Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Communities => APAT Central Poker Clubs => APAT Local Poker Clubs => Nottingham Poker Club => Topic started by: HaworthBantam on December 28, 2008, 21:34:37 PM
This thread is for general discussion relating to Nottingham Poker Club and it"s players for the APAT National Online League.
Club Captain
Nottingham Poker Club will be captained by Daniel Phillips.
Daniel has the distinction of being APATs very first champion, way back in Season 1. Daniel has been a great ambassador for APAT and a frequent poster on the forum, sharing his knowledge with anyone who"ll listen..... ;D
In all seriousness, Daniel will be an asset to the Nottingham Poker Club, and I"m sure the team will feature very high in the league, come the season end.
Many thanks,
Let the recruitment begin.
Who wants to join the three fine players who have already pledged their allegiance to Nottingham?
Let the recruitment begin.
Who wants to join the three fine players who have already pledged their allegiance to Nottingham?
Well there"s Jack and Rupinder. Can"t see a third one though. Has the list been updated ?
Let the recruitment begin.
Who wants to join the three fine players who have already pledged their allegiance to Nottingham?
Well there"s Jack and Rupinder. Can"t see a third one though. Has the list been updated ?
Oi, clear off and get yourself measured up for the end of season forfeit outfit.... :D
Let the recruitment begin.
Who wants to join the three fine players who have already pledged their allegiance to Nottingham?
Well there"s Jack and Rupinder. Can"t see a third one though. Has the list been updated ?
Do you mind leaving this board and not polluting it with your southern nonsense. Thank you.
Happy now ? :D
Happy now ? :D
Nice to have you on board Simon!
Good man Simon.
Hold on, I"d have to take orders from Kinfish ?
Need to rethink this.....
The Bainn!! Good to have you on board. Don"t worry if you can"t play them all, I"m sure there"ll be loads of others in the same boat.
DTD Nottingham FTW!!
The Bainn!! Good to have you on board. Don"t worry if you can"t play them all, I"m sure there"ll be loads of others in the same boat.
DTD Nottingham FTW!!
Groovy to be onboard Chief, indeed, us FTW !
I want DTD to be my second home!
Kevin Shutt - amitightorloose
Welcome aboard Kevin!
I am looking forward to supporting the Nottingham points drive under Daniel"s leadership. See you on the tables!
Thx Daniel, as the old saying goes....i"m baaaaack.... ;D
I am looking forward to supporting the Nottingham points drive under Daniel"s leadership. See you on the tables!
We now have some chance of getting some points!!
More than welcome.
Just signed up hopefully. Nor really an online player but so long as reminded ill try to play most weeks :)
Indeed, greetings and salutations to the squad.
Room for one more??
Neil Blatchly aka SickoChamp10K
We only want decent players.... but I guess you"ll do.
The team"s shaping up nicely, Daniel.
The team"s shaping up nicely, Daniel.
Yes, I need as much support as possible with me and Bainn in the team!
Nice one champ- lets confirm that
Nottingham Leicester is the hotbed of poker talent
The team"s shaping up nicely, Daniel.
Yes, I need as much support as possible with me and Bainn in the team!
The team"s shaping up nicely, Daniel.
Yes, I need as much support as possible with me and Bainn in the team!
So true.
I know.
The team"s shaping up nicely, Daniel.
Yes, I need as much support as possible with me and Bainn in the team!
So true.
I know.
Cheeky Fe**** !
Hoping to play in a lot more this season jack!
Donk!! Great to have you on board.
Might as well ship us the trophy now.
Donk!! Great to have you on board.
Might as well ship us the trophy now.
Agreed and scarily this is the 3rd time I have ever agreed with Kybosh !
Count me in.
Evilpie, Matt Russell, Evilpie.
Aha! The Dektop Tower Defense master! Good to have you on board.
Hi Guys
first year in apat... will play when i can
Jumpa Peter Collins Jumpaah58
good luck for 2009
Hi Peter - welcome to APAT and to the winning team for the Club competition :D.
Well its becoming my local slowly
Forum ID duncthehat
Name Duncan Hodgkins
Blue Square ID astonville
Good to have you on board Dunc. Nice to see the Villa doing so well (not as well as Liverpool though, which is nicer of course ;))
Hi ID Brads -
DTD Member
Hi Brads. We"ll need your real name as well. Welcome to the team.
It seems most of the members of the Nottingham Poker Club team are members of THE Nottingham Poker Club ;D.
Thanks for the welcome
steve bradshaw
remember you from the first tour, not been around for a while, but hope to get back intro it this year.
Hi all
Thanks for the welcome
steve bradshaw
remember you from the first tour,
I don"t owe you money do I?
not been around for a while, but hope to get back intro it this year.
Hi all
Some cracking events in APAT both online and live this year - should be a goodun. Will you be playing at the Walsall National event? Come over and say hello.
Paul Petcher - acepecker
Excellent!! Another quality player to add to the list.
my name is scott thacker
my username for bluesq is hookorbycrook1
Hi Scott - good to have ANOTHER quality player in the team. Was back in Corby this weekend moving the sister-in-law in to her new house. Can"t believe the number of houses they"ve built in Corby recently.
Hi Daniel, ty ,you"re too kind but its good to be back playing now i have a chance to.And yes corby is getting bigger.They are about to build another 10000 houses where wonder world was going to be.
Hi Daniel, ty ,you"re too kind but its good to be back playing now i have a chance to.And yes corby is getting bigger.They are about to build another 10000 houses where wonder world was going to be.
Wonderworld - wonder when? Houses are better than that daft idea.
Train station due in April as well I believe.
yep the trains are making a second come back.They might get used this time.
yep the trains are making a second come back.They might get used this time.
If they are on a mainline, it"ll be a huge boost for the town. If they only go to Kettering...then no one will use them!
On to more important things.Hows your poker been?I haven"t played in any apats since the luton one .Working nights was a problem, in that i couldn"t, buyin(always at work and no comptuer use).And even if i could chances were I couldn"t play .I turned up at walsall last year but no one went out in the first levels so didn"t get a game .Other than a few visits to d2d ive been doing nada.This year im going to try and play them all but you never know what could happen.
My poker has been the usual. Rubbish.
Cashed in the Irish APAT after final table bubbling, but nothing of note other than that. I can usually be found playing cash at DTD most weekends.
Looking forward to APAT this season though. I think both the online and live events are spot on.
........ I think both the online and live events are spot on.
And we thank you for the vote of confidence, Daniel. :D Now, if I could direct you to the Nottingham Poker Club - General Discussion thread ( for..... erm..... general discussion ;D
........ I think both the online and live events are spot on.
And we thank you for the vote of confidence, Daniel. :D Now, if I could direct you to the Nottingham Poker Club - General Discussion thread ( for..... erm..... general discussion ;D
Yawn. Both need bumpage.
........ I think both the online and live events are spot on.
And we thank you for the vote of confidence, Daniel. :D Now, if I could direct you to the Nottingham Poker Club - General Discussion thread ( for..... erm..... general discussion ;D
Yawn. Both need bumpage.
We have 17 in the team currently. Surely there are a few more who are interested in this?
hi all just wishing you all good luck , you lot have best team and i wish i could play for you but i have to play for nottingham!
all being well we will be 2nd to you
cheers Dan shame you cant be in liverpool team , but thanks for your kind word ;)
hi all just wishing you all good luck , you lot have best team and i wish i could play for you but i have to play for nottingham!
all being well we will be 2nd to you
cheers Dan shame you cant be in liverpool team , but thanks for your kind word ;)
Well doctored. Something I"d never do :D
no probs dan , didnt realise you could do it til u pointed it out lol
no probs dan , I do realise that Nottingham has the superior team, but is no match for the Southern Division, so we are both stuffed, lol
Cheers fella, I agree. ;D
no probs dan , I do realise that Nottingham has the superior team, but is no match for the Southern Division, so we are both stuffed, lol
Cheers fella, I agree. ;D
I see Leigh is editing posts on MY board now........
Running scared, Leigh, running scared.
no probs dan , I do realise that Nottingham has the superior team, but is no match for the Southern Division, so we are both stuffed, lol
Cheers fella, I agree. ;D
I see Leigh is editing posts on MY board now........
Just making sure that if they are going to correct each others quotes, they get it right. ;D
no probs dan , I do realise that Nottingham has the superior team, but is no match for the Southern Division, so we are both stuffed, lol
Cheers fella, I agree. ;D
I see Leigh is editing posts on MY board now........
I was just trying to give them a laugh at my misplaced optimism, that"s all. ;D
Fair enough, mate.
no probs dan , I do realise that Nottingham has the superior team, but is no match for the Southern Division, so we are both stuffed, lol
Cheers fella, I agree. ;D
I see Leigh is editing posts on MY board now........
I was just trying to give them a laugh at my misplaced optimism, that"s all. ;D
Fair enough, mate.
Got to be some more in and around the Midlands looking to play for the winning team in this?
Hi Guys
first year in APAT and managed to qualify for Walsall.. would be good to meet fellow team members and say Hi.. also qualified with Sky for the Newcastle leg.. anybody from the team in that one?
C U at the tables.
Hello Boys and Girls
Another newbie to APAT.
Managed to get into Walsall and have been a regular at DTD last few months.
I would be pleased to play for Nottingham when I can.
Roy Finch
Welcome to the team Jumpa & HuckNall.
See you both in Walsall - make sure you say hello.
OK - the National League is almost upon us. Round 1 is next Sunday, 8pm.
You can register on BlueSQ now, and you"ll need the following password:
(This will be the password for the rest of the season I believe as well).
It"d be good to get as many as possible of us from Nottingham registered for the first event - and hopefully we can get off to a flying start.
Feel free to forward the password, but remember players must be signed up to a club before they play. Club registration remains open for the whole of the season.
How many players have we now got in the team Daniel?
A lot of chickens being counted on this board
A lot of chickens being counted on this board
proof that change is not a good thing
Cannot play tonight, a friend is leaving the country so will be at DTD for a last night out.
Good luck people.
Enjoy DTD
Enjoy DTD
Cheers Squire.
Enjoy DTD
It"s difficult not to. Especially if you run as good as I was last night :D
Enjoy DTD
It"s difficult not to. Especially if you run as good as I was last night :D
Here"s hoping....
Nice one Brett, who did us proud by taking 8th place last night.
How"d DTD go?
How"d DTD go?
DTD was cool if a little sad on being our friends last night there, we busted out at same time in the comp, lol !
Just wanting to tally up our teams individual points -
Bainn = 3
Righto, found the thread now !
StuartHopkin - 4
Jumpaah58 - 3
Dolahyde - 3
This is an awesome and my duck want in lol
It"s a great team on paper. Shame no one actually plays!
You"re more than welcome in the side! (And the duck ::))
This is an awesome and my duck want in lol
Welcome to the team.
Erm, thanks team. We did, erm..... well.
I blame the captain.
I blame the captain.
I was going to post that. ;D
I blame the captain.
I was going to post that. ;D
Get awf my land!!
Sod off back to Southampton. Or Wales.
I blame the captain.
I was going to post that. ;D
Get awf my land!!
Sod off back to Southampton. Or Wales.
I agree. Posting in the Nottingham Poker Club thread is totally pointless.
I"m here all week.
I blame the captain.
I was going to post that. ;D
Get awf my land!!
Sod off back to Southampton. Or Wales.
I agree. Posting in the Nottingham Poker Club thread is totally pointless.
I"m here all week.
nh gg wp.
That"s one of your 3,000+ posts that was amusing. As the British Rail tag-line used to say "We"re Getting There".
"It"s a marathon not a sprint. "
"It"s a marathon not a sprint. "
We were running really well. Just in the wrong direction.