Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chipaccrual on November 22, 2008, 01:01:16 AM
Neil "lukybugur" Dawson is the first person to break 50 days online on the APAT forum.
I am undecided as to my views on this. Is it an achievement, or does he need help ?
Your comments please ?
not that neil has spent 50 days on here but that it is available for all to see.....
or is it..... i can"t tell or is it a moderator secret....
I"m a bit undecided myself ;D
I work from home where I can spend up to 14 hours day sat in front of my PC, I really enjoy being part of APAT and have recently been upgraded to "Moderator" so I suspect my time online was always going to be higher than your average bear"s but, hmmm, yeah, 50 days in the past 13 months seems like quite a lot. 50 most enjoyable days I"d like to add!
It can be seen half way down the Stats page at
dedication ;)
dedication ;)
I like to think so. :)
I like to think so. :)
Although I still think you have some sneeky auto refresh robot which means you just put your feet up whilst you rack up the minutes. ;D
It can be seen half way down the Stats page at
I"m not allowed on this anymore.
Am I banned? ???
It can be seen half way down the Stats page at
I"m not allowed on this anymore.
Am I banned? ???
That"s strange, Rob, I thought that page was available to everybody. Anyway, you"re currently 5th place in the most time on the site league with 19 days, 20 hours and 26 mins to your credit.
I don"t think I"ll comment/pass judgement on Neils racked up time on the site.....
Just Coming upto my first Full Day!!
23hrs and 12 Mins!
Lightweight! :-X
The man is a legend
dedication , thats what you need , dedication ,thats what you need !
if you want to be a record breaker !!!!
i now feel the need to play on a trumpet i really dont know why lol ???
I like to think so. :)
Although I still think you have some sneeky auto refresh robot which means you just put your feet up whilst you rack up the minutes. ;D
There is an auto-refresh download that I have for Firefox - I found it just before Dublin in June and set it up for Julia to keep updated on my play. The only time I use it now is when I"m sitting watching updates of Live APAT Tourneys, for convenience really as it flicks up and kinda "tells me off" for not having checked the forum for 15 minutes.
I"ve been using Google Chrome more recently though and I don"t know if such a thing exists for it. Ian and Leigh: Ask yourselves, how often have you PM"d / emailed me and it"s taken longer than 15 mins for me to get back to you? :)
Thanks Duke!!
Er, well done ? ? ?
There is an auto-refresh download that I have for Firefox
If only you realised what I think you"ve started. ;D
There is an auto-refresh download that I have for Firefox
If only you realised what I think you"ve started. ;D
Yep -- he has a lot to answer for
It can be seen half way down the Stats page at
I"m not allowed on this anymore.
Am I banned? ???
That"s strange, Rob, I thought that page was available to everybody. Anyway, you"re currently 5th place in the most time on the site league with 19 days, 20 hours and 26 mins to your credit.
I don"t think I"ll comment/pass judgement on Neils racked up time on the site.....
The stats page used to be available to everyone, but seems not any more. Perhaps Neil is embarrassed by his 50+ days and has restricted viewing to the page?! :D
I"m not embarrassed at all. I"m hoping it"ll show the heid honchos how dedicated I am tp APAT and hope they ask me to stay on as part of the staff for Season 3.
Oh, and I haven"t disabled the stats. I dunno what"s happened there.