Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Poker Forum => World Championship of Amateur Poker (WCOAP) => Live Archive => Live Poker => WCOAP 2008 - 2012 => Topic started by: M3boy on March 19, 2009, 18:45:17 PM
Just wondering why you are selling the seats so early.
I want to play all the events, but not too keen on shelling out £200 for comps that do not start until August!
What is the reason for this?
Its a WSOP thing.
Its to give you a chance to get some sponsorship in place and get some
coaching from top class pros, up your profile etc... before the TV
cameras roll and someone has a life changing moment. ;)
Good answer Mayfair.
But I think it"s primarily for planning.
Most people can arrange time off, get good deals etc with 5 or 6 weeks notice.
But if you want a really good deal on travel and hotels then this lead in time is ideal.
There might be other reasons also.
The venue must have a say.
To plan a weekend in Nottingham??
5 months is a little extreme.
Planning yes, but shelling out for a poker comp not starting for 5 months - am i the only one who thinks this is just wrong?
To plan a weekend in Nottingham??
5 months is a little extreme.
Planning yes, but shelling out for a poker comp not starting for 5 months - am i the only one who thinks this is just wrong?
We have a lot of people coming in from all over Europe for this event and we want to ensure that everyone has ample time to book flights, hotels, etc. Also, we want to ensure we sell out every event. This is the one event in our calendar that we sell early.
Considering that APAT events sell out in 30 seconds, I would consider it good planning to have such a big event on sale so early. In terms of the money.
You sort of contradict yourself,
To plan a weekend in Nottingham??
5 months is a little extreme.
Planning yes
APAT events a played by people who dont have massive bankrolls and decide that they would liek to travel around the country next weekend. Have you tried booking a hotel close to DTD lately when there is a decent event on. Its always sold out, so APAT have given the opportunity to players to be able to sort out accomodation at the best price.
I take it what you are trying to say is that you have an objection to APAT having the money 5 months in advance?
I would have no problem with it (could i make it) to pay, and if it means I know i have a seat.
I would have no problem with it (could i make it) to pay, and if it means I know i have a seat.
And it would appear a couple of hundred others agree with you. ;D
Fair points made.
I play the £300 at DTD every month, and have only failed to secure hotel accomodation once, and thats because I left it until 4am AFTER day one.
I usually book the night before with no problem at all - Nottingham has plenty of hotels ;)
APAT - thanks for the reply, didnt realise so many would travel from overseas - but as they do, I can see your reasons.
It"s not just about booking any hotel either.
It hasn"t been so much the case this time, but for last years event I booked a whole week in London for less than some people paid for one night - and that"s because I"d decided to go no matter what, so I was able to look for the sale/bargains several months in advance.
Fair points made.
If you have bought in M3 and subsequently cant make it your ticket will sell instantly on the transfer board.
It"s not just about booking any hotel either.
It hasn"t been so much the case this time, but for last years event I booked a whole week in London for less than some people paid for one night - and that"s because I"d decided to go no matter what, so I was able to look for the sale/bargains several months in advance.
just how did you pay for that park bench then Jon? ;)
Pretty straightforward really......if you think 5 months wait is too longer....DON"T ENTER !!
Seriously, the time to worry is when you can"t get a seat in one of these and only live down the road.......did I tell you about my problems with the Walsall event.................... (CENSORED DUE TO EXCESSIVE YAM-YAM WHINGEING )
I have bought in.
I raised a question which was answered by APAT
Thread closed.
I have bought in.
I raised a question which was answered by APAT
Thread closed.
Thread"s are never closed until people get bored of posting on them
I have bought in.
I raised a question which was answered by APAT
Thread closed.
Thread"s are never closed until people get bored of posting on them
and given how long people here are willing to talk about cookies I guess this won"t be closed for a while yet ;D
I have bought in.
I raised a question which was answered by APAT
Thread closed.
Thread"s are never closed until people get bored of posting on them
Nice try guys ;D
Just to clarify - "Thread Closed" means I have my answer so to me the thread is closed. You can post whatever you want as long as you want :P
Is this thread closed or open?
Dunno. One person says closed, the next says open, then your own good self throws a proper spanner into it by asking which it is.
If it's closed then I won't post on it
Good man. Someone will be along shortly to tell you what"s what. :D
I"m not posting if this thread is closed
Or open for tha matter! :D
(300th Post!!!)
Obviously just foolish to post on a thread that is closed ;)
Obviously just foolish to post on a thread that is closed ;)
agreed, because nobody would be silly enough to click the link on the top forum view to see whats just been written would they......
Obviously just foolish to post on a thread that is closed ;)
agreed, because nobody would be silly enough to click the link on the top forum view to see whats just been written would they......
Whats been written and who said what?? :-\
Given that this thread is now closed I am not posting on it.
This thread is closed... FACT! ;)
(BTW, I also think 5 months is too long.)
OK - I found the code to re-open this thread.... it is now officially open again.
This thread is closed... FACT! ;)
(BTW, I also think 5 months is too long.)
Harsh use of the F word!
Ooops :)
Right, this has gone on far too seriously long enough by half! And this frivolous posting just has to stop! So I am now officially stopping. ;)
IF mikeyBoy is stopping - then so am !
If I have to stop then I will, but I don't won't too
With the interest you will acumulate from £36,450 over 5 months do you think you might buy a drink!!!!!
Woop Woop
Hell No! Wages for the Mods! ;D
Hell No! Wages for the Mods! ;D
Well deserved in my opinion ::)
With the interest you will acumulate from £36,450 over 5 months do you think you might buy a drink!!!!!
Woop Woop
Alas the prize money will go to DTD as soon as it comes through. APAT will however be left with a £3 charge per transaction - that"s £900 in charges for main event seats alone.
Will you be buying the drinks Dave? ;)
Hell No! Wages for the Mods! ;D
Well deserved in my opinion ::)
Wages for the mods, Tighty and Des FTW. Not any time soon though... :(
APAT will however be left with a £3 charge per transaction
Perhaps our erstwhile partners in payment will offer a refund out of the goodness of their hearts because of all the failed attempts
Yes, No (delete as appropriate)
EDIT: the thread is dead - long live the thread
APAT will however be left with a £3 charge per transaction
Perhaps our erstwhile partners in payment will offer a refund out of the goodness of their hearts because of all the failed attempts
Yes, No (delete as appropriate)
EDIT: the thread is dead - long live the thread
At 20p per failed transaction, that"s a column I"ve avoided totting up yet.
You can be sure we will be bending some ears about this though. It doesn"t help that there is a serious lack of competition in the market however.
APAT will however be left with a £3 charge per transaction
Perhaps our erstwhile partners in payment will offer a refund out of the goodness of their hearts because of all the failed attempts
Yes, No (delete as appropriate)
EDIT: the thread is dead - long live the thread
At 20p per failed transaction, that"s a column I"ve avoided totting up yet.
You can be sure we will be bending some ears about this though. It doesn"t help that there is a serious lack of competition in the market however.
if that is a charge to APAT of 20p, at least Dick Turpin wore a mask.......
APAT will however be left with a £3 charge per transaction
Perhaps our erstwhile partners in payment will offer a refund out of the goodness of their hearts because of all the failed attempts
Yes, No (delete as appropriate)
EDIT: the thread is dead - long live the thread
At 20p per failed transaction, that"s a column I"ve avoided totting up yet.
You can be sure we will be bending some ears about this though. It doesn"t help that there is a serious lack of competition in the market however.
surely someone like paypal can sort something out?
APAT will however be left with a £3 charge per transaction
Perhaps our erstwhile partners in payment will offer a refund out of the goodness of their hearts because of all the failed attempts
Yes, No (delete as appropriate)
EDIT: the thread is dead - long live the thread
At 20p per failed transaction, that"s a column I"ve avoided totting up yet.
You can be sure we will be bending some ears about this though. It doesn"t help that there is a serious lack of competition in the market however.
surely someone like paypal can sort something out?
Someday I will start a blog and include details from some of the 24,000 emails that I have in my inbox, most relating to APAT. A few hours before launch in August 2006, PayPal confirmed that they could not support tournament seat sales. That will be one of the first dramas that I will write about...
APAT will however be left with a £3 charge per transaction
Perhaps our erstwhile partners in payment will offer a refund out of the goodness of their hearts because of all the failed attempts
Yes, No (delete as appropriate)
EDIT: the thread is dead - long live the thread
At 20p per failed transaction, that"s a column I"ve avoided totting up yet.
You can be sure we will be bending some ears about this though. It doesn"t help that there is a serious lack of competition in the market however.
if that is a charge to APAT of 20p, at least Dick Turpin wore a mask.......
That he did. Fortunately we wore a mask when negotiating our sponsorship agreement with Blue Square and they essentially pick up all charges. Viva the players...
APAT will however be left with a £3 charge per transaction
Perhaps our erstwhile partners in payment will offer a refund out of the goodness of their hearts because of all the failed attempts
Yes, No (delete as appropriate)
EDIT: the thread is dead - long live the thread
At 20p per failed transaction, that"s a column I"ve avoided totting up yet.
You can be sure we will be bending some ears about this though. It doesn"t help that there is a serious lack of competition in the market however.
surely someone like paypal can sort something out?
Someday I will start a blog and include details from some of the 24,000 emails that I have in my inbox, most relating to APAT. A few hours before launch in August 2006, PayPal confirmed that they could not support tournament seat sales. That will be one of the first dramas that I will write about...
Des you have plenty time on your hands, why don"t you get on with that blog now? ;)
24,000 requests and yet you still don"t buy me drink??? ;D
APAT will however be left with a £3 charge per transaction
Perhaps our erstwhile partners in payment will offer a refund out of the goodness of their hearts because of all the failed attempts
Yes, No (delete as appropriate)
EDIT: the thread is dead - long live the thread
At 20p per failed transaction, that"s a column I"ve avoided totting up yet.
You can be sure we will be bending some ears about this though. It doesn"t help that there is a serious lack of competition in the market however.
surely someone like paypal can sort something out?
Someday I will start a blog and include details from some of the 24,000 emails that I have in my inbox, most relating to APAT. A few hours before launch in August 2006, PayPal confirmed that they could not support tournament seat sales. That will be one of the first dramas that I will write about...
Des you have plenty time on your hands, why don"t you get on with that blog now? ;)
24,000 requests and yet you still don"t buy me drink??? ;D
Just goes to show that you never know when a thread will get resurrected :D
is this a thread ?
I have bought in.
I raised a question which was answered by APAT
Thread closed.
Thread"s are never closed until people get bored of posting on them
and given how long people here are willing to talk about cookies I guess this won"t be closed for a while yet ;D
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Ginger Nuts!
Do pay attention.
******** there goes the thread(
"B & H Ltd"
Thread killing since 2003 !
So this one is dead now, yeah?
Could be, unless it"s subtitle is "Lazarus" ??
Time for a biccy and a coffee, Ginger Nut anyone ??
can a closed thread be voted for thread of the year?
Not if it is officially CLOSED!!
Not if it is officially CLOSED!!
OK no more posts allowed in this thread
Not if it is officially CLOSED!!
OK no more posts allowed in this thread
U heard the man!
I agree with OP- 5 months is too long to wait!!!!
Feels like Xmas- counting down to the event, am in all 3. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I agree with OP- 5 months is too long to wait!!!!
Feels like Xmas- counting down to the event, am in all 3. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Show off!!
Thread closed
I agree with OP- 5 months is too long to wait!!!!
Feels like Xmas- counting down to the event, am in all 3. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
If we continue to get quality threads like this one then the 5 months will pass in no time.
p.s. I"m in all 3 also ;D
oh and I am in all three as well
All by myself........
Just the one for me - maybe i"ll start a new thread as thid one is closed
I'm in one only, but since this thread is closed no one will see this :P
All by myself........
Celine Dion ? ? ? I am appalled at your taste Sir, this is a family forum.
Just the one for me - maybe i"ll start a new thread as thid one is closed
Which event ?
Me in the ME - Will be looking for a HORSE seat nearer the time and will probably play the DTD tourny on the friday!
But like nosey said - as this thread is closed no - one will see it!
see what? 8)
Me in the ME - Will be looking for a HORSE seat nearer the time and will probably play the DTD tourny on the friday!
"A HORSE seat, a HORSE seat, my kingdom for a HORSE seat!!"
Nothing to see here, move along.....
You can sing that!
also in all three - and planning to multi table on the Sunday
also in all three - and planning to multi table on the Sunday
The odds on that Sir ??
also in all three - and planning to multi table on the Sunday
The odds on that Sir ??
what odds will you give me?
also in all three - and planning to multi table on the Sunday
The odds on that Sir ??
what odds will you give me?
What do I know of odds ?? Every time I should be ahead, I lose !!!
Wow, what is it with me and forums?
I can even still manage to cause trouble on "another" forum - even though I"m banned! lol
The day 3 main event players should have fun, multitabling in a HORSE comp as well :)
WD APAT for doing another omaha comp and a horse comp.
Wow, what is it with me and forums?
I can even still manage to cause trouble on "another" forum - even though I"m banned! lol
The day 3 main event players should have fun, multitabling in a HORSE comp as well :)
WD APAT for doing another omaha comp and a horse comp.
WHY... are you still posting on a thread that YOU officially announced as closed....???
Seems odd to me :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :o :o :o :o :o :o ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Wow, what is it with me and forums?
I can even still manage to cause trouble on "another" forum - even though I"m banned! lol
The day 3 main event players should have fun, multitabling in a HORSE comp as well :)
WD APAT for doing another omaha comp and a horse comp.
WHY... are you still posting on a thread that YOU officially announced as closed....???
Seems odd to me :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :-\ :o :o :o :o :o :o ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Odd ? ? ? Meh, different perspective maybe......
I could of started a whole new thread I suppose - but that would of been silly me thinks ;)
Is this thread officially open again?
No, its still closed :P
And as for you Bain - ::)
Is this thread a virtual thread
Or is this thread dead
Is it serious or is it a toy
And does it belong to M3boy
(answers attached to a crate of NFL please)
Open or Closed?
On or off???
i keep seeing that this thread is closed so why is there so much interest? i cant stop watching to see when this madness ends lol
A thread started by moi , end?!?!?
My threads on Blonde are STILL running, and I"ve been banned for months now!
Time for the 7th page stretch.
Anyone for coffee and a lovely Ginger Nut ???
wow no-one has posted on this thread today so im going to spoil it, thought it was closed but appears to be open, its playing with my mind
No-one posted because it was closed, but now you have opened it again.
So now thats it"s open I can post that it was closed but I couldn"t post it was closed when it was closed as that would mean it was open.
thats correct by opening the post with a post into what was a closed post u r indeeded opening the post or are u re opening the post if was in fact closed in the first place
If you posted that you was going to post but the post was closed so you did not post then someone posted on the closed post making it open when it's closed, makes this post closed or it could be open
Talking of post, mine was late this morning.....
Why the shouting Squire ?
As Michael Winner said -
"Calm down dear, it"s just a thread"
SORRY sorry
Why the shouting Squire ?
As Michael Winner said -
"Calm down dear, it"s just a closed thread"
Why the shouting Squire ?
As Michael Winner said -
"Calm down dear, it"s just a closed thread"
now i am just confused - time for poker me thinks
All offers considered
Why the shouting Squire ?
As Michael Winner said -
"Calm down dear, it"s just a closed thread"
Thank you Stevie, helpful as always.
So what"s going on here then ???
were letting sleeping dogs lie....
were letting sleeping dogs lie....
Indeed we are, so ssshhhhhh, Cornelius can be really bad tempered if woken suddenly.
(Second one down)
Felling a bit under the weather this morning ?
He aint HORSE
He aint HORSE.... he"s my brotherrrrrr
He aint HORSE.... he"s my brotherrrrrr
Official request to give him a 24hr ban for bad punage.
Five months is a bit long though......Good job none of the events sold out quickly!!!
"Are you feeling a Little Horse?"
"No - its a normal sized one"
Five months is a bit long though......Good job none of the events sold out quickly!!!
"Are you feeling a Little Horse?"
"No - its a normal sized one"
Make his a 48hr ban please.
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
Apology accepted, good man.
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
What, is Des banning Bainn?
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
What, is Des banning Bainn?
Lol, no you silly fish, lol....
Everybody loves me.
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
What, is Des banning Bainn?
Lol, no you silly fish, lol....
Everybody loves me.
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
What, is Des banning Bainn?
Lol, no you silly fish, lol....
Everybody loves me.
Bless you, you"re crazy in love with me.....
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
What, is Des banning Bainn?
Lol, no you silly fish, lol....
Everybody loves me.
Bless you, you"re crazy in love with me.....
Yes, the same way I love parasitic worms or the ebola virus.
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
What, is Des banning Bainn?
Lol, no you silly fish, lol....
Everybody loves me.
Bless you, you"re crazy in love with me.....
Yes, the same way I love parasitic worms or the ebola virus.
I know you"re just kidding, bless you....
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
What, is Des banning Bainn?
Lol, no you silly fish, lol....
Everybody loves me.
Bless you, you"re crazy in love with me.....
Yes, the same way I love parasitic worms or the ebola virus.
I know you"re just kidding, bless you....
Someone sneeze?
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
What, is Des banning Bainn?
Lol, no you silly fish, lol....
Everybody loves me.
Bless you, you"re crazy in love with me.....
Yes, the same way I love parasitic worms or the ebola virus.
I know you"re just kidding, bless you....
Someone sneeze?
Probably triggered by Danny"s aftershave...
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
What, is Des banning Bainn?
Lol, no you silly fish, lol....
Everybody loves me.
Bless you, you"re crazy in love with me.....
Yes, the same way I love parasitic worms or the ebola virus.
I know you"re just kidding, bless you....
Someone sneeze?
Does this Not count as a poor effort at humour or is it just my Jokes that are awful
Actually - Dont answer that - i know what the Answer is!
sorry Bainn,
no more S**T jokes
What, is Des banning Bainn?
Lol, no you silly fish, lol....
Everybody loves me.
Bless you, you"re crazy in love with me.....
Yes, the same way I love parasitic worms or the ebola virus.
I know you"re just kidding, bless you....
Someone sneeze?
Does this Not count as a poor effort at humour or is it just my Jokes that are awful
Actually - Dont answer that - i know what the Answer is!
Oh good man, you are showing promise at last...
So the thread is now dead....
*Sniffs & wipes away a tear*
So the thread is now dead....
*Sniffs & wipes away a tear*
no it"s not ;D
So the thread is now dead....
*Sniffs & wipes away a tear*
no it"s not ;D
It"s not....???
As you requested -
As you requested -
getting boring bainn to be honest
As you requested -
getting boring bainn to be honest
Gah, such a misery guts you are!!
You can never get bored of the Ginger Nutty fun-ness ! ! !
Bain GETTING booring ?!?!?
I must have missed something - ;D
Bainn GETTING boring ?!?!?
I must have missed something - ;D
im not asking if this post is open or closed, i just want to say that 4 months now and i cant wait. it does give me time to sort out travel and the possibility of staying at a hotel and study more poker. cant wait until august, just a wedding and a holiday to malta to get over and done and then i will be so exited i probably wont sleep for weeks.
im not asking if this post is open or closed, i just want to say that 4 months now and i cant wait. it does give me time to sort out travel and the possibility of staying at a hotel and study more poker. cant wait until august, just a wedding and a holiday to malta to get over and done and then i will be so exited i probably wont sleep for weeks.
Are you taking over my life????
im not asking if this post is open or closed, i just want to say that 4 months now and i cant wait. it does give me time to sort out travel and the possibility of staying at a hotel and study more poker. cant wait until august, just a wedding and a holiday to malta to get over and done and then i will be so exited i probably wont sleep for weeks.
4 Months of waiting ?1?1? Is this not a little too long?
Thread closed!!
5 months makes total people time to book time off,sort out travel arrangements and to save up a few quid before it starts.if youre concerned about the 200 quid then i would suggest not going as its going to be nearer 400 or 500 with hotels,food and drinks before you even start playing cash games mate.anyway good luck if you play and i hope to see you all there.personally,i think apat is very right to do this.having played in the dtd 50k guaranteed where 60 players got turned away and having stood in the alternates queue at the wsop for 3 and a half hours ,i think its right and proper to get it all sorted out way in advance. :D
Although encounters between commercial entities and consumers are one of the more common types of interpersonal interactions found in everyday life, relatively little research has been conducted on interpersonal influence attempts applied to commercial settings. However, the researchers found that a confusing sales pitch alone - such as one utilizing technical jargon, confusing terminology, or large and confusing product assortments (i.e. Ginger Nuts) - does not lead to greater consumer interest. Rather, it increases the "need for cognitive closure"; consumers will grasp for easy-to-process or unambiguous information that has direct and obvious implications for judgment and behavior. Furthermore, the researchers found that this need for cognitive closure will cause particularly susceptible consumers to "freeze" their judgments, that is, hold them with a high degree of confidence and refrain from considering additional evidence that could potentially threaten closure.
Although encounters between commercial entities and consumers are one of the more common types of interpersonal interactions found in everyday life, relatively little research has been conducted on interpersonal influence attempts applied to commercial settings. However, the researchers found that a confusing sales pitch alone - such as one utilizing technical jargon, confusing terminology, or large and confusing product assortments (i.e. Ginger Nuts) - does not lead to greater consumer interest. Rather, it increases the "need for cognitive closure"; consumers will grasp for easy-to-process or unambiguous information that has direct and obvious implications for judgment and behavior. Furthermore, the researchers found that this need for cognitive closure will cause particularly susceptible consumers to "freeze" their judgments, that is, hold them with a high degree of confidence and refrain from considering additional evidence that could potentially threaten closure.
OMG, wow, and lol, all at the same time!!! ;D
is this thread closed
My brain officially hurts now. Cheers.
doesnt seem to be lol :D ah ac
Although encounters between commercial entities and consumers are one of the more common types of interpersonal interactions found in everyday life, relatively little research has been conducted on interpersonal influence attempts applied to commercial settings. However, the researchers found that a confusing sales pitch alone - such as one utilizing technical jargon, confusing terminology, or large and confusing product assortments (i.e. Ginger Nuts) - does not lead to greater consumer interest. Rather, it increases the "need for cognitive closure"; consumers will grasp for easy-to-process or unambiguous information that has direct and obvious implications for judgment and behavior. Furthermore, the researchers found that this need for cognitive closure will cause particularly susceptible consumers to "freeze" their judgments, that is, hold them with a high degree of confidence and refrain from considering additional evidence that could potentially threaten closure.
Whilst we all understand what you are attempting to achieve we also have to accept that the need for closure varies across individuals, situations, cultures and forum threads.
A person with a high need for closure prefers order and predictability and is decisive and close minded. This person also feels discomfort from ambiguity (Higel & Merdiviele 2002). Someone rating low on need for closure will express more ideational fluidity and emit more creative acts (Hirumbolo et al., 2003).
The Need for Thread Closure Scale (NFTCS) was developed by Andre Luglanski, Donna Hebster, and Adele Klum in 1993. Items on the scale include statements such as "I think that having clear rules defining a threads conclusion are essential to success." and "I do not like threads that are open to continuation by the simple posting of a random item i.e. a ginger nut biscuit". Items such as "Even after this thread has been deemed closed, I am always eager to consider a different opinion." and "I like to have threads which are unpredictable" are reversed scored (Luglanski, Hebster, and Klum, 1993).
This scale is composed of 42 items and has been used in numerous research studies and has been translated into multiple languages. In 2006, Boets and Van Higel revised the scale to resolve the psychometric problems and obtain a stable, one-dimensional scale.
The Need for Thread Closure Scale exhibits low to moderate association with the following: "authoritarianism, intolerance of ambiguity, dogmatism, need for cognition, cognitive complexity, impulsivity, need for structure, and fear of invalidity, while retaining considerable distinctiveness from those various constructs"(Hebster & Lruglanski, 1994). It does not appear to be related with the intelligence level nor social desirability concerns.
I trust this has cleared up the "thread closed" position and that we are all comfortable with situation moving forward.
It"s FRIDAY you lot! Knock it off FFS!!! lol
It"s FRIDAY you lot! Knock it off FFS!!! lol
She"s right for once, everyone chill out, have a coffee and maybe a biccy ? ? ?
It"s FRIDAY you lot! Knock it off FFS!!! lol
She"s right for once, everyone chill out, have a coffee and maybe a biccy ? ? ?
ginger nuts work well with tea, or with milk, but surely not with coffee??!
It"s FRIDAY you lot! Knock it off FFS!!! lol
She"s right for once, everyone chill out, have a coffee and maybe a biccy ? ? ?
ginger nuts work well with tea, or with milk, but surely not with coffee??!
I find Chocolate Malted Milk work best with Coffee
It"s FRIDAY you lot! Knock it off FFS!!! lol
She"s right for once, everyone chill out, have a coffee and maybe a biccy ? ? ?
ginger nuts work well with tea, or with milk, but surely not with coffee??!
Absolutely with Coffee, Ginger mixes wonderfully with the Coffee which takes away some of the bitterness.
I suppose you are fine with a ruddy Cinnamon stick in your Coffee......
It"s FRIDAY you lot! Knock it off FFS!!! lol
She"s right for once, everyone chill out, have a coffee and maybe a biccy ? ? ?
ginger nuts work well with tea, or with milk, but surely not with coffee??!
I find Chocolate Malted Milk work best with Coffee
You can get Chocolate Malted Milk, interesting.........but so very wrong.
1) Malted Milk are good as they are, why add friggin Chocolate ???? Sheesh, everyone is adding Cocolate to bloody everything, what next? Chocolate toothpaste ??????
2) They are simply not Ginger Nuts.....
Just so people know I am not obsessed with Ginger Nuts, I thought I would share this pic.
Of Poker Chip Cookies ! ! !
why is this thread still open? is it just for the humour factor or so Bainn can try to convinve everyone that ginger nuts are the best biccy?pointless really
Chocolate Hob Nobs ftw
Just so people know I am not obsessed with Ginger Nuts, I thought I would share this pic.
Of Poker Chip Cookies ! ! !
you really do need to get out more!!
Just so people know I am not obsessed with Ginger Nuts, I thought I would share this pic.
Of Poker Chip Cookies ! ! !
you really do need to get out more!!
More ? ? ?
I am only allowed out 2 days out of 7, even then I have to be back before 7pm or the nurses start looking for me.
why is this thread still open? is it just for the humour factor or so Bainn can try to convinve everyone that ginger nuts are the best biccy?pointless really
Chocolate Hob Nobs ftw
Why are you so limited in your thought ? Suggesting it is either one or the other.
Expand your mind and except the fact that this thread remains open for BOTH reasons.
Thought this thread was closed!
Thought this thread was closed!
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had been saving this for a special occasion since Easter and this will do.
GingerBread Bunny FTW ! ! !
My brain officially hurts now. Cheers.
they found it in the end then?
where had you left it?
My brain officially hurts now. Cheers.
they found it in the end then?
where had you left it?
The pack of feckers refused to tell me. Sigh.
I had been saving this for a special occasion since Easter and this will do.
GingerBread Bunny FTW ! ! !
She has large breasts.
is it definatly female???
is it definatly female???
Good point. Still has huge breasts either way...
Buffoon !
Those are paws, the rabbit is seated in the style of a cute Teddy-Bear.
Buffoon !
Those are paws, the rabbit is seated in the style of a cute Teddy-Bear.
Wanna bet? I"d be inclined to side with Kin on this one. They forgot to make the bottom half of yer bunny.
I thought it was a pic of Katie Price wearing bunny ears!!
I thought it was a pic of Katie Price wearing bunny ears!!
Lord, no wonder you play some trash, your eyes must be atrocious if ya think the bunny looks like Katie Price ! !
Buffoon !
Those are paws, the rabbit is seated in the style of a cute Teddy-Bear.
Wanna bet? I"d be inclined to side with Kin on this one. They forgot to make the bottom half of yer bunny.
Post ignored because it was written by a ruddy colonial.
I thought it was a pic of Katie Price wearing bunny ears!!
Lord, no wonder you play some trash, your eyes must be atrocious if ya think the bunny looks like Katie Price ! !
you"re right - the bunny isn"t ugly. however, the bunny does appear to have undergone breast enlargement surgery.
I thought it was a pic of Katie Price wearing bunny ears!!
Lord, no wonder you play some trash, your eyes must be atrocious if ya think the bunny looks like Katie Price ! !
you"re right - the bunny isn"t ugly. however, the bunny does appear to have undergone breast enlargement surgery.
Only if you"re half blind and delusional.
Isn"t this coming up soon?
Isn"t this coming up soon?
Indeed, maybe you should consider getting a seat ? ?
Wish I knew where to find one.
Wish I knew where to find one.
If only time travel was an option...
Have a Ginger Nut, by the time you"ve finished eating it you"ll feel right as rain.
Wish I knew where to find one.
You know what the problem is?
They just didn"t give you enough time to get organised isn"t it?
Wish I knew where to find one.
You know what the problem is?
They just didn"t give you enough time to get organised isn"t it?
You"re disagreeing with the opening statement of this thread ?
Quite sure M3boy would disagree.
thought this thread was closed
thought this thread was closed
It would appear not.
M3boy would be proud.
blooming hell, we are in august, i forgot that the wcoap is on as double booked, oh well painting the master bedroom or a weekend at dusk till dawn, not a hard question to answer is it?
I"d bet the APAT week-end was booked first anyway, which means it obviously comes first.
Mission objectives -
Primary = Play in the WCOAP
Secondary = Have fun
All other considerations are invalid.
thought this thread was closed
It is
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beeeeeeeeeeeer...take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wallllllllllllllllllllllllllllll...................
thought this thread was closed
It is
Wanna bet? ;D
thought this thread was closed
It is not, apparently.
98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beeeeeeeeeeeer...take one down and pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wallllllllllllllllllllllll...............
I have bought in.
I raised a question which was answered by APAT
Thread closed.
I refer you all to the point made around 13 pages ago, when in accordance with the decision and statement made by the original poster, who therefore assumes ownersip of the thread, that the thread is indeed closed.
I have bought in.
I raised a question which was answered by APAT
Thread closed.
I refer you all to the point made around 13 pages ago, when in accordance with the decision and statement made by the original poster, who therefore assumes ownersip of the thread, that the thread is indeed closed.
And yet, people are still posting in this thread, which when originally created became "Public" property of all forum members, so therefore it cannot possibly closed by one individual.
Maybe if people refrained from posting in this thread.......
97 bottles of beer on the wall, 97 bottles of beeeeeeeeeeeer...take one down and pass it around, 96 bottles of beer on the wallllllllllllllllllllllll...............
Makes a nice change from gingernuts anyway. ;D
Makes a nice change from gingernuts anyway. ;D
Ah, but the beer is to wash down those lovely Ginger Nuts.
I am feeling adventurous.