on TV and calling it art!![
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: kinboshi on December 03, 2008, 13:52:30 PM
This is art:

Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: noble1 on December 03, 2008, 15:08:45 PM
I"ll play the role of devils advocate and put forward a defence towards art,when i was at school two of my favourite subjects were History and Art.
What is the point of art ? imo it is imagination, it is about being creative and thinking on different levels.
What has art given us the human race ? Before mankind became imaginative - humans did not have the capability to wonder or be curious about the mysteries that surrounded them. The human brain had not yet evolved the necessary cells and pathways to be capable of absract imagination. The Neandertals were extremely intelligent beings but were not capable of Human Imagination,so in a way imagination,being creative or just challenging society"s views and beliefs through art or the arts, has shaped society as we know it today in western culture. 
Society"s or should i say goverments even in recent times have tried to ban or suppress art - the nazis did it, Hitler saw it as a war against imagination and the vision of the other,this being something that he believed would bring the masses under his control.The communists in Russia [stalin] and china [Chairman Mao Zedong - died 1976 thank god] until recently all raged a war towards art,all in the belief that it created free thinking !!
Modernist art began in the sixties and has changed everyones views on what art is,you can blame Andy Warhol for that.Now what is classed as art is very broad but it still involves imagination and free thinking something that the art police,those of the fine arts still cant accept.

The turner prize harms no one,why ridicule it ?

so ends my argument  ;D
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: Chipaccrual on December 03, 2008, 15:38:29 PM

This is art:



Please tell me that"s Guinness.   ;D

What"s on your mind indeed !!
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: Jon MW on December 03, 2008, 15:55:42 PM

The turner prize harms no one,why ridicule it ?

Because it"s fun.

Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: MintTrav on December 03, 2008, 20:07:13 PM

Most of it most of the time is short term fashionable tripe.

My favourite painters are pre-raphaelite so it takes a lot for me to like any modern garbage, very occasionally something stands out - but not this year, it"s all shiite.

The turner prize harms no one,why ridicule it ?

Because it"s fun.


Jon - In their succinctness, your posts on this topic are themselves works of art, illustrating mankind"s ability to capture the kernal of the argument while avoiding all extraneous discussion or longwinded justification. Can"t wait for the third in the series. I"m thinking of nominating you for the next Turner Prize!
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: Jon MW on December 03, 2008, 20:30:19 PM
I could be a world famous artist if I wanted to, but I don"t want the paparazzi problems that brings.
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: MintTrav on December 03, 2008, 21:24:51 PM
See - what did I tell you?
The man"s a genius!
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: MintTrav on October 08, 2009, 01:27:18 AM
Come on Ger - this year"s Turner Prize Exhibition has been running for two days and we haven"t heard anything from you. Is that because you like it this time?

(takes cover)
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: Cyntaf on October 08, 2009, 10:53:05 AM
Hey noble, are you comparing our very own Ger to A. Dolf??..........LMAO.

Agreed imagination is so very important in many ways. Now then if i were to express myself through my imagination,

A : Who would be interested?
B : Possibly the white coat police
C : Could it really be called art, if i were to embellish it with arty farty reasons and descriptions of how it depicts a semi modern post historic trip into the fatherlands contradictory self flagulating egotistical, neural pathways reception heightened by the parapsychological forces to broaden ones interest in, not only the cost of living in western europe but also the standard height of a garden gate, in a rural community in Central Asia.
D : What am i on about?
E : Will it make me rich?
F : What was the thread about , tell me again please.
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: Cyntaf on October 08, 2009, 10:58:14 AM
Dan, that is definately art. It"s got my imagination running wild, who is she? Do i know her, well she looks familiar(Slightly).
Why is she wearing hold-ups and not the full regalia? Did she know that you were photagraphing her? Shhhh!
Will she be at Bolton, hey she could wait on for our table :o
Title: Re: The Turner Prize
Post by: duke3016 on October 08, 2009, 11:27:56 AM
Leo Benedictus of the Guardian this week put it better than I ever could

"Big fat waste of taxpayer"s money on a bunch of dole-scrounging art-school layabouts who just take any piece of crap and stick it on the floor and then a bunch of ponces wander round and go: "Oh, it"s really deep and clever and stuff" and stroke their beards and drink their lattes and stop us bringing back the lash and the birch"