Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: BOINGBLITZ on June 17, 2009, 13:44:03 PM

Title: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: BOINGBLITZ on June 17, 2009, 13:44:03 PM
Having qualified to go to Las Vegas through Ladbrokes, i was pleased to hear that they were running an exclusive satellite for their package winners that would carry a Main Event seat as the prize.
 That Sat takes place tonight (Weds) and is a $100 buy-in with 1 $50 rebuy and a $25 $175.
Now the $5k package I won with Laddies includes 3 live Sats in Vegas totalling $1405 in buy-ins but I had heard that whoever wins tonights Sat would NOT then get those live Sats in Vegas OR be credited with the cash as an alternative.
I contacted Laddies who told me that tonights Sat is worth $8595 and "to this we will add the $1,405 from the Satellites in Vegas to give you a $10,000 seat in the WSOP Main Event !"
 Now personally, I think this is awful. To call it a main event satellite, but then not give the full buy-in as a prize....and also, surely whoever wins tonight is being penalised for being sucessful ?
 Maybe I am being over-sensetive and I understand that tonights Sat, with possibly less than 50 runners, provides great value....but I still think this situation stinks.
 Opinions please peeps.
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: jbworldwide on June 17, 2009, 13:59:52 PM
Well it depends how you look at it, maybe they should have put it as an upgrade to the main event then you wouldnt be as annoyed, but surely you would rather have the ME seat and not have to play sats towards it? for $175 I would take a shot because even if you dont make it you still have the Vegas trip just a bit harder to make ME.

Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: Chipaccrual on June 17, 2009, 14:04:04 PM
I would love to have a 50-1 shot at the WSOP ME for a max of $175.  As you said, that is tremendous value.

It sounds like the satellite is an added tourney that you were not expecting, so I guess it is tough to complain too much and to be honest, if you win the seat and upgrade to the main event package, the live sats hardly seem worth it.  Your focus will be on the ME, not some smaller satellites.

It seems a no brainer to play.  The chance to upgrade your current package to a ME buyin for peanuts.

I assume if you win, you still get flights, hotel etc, just don"t play the live satellites ?

Good luck with it.
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: Honeybadg on June 17, 2009, 14:28:13 PM

Having qualified to go to Las Vegas through Ladbrokes, i was pleased to hear that they were running an exclusive satellite for their package winners that would carry a Main Event seat as the prize.
 That Sat takes place tonight (Weds) and is a $100 buy-in with 1 $50 rebuy and a $25 $175.
Now the $5k package I won with Laddies includes 3 live Sats in Vegas totalling $1405 in buy-ins but I had heard that whoever wins tonights Sat would NOT then get those live Sats in Vegas OR be credited with the cash as an alternative.
I contacted Laddies who told me that tonights Sat is worth $8595 and "to this we will add the $1,405 from the Satellites in Vegas to give you a $10,000 seat in the WSOP Main Event !"
 Now personally, I think this is awful. To call it a main event satellite, but then not give the full buy-in as a prize....and also, surely whoever wins tonight is being penalised for being sucessful ?
 Maybe I am being over-sensetive and I understand that tonights Sat, with possibly less than 50 runners, provides great value....but I still think this situation stinks.
 Opinions please peeps.

It"s pretty tight in my opinion ...

... but great if you win it!

Take in down.

Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: Swinebag on June 17, 2009, 18:04:34 PM
given thats its exclusive to the package winners, this a great chance to get you ME seat. If you play and dont win tonight, you still get your live sattys, for the loss of $175.

It does seem a bit mean, but then again they aren"t running a charity
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: deanp27 on June 17, 2009, 18:10:57 PM
seems pretty fair to me
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: BOINGBLITZ on June 17, 2009, 18:21:38 PM
Lots of disgruntled people on .....but thanx for the imput guys......will be playing it as it is too good a chance to miss.
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: WYoung83 on June 17, 2009, 18:47:12 PM
seems worth playing in, id take the chance. good luck, let us all know how you get on.
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: AMRN on June 17, 2009, 19:08:36 PM
don"t look a gift horse in the mouth Bri - wouldn"t it be nice fly out in the sure and certain knowledge that you have a seat in the ME, rather than looking forward to playing some sats with no guarantee of actually playing a WSOP event at all.

Play the sat tonight - $175 for a 50:1 shot at a $10k prize sounds good to me.
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: teaulc on June 17, 2009, 22:59:06 PM
might be a bit late in the night,but i hope it all went well Bri,
either way,i will see you in Vegas.
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: BOINGBLITZ on June 18, 2009, 11:23:08 AM
Sat was terrific value - just 37 runners.
Made the FT but just before getting there I called a button push when I had A-K in the SB and the button"s Q-Q held to knock me down to that and I was chippy.
 So there I am in 8th with 26k, 9 left in, leader has 42k, when the Button pushes all-in in an unraised pot for 28k. Blinds are still low, can he be doing this with 10-10 or better ? I look down at 9-9 ??
 One of the good things on Laddies is a 2-minute timebank and so I used a lot of it. I finally reasoned that he either has a small pair that he doesn"t want to see a flop with or a decent ace, which puts us in a race.
 I decided to take the race for the chip lead and he flips........Q-6.......yes......Q-6 !!
The Q hits the flop of course and he wins the pot and goes on to win the $10k seat.....I was not happy.....that one hurt.

Earlier on I am playing in a Sat for the Killarney Festival Weekly Final. Now 5 get a seat, 6th gets $50 and there are 8 left on FT when this happens. I raise pre-flop with Q-Q and get 1 caller. This guy is 3rd in chips, I am 2nd.
Flop comes 8-high.....I push, he calls....with.......Q-9 draws, no pairs, no straights.....and with 5 seats available.....gotta be the worst call EVER !...Until he hits runner-runner clubs for a flush !!
 I told him I thought his play was mindless, but I managed to come back from 2 BB"s to win a seat, as did he. Hope I get him on my table in the Final on Sunday night :)
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: Waz1892 on June 18, 2009, 15:22:21 PM

Sat was terrific value - just 37 runners.
Made the FT but just before getting there I called a button push when I had A-K in the SB and the button"s Q-Q held to knock me down to that and I was chippy.
 So there I am in 8th with 26k, 9 left in, leader has 42k, when the Button pushes all-in in an unraised pot for 28k. Blinds are still low, can he be doing this with 10-10 or better ? I look down at 9-9 ??
 One of the good things on Laddies is a 2-minute timebank and so I used a lot of it. I finally reasoned that he either has a small pair that he doesn"t want to see a flop with or a decent ace, which puts us in a race.
 I decided to take the race for the chip lead and he flips........Q-6.......yes......Q-6 !!
The Q hits the flop of course and he wins the pot and goes on to win the $10k seat.....I was not happy.....that one hurt.

Earlier on I am playing in a Sat for the Killarney Festival Weekly Final. Now 5 get a seat, 6th gets $50 and there are 8 left on FT when this happens. I raise pre-flop with Q-Q and get 1 caller. This guy is 3rd in chips, I am 2nd.
Flop comes 8-high.....I push, he calls....with.......Q-9 draws, no pairs, no straights.....and with 5 seats available.....gotta be the worst call EVER !...Until he hits runner-runner clubs for a flush !!
 I told him I thought his play was mindless, but I managed to come back from 2 BB"s to win a seat, as did he. Hope I get him on my table in the Final on Sunday night :)

only 37 players...grt value indeed, and unlucky on the Q flop.  Good luck in Vegas when you go, and all the best for any Sats you do play.

Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: undisputed on June 18, 2009, 16:32:21 PM
well reasoned...and v v ul..!!  #

Maybe it was Laddies getting revenge for all the moaning you were doing??

GL in Vegas !

Sat was terrific value - just 37 runners.
Made the FT but just before getting there I called a button push when I had A-K in the SB and the button"s Q-Q held to knock me down to that and I was chippy.
 So there I am in 8th with 26k, 9 left in, leader has 42k, when the Button pushes all-in in an unraised pot for 28k. Blinds are still low, can he be doing this with 10-10 or better ? I look down at 9-9 ??
 One of the good things on Laddies is a 2-minute timebank and so I used a lot of it. I finally reasoned that he either has a small pair that he doesn"t want to see a flop with or a decent ace, which puts us in a race.
 I decided to take the race for the chip lead and he flips........Q-6.......yes......Q-6 !!
The Q hits the flop of course and he wins the pot and goes on to win the $10k seat.....I was not happy.....that one hurt.

Earlier on I am playing in a Sat for the Killarney Festival Weekly Final. Now 5 get a seat, 6th gets $50 and there are 8 left on FT when this happens. I raise pre-flop with Q-Q and get 1 caller. This guy is 3rd in chips, I am 2nd.
Flop comes 8-high.....I push, he calls....with.......Q-9 draws, no pairs, no straights.....and with 5 seats available.....gotta be the worst call EVER !...Until he hits runner-runner clubs for a flush !!
 I told him I thought his play was mindless, but I managed to come back from 2 BB"s to win a seat, as did he. Hope I get him on my table in the Final on Sunday night :)
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: Cyntaf on June 18, 2009, 19:46:10 PM
Bad luck Brian, but GL with the sats in Vegas, hope you make the ME :)
Title: Re: WSOP Satellite tonight on Laddies.....what is your opinion here ?
Post by: BOINGBLITZ on June 19, 2009, 05:41:26 AM
Thanx guys, appreciate all your support and will try to post on here to keep you all updated with my progress