Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: AMRN on May 27, 2009, 12:43:32 PM

Title: PT3 question re HUD
Post by: AMRN on May 27, 2009, 12:43:32 PM
I"ve started concentrating my efforts on STT sit and goes again, and want to put PT3 to better use in terms of the HeadsUp display. For cash games, I have my HUD just how I want it.... but for SNGs I want something slightly different.

I have the usual VPIP, PFR, AG, c-bet, etc..... but also want to see at a glance the total profit and ROI that a player earns from SNGs. I can"t find this in the HUD config list...... any ideas?  
Title: Re: PT3 question re HUD
Post by: cincicrappykid on May 27, 2009, 16:24:29 PM
Title: Re: PT3 question re HUD
Post by: AMRN on May 27, 2009, 16:46:45 PM
tut tut tony - when will you ever learn that "poker" is about more than just the two plastic coated bits of card dealt to you!!

Title: Re: PT3 question re HUD
Post by: clynd99 on May 27, 2009, 18:35:34 PM
Yeah Tony, it"s about hitting runner runner with the cack end.
Title: Re: PT3 question re HUD
Post by: mattblue on May 27, 2009, 18:48:23 PM
lol two live cards tony lol
Title: Re: PT3 question re HUD
Post by: Swinebag on May 27, 2009, 20:34:42 PM
At least he knows how to turn Caps lock off. ;D

I thought that PT3 was not considerd the greatest tool for STTs. Given the short nature of them they may not provide an accurate profile of your oppos. I dont have PT3 so this is mainly said through hearsay rather than any foundation.

Sharkscope comes with a HUD that demonstrates profit and ROI. No good if you are playing on stars though (its banned!!)
Title: Re: PT3 question re HUD
Post by: AMRN on May 27, 2009, 22:22:00 PM

At least he knows how to turn Caps lock off. ;D

I thought that PT3 was not considerd the greatest tool for STTs. Given the short nature of them they may not provide an accurate profile of your oppos. I dont have PT3 so this is mainly said through hearsay rather than any foundation.

Sharkscope comes with a HUD that demonstrates profit and ROI. No good if you are playing on stars though (its banned!!)

Thanks for that. I stopped subscribing to Sharkscope some time ago as it was just too clumsy to keep referring abck out to their website when trying to make judgements on oppos. I wasn"t aware that they had introduced a HUD - will have to give that a try me thinks.

Title: Re: PT3 question re HUD
Post by: TopPair2Pair on May 28, 2009, 00:06:23 AM

At least he knows how to turn Caps lock off. ;D

I thought that PT3 was not considerd the greatest tool for STTs. Given the short nature of them they may not provide an accurate profile of your oppos. I dont have PT3 so this is mainly said through hearsay rather than any foundation.

Sharkscope comes with a HUD that demonstrates profit and ROI. No good if you are playing on stars though (its banned!!)

def this for what yer asking. its prob doable but unless you"ve got a gizzilions of HHs on opponents in ya pt db its not really going show you anything that useful rly. Sharkscope hud all the way to trhe bank