Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Poker Forum => World Championship of Amateur Poker (WCOAP) => Live Archive => Live Poker => WCOAP 2008 - 2012 => Topic started by: HaworthBantam on February 11, 2009, 13:55:17 PM
The World Championship of Amateur Poker will feature Omaha, Horse and a three day no limit hold "em World Amateur Championship main event. The festival will take place at Dusk Till Dawn in Nottingham between August 27th and 30th.
Full details are:-
August 27th
WCOAP Pot Limit Omaha Championship
1 Day / 5.00pm start / 81 players
10,000 chips / 30 minute clock
£50 Entry Fee
Direct Buy In ( - March 20th, 9pm
August 28th to 30th
WCOAP World Amateur Championship Main Event
3 Day / 4.30pm start / 300 players
10,000 chips / 45 minute clock
£100 entry fee
Day 1A - August 28th
Day 1B - August 29th
Final - August 30th (3.30pm start)
Online Satellites at Blue Square - March 16th / 17th / 18th, 8pm
Direct Buy In ( - March 19th, 9pm
August 30th
WCOAP Horse Championship
1 day / 3.45pm start / 48 players
6,000 chips / 30 minute clock
£50 entry fee
Direct Buy In ( - March 21st, 9pm
Any news yet on when we will be able to buy seats?
Details will go up after the Welsh event direct buy in and there will be at least a week or two before the events go on sale.
Details will go up after the Welsh event direct buy in and there will be at least a week or two before the events go on sale.
Ok thanks.
Just so you know, it still says the old date here (
Updated details for the WCOAP will be posted tomorrow evening.
Updated details for the WCOAP will be posted tomorrow evening.
Excellent, I have my clicking finger at the ready...
We hoped to get the Horse structure completed with DTD, but it is still being finalised despite our talking to them yesterday and today. Will be trying again tomorrow and will post details following that.
Anything yet?
Anything yet?
Yep, just about to start typing the post...
Final details for the WCOAP 2009 events are now confirmed as follows:-
August 27th
WCOAP Pot Limit Omaha Championship
1 Day / 5.00pm start / 81 players
10,000 chips / 30 minute clock
£50 Entry Fee
Direct Buy In - March 20th
August 28th - 30th
WCOAP World Amateur Championship Main Event
3 Day / 4.30pm start / 300 players
10,000 chips / 45 minute clock
£100 entry fee
Day 1A - August 28th
Day 1B - August 29th
Final - August 30th (3.30pm start)
Online Satellites - March 16th / 17th / 18th
Direct Buy In - March 19th
August 30th
WCOAP Horse Championship
1 day / 3.45pm start / 48 players
6,000 chips / 30 minute clock
£50 entry fee
Direct Buy In - March 21st
To manage costs for DTD, the Horse event will now run on the final day of the main event. As this is a Sunday, and the next day is a bank holiday, players who remain in the main event on the final day should have no problem transferring their Horse seat should they not wish to compete in both.
ok now I"m officially excited. One drawback though - really looking forward to the HORSE event.... I just hope they don"t mind me multi-tabling that and the Main Event final table :)
Des - when do you plan for seats to go on sale please? Is it all by straight sale, or are you including sats? OK OK I know you only just made the post - give you a chance an all that.... but tell me tell me
ok now I"m officially excited. One drawback though - really looking forward to the HORSE event.... I just hope they don"t mind me multi-tabling that and the Main Event final table :)
Des - when do you plan for seats to go on sale please? Is it all by straight sale, or are you including sats? OK OK I know you only just made the post - give you a chance an all that.... but tell me tell me the post Champ!
ok now I"m officially excited. One drawback though - really looking forward to the HORSE event.... I just hope they don"t mind me multi-tabling that and the Main Event final table :)
Des - when do you plan for seats to go on sale please? Is it all by straight sale, or are you including sats? OK OK I know you only just made the post - give you a chance an all that.... but tell me tell me the post Champ!
ah bugger!!
ok ok dikhead moment over :) back to the beer cos the whisky isn"t doing me any good tonight!
During the clickfest will there be seperate links for Day 1a & 1b?
Day 1b is likely to be most popular but I plan on playing in the Omaha on the Thurs so 1a would probs suit better and hopefully give a better chance of clickfesting in (should I fail to satty in)...
I like the reduced costs for the "Side Events" too....
I"d also appreciate the option to select which "Day 1" I"d like...
ok now I"m officially excited. One drawback though - really looking forward to the HORSE event.... I just hope they don"t mind me multi-tabling that and the Main Event final table :)
Des - when do you plan for seats to go on sale please? Is it all by straight sale, or are you including sats? OK OK I know you only just made the post - give you a chance an all that.... but tell me tell me the post Chump!
The last time we ran a two day one event was in 2007 in Luton and that ran Saturday/Sunday/BH Monday.
Therefore choice of day ones wasn"t a big issue.
With this one running Friday/Saturday/Sunday, I am guessing people might not be keen to take the Friday off, although it is a 4:30pm start.
As usual, I"m sure we will try to accomodate any specific requests as long as it doesn"t get out of hand from an administration point of view. ;D
... I am guessing people might not be keen to take the Friday off, although it is a 4:30pm start.
some people might not have the option to take Friday off.
... I am guessing people might not be keen to take the Friday off, although it is a 4:30pm start.
some people might not have the option to take Friday off.
Hence my suggestion that we will try to accomodate people"s requests where possible.
From an admin point of view, that week is going to be extremely busy with an 81 runner Omaha on the Thursday then two lots of 150 runner day ones. With a number of late finishes thrown into the equation.
Then take the usual last minute seat exchanges.
Trying to ensure everyone gets to play when they want is our objective, but we can"t say everyone will get to play on their chosen day as it"s the usual supply and demand thing.
The exact detail is yet to be decided, but my suggestion would be this.
Once the 300 are known, those that have a preference post on the forum, if we can meet everyones requirements great, if not, then random selection is used to meet as many as we can and those unlucky few will either have to take the alternate day of exchange their seat if they can"t make it. That would seem the fairest way of doing it.
But, as I say, yet to be decided. ;D
... I am guessing people might not be keen to take the Friday off, although it is a 4:30pm start.
some people might not have the option to take Friday off.
My point was, "not keen" and "not able to" are entirely different.
My suggestion for fairness is that the players give their preference in order of payment.
Once one day is full the players expressing a preference for that day are offered the other one as an alternative.
If they know they can"t make that day then it can go to the next down the list who failed.
I expect that most people will accept the alternative day and then try their best to be able to make it, and sell it on the seat exchange only if it"s absolutely not possible for them to make it.
Generally I don"t see random selection or any kind of lottery as a good way to decide matters - and as their is a record of when people paid, it might as well be put to good use.
We will be using the same method as with our last three day event. Players will be able to input their preferred day 1 with their payment and those days will be allocated in order of payment. This event is being put on sale 5 months prior to taking place so there is ample time for people to organise a day"s holiday if they want to play and do not get their preferred starting day.
Have you two been talking to each other ?
Great minds and all that.
We will be using the same method as with our last three day event. ...
I didn"t actually remember this.
But it may have been somewhere in my subconscious.
There is a significant difference. We will not be offering the "second" day as an alternative option, then moving down the list as and when players decide whether to take the option or not.
If their preference day has filled up we will either a) allocate a seat on the second day and the onus moves to the player to sell the seat through the Seat Exchange Board or b) not allocate them a seat. That one will be decided before the event goes on sale.
It has to be option a)
I would be gutted if I had clickfested intime, but my choice of day one had gone and I was not allocated the other day one if available.
And if it is not an option for anyone, then they can always put it on the seat exchange as you say.
It has to be option a)
I would be gutted if I had clickfested intime, but my choice of day one had gone and I was not allocated the other day one if available.
And if it is not an option for anyone, then they can always put it on the seat exchange as you say.
I would say this as well, especially as if they were given the option I would expect most people would accept the alternative day and then try and "find a way" to make it.
Having said that I don"t think having 50 seats going through the seat exchange board would be a good idea - so if there are too many I can see how administratively the other option would be preferable.
What time in the evening do the clickfests start?
9pm, SHARP!
Have we got a date for the clickfest / sats.
Looks great though a little dissapointed with available numbers for the omaha and horse but can see plenty of reasons why so just hope i can get in em!!
Helps if I look at the revised schedule i guess ::)
How come the max number of entries are so limited ( in relative to DTDs capacity), seems a shame to have so few players playing in such a big room?
How come the max number of entries are so limited ( in relative to DTDs capacity), seems a shame to have so few players playing in such a big room?
I can only assume its so there is little disruption to their regular events.
How come the max number of entries are so limited ( in relative to DTDs capacity), seems a shame to have so few players playing in such a big room?
mal got there before me!!
How come the max number of entries are so limited ( in relative to DTDs capacity), seems a shame to have so few players playing in such a big room?
I can only assume its so there is little disruption to their regular events.
I"m sure this is the reason... but it does kind of negate the advantages of holding the event at Europe"s biggest poker venue.
At what point will the buy-ins actually be charged to people"s debit cards... Within a day or two of the seats going on sale (as usual) or a bit closer to the date of the event?
How come the max number of entries are so limited ( in relative to DTDs capacity), seems a shame to have so few players playing in such a big room?
I can only assume its so there is little disruption to their regular events.
I"m sure this is the reason... but it does kind of negate the advantages of holding the event at Europe"s biggest poker venue.
Was at DTD last night, and it was heaving. 333 runners (plus alternates) for the £300 comp. By the way, Darren Shallis (aka Newportlad) has just reached the money with a healthy stack in that).
In addition to the £300, they had 9 tables for the usual £50 comp. There were also 7 cash tables running from the start.
Every table was in use, and they even had to use the VIP lounge to accommodate everyone. It was mayhem, but brilliantly organised.
I can imagine it will be similarly busy when APAT comes to town.
At what point will the buy-ins actually be charged to people"s debit cards... Within a day or two of the seats going on sale (as usual) or a bit closer to the date of the event?
Unfortunately we only have the ability to delay payment for four weeks from pre-authorisation.
Unfortunately we only have the ability to delay payment for four weeks from pre-authorisation.
No probs, just wanted to know...
Don"t delay, I"m likely to forget then spend this money I never realised I had but is lying in my account then get ANOTHER bank charge, lol :D
It has to be option a)
I would be gutted if I had clickfested intime, but my choice of day one had gone and I was not allocated the other day one if available.
And if it is not an option for anyone, then they can always put it on the seat exchange as you say.
I would say this as well, especially as if they were given the option I would expect most people would accept the alternative day and then try and "find a way" to make it.
Having said that I don"t think having 50 seats going through the seat exchange board would be a good idea - so if there are too many I can see how administratively the other option would be preferable.
I agree.
Is there an option "not to choose a day"?
Because if you HAVE to choose a day, it does not mean that you can"t make the other day - it"s just that you HAD to choose one.
If you qualify by the clickfest i.e. one of the first 220ish to have completed the ordeal, you should be entered.
As Des said there is plenty of time to try and make arrangements to make the other day. If alas you can"t then I am sure there will be 1 or 2 that would be interested in buying your seat.
It has to be option (a)
I agree with that - I would be happy to just get a seat.... Des can then stick me in whichever day1 he chooses - I have no preference, and will be there for the duration anyway.
I plan on playing all the events so i really dont mind which day... just getting the seats will be one thing!!
Anyone know of any Good (and by that i mean Cheap) Hotels near the card room??
£153 is the cheapest if seen so far not bad for two for 4 nights!
I plan on playing all the events so i really dont mind which day... just getting the seats will be one thing!!
Anyone know of any Good (and by that i mean Cheap) Hotels near the card room??
£153 is the cheapest if seen so far not bad for two for 4 nights!
I don"t think I"ve seen any that cheap, so you might be safe to go for it.
As far as I know the only hotel which is within walking distance is the Riverside Travelodge, so any other hotel you can assume you need to factor in petrol/taxi money.
Any Idea when the sats will go live on bluesq and what the buy ins/seats will be?
As far as I know the only hotel which is within walking distance is the Riverside Travelodge, so any other hotel you can assume you need to factor in petrol/taxi money.
The Travelodge ( is about 1.5 miles so it"s certainly within walking distance but still a trek.
Any Idea when the sats will go live on bluesq and what the buy ins/seats will be?
Don"t know when they"ll go live but I expect 1 seat per 10 buy-ins
As far as I know the only hotel which is within walking distance is the Riverside Travelodge, so any other hotel you can assume you need to factor in petrol/taxi money.
The Travelodge ( is about 1.5 miles so it"s certainly within walking distance but still a trek.
It"s where I stayed for the opening weekend - it"s less than 1.5 miles with the quickest route (up the Boulevard - over the bridge) - but, yes, it might be further than some people might like to walk.
As far as I know the only hotel which is within walking distance is the Riverside Travelodge, so any other hotel you can assume you need to factor in petrol/taxi money.
The Travelodge ( is about 1.5 miles so it"s certainly within walking distance but still a trek.
It"s where I stayed for the opening weekend - it"s less than 1.5 miles with the quickest route (up the Boulevard - over the bridge) - but, yes, it might be further than some people might like to walk.
Oops...that was my fault...Google Maps is, of course, driving distance.
I looked at the travel lodge and it is a bit pricey - looking for somewhere closer to Nottingham City centre really - gonna have at least one spare day and will have to keep the missus happy!
Pleanty of time to work these things out!!
I looked at the travel lodge and it is a bit pricey - looking for somewhere closer to Nottingham City centre really - gonna have at least one spare day and will have to keep the missus happy!
What"s your budget?
Satellites for the WCOAP Main Event are now available under
Tournaments > Specials > APAT
Satellites are
Monday 16th March - 8pm - $20 + $2
Tuesday 17th March - 8pm - $10 + $1
Wednesday 18th March - 8pm - $5 + $0.5 Rebuy
One package for every $200 in the prizepool (£100 seat + remainder in expenses into your Blue Square account)
Good Luck
I looked at the travel lodge and it is a bit pricey - looking for somewhere closer to Nottingham City centre really - gonna have at least one spare day and will have to keep the missus happy!
What"s your budget?
I dont really wanna spend more than £200 on accomodation for the duration! so i may just book the hotel that i have seen - it is a bit far from DTD but that is ok!
I dont really wanna spend more than £200 on accomodation for the duration! so i may just book the hotel that i have seen - it is a bit far from DTD but that is ok!
Innkeeper"s Lodge ( - £157.73 for 4 nights [check-in 27th <> check-out 31st] including continental breakfast. ;)
Fully cancelable and not payable until you arrive.
6 minute drive to DTD (,-1.20532&geocode=&dirflg=&saddr=NG7+2UW&f=d&hl=en&sll=59.153403,5.009766&sspn=17.621961,39.550781&ie=UTF8&ll=52.942018,-1.184893&spn=0.040189,0.077248&z=14&msa=0&msid=108378245673034933590.000001122445f047c81eb)
anyone know how long after clickfest we will be assigned days?
Just with a view to booking a room somewhere
1st Satellite tonight sees 115 players competing for 11 packages and $100 for 12th.
Good luck those still in.
1st Satellite tonight sees 115 players competing for 11 packages and $100 for 12th.
Good luck those still in.
Here"s hoping - this is only night i"ll be able to try satty in so fingers crossed.
This might be a stupid question.......................but, why are we playing satellites for a August competition in March?
All in favour of planning a diary of events, but why 5 months ahead.
I plan usually 4-5 weeks ahead. cant see the rationale on 20 weeks, anybody else thinking the same way?
This might be a stupid question.......................but, why are we playing satellites for a August competition in March?
All in favour of planning a diary of events, but why 5 months ahead.
I plan usually 4-5 weeks ahead. cant see the rationale on 20 weeks, anybody else thinking the same way?
my take on it is....
as its an amateur association and the majority of members work during the week and that the WCOAP takes place during the week as well as the weekend, then this gives people the chance to
1. buy in to the events....then
2. get time off work, giving bosses plenty of notice
This might be a stupid question.......................but, why are we playing satellites for a August competition in March?
All in favour of planning a diary of events, but why 5 months ahead.
I plan usually 4-5 weeks ahead. cant see the rationale on 20 weeks, anybody else thinking the same way?
I agree, I hadn"t even budgeted for this yet, and now I have to scrape it :(
I agree, I hadn"t even budgeted for this yet, and now I have to scrape it :(
Looks like no WCOAP for me for a 2nd year in a row :"(
Just crashed out in 18th when it folded to me in SB and I shoved to try take BB and Antes with 47 - BB called with A7... Can"t make any of the other online sats and i"m skint at the mo so can"t afford to clickfest. Good luck to all who make it tonight and the rest of the week. Hopefully get a last minute seat exchange ticket...
And we have a winner of the VIP WCOAP Package (Including flights, limo transfer, penthouse suite with mini bar) for the player that finished 17th tonight.
Congratulations to them, they wish to remain anonymous, but hope they enjoy the corporate hospitality that APAT has to offer in August.
me SB KQ
player BB A10
me all in
player call
Flop J810
None of my potential 13 outs materialised and I am out in 16th
And I was on life support for most of it :(
Well done to the following 11 players who won their WCOAP Main Event Package tonight.
And well played to BusbyxBabe who bubbled in 12th for $100.
Congrats all
Well done all the 11 qualifiers and unlucky Busby
I was just lucky enough to be one of the 11.
Will be asked to choose a day?
Can i have Sunday please, if not then Saturday.
See u in Nottingham
does it get any better, cant wait to meet all the guys and girls who make it , well done the other 10 players , lets try make it another final table
Glad I made it through, was getting quite nervous at the end.
Cu then and also in Cardiff where I intend to re-gain my title ;D
Well done everyone.
I am Looking forward to it!
I had a nice run of cards during the middle stages and gained a large stack which saved me from some the the donkey stuff I was doing towards the end.
just a small request , can i have sat please. i am coming all the way from fife.this would let me travel down friday day/night so i can take 1 less day off work
Glad I made it through, was getting quite nervous at the end.
Cu then and also in Cardiff where I intend to re-gain my title ;D
It"s staying in Wales this year Tim
I agree, I hadn"t even budgeted for this yet, and now I have to scrape it :(
was hoping to play in all of these but that may look unlikely now, but I accept thats the way it goes.
1 question though, I"m sure I read that the guys who are at the top of the rankings will get the opportunity to always play in the next event, so with several championships prior to this, how will this work ? will some seats be left over in reserve so that if these guys, come the time, if they haven"t qualified via sat or clickfest will they still get a chance to buy in ?
For example, extreme case, but if I were to win the Welsh, Irish and Scottish championship but didnt qualify via sat or clickfest for the worlds, which would obviously put me top of the rankings, would I still get opportunity to buyin ?
p.s congrats to all the qualifiers tonight.
10 seats will be set aside for the Rankings leaders in August.
wp to the other qualifiers from last night from me too
crizzy - i seem to remember you should have been long gone before that particular blind steal when you runner runner me with something similar! ul, hope you get a seat somehow before the event.
Given that those that qualified online last night don"t go through click fest on thursday how do they express their preference for day 1? Apologies if it is somewhere else but I read this thread and didn"t see it.
Given that those that qualified online last night don"t go through click fest on thursday how do they express their preference for day 1? Apologies if it is somewhere else but I read this thread and didn"t see it.
This I believe is yet to be decided
I have a question regarding when I will know if I have gained a Main Event seat via clickfest.
I"m interested in the ME & far so good, but if I can"t get a seat in the ME my backup is the HORSE.
As the buy-in dates are only two days apart (ME/HORSE), i don"t want to clickfest the HORSE if, the poker gods willing, I can"t play the HORSE due to success in the ME.
So, will I get to know if I have been successful in the ME clickfest in time to NOT buy into the HORSE?
seconds out round two -- regged and ready for tonights debacle
Given that those that qualified online last night don"t go through click fest on thursday how do they express their preference for day 1? Apologies if it is somewhere else but I read this thread and didn"t see it.
Satellite Qualifier Starting Days (
I have a question regarding when I will know if I have gained a Main Event seat via clickfest.
I"m interested in the ME & far so good, but if I can"t get a seat in the ME my backup is the HORSE.
As the buy-in dates are only two days apart (ME/HORSE), i don"t want to clickfest the HORSE if, the poker gods willing, I can"t play the HORSE due to success in the ME.
So, will I get to know if I have been successful in the ME clickfest in time to NOT buy into the HORSE?
I don"t think there is any way that the 300 seats will sell out on Thursday, so there should be no delays in confirming your main event seat.
I have a question regarding when I will know if I have gained a Main Event seat via clickfest.
I"m interested in the ME & far so good, but if I can"t get a seat in the ME my backup is the HORSE.
As the buy-in dates are only two days apart (ME/HORSE), i don"t want to clickfest the HORSE if, the poker gods willing, I can"t play the HORSE due to success in the ME.
So, will I get to know if I have been successful in the ME clickfest in time to NOT buy into the HORSE?
I don"t think there is any way that the 300 seats will sell out on Thursday, so there should be no delays in confirming your main event seat.
Any takers that they do?? ;)
And well played to BusbyxBabe who bubbled in 12th for $100.
Thanks. I"m becoming a bit of a Bubble Master in online events :(
Well done to the 11 that made it.
oim hoping to make tonight, but itll be a push whether i get to snooker club on time!!!!!
hopefully the connection is good!
I have a question regarding when I will know if I have gained a Main Event seat via clickfest.
I"m interested in the ME & far so good, but if I can"t get a seat in the ME my backup is the HORSE.
As the buy-in dates are only two days apart (ME/HORSE), i don"t want to clickfest the HORSE if, the poker gods willing, I can"t play the HORSE due to success in the ME.
So, will I get to know if I have been successful in the ME clickfest in time to NOT buy into the HORSE?
I don"t think there is any way that the 300 seats will sell out on Thursday, so there should be no delays in confirming your main event seat.
I find your lack of faith quite disturbing!....I think these will sell like Jessica Alba"s knickers at a Sci-Fi convention.
But thanks for the info.
I have a question regarding when I will know if I have gained a Main Event seat via clickfest.
I"m interested in the ME & far so good, but if I can"t get a seat in the ME my backup is the HORSE.
As the buy-in dates are only two days apart (ME/HORSE), i don"t want to clickfest the HORSE if, the poker gods willing, I can"t play the HORSE due to success in the ME.
So, will I get to know if I have been successful in the ME clickfest in time to NOT buy into the HORSE?
I don"t think there is any way that the 300 seats will sell out on Thursday, so there should be no delays in confirming your main event seat.
I find your lack of faith quite disturbing!....I think these will sell like Jessica Alba"s knickers at a Sci-Fi convention.
But thanks for the info.
a. It does seem odd but I think the little bit extra buy in, with the bank holiday weekend, and of course the expanded capacity means that it probably won"t sell out straight away.
b. Lightweight. I"m planning on entering and winning the ME and the HORSE.
Live multi tabling FTW imo
Why would xxxxxBobFishxxxxx
enter on the second night when he has alreadsy6 qualified the night before?
I don"t know but calling him a retard several times in chat isnt acceptable.
I did actually speak to him / her 4 times to enquire as to why he was playing again!
The silence brought out the worst in me
unlucky foggy. these seats are hard enough to get hold of as it is, but having seat holders knocking people out of subsequent satellites is harsh
I did actually speak to him / her 4 times to enquire as to why he was playing again!
The silence brought out the worst in me
I guess I should break my silence and explain myself..
When I played in APAT event for the first time, I was bowled over by the friendlyness of the other players & organisation, and could easily see that it could get extremely big. Des and the guys (& gals) do a superb job.
However, I have become extremely disillusioned with the behaviour of players during the on-line events. Whilst every site / championship has episodes of, shall we say "less than friendly chat", I would expect APAT events to set a certain standard. (isn"t friendiness part of the APAT mantra?)
Last night was a prime example.
Because one particular player decided to play A8, he was systematically mocked, talked down and basically heckled by a number of regular APAT players. And this i beleive is because he wasn"t in the APAT "club". and I don"t mean the association, but a clique of players who have obviously been members from very early days and have decided that any new faces should be torn down a strip or two at any opportunity. The unfriendly chat went on for quite a while and was in no way constructive. Nor did the chatters attempt to engage in a conversion with the player in question, instead deciding to chat about the player in the third person, as of he wasn"t there.
I was blxxy fuming at this behaviour. it wasn"t directed at me, and I stayed off the chat, but I have been the subject of such episodes myself in previous events.
And I have seen lots of other examples.
Why oh why do players think this behaviour is acceptable on line??? They would not dare to be so rude and discourtious in a live tournament, but I guess they feel brave with the protection of the screen.
APAT looks to be going in the right direction with a bigger main event in August. If we are not all careful, it will shrink into a very niche organisation because it will not be able to attract new members and keep hold of them. Who the hell wants to join an organisation where the existing members just trash talk everyone else.
Lets all grow up a bit and keep the chat positive. Let"s not single out players because they play one style or another. (poker would be a very boring game if everyone played according to the same formulae). And lets encourage new players, whether live or on-line, and get them to join the site.
As to why I didn"t answer back to your on-line chat, it"s switched off (Because of the above). Not my fault you called my all-in raise with a weaker hand. And I wonder if you would be complaining if the hand had gone the other way.
P.s I"m very pleased I didn"t see your comments in the chat box, if the previous post is accurate, which I have no reason to beleive it is not. (again my chat was off). But perhaps it on confirm"s my comments here.
Bob - fair comments, and I too hate chat box trash talk from people who wouldnt say boo to a goose in a live game. I think APAT is an excellent community to play in, both live and online, and believe there is far less rubbishy trash talk than in more standard online games.
Question for you.... having qualified for the WCOAP Main Event last night (well done on that!), why are you playing tonight"s satellite?
Bob - fair comments, and I too hate chat box trash talk from people who wouldnt say boo to a goose in a live game. I think APAT is an excellent community to play in, both live and online, and believe there is far less rubbishy trash talk than in more standard online games.
Question for you.... having qualified for the WCOAP Main Event last night (well done on that!), why are you playing tonight"s satellite?
Have I missed something here?
crizzy - i seem to remember you should have been long gone before that particular blind steal when you runner runner me with something similar! ul, hope you get a seat somehow before the event.
Yep another blind and ante steal but was the correct push 100% of the time. I was increasing my stack by 22% at that point and you could only call me really with the top 5% of hands... which you did have with QQ. I runner runner"d but that"s iPoker for you. Good luck at the worlds though - hopefully will be joining you all there!
Bob - fair comments, and I too hate chat box trash talk from people who wouldnt say boo to a goose in a live game. I think APAT is an excellent community to play in, both live and online, and believe there is far less rubbishy trash talk than in more standard online games.
Question for you.... having qualified for the WCOAP Main Event last night (well done on that!), why are you playing tonight"s satellite?
Have I missed something here?
a seat by the looks of it lol i think there be loads a seats on click feast and no need to worry about it plus i think u should be able to play more then one sat like gukpt but hey if we dont get seat will can get piss and play cash woop woop
Bob - fair comments, and I too hate chat box trash talk from people who wouldnt say boo to a goose in a live game. I think APAT is an excellent community to play in, both live and online, and believe there is far less rubbishy trash talk than in more standard online games.
Question for you.... having qualified for the WCOAP Main Event last night (well done on that!), why are you playing tonight"s satellite?
Have I missed something here?
yep - a little forum moderation after my post :) (makes me look a dick quoting an invisible post - lol)
Bob - fair comments, and I too hate chat box trash talk from people who wouldnt say boo to a goose in a live game. I think APAT is an excellent community to play in, both live and online, and believe there is far less rubbishy trash talk than in more standard online games.
Question for you.... having qualified for the WCOAP Main Event last night (well done on that!), why are you playing tonight"s satellite?
I thought this all got stopped....????
No clickfest for the fog!!!
Turkey in the morning for 7 days golf
No clickfest for the fog!!!
Turkey in the morning for 7 days golf
well email dez then and ask if u can have seat
No clickfest for the fog!!!
Turkey in the morning for 7 days golf
well email dez then and ask if u can have seat
If he"s giving them away make mine a double... ;)
Bob - fair comments, and I too hate chat box trash talk from people who wouldnt say boo to a goose in a live game. I think APAT is an excellent community to play in, both live and online, and believe there is far less rubbishy trash talk than in more standard online games.
Question for you.... having qualified for the WCOAP Main Event last night (well done on that!), why are you playing tonight"s satellite?
I thought this all got stopped....????
Sorry about this jumping about, there are two threads running on this.
Full answer is on the other thread, but basically, I registered by mistake thinking it was another event. Please read the other thread.
I would have unregistered, but the table had already opened when I realised. but having paid my $10, I decided to play. same style, same cards as any other torney. No silly calls or draws just because I have already qualified. just want my $10 back.
10 seats will be set aside for the Rankings leaders in August.
Thanks for the clarification
yeah thanks!
Bob - fair comments, and I too hate chat box trash talk from people who wouldnt say boo to a goose in a live game. I think APAT is an excellent community to play in, both live and online, and believe there is far less rubbishy trash talk than in more standard online games.
Question for you.... having qualified for the WCOAP Main Event last night (well done on that!), why are you playing tonight"s satellite?
I thought this all got stopped....????
Sorry about this jumping about, there are two threads running on this.
Full answer is on the other thread, but basically, I registered by mistake thinking it was another event. Please read the other thread.
I would have unregistered, but the table had already opened when I realised. but having paid my $10, I decided to play. same style, same cards as any other torney. No silly calls or draws just because I have already qualified. just want my $10 back.
And now I"m out so you can all stop whinging....
Bob - fair comments, and I too hate chat box trash talk from people who wouldnt say boo to a goose in a live game. I think APAT is an excellent community to play in, both live and online, and believe there is far less rubbishy trash talk than in more standard online games.
Question for you.... having qualified for the WCOAP Main Event last night (well done on that!), why are you playing tonight"s satellite?
I thought this all got stopped....????
Sorry about this jumping about, there are two threads running on this.
Full answer is on the other thread, but basically, I registered by mistake thinking it was another event. Please read the other thread.
I would have unregistered, but the table had already opened when I realised. but having paid my $10, I decided to play. same style, same cards as any other torney. No silly calls or draws just because I have already qualified. just want my $10 back.
And now I"m out so you can all stop whinging....
lol fair shout
I did actually speak to him / her 4 times to enquire as to why he was playing again!
The silence brought out the worst in me
If Mair"s quote is accurate Foggy, then I recommend you retract that statement publically as soon as possible. We are not going to accept that sort of stuff, under any circumstances. I read above that you are going on holiday in the morning, so I will pm this to you and would appreciate a response on your return.
Bob - fair comments, and I too hate chat box trash talk from people who wouldnt say boo to a goose in a live game. I think APAT is an excellent community to play in, both live and online, and believe there is far less rubbishy trash talk than in more standard online games.
Question for you.... having qualified for the WCOAP Main Event last night (well done on that!), why are you playing tonight"s satellite?
I thought this all got stopped....????
Sorry about this jumping about, there are two threads running on this.
Full answer is on the other thread, but basically, I registered by mistake thinking it was another event. Please read the other thread.
I would have unregistered, but the table had already opened when I realised. but having paid my $10, I decided to play. same style, same cards as any other torney. No silly calls or draws just because I have already qualified. just want my $10 back.
Thanks for the clarification Ian and please accept my apologies on behalf of APAT for those comments directed at you this evening.
Out in 20th,
Card dead all night! Push with Ajunk- called by kings
Clickfest here we come!
Out in 20th,
Card dead all night! Push with Ajunk- called by kings
Clickfest here we come!
Race ya!
My fingernails hurt ;D
Bob - fair comments, and I too hate chat box trash talk from people who wouldnt say boo to a goose in a live game. I think APAT is an excellent community to play in, both live and online, and believe there is far less rubbishy trash talk than in more standard online games.
Question for you.... having qualified for the WCOAP Main Event last night (well done on that!), why are you playing tonight"s satellite?
I thought this all got stopped....????
Sorry about this jumping about, there are two threads running on this.
Full answer is on the other thread, but basically, I registered by mistake thinking it was another event. Please read the other thread.
I would have unregistered, but the table had already opened when I realised. but having paid my $10, I decided to play. same style, same cards as any other torney. No silly calls or draws just because I have already qualified. just want my $10 back.
Thanks for the clarification Ian and please accept my apologies on behalf of APAT for those comments directed at you this evening.
It"s no problem, Des.
Although sparked by an registration error by me tonight (I"ll be more careful in furture), I had intended anyway to post comments about the chat in last nights event.
If tonights episode initiates a little debate about the standard of on-line chat on BSQ, then perhaps we can all get back to playing good poker in a friendly atmosphere.
If anyone encounters unacceptable chat on an APAT table, please email details of what was said and by whom, through to We can then get Blue Square to retrieve the chat logs.
A bit of banter is fine and normal, but if the chat is of a personal nature and you wouldn"t say it to someone"s face, then it shouldn"t be said at an APAT game.
good fun tonight -- ended up in 10th
Now how many rebuys can I manage ;D
Great tourney tonight, my second APAT FT in a row, and second time out in 9th!! Grrrr. Next time maybe ;)
grrrr out 8th. Ran AK headlong into AA
grrrr out 8th. Ran AK headlong into AA
UL Steve.
See you in Cardiff ;D
If anyone encounters unacceptable chat on an APAT table, please email details of what was said and by whom, through to We can then get Blue Square to retrieve the chat logs.
A bit of banter is fine and normal, but if the chat is of a personal nature and you wouldn"t say it to someone"s face, then it shouldn"t be said at an APAT game. all means take a look. I (think) I was involved in the chat that BobFish was referring to and, frankly, I firmly believe that he is grossly overstating what went on.
I had my JJ cracked by A8 on a by x89T8 board and from memory, yes, the A8 hand selection was commented on (not by me other than to criticise my OWN play..IIRC) but rather by another player (toilet72?) at the table who was not involved in the hand.
I do recall the chat going on for a while between me and the commenter and, yes, we spoke about the A8 (lady) in the 3rd person but that"s the way you speak about someone who isn"t in the conversation.
The lady is, of course, entitled to play any hand she chooses and if it wins I am extremely unlikely to take it enough to heart to give any grief. I"ve been there before. In fact, I lost the minimum on the hand as the lady didn"t value bet the river.
I would not say anything in a chat box that I wouldn"t say over a live table.
If I have a HH (inc. chat) I will try and find it and review my comments but regardless, if anyone was offended by what I, personally, said, I sincerely apologise. I cannot speak for the other commenter. seems that the HH does not store the chat but the table no was, I think, 272835104, if anyone cares to review.
At the end of the day, anyone can play how they choose, APAT is, after all, an Amataeur Poker Association and Tour and we are all learning and all have our own style.
I look forward to a more friendly chat area in future APAT tournaments and less "having a go" when someone isnt happy with a style of play.
grrrr out 8th. Ran AK headlong into AA
I see you used my chips wisely then ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
unlucky -- now lets see who spends the most on rebuys
grrrr out 8th. Ran AK headlong into AA
I see you used my chips wisely then ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
unlucky -- now lets see who spends the most on rebuys
Sorry Ger - tried my best, but the guy was just too loose.... he just couldn"t find it in himself to fold his AA to my preflop shove. So loose!! :) :)
At the end of the day, anyone can play how they choose, APAT is, after all, an Amataeur Poker Association and Tour and we are all learning and all have our own style.
I look forward to a more friendly chat area in future APAT tournaments and less "having a go" when someone isnt happy with a style of play.
Just to clarify, my only comment on the playing of A8 was, I believe, "sigh" ;D when it sucked me out.
The other participant in the conversation was the one making the disparaging remarks.
sorry steve..... just couldnt find the fold button with my aa ;D ;D
Final Satellite tonight.
Looks like we"ve got 75 players registered, so that"s heading towards two packages at the moment, but with rebuys available for the first hour and then an add-ons, I"m sure it will be nearer 4 or 5 before the end.
I gave it a miss, not so keen on rebuys GL every1
its 11.30 still 28 players in. This is utter madness!!
Still 18 battling it out. No easy seat to win, that"s for sure! lol
It is for the Main Event after all!
Madness/Genius - a great battle ...
If anyone encounters unacceptable chat on an APAT table, please email details of what was said and by whom, through to We can then get Blue Square to retrieve the chat logs.
A bit of banter is fine and normal, but if the chat is of a personal nature and you wouldn"t say it to someone"s face, then it shouldn"t be said at an APAT game. all means take a look. I (think) I was involved in the chat that BobFish was referring to and, frankly, I firmly believe that he is grossly overstating what went on.
I had my JJ cracked by A8 on a by x89T8 board and from memory, yes, the A8 hand selection was commented on (not by me other than to criticise my OWN play..IIRC) but rather by another player (toilet72?) at the table who was not involved in the hand.
I was on a table with this player a couple of weeks ago and from memory he/she does like to comment on others players playing ability.
Anyway back to tonight and just busted out in 11th place at 1.00am. Sitting ok in about 8th place when my all-in with KK is busted by QQ. Sigh! 5 hours play for that to happen. 50p in the post.
gl all those left in.
Did you make it for work okay?
Congrats on Qualifying last night Jack. Made it to work ontime no probs. Sleep is for dead people. ;D
How can you have pocket aces ten times in one night, CARDRACK!
August 28th to 30th
WCOAP World Amateur Championship Main Event
3 Day / 4.30pm start / 300 players
10,000 chips / 45 minute clock
£100 entry fee
Day 1A - August 28th
Day 1B - August 29th
Final - August 30th (3.30pm start)
Online Satellites at Blue Square - March 16th / 17th / 18th, 8pm
Direct Buy In ( - March 19th, 9pm
Is the main event a 3 day event or a 2 day event with 2 day 1"s ???
A 2 day event with 2 day one"s
150 players on each day one
Looking forward to it. Hopefully be able to clickfest my way to a seat tonight. At what point do we express a preference over what day 1 we want? I apologise if this has been answered already.
If anyone encounters unacceptable chat on an APAT table, please email details of what was said and by whom, through to We can then get Blue Square to retrieve the chat logs.
A bit of banter is fine and normal, but if the chat is of a personal nature and you wouldn"t say it to someone"s face, then it shouldn"t be said at an APAT game. all means take a look. I (think) I was involved in the chat that BobFish was referring to and, frankly, I firmly believe that he is grossly overstating what went on.
I had my JJ cracked by A8 on a by x89T8 board and from memory, yes, the A8 hand selection was commented on (not by me other than to criticise my OWN play..IIRC) but rather by another player (toilet72?) at the table who was not involved in the hand.
I was on a table with this player a couple of weeks ago and from memory he/she does like to comment on others players playing ability.
Was that when he was railling and talking to Darren Sallis in league match?
He"d got knocked out (in fact first out) by me, he went all in after turn with A high. I called with top pair - Ks jack kicker and flush draw. He had A 8 (the hand he was criticising ironically).
He started to have a go at some muppet (me) who would"nt put down KJ (suited). He was not aware of the fact that I was also railling. So when I pointed out that he was always behind he threw another tiff.
However, I did not consider it "over nasty" - just a slightly overheated discussion about the theory of poker by someone who thought he had been hard done by.
I think the fact that he was first out did not help ;-)
Congtats to all those who qualified last night and over the previous 2 nights.
I finished 7th last night and bubbled having let myself get too short after getting AA cracked when well placed.
Hopefully can buy myself in later will have to see.
Looking forward to it. Hopefully be able to clickfest my way to a seat tonight. At what point do we express a preference over what day 1 we want? I apologise if this has been answered already.
I believe, and this is only my opinion as I haven"t seen the screen shots in question that you will make the choice at the same time as entering your name before you get to the payment screen.
This would seem the obvious place.
So who will this work in less then one hour ... will the sign-up link appear on the mainpage?
Sorry if this sounds dumb ... first timer.
So who will this work in less then one hour ... will the sign-up link appear on the mainpage?
Sorry if this sounds dumb ... first timer.
If you look on the homepage now, you will see the link (not active). Just keep refreshing at 9pm until it is active, then click away.
Found it - thanks :-)))
"3) APAT accepts payment by debit card only. Delta, Electron and Maestro are the payment card options. If you own a Visa debit card, then select the "Delta" option but do not put in a date in the "Valid From" field."
Great to tell this half an hour before when all banks are closed. >:(
This has been mentioned numerous times on here over many months.
when will u find out what day u will be playing
"3) APAT accepts payment by debit card only. Delta, Electron and Maestro are the payment card options. If you own a Visa debit card, then select the "Delta" option but do not put in a date in the "Valid From" field."
Great to tell this half an hour before when all banks are closed. >:(
This was merely a reminder. All the previous events this season have been debit card only.
I didn"t know you could walk into a bank and get a debit card on the same day?
when wil u find out what day u will be playing
This has been mentioned numerous times on here over many months.
I"ve posted it at least 5 times in the past few days
when wil u find out what day u will be playing
Normally a player list goes up sometime after 11pm. Bear in mind that this is 300 players (instead of 200) and the admin required to allocate the days correctly.
I"m sure Des would be hoping at the worst case, to have it sorted before the omaha sale tomorrow evening. ;D
This was merely a reminder. All the previous events this season have been debit card only. I didn"t know you could walk into a bank and get a debit card on the same day?
Ever heard of people that take part for the first time?
Don"t need the debit card but need funds on it. I have enough on my Debit MasterCard but not on my Maestro-Card.
Too bad :-\
This was merely a reminder. All the previous events this season have been debit card only. I didn"t know you could walk into a bank and get a debit card on the same day?
Ever heard of people that take part for the first time?
Don"t need the debit card but need funds on it. I have enough on my Debit MasterCard but not on my Maestro-Card.
Too bad :-\
Payment is not taken out tonight, it usually takes at least 5 days if that helps.
This was merely a reminder. All the previous events this season have been debit card only. I didn"t know you could walk into a bank and get a debit card on the same day?
Ever heard of people that take part for the first time?
Don"t need the debit card but need funds on it. I have enough on my Debit MasterCard but not on my Maestro-Card.
Too bad :-\
Payment is not taken out tonight, it usually takes at least 5 days if that helps.
Was just about to post the same thing. ;D
(Snippet from Home Page)
6) All seat purchases will be pre-authorised. This means that no seats will have been paid for, until APAT processes each transaction. This will ensure that APAT does not sell more seats than are available at the venue.
Payment isn"t normally taken until a couple of days later.
* EDIT * Must type faster ;D
Payment is not taken out tonight, it usually takes at least 5 days if that helps.
Thanks Suzanne, that would be cool indeed. Will try in five minutes and see what happens. Gl. all!
Here we go!! Good luck all.
Nae bother! ;)
Neil Dawson / Friday
21:02 32560417
Ger Smyth/Friday
21:01 32560374
fingers crossed
Steve Redfern/Friday
21:02 32560413
Bra on head now...
Bloody screen froze boohoo
32560466 fingers and toes crossed
had to activate my bloody card through LLoyds Verification system grrrrrrrrrr!!!!
2103 and not happy
21.03 32560535
21:03 ID:32560531
I ignored Lloyds verification thingy by clicking "don"t verify now".
Not bothered which day I play.
21:01 ID:32560031
21:01 ID:32560031
32560442 - I couldn"t have been quicker if I tried (had card number pasted and I type at 80+ wpm). Think this verification malarky might prevent me getting a horse or omaha seat :(
21:01 ID:32560031
Hmmm, think of a number, eh Stuart ?
21:03 ID:32560531
I ignored Lloyds verification thingy by clicking "don"t verify now".
Not bothered which day I play.
That really threw me. Question is will that crop up tomorrow now. Only 4 behind you even though i did verify
21:01 ID:32560031
Hmmm, think of a number, eh Stuart ?
He"s overplayed the hand if you ask me. ;D
please please!!!!
Damn needed that lol.Had to reg with verisign half way through aaaarrrgghh.
Got in at 21.05 think its good though.
21:01 ID:32560031
LMFAO!!! Nae flies on you Stu ;D
21:03 ID:32560531
I ignored Lloyds verification thingy by clicking "don"t verify now".
Not bothered which day I play.
That really threw me. Question is will that crop up tomorrow now. Only 4 behind you even though i did verify
Have to admit to being all fingers and thumbs :D Haven"t clickfested for ages and out of practice - hope we all get in.
21:04 saturday requested - hope my lift gets the same
So let me get this right.....the lower the ID from governs if you obtain the seat? So mine xxx486 is likely to mean I haven"t made it? Or does it work from the time you click the "register" link on the APAT site and submit your name?
Only ask because I tripped up on my card number the first time which cost me a few seconds, but this would seem a barmy way of doing it. APAT will know at what time the form was submitted with the playername and preferred date, so the time it takes to fill in a payment form should really be immaterial...anything else is just a stupid way to do it.
Anyway, fingers crossed I guess. One other thing - despite APAT saying its just pre-authorising, the email confirmation clearly thanks me for my "payment" and gives me a transaction ID, which seemed odd
I could be in trouble - oh crumbs!!!
Still some seats left so well done everyone to this point, you"re all in.
A lot of runners have gone for Friday as their starting day so hopefully most players will be allocated their choice. We will do our best to print a list of exceptions ahead of the Omaha clickfest tomorrow evening.
Well thats a relief!
Its the HORSE clickfest I"d like to crack, although with only 2.3 places available it could be a challenge!
So let me get this right.....the lower the ID from governs if you obtain the seat? So mine xxx486 is likely to mean I haven"t made it? Or does it work from the time you click the "register" link on the APAT site and submit your name?
Only ask because I tripped up on my card number the first time which cost me a few seconds, but this would seem a barmy way of doing it. APAT will know at what time the form was submitted with the playername and preferred date, so the time it takes to fill in a payment form should really be immaterial...anything else is just a stupid way to do it.
Anyway, fingers crossed I guess. One other thing - despite APAT saying its just pre-authorising, the email confirmation clearly thanks me for my "payment" and gives me a transaction ID, which seemed odd
Don"t think the trans ID is any indication as other payments through the same provider would be in the middle of all ours
relief indeed... I have been ready for an hour and my screen freezes at 2100 exactly!
Doesn"t seem to work for French people :( Can anyone confirm it ?
my mate
fingers crossed
well thats amazing,,,have i finally reg,d quick enough,,,woo hoooooo lol,,,got my dodgy technique down to 3mins and neednt have rushed lolol,,,still,,, will wait for name to appear lol,,,gl all tryin to reg
i need help my card does not work can some one pay for me please? i live in wakefield so if someone around the area would be good
wayne parker / friday
thank you
Big time suck site wont accept payment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Big time suck site wont accept payment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same here !
still seats available!
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
Yippee - this is the first time I"ve actually succeeded with the clickfest direct, and that"s because I went to the trouble of getting a different debit card (the lengths some addicts will go to get an APAT seat!!) A bit of stress when I forgot my new verification code but got thru after trying 4 of my regular passwords. Good lcuk to all who still have to click for this and other events. Thanks, Des, for letting us know we"re in ;)
Can anyone tell me when we"ll be told if we"ve got a seat please?
Steve Redfern/Friday
21:02 32560413
Bra on head now...
changes to saturday :-*
I certainly think the new verification process threw a lot of us.
Is Wayne sorted?
I certainly think the new verification process threw a lot of us.
It wasn"t new - I had it last time as well. It caught me on the hop then!
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
it was my bank that would not accept my details. will you have got a record of this!
i am using Electron but for some reason not working, at 9.01
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
Fair play!!
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
Excellent thats good news just so long as i can get there! Not had problems with card before tried several different times and had some friends try for me too. One may have been successful?
Can anyone tell me when we"ll be told if we"ve got a seat please?
welcome to APAT pal
Still some seats left so well done everyone to this point, you"re all in.
This should answer your question
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
Excellent thats good news just so long as i can get there! Not had problems with card before tried several different times and had some friends try for me too. One may have been successful?
You have been bought in.
I certainly think the new verification process threw a lot of us.
It wasn"t new - I had it last time as well. It caught me on the hop then!
And you were still quickest. Shucks :-[
Payment Successful
Your payment was processed successfully by Thank you for your purchase.
The following details are a receipt of your purchase and this has also been sent to the email address given. This does not constitute a Tax Receipt.
Please note that this payment will appear on your card statement as MC WWW.APAT.COM.
Date 21:05 19/03/2009
Amount £100.00
Description 2009 World Amateur Poker Championship
Payment Reference scott wilson/friday
Transaction ID 32560684
ya dancer am hopin this means that im registered and for the friday
canny wait
I noticed that you said another player had been paid in!
Can you tell me if I made it in?
I"m tired and cant wait up until 11pm :(
Martin Devlin / Friday
Dave Lea / Friday
Nicolas Mclellan / Friday
Kind regards,
Is Wayne sorted?
Still some seats left so well done everyone to this point, you"re all in.
A lot of runners have gone for Friday as their starting day so hopefully most players will be allocated their choice. We will do our best to print a list of exceptions ahead of the Omaha clickfest tomorrow evening.
As above states, everyone who completed the process in first 16 mins is in.
You may go to bed now :)
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
it was my bank that would not accept my details. will you have got a record of this!
i am using Electron but for some reason not working, at 9.01
Thanks to me good friend Stuart, I have a seat (I hope) I tried about 5 times so I my have 5 seats ;). Can someone confirm that I will have only 1 seat, I believe you can not buy more than 1 in your name? ???
I noticed that you said another player had been paid in!
Can you tell me if I made it in?
I"m tired and cant wait up until 11pm :(
Martin Devlin / Friday
Dave Lea / Friday
Nicolas Mclellan / Friday
Kind regards,
Sorry, I can"t do that. Wee bit busy! ::)
As we said earlier, everyone to date has a seat and any player who has not secured their requested starting day should be able to find out tomorrow evening before the Omaha event goes on sale.
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
it was my bank that would not accept my details. will you have got a record of this!
i am using Electron but for some reason not working, at 9.01
Thanks to me good friend Stuart, I have a seat (I hope) I tried about 5 times so I my have 5 seats ;). Can someone confirm that I will have only 1 seat, I believe you can not buy more than 1 in your name? ???
If you"ve bought five Wayne, then you have five. You"ll be busy in the Seat Exchange nearer to August!
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
it was my bank that would not accept my details. will you have got a record of this!
i am using Electron but for some reason not working, at 9.01
Thanks to me good friend Stuart, I have a seat (I hope) I tried about 5 times so I my have 5 seats ;). Can someone confirm that I will have only 1 seat, I believe you can not buy more than 1 in your name? ???
If you"ve bought five Wayne, then you have five. You"ll be busy in the Seat Exchange nearer to August!
i hope not, i dont have £500 in my account ;)
I did not get any confirmation emails so I would say that none of them went through
As above states, everyone who completed the process in first 16 mins is in.
You may go to bed now :)
Cheers, i"m soooooooooo happy.
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
it was my bank that would not accept my details. will you have got a record of this!
i am using Electron but for some reason not working, at 9.01
Thanks to me good friend Stuart, I have a seat (I hope) I tried about 5 times so I my have 5 seats ;). Can someone confirm that I will have only 1 seat, I believe you can not buy more than 1 in your name? ???
If you"ve bought five Wayne, then you have five. You"ll be busy in the Seat Exchange nearer to August!
Can he not just multi-table ?
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
it was my bank that would not accept my details. will you have got a record of this!
i am using Electron but for some reason not working, at 9.01
Thanks to me good friend Stuart, I have a seat (I hope) I tried about 5 times so I my have 5 seats ;). Can someone confirm that I will have only 1 seat, I believe you can not buy more than 1 in your name? ???
If you"ve bought five Wayne, then you have five. You"ll be busy in the Seat Exchange nearer to August!
Can he not just multi-table ?
Yes, the Final Table and the HORSE ;)
Relieved I am in...just need to learn how to play this poker thing now....
Can you not buy more then one person in per card?
Where the site has turned down your payments, I will work out some alternative payment method with you. I know exactly when you tried to purchase and will retain your name on the player list in that order.
it was my bank that would not accept my details. will you have got a record of this!
i am using Electron but for some reason not working, at 9.01
Thanks to me good friend Stuart, I have a seat (I hope) I tried about 5 times so I my have 5 seats ;). Can someone confirm that I will have only 1 seat, I believe you can not buy more than 1 in your name? ???
If you"ve bought five Wayne, then you have five. You"ll be busy in the Seat Exchange nearer to August!
Can he not just multi-table ?
He can"t single table ;)
Can you not buy more then one person in per card?
Yes, I did.
my friend forgot to put his name and day in the box provided but his bank details would confirm this i hope .can u tell me if hes in his name is Ian Drummond
my friend forgot to put his name and day in the box provided but his bank details would confirm this i hope .can u tell me if hes in his name is Ian Drummond
He"s in.
would it be possible for a saturday for him as we are traveling down together
Are there still seats available?
My card failed twice then went through at 9.20. Can you tell me if I"ve got a seat please - Daniel Murphy
Is a paypoint voucher good for buying in to APAT events?! If so, what payment method do you use when purchasing as paypoint"s not on the drop down list.
Is a paypoint voucher good for buying in to APAT events?! If so, what payment method do you use when purchasing as paypoint"s not on the drop down list.
Laxie do you want me to pay for you pm details on blonde
Seems you have different card numbers in England then in Germany.
Tried several times and my Maestro-Card always produced this error:
"The value specified in field Card Number is too short"
Now way I put in my number wrong 8 times in a row!
So have fun if you got a seat. Unfortunately I wont be there.
Is a paypoint voucher good for buying in to APAT events?! If so, what payment method do you use when purchasing as paypoint"s not on the drop down list.
Laxie do you want me to pay for you pm details on blonde
Awwwww, that"s sweet of you to offer. Still unsure though. I"m on a girly cruise (minus himself and the kids) for 1st 2 weeks of August and reckon I might get some strange looks if I arrive home just long enough to head off to DTD! lol
Didn"t mention my preferred day. Will i just get a random day.
Registered at 21:03 so i should be in . . . right??
Didn"t mention my preferred day. Will i just get a random day.
Yes you will
Registered at 21:03 so i should be in . . . right??
Yes you are
Where is the list????? I was late in so when will i know if i got in???
Where is the list????? I was late in so when will i know if i got in???
It"s still on sale, so you"re in!
The last three day event we ran took a few days to sell out so it"s nice every now and then to have some seats on sale during sunlight hours!
Looking forward to this one.
Where is the list????? I was late in so when will i know if i got in???
It"s still on sale, so you"re in!
The last three day event we ran took a few days to sell out so it"s nice every now and then to have some seats on sale during sunlight hours!
Wow ;D paid 21:23, I guess Im in to then:)
Could you please stick me down for day two Des if that is allowed, as having been successful for the first time ever in one of these clickfest thingys I now plan to attempt to follow that up by doing the Omaha one too :)
Relieved I am in...just need to learn how to play this poker thing now....
That would give you an unfair advantage over the rest of us.
when will we know what day we have been allocated
when wil u find out what day u will be playing
Normally a player list goes up sometime after 11pm. Bear in mind that this is 300 players (instead of 200) and the admin required to allocate the days correctly.
I"m sure Des would be hoping at the worst case, to have it sorted before the omaha sale tomorrow evening. ;D
Oh man...I"m such a wimp when it comes to Duke peer pressure. This Chicka is going now. We"ve a few months to get it past "Himself". Will have to come up with a good one this time! lol
I have just heard that the neighbourhood has just gone.
LAXIE IS IN THE BUILDING (well the tournament anyway)
Does anyone now the starting blinds?
Oh man...I"m such a wimp when it comes to Duke peer pressure. This Chicka is going now. We"ve a few months to get it past "Himself". Will have to come up with a good one this time! lol
bring him with u
Oh man...I"m such a wimp when it comes to Duke peer pressure. This Chicka is going now. We"ve a few months to get it past "Himself". Will have to come up with a good one this time! lol
bring him with u
Clickfest wont take my money >:( owells, if it doesn"t sell out tomorrow I"ll ask someone to buy me in.
Does anyone now the starting blinds?
Changes made after Walsall.
1000/2000 with a running ante of 500
Oh man...I"m such a wimp when it comes to Duke peer pressure. This Chicka is going now. We"ve a few months to get it past "Himself". Will have to come up with a good one this time! lol
bring him with u
Gently does it! Hoping by the time I"m done, he"ll think it was HIS idea to go. lol
Does anyone now the starting blinds?
Changes made after Walsall.
1000/2000 with a running ante of 500
Now that"s my kind of game ;D
Does anyone now the starting blinds?
Maybe I"m just an amateur at these things, but this has gotta be the most confusing posting process I"ve ever come across.
Assuming this appears, when and how will we be able to access the list of accepted players?
Maybe I"m just an amateur at these things, but this has gotta be the most confusing posting process I"ve ever come across.
Assuming this appears, when and how will we be able to access the list of accepted players?
Not sure what you mean by confusing ?
But, a list will be posted on this forum for both day one"s in due course.
It will also be linked on the homepage.
By the sounds of it, if you have gone through the purchase process tonight, then you will have a seat for one of the days. Exactly which day will depend on whether you were in the first 150 for your chosen day. If not, then you"ll get the alternate day.
Hope that helps.
Leigh answered this earlier in the thread.
Normally a "players list" would have been posted by 23.00hrs, but due to the fact that there are 2 x "day 1"s" and 300 players (not the usual 200) it will be a little longer.
I suspect that Des will post a link in this thread to the players list when completed.
sorry leigh, both answering at the same time.
But yours was far better worded
Could you please stick me down for day two Des if that is allowed, as having been successful for the first time ever in one of these clickfest thingys I now plan to attempt to follow that up by doing the Omaha one too :)
Can I get a pass to day 2 also please? Playing day 1 of a 3 day event is such a chore. ;)
sorry leigh, both answering at the same time.
But yours was far better worded
Cheers Graham.
Lots of practice. ;D
Could you please stick me down for day two Des if that is allowed, as having been successful for the first time ever in one of these clickfest thingys I now plan to attempt to follow that up by doing the Omaha one too :)
Can I get a pass to day 2 also please? Playing day 1 of a 3 day event is such a chore. ;)
You did tick the Start Day - Sunday option, right ?
Could you please stick me down for day two Des if that is allowed, as having been successful for the first time ever in one of these clickfest thingys I now plan to attempt to follow that up by doing the Omaha one too :)
Can I get a pass to day 2 also please? Playing day 1 of a 3 day event is such a chore. ;)
IS there going to be an Alternates allowed? - as the Missus will be travelling with me and if there alternates then she might enjoy the trip better!
Although she did watch the Last WCOAP from the rail!!! Bless her!
Another quick question,
In the T&C"s it say"s players must have an Blue Square Account.....
Does it have to be a real money account or just the standard account you get when you first sign up?
As i have had an account for ages just never put any real money on it.
Another quick question,
In the T&C"s it say"s players must have an Blue Square Account.....
Does it have to be a real money account or just the standard account you get when you first sign up?
As i have had an account for ages just never put any real money on it.
That"s fine, but you are missing out on the APAT online games.
They are played on Blue Square
Online National League, fortnightly on a Sunday ($10)
And the National Championship events with a GUKPT seat for the winner as added value. ($50)
You should give them a try, excellent tournaments, excellent players, excellent structure, excellent added value. You get the idea ?
yeah i am thinking about upgrading and trying something new, i usually play on PKR but there are just to many fools on there at the mo and i"m feeling like a change :)
hi just bought in this morning, just wondering is the buy in link still live or arethe seats gone????
still live
You should give them a try, excellent tournaments, excellent players, excellent structure, excellent added value. You get the idea ?
By that I assume you mean "fish" ash, otherwise, what"s the point?
Oh, and you missed "crappy software" of the list.
so what your saying i should have a seat. woop woop
Yeah, me too. Just bought in at 12.15, that was a bonus!! :D
You should give them a try, excellent tournaments, excellent players, excellent structure, excellent added value. You get the idea ?
By that I assume you mean "fish" ash, otherwise, what"s the point?
Oh, and you missed "crappy software" of the list.
Surely you would not be bad-mouthng our illustrious sponsors ? ;D
I"d agree the software is not at the level of the market leaders, but they are making improvements. Might even get re-sizeable tables at some point. ;D
Do we know if all the Saturday seats are gone yet, as we have a friend who is interested but can"t make Friday?
yeah i am thinking about upgrading and trying something new, i usually play on PKR but there are just to many fools on there at the mo and i"m feeling like a change :)
I wouldnt hold your breath on expecting a better standard of player. lol.
Are there really not 300 players yet :o
I thought these things sold out almost immediately ???
I bought my seat last night but i didnt specify what day i would prefer, does it matter? Also, when will the list of participating players be up?
From the terms on our home page;
Anyone not entering a preferred start day could be be allocated either day.
put Friday as preferred day, but advised off her who needs to be obeyed that I need to change to Saturday - is this still possible, if not no probs I have 5 months to get my arguement in order.
put Friday as preferred day, but advised off her who needs to be obeyed that I need to change to Saturday - is this still possible, if not no probs I have 5 months to get my arguement in order.
I am sure when the list's go up you will be able to swop with someone who has got a Saturday but needs a Friday
Are there really not 300 players yet :o
I thought these things sold out almost immediately ???
The ones with one first day do. This has double the capacity.
Luton in Aug 2007 didn"t sell out straight away - that was the first APAT I played and I bought my seat, one of the last, some time after they went on sale. It"s holiday period so some who would otherwise play are on holiday, or at Reading/Leeds/insert festival of choice in here, or wherever. It will sell out.
I see the main page is primed for the PLO -- fingers at the ready..........
Will Blsquare be taking bets on this tourney?
Still some seats left over in the main event.
PLO clickfest
21:01 32596427, my fingers are smoking
21:03 in (hopefully)
In for the omaha too !
6548 poss missed it.
:( clickfested nice and quick for PLO then payment refused by my card company :( Same card I used yesterday and I"ve got plenty of funds in there. Tried a couple more times but still no joy. Bugger.
6548 poss missed it.
Numbers don"t mean a lot - there are thousands of payments going throuh the system at the same time from other sources
Date & Time: 21:03 GMT, March 20, 2009
Description: 2009 WCOAP Omaha Championship
Amount: GBP 50.00
Transaction ID: 32596538
Card was refused!! Tried again with identical details and card was accepted!! Hope 21:03 was quick enough :(
6457 21.02 - hopeful
thanks for the encouragement duke.
I thought i must have a chance as there only appear to be about 30 on the site at the mo.
21:02, 32596485 - not as "fingers and thumbs" as last night, here"s hoping.
Omaha is like snap isnt it?
Omaha is like snap isnt it?
You each get 13 cards and have to make three hands in total.
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
tried to have another go based on this but now saying "too many attempts in defined period" :(
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
tried to have another go based on this but now saying "too many attempts in defined period" :(
I am sure Des has an account of your attempts and the time they were taken. Fingers crossed for you Claire
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
tried to have another go based on this but now saying "too many attempts in defined period" :(
Want me to buy you in Claire ?
all ok - Des has reserved me a seat and payment will be sorted later. Fingers crossed my bank get their act together before tomorrow night - I can"t take this stress!!!!!!
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
tried to have another go based on this but now saying "too many attempts in defined period" :(
Want me to buy you in Claire ?
Blatant "I can clickfest" Brag Post. ;D
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
tried to have another go based on this but now saying "too many attempts in defined period" :(
Want me to buy you in Claire ?
Blatant "I can clickfest" Brag Post. ;D
Never failed yet, lol :D Took tips from kinfishi ;D
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
tried to have another go based on this but now saying "too many attempts in defined period" :(
Want me to buy you in Claire ?
Blatant "I can clickfest" Brag Post. ;D
Never failed yet, lol :D Took tips from kinfishi ;D
thanks for the offer - might need to keep you on standby for HORSE!
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
tried to have another go based on this but now saying "too many attempts in defined period" :(
Want me to buy you in Claire ?
Blatant "I can clickfest" Brag Post. ;D
Never failed yet, lol :D Took tips from kinfishi ;D
thanks for the offer - might need to keep you on standby for HORSE!
If you need a standby for horse, can I suggest JonMW. ;D
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
tried to have another go based on this but now saying "too many attempts in defined period" :(
Want me to buy you in Claire ?
Blatant "I can clickfest" Brag Post. ;D
Never failed yet, lol :D Took tips from kinfishi ;D
thanks for the offer - might need to keep you on standby for HORSE!
Take a train, the ride will be less bumpy...
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
tried to have another go based on this but now saying "too many attempts in defined period" :(
Want me to buy you in Claire ?
Blatant "I can clickfest" Brag Post. ;D
Never failed yet, lol :D Took tips from kinfishi ;D
thanks for the offer - might need to keep you on standby for HORSE!
If you need a standby for horse, can I suggest JonMW. ;D
No worries Claire, I"m not clickfesting tomorrow night but will buy you in if need be - just let me know.
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
tried to have another go based on this but now saying "too many attempts in defined period" :(
Want me to buy you in Claire ?
Blatant "I can clickfest" Brag Post. ;D
Never failed yet, lol :D Took tips from kinfishi ;D
Did you learn to play poker from him also? That would explain a lot.
Still some seats left in the Omaha event so all who have purchased a seat to date, should be in.
Unfortunately the main event has sold out as per my earlier message. A final player list will be posted before the Horse event goes on sale tomorrow as I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
Ah siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick, can"t believe it. Missed the bank by literally 2 minutes earlier (actually saw the guy locking the door!). Ah well that"s me... how many seats left for Omaha? Do you reckon there"s any chance there will still be seats available on Monday?
I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
So...slacking off then, Des? ;D
The payment won"t be taken for at least a week. Go through the buying process now if you want a seat in the Omaha, and just make sure you get to the Bank sometime during the week.
I want to pwn the HORSE but cant buy a ticket cause ill be in day2, any leeway?
The payment won"t be taken for at least a week. Go through the buying process now if you want a seat in the Omaha, and just make sure you get to the Bank sometime during the week.
I"ll take your word for it a cross my fingers there"s no bank charges. Was going to gamble and do it for the Main Event - wish I had"ve now!
forgot about the omaha oifdhoisjfd just bought in.... am i in?
I will have a full day to work on both the main event and Omaha lists.
So...slacking off then, Des? ;D
lol, yes. The main event list is an education in form filling! I think the multiple choice question threw a few... One player must have been so worried about it selling out that he gave up typing half way through his name and kicked on. Great stuff.
forgot about the omaha oifdhoisjfd just bought in.... am i in?
We"ve just put the Omaha List ( up now George.
Did you learn to play poker from him also? That would explain a lot.
He has seen the light
forgot about the omaha oifdhoisjfd just bought in.... am i in?
We"ve just put the Omaha List ( up now George.
LOL just LOL
You will in due course see the error of your ways ;D
The payment won"t be taken for at least a week. Go through the buying process now if you want a seat in the Omaha, and just make sure you get to the Bank sometime during the week.
I"ll take your word for it a cross my fingers there"s no bank charges. Was going to gamble and do it for the Main Event - wish I had"ve now!
That"s me in - I hope...
forgot about the omaha oifdhoisjfd just bought in.... am i in?
We"ve just put the Omaha List ( up now George.
[ ] I didn"t click it
hi just woke up and bought in.
Did i get a seat in the Omaha, Chen Tam
32608378 ;D
hi just woke up and bought in.
Did i get a seat in the Omaha, Chen Tam
32608378 ;D
Well, there were seats available when I shut down last night and I haven"t seen Des post that it is sold out yet.
It will depend how many people bought in during the early hours of this morning whilst Des was catching up on his beauty sleep.
Fingers crossed for you. ;D
A mere three seats left in the Omaha. Looks like we will have another sell out within a day following the main event.
I see from the home page that the "Player List" for the Main Event is being posted this evening.
How long after Wales has won the championship, do you think it will be - Des?
I see from the home page that the "Player List" for the Main Event is being posted this evening.
How long after Wales has won the championship, do you think it will be - Des?
I think it"s important that we get the player list up before the actual event takes place Graham, so I"m going to stick with this evening :D
Thank you Des - this evening it is.
I will look for the stains of your tear drops on the "virtual paper" of the player list ;D .
Thank you Des - this evening it is.
I will look for the stains of your tear drops on the "virtual paper" of the player list ;D .
Too many times we"ve been disappointed in Rugby, I think today is the day. We"d love a bit of what your boys had last year.
In addition to the Main Event, the WCOAP Omaha Championship has now sold out.
The WCOAP Horse Championship will go on sale from 9pm this evening.
The WCOAP Horse Championship will go on sale from 9pm this evening.
If we win the rugby my usual fleet fingers may be a tad slow
What was it like Des when you won the Grand Slam last?
I am sure it will be a good and close game. And may the best team win.
ok probs already been answered but what happens if you buy in for horse and make final of main event?
ok probs already been answered but what happens if you buy in for horse and make final of main event?
multi table FTW
oh and by the way Ireland won
ok probs already been answered but what happens if you buy in for horse and make final of main event?
You focus on winning several £1,000s and don"t worry about the £50 buy-in to the HORSE. ;D
ok probs already been answered but what happens if you buy in for horse and make final of main event?
multi table FTW
21:01 -- 32630087
drunk but the fingers are magic
playing silly buggers for me again :(
Pre-authed at around 9:03, 36230179 - hope i made it
The WCOAP Horse event is now sold out. Player list will be on site by 11pm.
The WCOAP Horse event is now sold out. Player list will be on site by 11pm.
WOW just WOW
just looking at the players list i hope they have plenty of bar staff on the friday
just looking at the players list i hope they have plenty of bar staff on the friday
and your point is ?
just looking at the players list i hope they have plenty of bar staff on the friday
and your point is ?
Point well made I"d say. ::)
just looking at the players list i hope they have plenty of bar staff on the friday
and your point is ?
just that they dont have allot of bar staff on and i like a glass of lemonade when im playing poker its the saturday bar sfaff who will be over worked
dewi took 1 look at the list and says he staying in bed
Sold out by the time I got home. It was wrong to have it on the last day of the Six Nations because most other clickers don"t come from a country with a world-standard rugby team that beat everyone to become champions of Europe and will provide the majority of the Lions squad.
There is a clear anti-Irish bias at the top of APAT.
Sold out by the time I got home. It was wrong to have it on the last day of the Six Nations because most other clickers don"t come from a country with a world-standard rugby team that beat everyone to become champions of Europe and will provide the majority of the Lions squad.
There is a clear anti-Irish bias at the top of APAT.
egg chasers thats all wait till your world champions at football then you will have something to shout about
I don"t believe that the Irish Have been World Champion Egg Chasers Either!
Jonny Wilkinson Drop Goal in Extra Time Against the Aussies in Aus FTW!!!
wait till your world champions at football then you will have something to shout about
Oh yeah, I forgot about England"s great soccer team - lol!
wait till your world champions at football then you will have something to shout about
Oh yeah, I forgot about England"s great soccer football team - lol!
There is a clear anti-Irish bias at the top of APAT.
Des... I think he"s talking about you!
just looking at the players list i hope they have plenty of bar staff on the friday
They are running the Norwegian Championships in a week and a bit as a practice run for the bar staff for the APAT weekend.
just looking at the players list i hope they have plenty of bar staff on the friday
They are running the Norwegian Championships in a week and a bit as a practice run for the bar staff for the APAT weekend.
Last time they tried that, they still weren"t able for us the following week. Hope they cop on this time! Can"t be running out of drink by the Sunday. That"s just plain wrong.
The Norwegians were buying Vodka by the bottle! They no how to gamble and they certainly know how to drink!
The Norwegians were buying Vodka by the bottle! They no how to gamble and they certainly know how to drink!
Did you win much money from your cash table at DTD the other night then?
The Norwegians were buying Vodka by the bottle! They no how to gamble and they certainly know how to drink!
Did you win much money from your cash table at DTD the other night then?
Won more last night than Friday when I won a pittance. Still, a small win"s better than a loss.
just looking at the players list i hope they have plenty of bar staff on the friday
They are running the Norwegian Championships in a week and a bit as a practice run for the bar staff for the APAT weekend.
friday FTW thank god there no football on !
The Norwegians were buying Vodka by the bottle! They no how to gamble and they certainly know how to drink!
Did you win much money from your cash table at DTD the other night then?
Won more last night than Friday when I won a pittance. Still, a small win"s better than a loss.
This is very true, I managed to run off with £300 of someones money somehow.
On a side note, that was my first time there and it is possibly the best place i have ever seen!!!!
The Norwegians were buying Vodka by the bottle! They no how to gamble and they certainly know how to drink!
should ask them wot they think about jon Beer and Poker don"t mix post
The Norwegians were buying Vodka by the bottle! They no how to gamble and they certainly know how to drink!
should ask them wot they think about jon Beer and Poker don"t mix post
al ssshhhh you may upset the precious flower!!
They will escort from the premises and ban anyone who they think is behaving sufficiently badly.
They did it to one of the Norwegians last year.
They will escort from the premises and ban anyone who they think is behaving sufficiently badly.
They did it to one of the Norwegians last year.
Which is right anyone failing to behave should be warned then kicked out !
I should know i been warned lots of times !
£49 for a twin room.....
About 2 miles from the town centre.....
They will escort from the premises and ban anyone who they think is behaving sufficiently badly.
They did it to one of the Norwegians last year.
Which is right anyone failing to behave should be warned then kicked out !
I should know i been warned lots of times !
You do surprise me.....
Damn , w/end away. I didn"t think there was any chance of PLO and HORSE selling out half a year in advance so didn"t organise a surrogate clickfest specialist. >:(
Let me do the maths on this:
DTD have 45 tables
DTD"s 2 nightly tourneys = 22 tables
DTD Cash tables = 6
Leaves 17 tables available for APAT, and with the APAT events all being afternoon starts there should be more available come DTD"s nightly 8pm games.
So how come the low number of seats for these APAT events. Any chance of APAT and DTD finding more places available for all the WCOAP events?
Sod the player list..... most of the Welsh r coming for the drinking .....hence y they didn"t enter..... Bear in mind last time we were there the actually BANNED us form ordering anything alcoholic.
I"m predicting similar in August... Drinking ban"s FTW :)
Damn , w/end away. I didn"t think there was any chance of PLO and HORSE selling out half a year in advance so didn"t organise a surrogate clickfest specialist. >:(
Let me do the maths on this:
DTD have 45 tables
DTD"s 2 nightly tourneys = 22 tables
DTD Cash tables = 6
Leaves 17 tables available for APAT, and with the APAT events all being afternoon starts there should be more available come DTD"s nightly 8pm games.
So how come the low number of seats for these APAT events. Any chance of APAT and DTD finding more places available for all the WCOAP events?
Missed HORSE clickfest........... why limited to a Measly 48 runners ????
to hold the clickfest on the final day of 6 nations is ludicrous IMO..... and judging by the tens of thousands that descended on Cardiff on Saturday, i"m guessing this is the opinion of many.....
Any chance of extra seats being made available?? I"m up DTD all week, and would be great to get a chance to play a live HORSE tourney.......... here"s hoping!!
I imagine the capped field is due to them being 1 day events
They will escort from the premises and ban anyone who they think is behaving sufficiently badly.
They did it to one of the Norwegians last year.
Which is right anyone failing to behave should be warned then kicked out !
I should know i been warned lots of times !
Then maybe you should drink lemonade for once.........?? ;D ;D :P :P
I imagine the capped field is due to them being 1 day events
this does not explain why 81 cap for omaha/48 for horse ?????
When are the satellite qualifiers due to receive their expenses?
I imagine the capped field is due to them being 1 day events
this does not explain why 81 cap for omaha/48 for horse ?????
Omaha is Pot Limit, HORSE is fixed limit..... one will go much quicker than the other and can take more runners
It may well be dealers for the horse as there aint many who could deal it ,
or maybe dtd cant release enough dealers .
you"re not helping my cause scouse......
If you dont want me there...just say... saves me buyin u a beer then.... :"( :"( :"( :"( :"( :"(
It"s a little bit of all of the above
Dealer Training
Commitment to DTD exisiting tournaments and cash games
Opening times
There will be alternates available for both the Omaha and HORSE events, not sure the likelyhood of anyone getting knocked out early though. ;D
It"s a little bit of all of the above
Dealer Training
Commitment to DTD exisiting tournaments and cash games
Opening times
There will be alternates available for both the Omaha and HORSE events, not sure the likelyhood of anyone getting knocked out early though. ;D
Guess so.... and understandable IMO....
Still peeved tho.... 9pm on a sat night, on 6 nations final day gotta be the dumbest ever time to hold the clickfest....... someone really didn"t think that one through....... surely i"m not the only one who thinks this !!!!
Bear in mind also that anyone still in the main event is not going to be able to play this, so a few seats might well become available late on the night before / on the day.
I guess it will be a right place right time thing as it will be upto the players involved to shift their seats I think.
Apologies if this has already been stated somewhere :-\ .. just quickly skimmed through the 20 odd pages on here.. but what are the Day 1A and 1B numbers going to get run down to before they"re stopped? ???
Bear in mind also that anyone still in the main event is not going to be able to play this, so a few seats might well become available late on the night before / on the day.
I guess it will be a right place right time thing as it will be upto the players involved to shift their seats I think.
Yep.... crossing my fingers :) :) :)
I"m sure it"s to try and stop ALL the trophies coming to Wales ;) ;) ;)
If we promise to give others a chance in the online league will that help my cause????? ??? ??? ???
It"s a little bit of all of the above
Dealer Training
Commitment to DTD exisiting tournaments and cash games
Opening times
There will be alternates available for both the Omaha and HORSE events, not sure the likelyhood of anyone getting knocked out early though. ;D
Guess so.... and understandable IMO....
Still peeved tho.... 9pm on a sat night, on 6 nations final day gotta be the dumbest ever time to hold the clickfest....... someone really didn"t think that one through....... surely i"m not the only one who thinks this !!!!
At least you won.
Apologies if this has already been stated somewhere :-\ .. just quickly skimmed through the 20 odd pages on here.. but what are the Day 1A and 1B numbers going to get run down to before they"re stopped? ???
It will be slightly different to a normal APAT due to the later start. The last three day structure had between 15-20 players back for the final day from each day one.
I would guess that would be the aim again. Although, watch this space for me to be told different. ;D
And Day One (b) will obvoiusly be dictated by however Day One (a) ends.
Apologies if this has already been stated somewhere :-\ .. just quickly skimmed through the 20 odd pages on here.. but what are the Day 1A and 1B numbers going to get run down to before they"re stopped? ???
It will be slightly different to a normal APAT due to the later start. The last three day structure had between 15-20 players back for the final day from each day one.
I would guess that would be the aim again. Although, watch this space for me to be told different. ;D
And Day One (b) will obvoiusly be dictated by however Day One (a) ends.
Cheers.. I guessed it would be down to those numbers, guess this is linked to where the Days are stopped (and number of alternates), but any indication at what number will be paid out? Sorry for the questions.. its 5 months off and I"m already getting excited :-\
Apologies if this has already been stated somewhere :-\ .. just quickly skimmed through the 20 odd pages on here.. but what are the Day 1A and 1B numbers going to get run down to before they"re stopped? ???
It will be slightly different to a normal APAT due to the later start. The last three day structure had between 15-20 players back for the final day from each day one.
I would guess that would be the aim again. Although, watch this space for me to be told different. ;D
And Day One (b) will obvoiusly be dictated by however Day One (a) ends.
Cheers.. I guessed it would be down to those numbers, guess this is linked to where the Days are stopped (and number of alternates), but any indication at what number will be paid out? Sorry for the questions.. its 5 months off and I"m already getting excited :-\
Normal APAT structure is 10%, so therefore 30 for the main event
I notice that the payment for the ME seat has been taken from my account today...but not the Omaha.
It was my understanding that these would not be processed some days from now...or have I missed something?
I have the cash; so it"s no great worry...just wondering!
FYI, my Main Event payment has been taken too but not the Omaha I paid for a mate.
FYI, my Main Event payment has been taken too but not the Omaha I paid for a mate.
non taken from my account ???
It"s a little bit of all of the above
Dealer Training
Commitment to DTD exisiting tournaments and cash games
Opening times
There will be alternates available for both the Omaha and HORSE events, not sure the likelyhood of anyone getting knocked out early though. ;D
Guess so.... and understandable IMO....
Still peeved tho.... 9pm on a sat night, on 6 nations final day gotta be the dumbest ever time to hold the clickfest....... someone really didn"t think that one through....... surely i"m not the only one who thinks this !!!!
At least you won.
if only...... :"( :"( :"( :"(
we didnt deserve to!!!
It"s a little bit of all of the above
Dealer Training
Commitment to DTD exisiting tournaments and cash games
Opening times
There will be alternates available for both the Omaha and HORSE events, not sure the likelyhood of anyone getting knocked out early though. ;D
Guess so.... and understandable IMO....
Still peeved tho.... 9pm on a sat night, on 6 nations final day gotta be the dumbest ever time to hold the clickfest....... someone really didn"t think that one through....... surely i"m not the only one who thinks this !!!!
How incosiderate of the IRB to play the 6 Nations Final on the Day of the Horse Clickfest!!!
It"s a little bit of all of the above
Dealer Training
Commitment to DTD exisiting tournaments and cash games
Opening times
There will be alternates available for both the Omaha and HORSE events, not sure the likelyhood of anyone getting knocked out early though. ;D
I dont have a clue how to play HORSE so my seat might go quick only entered it because I"m there. Anyone available for a quick leason lol Woop Woop
It"s a little bit of all of the above
Dealer Training
Commitment to DTD exisiting tournaments and cash games
Opening times
There will be alternates available for both the Omaha and HORSE events, not sure the likelyhood of anyone getting knocked out early though. ;D
I dont have a clue how to play HORSE so my seat might go quick only entered it because I"m there. Anyone available for a quick leason lol Woop Woop
Let me introduce you to the APAT H.O.R.S.E. expert.
Jon " The British Cowboy" Woodfield
The wee midget gem is the HORSE expert?? Knew he did ok in a RAZZ event somewhere...
can anyone tell me if you can place a bet on yourself at the world champs please ??
cheers MIke
can anyone tell me if you can place a bet on yourself at the world champs please ??
cheers MIke
Bluesquare may do ?
But do not be offended by the odds on you.
Omaha champs
What is the structure - will it be full ring (potentially grim) or down to 6 handed?
Omaha champs
What is the structure - will it be full ring (potentially grim) or down to 6 handed?
From the number of seats, I"d expect it to be 9 it should be.
OK, an official line from Des would be appreciated.
9 handed all the way sounds harsh, Omaha is so much better 6 handed and most "majors" either start short handed or go down in the latter stages. Not that I will be there that long to witness it.....
OK, an official line from Des would be appreciated.
9 handed all the way sounds harsh, Omaha is so much better 6 handed and most "majors" either start short handed or go down in the latter stages. Not that I will be there that long to witness it.....
Do not fear a 9 handed table, embrace the difference to 6 handed cash games and the chance to show your skill against more players per hand.
OK, an official line from Des would be appreciated.
9 handed all the way sounds harsh, Omaha is so much better 6 handed and most "majors" either start short handed or go down in the latter stages. Not that I will be there that long to witness it.....
hmmmm 81 81/6 = 13.5 tables....... or 81/9 = 9 tables...... suspect the latter is more likely.
OK, an official line from Des would be appreciated.
9 handed all the way sounds harsh, Omaha is so much better 6 handed and most "majors" either start short handed or go down in the latter stages. Not that I will be there that long to witness it.....
hmmmm 81 81/6 = 13.5 tables....... or 81/9 = 9 tables...... suspect the latter is more likely.
You and your logic, bet "Spock" was your favourite character from "Star Trek".
OK, an official line from Des would be appreciated.
9 handed all the way sounds harsh, Omaha is so much better 6 handed and most "majors" either start short handed or go down in the latter stages. Not that I will be there that long to witness it.....
hmmmm 81 81/6 = 13.5 tables....... or 81/9 = 9 tables...... suspect the latter is more likely.
Im not stupid, I can see the numbers dont go, my point was whether or not the structure would move to a short handed at a later stage.
Christ, give someone a medal and they think they know it all (only joking)
OK, an official line from Des would be appreciated.
9 handed all the way sounds harsh, Omaha is so much better 6 handed and most "majors" either start short handed or go down in the latter stages. Not that I will be there that long to witness it.....
hmmmm 81 81/6 = 13.5 tables....... or 81/9 = 9 tables...... suspect the latter is more likely.
Im not stupid, I can see the numbers dont go, my point was whether or not the structure would move to a short handed at a later stage.
Christ, give someone a medal and they think they know it all (only joking)
does that apply to you as well Max? :D
you didnt have to be mystic meg to see that one coming, I expect better of u!
you didnt have to be mystic meg to see that one coming, I expect better of u!
U obviously haven"t read most of my posts in here if u do!
U playing Cardiff?
stud 9 handed might be a bit of a mare..... should be 8 handed- imho it might be worth addressing this now?
To confirm, the PLO is 9 handed and the Horse is 8 handed.
To confirm, the PLO is 9 handed and the Horse is 8 handed.
Cheers Des.
I did actually speak to him / her 4 times to enquire as to why he was playing again!
The silence brought out the worst in me
If Mair"s quote is accurate Foggy, then I recommend you retract that statement publically as soon as possible. We are not going to accept that sort of stuff, under any circumstances. I read above that you are going on holiday in the morning, so I will pm this to you and would appreciate a response on your return.
As mentioned previously, having enquired as to why he was playing again, the silence was deafening. This did iritate me as I remembered Mattblues problems of a similar nature.
If I went over the top I appologies unreservedly.
With regards this happening again perhaps we could have some guidance as to the official line on someone playing in a qualifier again after already securing a seat?
I did actually speak to him / her 4 times to enquire as to why he was playing again!
The silence brought out the worst in me
If Mair"s quote is accurate Foggy, then I recommend you retract that statement publically as soon as possible. We are not going to accept that sort of stuff, under any circumstances. I read above that you are going on holiday in the morning, so I will pm this to you and would appreciate a response on your return.
As mentioned previously, having enquired as to why he was playing again, the silence was deafening. This did iritate me as I remembered Mattblues problems of a similar nature.
If I went over the top I appologies unreservedly.
With regards this happening again perhaps we could have some guidance as to the official line on someone playing in a qualifier again after already securing a seat?
Gotta agree......... is no excuse, but when someone does this, by error, they should sit out..... sat"s are limited as it is!!!
And it"s such a popular event to be knocked out by a seat holder gotta be a bit of a cooler in the least!!!
When are the satellite qualifiers due to receive their expenses?
? ;D
BS seem to hang on to these until some one shouts loud enough. should these not be paid out asap after the sat has finished.
I am playing for my first time in the live holdem tournament and was wondering if there are allowed to be spectators. My brother would like to come with me and watch the tournament. Is this allowed?
I am playing for my first time in the live holdem tournament and was wondering if there are allowed to be spectators. My brother would like to come with me and watch the tournament. Is this allowed?
No restriction on railers as long as they become a member of DTD
This is a message for Des. I sent you a PM regarding my seat in the APAT WCOAP but I"m not sure it got to you. Could you please reply to me on so that I can hopefully sort this out quickly.
Best regards,
Ross Jarvis
Online Editor, InsidePoker & PokerPlayer magazines
This is a message for Des. I sent you a PM regarding my seat in the APAT WCOAP but I"m not sure it got to you. Could you please reply to me on so that I can hopefully sort this out quickly.
Best regards,
Ross Jarvis
Online Editor, InsidePoker & PokerPlayer magazines
Hey Ross, you"re not chickening out are you????
This is a message for Des. I sent you a PM regarding my seat in the APAT WCOAP but I"m not sure it got to you. Could you please reply to me on so that I can hopefully sort this out quickly.
Best regards,
Ross Jarvis
Online Editor, InsidePoker & PokerPlayer magazines
Hey Ross, you"re not chickening out are you????
Of course he"s not, Ross realised he has better chance in a skill game and wants to play the Omaha or HORSE instead....
This is a message for Des. I sent you a PM regarding my seat in the APAT WCOAP but I"m not sure it got to you. Could you please reply to me on so that I can hopefully sort this out quickly.
Best regards,
Ross Jarvis
Online Editor, InsidePoker & PokerPlayer magazines
Assume you tried mailing Des at -
Apologies if this is posted elsewhere, as
I"m lazy I cannot seem to find it. Please can someone tell me the start time of the PLO on the 27th
Apologies if this is posted elsewhere, as I"m lazy I cannot seem to find it. Please can someone tell me the start time of the PLO on the 27th
from the DTD website....
Start time is 5pm (doors open at 4pm).
Thanks I might be able to make it then.
Will there be any live web feed anywhere?
Will there be any live web feed anywhere?
Yes, exclusively at DTD though so get yourself down there to see the action as it happens. Other than that, there will be the infamous Tighty Live Update.
Is this something that APAT could do in the future?
Is this something that APAT could do in the future?
Yes, something that we are seriously thinking about.
Please also remember that Sky will be there summarising the main event and some snippets of the Horse event for "In Poker" which broadcasts next Thursday night.
Good luck to everyone playing over the next 4 days.
I"m sure the event will be as brilliant as ever and personally I"m gutted to be missing it.
Try to remember its just a game, its all luck and have fun.