Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => World Championship of Amateur Poker (WCOAP) => Live Archive => Live Poker => WCOAP 2008 - 2012 => Topic started by: Barnfather on August 11, 2009, 12:02:27 PM

Title: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Barnfather on August 11, 2009, 12:02:27 PM
Ok, something I have been mulling over and wondered what other peoples thoughts were. I am new to APAT so don"t know what the etiquette or usual practice is for this....

If you were to make it to day 2 (sunday) in the ME, but had a seat for the HORSE event - what would you do? Would you attempt to sell the seat on the saturday, would you attempt to multitable (which may be hideous difficult given the games in HORSE) or would you blind out in the HORSE and join if/when you get knocked out of the ME?

I guess a lot has to do with chip stacks, as a smaller-than-average chip stack would make me consider blinding out on HORSE in the early levels, but I"m interested into what approach people would take... Would focussing on the ME and ditching HORSE regardless of stack-size be more +EV and hence the better option? Would the smaller field size in HORSE make that a more +EV option?

Of course, the likelihood of me making it to day 2 is slim, hence it all being hypothetical. Just curious
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: AMRN on August 11, 2009, 12:25:47 PM
Multi Tabling won"t be allowed. I"ve figured that if I make day 2 of ME, I won"t be selling my HORSE seat - I would like my blnds/antes to be posted until I arrive.... and if I don"t arrive, then I must have gone deep in the ME and defaulting the £50 HORSE entry won"t be a problem.  My thinking is that having something else to do if I crash out of the ME early on day2 will stop me from playing scared (of an early exit) and might in fact help my ME game.

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 11, 2009, 12:41:12 PM

Multi Tabling won"t be allowed. ...

What makes you say that?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Paulie_D on August 11, 2009, 12:41:15 PM

Multi Tabling won"t be allowed. I"ve figured that if I make day 2 of ME, I won"t be selling my HORSE seat - I would like my blnds/antes to be posted until I arrive....

Don"t you have to be in your HORSE seat at kick-off?

...and if you are..isn"t that multi-tabling?  ???
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 11, 2009, 12:42:29 PM

Multi Tabling won"t be allowed. I"ve figured that if I make day 2 of ME, I won"t be selling my HORSE seat - I would like my blnds/antes to be posted until I arrive....

Don"t you have to be in your HORSE seat at kick-off?


Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: scouse3465 on August 11, 2009, 12:47:27 PM
It has been quoted on previous thread multi tabling would be allowed ! i am sure about that cos that was my plan !( always hopefull before someone cracks a joke lol )
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Chipaccrual on August 11, 2009, 12:51:02 PM
My view is this,

If you make Day 2 in the main event, it would be recommended that you find someone to take your HORSE seat.  My understanding is that DTD doesn"t let you register for more than one tournament on their system (That might need confirming by someone in the know), also I feel it would be bad etiquette to have empty seats in the HORSE event considering the demand for places, and would go against everything that APAT is about.

I can imagine it would be disappointing for players not to get to play the HORSE event, but I"m sure having made the final day of the main event would help to make up for this.

As I said, just my opinion.  It"s unfortunate that the scheduling has meant the potential clash, but even DTD are entitiled to a bank holiday Monday off, so we have to go with it.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: coprey on August 11, 2009, 12:54:11 PM
In light of this I guess it would be a good idea to create a waiting list of those who want to play in the HORSE event and who do not currently have a ticket. Then when existing HORSE players go deep in the ME their seats can be made available to the player at the top of the waiting list at face value.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: AMRN on August 11, 2009, 13:15:16 PM
I think it woud also be a good idea to have the HORSE tourney starting an hour after the ME day 2.... there are always a bunch of exits at start of play on day 2..... Personally I would be so pissed to go out of the ME in the first few mins of day2, and not be allowed to use my HORSE seat that I bought months ago....  scraping into day 2 is one thing, but it does not necessarily mean the scraper will go deep.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Marty719 on August 11, 2009, 13:24:23 PM
I 100% agree with this:

I think it woud also be a good idea to have the HORSE tourney starting an hour after the ME day 2.... there are always a bunch of exits at start of play on day 2..... Personally I would be so pissed to go out of the ME in the first few mins of day2, and not be allowed to use my HORSE seat that I bought months ago....  scraping into day 2 is one thing, but it does not necessarily mean the scraper will go deep.

I dnt want to enter day 2 w/ 10bb"s, go out in the opening level and have to sit and sweat the HORSE.  I will b blinding off unless I have a monster stack.  Dnt think its gng to work out too bad, due to the fact that it is unlikely that too high a % of the players playing the HORSE will b making day 2.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 11, 2009, 13:37:04 PM

Dnt think its gng to work out too bad, due to the fact that it is unlikely that too high a % of the players playing the HORSE will b making day 2.

With two Day 1s, there will be a lot more people making it into Day 2 than normal.

DTD are entitiled to a bank holiday Monday off
Don"t see why. As a service business, they should be there to cater for their customers.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: coprey on August 11, 2009, 13:43:39 PM

I think it woud also be a good idea to have the HORSE tourney starting an hour after the ME day 2.... there are always a bunch of exits at start of play on day 2..... Personally I would be so pissed to go out of the ME in the first few mins of day2, and not be allowed to use my HORSE seat that I bought months ago....  scraping into day 2 is one thing, but it does not necessarily mean the scraper will go deep.

Yes agree.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 11, 2009, 13:57:30 PM
Infact, multi-tabling has been allowed before at DTD as long as no one complains about in, was quite a funni image to see Chippie Dagia running from one end of the cardroom to other while playing Two comps, lol.

If you have maaahhoooosssive chips in the ME, I think trying to grab chips in the HE and Omaha8 opening levels in the HORSE may be an idea.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: kinboshi on August 11, 2009, 15:31:30 PM

DTD are entitiled to a bank holiday Monday off
Don"t see why. As a service business, they should be there to cater for their customers.

They did open 7 days a week.  The level of service being offered dropped, and Rob wasn"t happy with that - so it went back to 5 days. 

Judging from the record numbers at the £300 and £150 tournament a few weeks ago, I"d say the service they"re offering is very much appreciated.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: kinboshi on August 11, 2009, 15:31:50 PM

Infact, multi-tabling has been allowed before at DTD as long as no one complains about in, was quite a funni image to see Chippie Dagia running from one end of the cardroom to other while playing Two comps, lol.

If you have maaahhoooosssive chips in the ME, I think trying to grab chips in the HE and Omaha8 opening levels in the HORSE may be an idea.

Since then they have stopped it.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 11, 2009, 15:46:05 PM
Well it would be nice if it were clarified.

Clarification before people bought seats would have been best.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: 3N1GM4 on August 11, 2009, 15:51:21 PM
I know this has probably been answered elsewhere, but how many players do we anticipate making Day 2?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: kinboshi on August 11, 2009, 15:52:12 PM

Well it would be nice if it were clarified.

Clarification before people bought seats would have been best.

I"ll clarify it for you Jon.

You won"t make Day 2 of the ME.

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Laxie on August 11, 2009, 15:54:22 PM
And I"ll make it REALLY easy for at least one of you.  I don"t have a HORSE seat.  If I bust the ME and you don"t, I"ll buy your seat and play the HORSE.  If you bust the ME and I don"t...we"re into new territory :D  
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Chipaccrual on August 11, 2009, 16:56:23 PM
I think it"s been clarified then.  DTD do not allow you to multi table, therefore you will not be able to register for the HORSE event if you are still in the main event.

So if you make day two and have a HORSE seat, you will need to find a stable home for it.  Neigh bother.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: 3N1GM4 on August 11, 2009, 17:43:37 PM

I think it"s been clarified then.  DTD do not allow you to multi table, therefore you will not be able to register for the HORSE event if you are still in the main event.

So if you make day two and have a HORSE seat, you will need to find a stable home for it.  Neigh bother.

How will this be organised though? I don"t really see how it"s going to work unless some structure or method of selling these seats is put in place. I mean, are those in each event already going to be registered in the DTD system before the events start, or do we have to "register" and they check us against a list of approved players, or what?

I can just see a lot of confusion and annoyance for eveyone if even a handful of the HORSE players make day 2 of the Main Event.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Claw75 on August 11, 2009, 17:55:05 PM
This does need to be clarified, perhaps between DTD and APAT. I was told by APAT ages ago that playing both events simultaneously would be allowed, and in fact would be encouraged, with a big deal being made over anyone attempting it!
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Chipaccrual on August 11, 2009, 19:48:08 PM

This does need to be clarified, perhaps between DTD and APAT. I was told by APAT ages ago that playing both events simultaneously would be allowed, and in fact would be encouraged, with a big deal being made over anyone attempting it!

I agree.  Let"s get it clarified for definite.

I am curious though how people actually expect to be able to play both.  If I was deep in the main event, that would be total focus, and I"m not sure I would even want to go straight into a HORSE event immediately with whatever chips I have left.

Or would people"s plans be to play a level of each ?

Right, the more I think about this, the more curious I am.

Those who would be planning to play both, what would your strategy for mutli-tabling be ?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: 3N1GM4 on August 11, 2009, 19:51:01 PM
I would definitely be thinking about the HORSE even if I got to Day 2 of the Main Event. Firstly, I"m assuming we might not even be in/close to the money when day 2 starts, so it"s not like we"re already playing for decent money/finishes. Also, it"s incredibly rare AFAIK to be able to play a live HORSE tourney in this country, or in fact anywhere!

Last chance I had was in the WSOP $1500 in 2008, dunno when my next chance will be, so I"d definitely be annoyed if I wasn"t able to play in this, even if it was because I was deep(ish) in the Main Event.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 11, 2009, 19:51:37 PM


Those who would be planning to play both, what would your strategy for mutli-tabling be ?

wing it
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 11, 2009, 20:09:44 PM

Last chance I had was in the WSOP $1500 in 2008

Has anyone else played any non-Hold-em games in the WSOP? Games such as, oh I don"t know, Razz for example?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: 3N1GM4 on August 11, 2009, 20:27:46 PM

Last chance I had was in the WSOP $1500 in 2008

Has anyone else played any non-Hold-em games in the WSOP? Games such as, oh I don"t know, Razz for example?

Have wanted to play the Razz there for a while now, but never been able to.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 11, 2009, 21:03:04 PM

Last chance I had was in the WSOP $1500 in 2008

Has anyone else played any non-Hold-em games in the WSOP? Games such as, oh I don"t know, Razz for example?

Have wanted to play the Razz there for a while now, but never been able to.

Do it at the WSOP - standard is really low
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: mal666 on August 11, 2009, 21:07:43 PM


Those who would be planning to play both, what would your strategy for mutli-tabling be ?

wing it

Back to back tables and a swivel chair would be nice.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: coprey on August 11, 2009, 21:08:47 PM
If the HORSE event start time cannot be delayed then I would suggest those with HORSE seats who make day two transfer their seats to those who want them. However what if supply outstrips demand. Will refunds be offered or are players allowed to attempt to play both? Clarification please.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 11, 2009, 21:36:51 PM

Surely asking someone at DTD if it was possible to multi table well in advance would have been a good idea ?

Too many people hedging their bets.

Of course I will welcome all unattended stacks during the HORSE event.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Chipaccrual on August 11, 2009, 21:43:04 PM

Infact, multi-tabling has been allowed before at DTD as long as no one complains about in, was quite a funni image to see Chippie Dagia running from one end of the cardroom to other while playing Two comps, lol.

If you have maaahhoooosssive chips in the ME, I think trying to grab chips in the HE and Omaha8 opening levels in the HORSE may be an idea.

Since then they have stopped it.

I took this as being accurate from someone who frequents DTD most weeks, hence my comments.

I still haven"t seen anyone post how they would plan to sensible do this multi-tabling anyway ?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Claw75 on August 11, 2009, 21:53:18 PM

Infact, multi-tabling has been allowed before at DTD as long as no one complains about in, was quite a funni image to see Chippie Dagia running from one end of the cardroom to other while playing Two comps, lol.

If you have maaahhoooosssive chips in the ME, I think trying to grab chips in the HE and Omaha8 opening levels in the HORSE may be an idea.

Since then they have stopped it.

I took this as being accurate from someone who frequents DTD most weeks, hence my comments.

I still haven"t seen anyone post how they would plan to sensible do this multi-tabling anyway ?

To many ifs and buts (number of players left in ME, stack sizes, proximity to the money etc) to have a definite strategy for playing both. So basically what Jon MW said.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 11, 2009, 22:11:23 PM
Also, those main event players are displaying low confidence about their chances by taking a HORSE seat too, something for the "Fantasy Backers" and potential betting market punters to think about.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: kinboshi on August 11, 2009, 22:20:53 PM

Infact, multi-tabling has been allowed before at DTD as long as no one complains about in, was quite a funni image to see Chippie Dagia running from one end of the cardroom to other while playing Two comps, lol.

If you have maaahhoooosssive chips in the ME, I think trying to grab chips in the HE and Omaha8 opening levels in the HORSE may be an idea.

Since then they have stopped it.

I took this as being accurate from someone who frequents DTD most weeks, hence my comments.

I still haven"t seen anyone post how they would plan to sensible do this multi-tabling anyway ?

Whether or not an exception will be made for the APAT event I don"t know.  A quick word with Simon would clear things up.  I"m at deeteedee tomorrow, and if he"s there I"ll ask him if you want?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: mike saban on August 11, 2009, 22:23:01 PM
All players with a HORSE ticket who make day 2, should be disqualified from the ME and chips shared amongst their table imo ( providing of course I make day 2 of the ME, if not then free to multitable or sell on )
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 11, 2009, 22:39:07 PM


Surely asking someone at DTD if it was possible to multi table well in advance would have been a good idea ?


I think most players took APAT specifically saying multi tabling would be allowed as a good enough sign
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: 3N1GM4 on August 11, 2009, 22:41:28 PM

If the HORSE event start time cannot be delayed then I would suggest those with HORSE seats who make day two transfer their seats to those who want them. However what if supply outstrips demand. Will refunds be offered or are players allowed to attempt to play both? Clarification please.

The problem with this is HOW people are going to "transfer their seats to those who want them". It could be an absolute nightmare.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: kinboshi on August 11, 2009, 22:45:27 PM
It"s not a problem at all.

Why not do something such as set up a reserve/alternate list, and have players called up as the seats are made available?  Not that I think thr HORSE event is actually running alternates though, I"m guessing that not many will get knocked out during the first two levels?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Chipaccrual on August 11, 2009, 22:47:48 PM
Transferring of seats will not be a problem.

We are talking here about potentially a handful of players that may fall into this situation.

There will be plenty of demand for these seats (as has already been shown on the seat exchange) and all exchanges that need to be done can be sorted on the day with a cash payment.

A lot of players are planning a weekend at DTD and are staying in the area, so I do not foresee a problem here.  And as always, it will be the responsibility of the player to arrange the exchange.  That said, the APAT team that will be there for all four days will endeavour to make this as smooth a transaction as possible.

The only issue to clear up is the one regarding if players are allowed to enter the HORSE if they are still in the main event, and we will get this clarified as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Claw75 on August 11, 2009, 22:58:33 PM

Infact, multi-tabling has been allowed before at DTD as long as no one complains about in, was quite a funni image to see Chippie Dagia running from one end of the cardroom to other while playing Two comps, lol.

If you have maaahhoooosssive chips in the ME, I think trying to grab chips in the HE and Omaha8 opening levels in the HORSE may be an idea.

Since then they have stopped it.

I took this as being accurate from someone who frequents DTD most weeks, hence my comments.

I still haven"t seen anyone post how they would plan to sensible do this multi-tabling anyway ?

Whether or not an exception will be made for the APAT event I don"t know.  A quick word with Simon would clear things up.  I"m at deeteedee tomorrow, and if he"s there I"ll ask him if you want?

Presumably though, as with all APAT events, APAT rules rather than house rules will apply to the WCOAP weekend?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: George2Loose on August 11, 2009, 22:59:49 PM
Personally I think you should be allowed to multi table. I clicked faster than others and should I make day 2 I should be allowed to play both.

I would play HORSE on breaks and let myself blind away if playing day 2
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: kaysing on August 11, 2009, 22:59:59 PM
Interesting thread if still unclear regarding the multi tabling issue.  When considering the weekend I intentionally did not go for the HORSE event as it clashed with the ME.  My plan if knocked out before ME Day 2 was to find someone willing to pass on their HORSE entry who still remained in the ME.  As it appears it could be a fairly hectic situation either late into the evening or very close to the HORSE starting gun, some sort of system should be in place to ensure an orderly redistribution of HORSE tickets.  When in place, please put my name down on the alternates list as like many out there, I have thoroughly enjoyed the distraction from the normal games.

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Barnfather on August 12, 2009, 00:14:46 AM
I"m glad the thread stirred up some debate, as I was confused myself as to the procedure...

My primary reason for entering the HORSE event is that it isn"t an event you often (ever) get to play live, and if I was shortstacked in day two I really wouldn"t appreciate being told that I couldn"t play, even if I wanted to retain my seat.

My favorite suggestion so far is to stagger the stat times on the sunday. Either pushing the HORSE event out, or bringing the ME in an hour or so.

But it is still very chip stack dependent and could have a massive impact on strategy, especially towards the end of day 1.

For example, if I am short-stacked late on the friday and know that I cannot enter the HORSE event if I am still alive on day 2, then I will be shipping it much lighter than usual, taking the view that I will either bust or double-up a few times and make it worth my while. If I know I will get an hour or so"s play on Sunday then I will play more "normally", use the first hour of day 2 to see how things develop but also have a full day in between to assess whether I will release my HORSE seat or not - primarily based on how much life I believe I have left in the ME. That would be a much better situation IMO.

If we are allowed to multi-table then again it depends on stack sizes in both competitions, but I would probably select to play certain rounds in HORSE (where I feel I may have an edge). Of course, for this to work the tables would need to be located fairly close - if they decide to play one event at one end of the venue and the other at the opposite side then such a strategy would be nearly impossible.

It will probably be academic anyway, as I will likely be knocked out before the first break on day one :) but we need clarification one way or another as the last thing I want to happen would be losing focus at the end of day 1 as I am confused about the implications of my play....

Another idea (most will think this is rubbish I"m sure)...if we have to forfeit the HORSE seat, ensure there is a HORSE side-event - perhaps a SNG - running in parallel but a bit later, so players still get the chance to experience it in a live setting.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 12, 2009, 00:25:49 AM
The whole idea of running the events in parallel is nuts. So is limiting it to a small number of lucky entrants.
If DTD has to put its feet up on the Bank Holiday Monday, defer the HORSE until the Friday of the English Open weekend, so everyone who wants to can enter.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: kinboshi on August 12, 2009, 05:40:23 AM

The whole idea of running the events in parallel is nuts. So is limiting it to a small number of lucky entrants.
If DTD has to put its feet up on the Bank Holiday Monday, defer the HORSE until the Friday of the English Open weekend, so everyone who wants to can enter.

Laughing my arse off at you getting your knickers in a twist about a venue hundreds of miles from where you live closing two days of the week!  You don"t have to play there, and I don"t many other venues able or willing to run these events.

Also, some of us have lives outside poker and want to do other things on the bank holiday. Not me of course, but I"m sure Des, Rich and the others would appreciate being able to see their friends and family sometime that weekend?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: SirPercival on August 12, 2009, 08:23:34 AM

It"s not a problem at all.

Why not do something such as set up a reserve/alternate list, and have players called up as the seats are made available?  Not that I think thr HORSE event is actually running alternates though, I"m guessing that not many will get knocked out during the first two levels?

You seem to have not read the players list very well Dan.   ::)
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: APAT on August 12, 2009, 08:24:07 AM
It is absolutely our intention to allow players to multitable both events should the circumstances arise.  There will also be a reserve list drawn up for the HORSE event on Sunday morning at DTD, run by APAT.  As with the SE board, APAT will put the process in place but ultimately it is the responsibility of the seller if he/she wishes to withdraw from an event.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Honeybadg on August 12, 2009, 08:49:19 AM

It is absolutely our intention to allow players to multitable both events should the circumstances arise.  There will also be a reserve list drawn up for the HORSE event on Sunday morning at DTD, run by APAT.  As with the SE board, APAT will put the process in place but ultimately it is the responsibility of the seller if he/she wishes to withdraw from an event.

I think you are teeing up some pretty poor scenarios here.

End of day 1 shovefest - watch the bad beats fly - not good in my opinion to change the incentives for a subset of the field.

Multitabling on the final tables - if this is the case again people are shoving when they wouldn"t otherwise.

Too much distortion for me.

When you say it is your intention - do you mean that DTD might veto this?

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 13:05:35 PM
So is limiting it to a small number of lucky entrants.

Agreed, limiting the field of all the WCOAP events is just nuts ! So what if people managed to sat in or were fortunate to be sat in front of thier pc"s when seats went on sale, surely APAT can open these events up to all wanting to play and quite sure DTD can cope with a thousand or so players.

Closing on a bank holiday ? Ridiculous ! !

(The above is most likely sarcasm. Well by "Most likely" I do infact mean "Definitely".)
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 12, 2009, 13:24:23 PM

So is limiting it to a small number of lucky entrants.

Agreed, limiting the field of all the WCOAP events is just nuts ! So what if people managed to sat in or were fortunate to be sat in front of thier pc"s when seats went on sale, surely APAT can open these events up to all wanting to play and quite sure DTD can cope with a thousand or so players.

Closing on a bank holiday ? Ridiculous ! !

(The above is most likely sarcasm. Well by "Most likely" I do infact mean "Definitely".)

If you have to explain that you"re being sarcastic - you"re really not doing it right
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 14:11:29 PM

So is limiting it to a small number of lucky entrants.

Agreed, limiting the field of all the WCOAP events is just nuts ! So what if people managed to sat in or were fortunate to be sat in front of thier pc"s when seats went on sale, surely APAT can open these events up to all wanting to play and quite sure DTD can cope with a thousand or so players.

Closing on a bank holiday ? Ridiculous ! !

(The above is most likely sarcasm. Well by "Most likely" I do infact mean "Definitely".)

If you have to explain that you"re being sarcastic - you"re really not doing it right

Indeed, but having to deal with some of the forumites on "Sharkpokerschool" means I now feel compelled to actually treat the audience like buffoons, the guy behind the site even created an animated icon for me to express my post may contain sarcasm.

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: kinboshi on August 12, 2009, 14:21:43 PM

It"s not a problem at all.

Why not do something such as set up a reserve/alternate list, and have players called up as the seats are made available?  Not that I think thr HORSE event is actually running alternates though, I"m guessing that not many will get knocked out during the first two levels?

You seem to have not read the players list very well Dan.   ::)

I meant that it"s a lot of limit poker, so it makes it more difficult to donk out!

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 12, 2009, 14:28:35 PM

It"s not a problem at all.

Why not do something such as set up a reserve/alternate list, and have players called up as the seats are made available?  Not that I think thr HORSE event is actually running alternates though, I"m guessing that not many will get knocked out during the first two levels?

You seem to have not read the players list very well Dan.   ::)

I meant that it"s a lot of limit poker, so it makes it more difficult to donk out!


You seem to have not read the players list very well Dan.   ::)
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: K3vl4rUK on August 12, 2009, 14:30:45 PM

It"s not a problem at all.

Why not do something such as set up a reserve/alternate list, and have players called up as the seats are made available?  Not that I think thr HORSE event is actually running alternates though, I"m guessing that not many will get knocked out during the first two levels?

You seem to have not read the players list very well Dan.   ::)

I meant that it"s a lot of limit poker, so it makes it more difficult to donk out!


You seem to have not read the players list very well Dan.   ::)

shame i wont be there coz Omaha8 would be so much fun!

Capping it everytime i get A2 in my hand :P
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 12, 2009, 14:36:28 PM

The whole idea of running the events in parallel is nuts. So is limiting it to a small number of lucky entrants.
If DTD has to put its feet up on the Bank Holiday Monday, defer the HORSE until the Friday of the English Open weekend, so everyone who wants to can enter.

Laughing my arse off at you getting your knickers in a twist about a venue hundreds of miles from where you live closing two days of the week!  You don"t have to play there, and I don"t many other venues able or willing to run these events.

Also, some of us have lives outside poker and want to do other things on the bank holiday. Not me of course, but I"m sure Des, Rich and the others would appreciate being able to see their friends and family sometime that weekend?

I had the impression that DTD was usually open on Monday but was closing because of the Bank Holiday. If you are saying that it is always closed on Mondays, then fair enough. Not really the main point of my post, though.

APAT can open these events up to all wanting to play and quite sure DTD can cope with a thousand or so players.

From me saying it should be open to more than 64 players, you extrapolate that to a thousand. Very helpful.

Also, as someone who chastises people for their grammar and spelling, you get three black marks for "to be sat in front of thier pc"s"

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Marty719 on August 12, 2009, 15:15:13 PM
I must say, I would b very disapointed if multi-tabling wasnt an option!  My intentions wer to play the O8 and Stud8 levels as they are the worst played imo.  Dnt think it wud b too much of a distraction, and I feel that those who do feel it will b, will have a group of people ready and w8n to purchase their seats.

However...I am approx a 273/1 shot to make day 2 so it shud not b a problem.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 15:24:07 PM

Also, as someone who chastises people for their grammar and spelling, you get three black marks for "to be sat in front of thier pc"s"

Obviously you did not know I was dictating this to my PA, so I will forgive your impudence.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 12, 2009, 15:45:06 PM

Also, as someone who chastises people for their grammar and spelling, you get three black marks for "to be sat in front of thier pc"s"

Obviously you did not know I was dictating this to my PA, so I will forgive your impudence.

I will transfer two of the black marks to your PA for mistyping thier and pc"s, but the sat must be representative of your dictation, so one black mark is not absolved, unless their PAs put them in front of their PCs. One hundred times please - The imperfect of sit is sitting, not sat.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Marty719 on August 12, 2009, 15:54:52 PM

Also, as someone who chastises people for their grammar and spelling, you get three black marks for "to be sat in front of thier pc"s"

Obviously you did not know I was dictating this to my PA, so I will forgive your impudence.

I will transfer two of the black marks to your PA for mistyping thier and pc"s, but the sat must be representative of your dictation, so one black mark is not absolved, unless their PAs put them in front of their PCs. One hundred times please - The imperfect of sit is sitting, not sat.

u left out a comma in PA"s
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 12, 2009, 16:07:27 PM

Also, as someone who chastises people for their grammar and spelling, you get three black marks for "to be sat in front of thier pc"s"

Obviously you did not know I was dictating this to my PA, so I will forgive your impudence.

I will transfer two of the black marks to your PA for mistyping thier and pc"s, but the sat must be representative of your dictation, so one black mark is not absolved, unless their PAs put them in front of their PCs. One hundred times please - The imperfect of sit is sitting, not sat.

u left out a comma in PA"s

a comma?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 16:11:39 PM

Also, as someone who chastises people for their grammar and spelling, you get three black marks for "to be sat in front of thier pc"s"

Obviously you did not know I was dictating this to my PA, so I will forgive your impudence.

I will transfer two of the black marks to your PA for mistyping thier and pc"s, but the sat must be representative of your dictation, so one black mark is not absolved, unless their PAs put them in front of their PCs. One hundred times please - The imperfect of sit is sitting, not sat.

My PA and I have discussed the matter and we are in agreement that the fault and cause of this incident rests with the forums she has to work on.

I think it is best described as a derivative of "Stockholm Syndrome".

The poor woman has had to decipher so many posts apparently written in English but which suggest from the grammar & spelling that the poster is still attending Primary school, that her own standards are being affected.

My PA is now on sabbatical for 2 weeks, I am now posting direct.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: coprey on August 12, 2009, 16:17:42 PM

Also, as someone who chastises people for their grammar and spelling, you get three black marks for "to be sat in front of thier pc"s"

Obviously you did not know I was dictating this to my PA, so I will forgive your impudence.

I will transfer two of the black marks to your PA for mistyping thier and pc"s, but the sat must be representative of your dictation, so one black mark is not absolved, unless their PAs put them in front of their PCs. One hundred times please - The imperfect of sit is sitting, not sat.

My PA and I have discussed the matter and we are in agreement that the fault and cause of this incident rests with the forums she has to work on.

I think it is best described as a derivative of "Stockholm Syndrome".

The poor woman has had to decipher so many posts apparently written in English but which suggest from the grammar & spelling that the poster is still attending Primary school, that her own standards are being affected.

My PA is now on sabbatical for 2 weeks, I am now posting direct.

This last sentence doesnt read very well. Overuse of the word now. Can anyone help?

What about "My PA is on sabatical for two weeks, I am now posting direct."
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Claw75 on August 12, 2009, 16:18:08 PM

Also, as someone who chastises people for their grammar and spelling, you get three black marks for "to be sat in front of thier pc"s"

Obviously you did not know I was dictating this to my PA, so I will forgive your impudence.

I will transfer two of the black marks to your PA for mistyping thier and pc"s, but the sat must be representative of your dictation, so one black mark is not absolved, unless their PAs put them in front of their PCs. One hundred times please - The imperfect of sit is sitting, not sat.

u left out a comma in PA"s

worst grammar-correcting post ever  ;D

(is my hyphen ok there?)
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: evilpie on August 12, 2009, 16:18:54 PM
I"m going to take a wild guess here:

Everyone who thinks multitabling shouldn"t be allowed hasn"t got a seat in both events.

Everyone who thinks it should be allowed has got a seat in both events.

I personally have a seat in both events so I think multitabling is a good thing.

If I manage to play in both tournaments at the same time I will be pissed so my strategy will be non existent.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 16:19:23 PM

An "Apostrophe", not a "Comma".

You see, standards ARE slipping.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on August 12, 2009, 16:31:23 PM
Ooooh the old with or without apostrophe debate, can"t wait ! ;)
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 12, 2009, 16:33:03 PM

Ooooh the old with or without apostrophe debate, can"t wait ! ;)

I don"t think this one is actually that complicated :D

Let"s see what everyone else thinks first.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 16:33:29 PM
Just to inform you, Victoria Coren generally sides with me in debates concerning this particular topic.

We do disagree at times regards certain aspects of poker however.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 12, 2009, 16:35:39 PM


An "Apostrophe", not a "Comma".

You see, standards ARE slipping.

It is an apostrophe, not a comma, but both are incorrect. PA"s is possessive, as in my PA"s typing error.
PAs is simply a plural. If you wish to be pedantic (and who doesn"t?), you could argue for abbreviation points after the P and the A, but the more informal PA is in common usage and reads better.

worst grammar-correcting post ever  ;D

(is my hyphen ok there?)
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 12, 2009, 16:38:19 PM


An "Apostrophe", not a "Comma".

You see, standards ARE slipping.

It is an apostrophe, not a comma, but both are incorrect. PA"s is possessive, as in my PA"s typing error.
PAs is simply a plural. If you wish to be pedantic (and who doesn"t?), you could argue for abbreviation points after the P and the A, but the more informal PA is in common usage and reads better.

worst grammar-correcting post ever  ;D

(is my hyphen ok there?)

You worded it better than I could - that"s why I didn"t even try and explain.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: kinboshi on August 12, 2009, 16:41:16 PM
I think that Claire was implying the correction was in itself incorrect?

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 16:43:57 PM

I"m going to take a wild guess here:

Everyone who thinks multitabling shouldn"t be allowed hasn"t got a seat in both events.

Everyone who thinks it should be allowed has got a seat in both events.

I personally have a seat in both events so I think multitabling is a good thing.

If I manage to play in both tournaments at the same time I will be pissed so my strategy will be non existent.

A most accurate assessment of the situation.

However, I only have a seat in the HORSE event and I"m quite happy for people to multi-table.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Laxie on August 12, 2009, 16:46:11 PM
Sigh.  That"s 5 minutes of my life I"ll never get back.  Cheers!
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: K3vl4rUK on August 12, 2009, 16:48:21 PM

Sigh.  That"s 5 minutes of my life I"ll never get back.  Cheers!

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: rubertoe on August 12, 2009, 16:59:26 PM

Sigh.  That"s 5 minutes of my life I"ll never get back.  Cheers!


make that 10 minutes for me - Slow PC
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: AMRN on August 12, 2009, 17:02:11 PM
This thread contains a question that is actually pretty important - hope the fanatical attenion to grammar doesn"t make the thread unreadable and therefore lose the original question.

1. Is Multi Tabling allowed? and if so, will the two tourneys be run in the same vicinity (bit of a pain if people are running from one end of DTD to the other, and will upset all those playing in-between)

2. If not allowed, will thought be given to pushing back the start of the HORSE tourney for an hour to allow the usual flurry of early exits from day 2 of the Main Event to sort themselves out?

3. With respect to any sale, given that there are so many people hoping to pick up available HORSE tickets, will there be a structured sale with a waiting list, rather than a "best mates first" or "buy you a pint" appoach - both of which go against APAT ethos?

I have no worry about point 3 as I have tickets for both tourneys.... however I do hope that points 1 and 2 will be relevant for me.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 17:03:58 PM

Sigh.  That"s 5 minutes of my life I"ll never get back.  Cheers!

Indeed, every second counts when you reach a certain age like Laxie.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: AceOnTheRiver on August 12, 2009, 17:06:06 PM

This thread contains a question that is actually pretty important

2. If not allowed, will thought be given to pushing back the start of the HORSE tourney for an hour to allow the usual flurry of early exits from day 2 of the Main Event to sort themselves out?

Or bringing the ME Day 2 Start time forward by an hour... or both??
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Laxie on August 12, 2009, 17:17:05 PM

Sigh.  That"s 5 minutes of my life I"ll never get back.  Cheers!

Indeed, every second counts when you reach a certain age like Laxie.

OMG!!!  Says the Lad trapped in the 60"s.  Cheeky pup.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Harmony26 on August 12, 2009, 17:36:48 PM

Sigh.  That"s 5 minutes of my life I"ll never get back.  Cheers!

Indeed, every second counts when you reach a certain age like Laxie.

OMG!!!  Says the Lad trapped in the 60"s.  Cheeky pup.

LOL  He won"t have lentil soup though Laxie!
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Harmony26 on August 12, 2009, 17:38:08 PM


An "Apostrophe", not a "Comma".

You see, standards ARE slipping.

It is an apostrophe, not a comma, but both are incorrect. PA"s is possessive, as in my PA"s typing error.
PAs is simply a plural. If you wish to be pedantic (and who doesn"t?), you could argue for abbreviation points after the P and the A, but the more informal PA is in common usage and reads better.

worst grammar-correcting post ever  ;D

(is my hyphen ok there?)

Isn"t the correct word to use here  "pedantry"?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 17:44:33 PM

This thread contains a question that is actually pretty important - hope the fanatical attenion to grammar doesn"t make the thread unreadable and therefore lose the original question.

You are suggesting that the correct use of grammar is not important?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: duke3016 on August 12, 2009, 18:06:08 PM
Always avoid alliteration.
Prepositions are not words to end sentences with.
Avoid cliches like the plague--they"re old hat.
Employ the vernacular.
Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary. Parenthetical words however must be enclosed in commas.
It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.
Contractions aren"t necessary.
Do not use a foreign word when there is an adequate English quid pro quo.
One should never generalize.
Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said: "I hate quotations. Tell me what you know."
Comparisons are as bad as cliches.
Don"t be redundant; don"t use more words than necessary; it"s highly superfluous.
It behooves you to avoid archaic expressions.
Avoid archaeic spellings too.
Understatement is always best.
Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
One-word sentences? Eliminate. Always!
Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.
The passive voice should not be used.
Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.
Don"t repeat yourself, or say again what you have said before.
Who needs rhetorical questions?
Don"t use commas, that, are not, necessary.
Do not use hyperbole; not one in a million can do it effectively.
Never use a big word when a diminutive alternative would suffice.
Subject and verb always has to agree.
Be more or less specific.
Placing a comma between subject and predicate, is not correct.
Use youre spell chekker to avoid mispeling and to catch typograhpical errers.
Don"t repeat yourself, or say again what you have said before.
Don"t be redundant.
Use the apostrophe in it"s proper place and omit it when its not needed.
Don"t never use no double negatives.
Poofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Hopefully, you will use words correctly, irregardless of how others use them.
Eschew obfuscation.
No sentence fragments.
Don"t indulge in sesquipedalian lexicological constructions.
A writer must not shift your point of view.
Don"t overuse exclamation marks!!
Place pronouns as close as possible, especially in long sentences, as of 10 or more words, to their antecedents.
Writing carefully, dangling participles must be avoided.
If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is.
Avoid trendy locutions that sound flaky.
Everyone should be careful to use a singular pronoun with singular nouns in their writing.
Always pick on the correct idiom.
The adverb always follows the verb.
Take the bull by the hand and avoid mixing metaphors.
If you reread your work, you can find on rereading a great deal of repetition can be by rereading and editing.
And always be sure to finish what you
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Laxie on August 12, 2009, 18:31:48 PM
START!  Sigh.

Des, for the love of God...make it STOP!!!
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 18:35:26 PM

START!  Sigh.

Des, for the love of God...make it STOP!!!

Yeah, Laxie"s reading spectacles are really pinching the bridge of her nose and it"s nap time.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 12, 2009, 18:53:56 PM


An "Apostrophe", not a "Comma".

You see, standards ARE slipping.

It is an apostrophe, not a comma, but both are incorrect. PA"s is possessive, as in my PA"s typing error.
PAs is simply a plural. If you wish to be pedantic (and who doesn"t?), you could argue for abbreviation points after the P and the A, but the more informal PA is in common usage and reads better.

worst grammar-correcting post ever  ;D

(is my hyphen ok there?)

Isn"t the correct word to use here  "pedantry"?!
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: APAT on August 12, 2009, 19:07:11 PM

This thread contains a question that is actually pretty important - hope the fanatical attenion to grammar doesn"t make the thread unreadable and therefore lose the original question.

1. Is Multi Tabling allowed? and if so, will the two tourneys be run in the same vicinity (bit of a pain if people are running from one end of DTD to the other, and will upset all those playing in-between)

2. If not allowed, will thought be given to pushing back the start of the HORSE tourney for an hour to allow the usual flurry of early exits from day 2 of the Main Event to sort themselves out?

3. With respect to any sale, given that there are so many people hoping to pick up available HORSE tickets, will there be a structured sale with a waiting list, rather than a "best mates first" or "buy you a pint" appoach - both of which go against APAT ethos?

I have no worry about point 3 as I have tickets for both tourneys.... however I do hope that points 1 and 2 will be relevant for me.

1)  Yes, multitabling will be allowed and we will encourage the tournaments to be played in the same area of the cardroom for live update purposes, but that is under the responsibility of Dusk Till Dawn and is not something the players will be able to influence.

3)  APAT has no control over how players may want to sell seats that they have purchased.  As long as the seats are sold to a member at face value, we could not expect to influence who they are sold to.  If a player cancels directly with APAT on Sunday morning, then we will of course ensure the seats are sold to the first player on the reserve list.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 19:29:25 PM


An "Apostrophe", not a "Comma".

You see, standards ARE slipping.

It is an apostrophe, not a comma, but both are incorrect. PA"s is possessive, as in my PA"s typing error.
PAs is simply a plural. If you wish to be pedantic (and who doesn"t?), you could argue for abbreviation points after the P and the A, but the more informal PA is in common usage and reads better.

worst grammar-correcting post ever  ;D

(is my hyphen ok there?)

Isn"t the correct word to use here  "pedantry"?!

Do you really mean "Em" -

"An em is a unit of measurement in the field of typography, equal to the point size of the current font."

Or did you mean "Erm" ? ?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Harmony26 on August 12, 2009, 19:44:03 PM


An "Apostrophe", not a "Comma".

You see, standards ARE slipping.

It is an apostrophe, not a comma, but both are incorrect. PA"s is possessive, as in my PA"s typing error.
PAs is simply a plural. If you wish to be pedantic (and who doesn"t?), you could argue for abbreviation points after the P and the A, but the more informal PA is in common usage and reads better.

worst grammar-correcting post ever  ;D

(is my hyphen ok there?)

Isn"t the correct word to use here  "pedantry"?!


I really would not be quite so SURE about that, MintTrav!
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Claw75 on August 12, 2009, 20:19:29 PM
Harmony"s posts have confused me. Is this an in-joke?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: duke3016 on August 12, 2009, 20:28:51 PM
Pedantic in this case is correctly used as a substantive adjective. Pedantry is a noun and its use would be grammatically wrong.

Just my humble opinion
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 20:30:40 PM
All seems quite simple to me...
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Harmony26 on August 12, 2009, 20:43:51 PM
I see your point, Duke, but it is not quite so simple as that..."Pedantry" is the act of obsessively insisting on the correct usage of something... you can BE pedentary about something.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 12, 2009, 20:44:22 PM

Harmony"s posts have confused me. Is this an in-joke?

Wasn"t just me then
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 20:56:24 PM

Harmony"s posts have confused me. Is this an in-joke?

Wasn"t just me then

Trying hanging around with the in crowd and you will not be left out dude !
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 12, 2009, 20:57:17 PM

I see your point, Duke, but it is not quite so simple as that..."Pedantry" is the act of obsessively insisting on the correct usage of something... you can BE pedentary about something.

Well I"ve never heard of its use in that manner, and I am quite a pedant. Even if you are right, which I doubt, the use of pedantic in the sentence you queried would still be correct.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 12, 2009, 20:59:47 PM

This thread contains a question that is actually pretty important - hope the fanatical attenion to grammar doesn"t make the thread unreadable and therefore lose the original question.

1. Is Multi Tabling allowed? and if so, will the two tourneys be run in the same vicinity (bit of a pain if people are running from one end of DTD to the other, and will upset all those playing in-between)

2. If not allowed, will thought be given to pushing back the start of the HORSE tourney for an hour to allow the usual flurry of early exits from day 2 of the Main Event to sort themselves out?

3. With respect to any sale, given that there are so many people hoping to pick up available HORSE tickets, will there be a structured sale with a waiting list, rather than a "best mates first" or "buy you a pint" appoach - both of which go against APAT ethos?

I have no worry about point 3 as I have tickets for both tourneys.... however I do hope that points 1 and 2 will be relevant for me.

1)  Yes, multitabling will be allowed and we will encourage the tournaments to be played in the same area of the cardroom for live update purposes, but that is under the responsibility of Dusk Till Dawn and is not something the players will be able to influence.

3)  APAT has no control over how players may want to sell seats that they have purchased.  As long as the seats are sold to a member at face value, we could not expect to influence who they are sold to.  If a player cancels directly with APAT on Sunday morning, then we will of course ensure the seats are sold to the first player on the reserve list.

We are trying to deal with some important matters of grammar here and you keep popping in with your poker-related items. Could you please find a more appropriate thread to discuss your issues?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Harmony26 on August 12, 2009, 21:00:58 PM

I see your point, Duke, but it is not quite so simple as that..."Pedantry" is the act of obsessively insisting on the correct usage of something... you can BE pedentary about something.

Well I"ve never heard of its use in that manner, and I am quite a pedant. Even if you are right, which I doubt, the use of pedantic in the sentence you queried would still be correct.

Fair enough. Your view and I respect that. But I am not wrong - so do not doubt me. You can also use the word "pedantry" in that same sentence.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 21:06:31 PM

This thread contains a question that is actually pretty important - hope the fanatical attenion to grammar doesn"t make the thread unreadable and therefore lose the original question.

1. Is Multi Tabling allowed? and if so, will the two tourneys be run in the same vicinity (bit of a pain if people are running from one end of DTD to the other, and will upset all those playing in-between)

2. If not allowed, will thought be given to pushing back the start of the HORSE tourney for an hour to allow the usual flurry of early exits from day 2 of the Main Event to sort themselves out?

3. With respect to any sale, given that there are so many people hoping to pick up available HORSE tickets, will there be a structured sale with a waiting list, rather than a "best mates first" or "buy you a pint" appoach - both of which go against APAT ethos?

I have no worry about point 3 as I have tickets for both tourneys.... however I do hope that points 1 and 2 will be relevant for me.

1)  Yes, multitabling will be allowed and we will encourage the tournaments to be played in the same area of the cardroom for live update purposes, but that is under the responsibility of Dusk Till Dawn and is not something the players will be able to influence.

3)  APAT has no control over how players may want to sell seats that they have purchased.  As long as the seats are sold to a member at face value, we could not expect to influence who they are sold to.  If a player cancels directly with APAT on Sunday morning, then we will of course ensure the seats are sold to the first player on the reserve list.

We are trying to deal with some important matters of grammar here and you keep popping in with your poker-related items. Could you please find a more appropriate thread to discuss your issues?


(Highly likely to be the first and last time I agree with him.)
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 21:13:19 PM
Harmony, suggest Thesauri at dawn to "MinTrav" to settle this matter of honour.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Harmony26 on August 12, 2009, 21:28:07 PM

Harmony, suggest Thesauri at dawn to "MinTrav" to settle this matter of honour.

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Claw75 on August 12, 2009, 22:03:51 PM

I see your point, Duke, but it is not quite so simple as that..."Pedantry" is the act of obsessively insisting on the correct usage of something... you can BE pedentary about something.

Well I"ve never heard of its use in that manner, and I am quite a pedant. Even if you are right, which I doubt, the use of pedantic in the sentence you queried would still be correct.

Fair enough. Your view and I respect that. But

I am not wrong - so do not doubt me. You can also use the word "pedantry" in that same sentence.

Not with the words "to be" in front of it though, and you didn"t highlight those. Damn I feel like a pedant now!
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 12, 2009, 22:23:28 PM


An "Apostrophe", not a "Comma".

You see, standards ARE slipping.

It is an apostrophe, not a comma, but both are incorrect. PA"s is possessive, as in my PA"s typing error.
PAs is simply a plural. If you wish to be pedantic (and who doesn"t?), you could argue for abbreviation points after the P and the A, but the more informal PA is in common usage and reads better.

worst grammar-correcting post ever  ;D

(is my hyphen ok there?)

Isn"t the correct word to use here  "pedantry"?!

Do you really mean "Em" -

"An em is a unit of measurement in the field of typography, equal to the point size of the current font."

Or did you mean "Erm" ? ?

MinTrav, you have not answered my query.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Harmony26 on August 12, 2009, 22:32:40 PM

I see your point, Duke, but it is not quite so simple as that..."Pedantry" is the act of obsessively insisting on the correct usage of something... you can BE pedentary about something.

Well I"ve never heard of its use in that manner, and I am quite a pedant. Even if you are right, which I doubt, the use of pedantic in the sentence you queried would still be correct.

Fair enough. Your view and I respect that. But

I am not wrong - so do not doubt me. You can also use the word "pedantry" in that same sentence.

Not with the words "to be" in front of it though, and you didn"t highlight those. Damn I feel like a pedant now!

LOL  Read the thread.  You can "be pedantry" therefore you can say "if you want to be pedantry".
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Marty719 on August 12, 2009, 22:44:46 PM

Also, as someone who chastises people for their grammar and spelling, you get three black marks for "to be sat in front of thier pc"s"

Obviously you did not know I was dictating this to my PA, so I will forgive your impudence.

I will transfer two of the black marks to your PA for mistyping thier and pc"s, but the sat must be representative of your dictation, so one black mark is not absolved, unless their PAs put them in front of their PCs. One hundred times please - The imperfect of sit is sitting, not sat.

u left out a comma in PA"s

a comma?

Glad to c irony didn"t go to waste :) I am an english graduate, give me some credit...o w8...thts rite!
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 13, 2009, 00:31:56 AM


An "Apostrophe", not a "Comma".

You see, standards ARE slipping.

It is an apostrophe, not a comma, but both are incorrect. PA"s is possessive, as in my PA"s typing error.
PAs is simply a plural. If you wish to be pedantic (and who doesn"t?), you could argue for abbreviation points after the P and the A, but the more informal PA is in common usage and reads better.

worst grammar-correcting post ever  ;D

(is my hyphen ok there?)

Isn"t the correct word to use here  "pedantry"?!

Do you really mean "Em" -

"An em is a unit of measurement in the field of typography, equal to the point size of the current font."

Or did you mean "Erm" ? ?

MinTrav, you have not answered my query.

Okay; no I didn"t mean "Erm". Who ever says that? Words can have more than one meaning, but if you think "Mmmmm" looks better on paper, I am happy to go along with that.

ps. Why don"t you start a Pedants" Thread so we can act smug and feel superior without troubling everyone else?

pps. Before someone starts, I know the apostrophe could go elsewhere or not exist at all, depending on the meaning, but there you go.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: duke3016 on August 13, 2009, 00:33:01 AM
By the way can we multitable  ???
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Laxie on August 13, 2009, 00:33:38 AM
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: duke3016 on August 13, 2009, 00:34:27 AM


Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 00:37:06 AM


An "Apostrophe", not a "Comma".

You see, standards ARE slipping.

It is an apostrophe, not a comma, but both are incorrect. PA"s is possessive, as in my PA"s typing error.
PAs is simply a plural. If you wish to be pedantic (and who doesn"t?), you could argue for abbreviation points after the P and the A, but the more informal PA is in common usage and reads better.

worst grammar-correcting post ever  ;D

(is my hyphen ok there?)

Isn"t the correct word to use here  "pedantry"?!

Do you really mean "Em" -

"An em is a unit of measurement in the field of typography, equal to the point size of the current font."

Or did you mean "Erm" ? ?

MinTrav, you have not answered my query.

Okay; no I didn"t mean "Erm". Who ever says that? Words can have more than one meaning, but if you think "Mmmmm" looks better on paper, I am happy to go along with that.

ps. Why don"t you start a Pedants" Thread so we can act smug and feel superior without troubling everyone else?

pps. Before someone starts, I know the apostrophe could go elsewhere or not exist at all, depending on the meaning, but there you go.

So, not "Erm" and definitely not "Em" ? ?

The thread sounds most intriguing.....
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 00:38:00 AM


Take Two Aspirin and post in the morning.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 13, 2009, 00:39:52 AM

Glad to c irony didn"t go to waste :) I am an english graduate, give me some credit...o w8...thts rite!

Internet forums are not the place for irony.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: duke3016 on August 13, 2009, 00:40:40 AM

Glad to c irony didn"t go to waste :) I am an english graduate, give me some credit...o w8...thts rite!

Internet forums are not the place for irony.

nope i do my irony in the converted garage
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 01:15:56 AM

Glad to c irony didn"t go to waste :) I am an english graduate, give me some credit...o w8...thts rite!

Internet forums are not the place for irony.

nope i do my irony in the converted garage

Really ?

How come you always look so dishevelled ?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Barnfather on August 13, 2009, 01:50:46 AM
Well thanks to all who made constructive replies, and its a shame that some peeps felt the need to hijack the thread.

I still think it would be a good idea to stagger the start times on day2 to allow some early exits in the ME. Hope this will be possible for APAT to arrange
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: CrizzyConnor on August 13, 2009, 02:14:23 AM

Well thanks to all who made constructive replies, and its a shame that some peeps felt the need to hijack the thread.

I still think it would be a good idea to stagger the start times on day2 to allow some early exits in the ME. Hope this will be possible for APAT to arrange

Maybe day 2 could also start at 3pm like Day 1a & b appear to be doing, meaning there would be 90 mins for players to bust out of Main Event before the HORSE tournament kicked off?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: AMRN on August 13, 2009, 08:49:59 AM

Well thanks to all who made constructive replies, and its a shame that some peeps felt the need to hijack the thread.

I still think it would be a good idea to stagger the start times on day2 to allow some early exits in the ME. Hope this will be possible for APAT to arrange

Maybe day 2 could also start at 3pm like Day 1a & b appear to be doing, meaning there would be 90 mins for players to bust out of Main Event before the HORSE tournament kicked off?

I hope this happens - it makes sense.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on August 13, 2009, 10:16:09 AM
On a personal note, I would prefer the ME to start later on day 2. As, if by chance I make day 2, I will be pushing to make the start time any way as my eldest son starts his RAF Offucer training on Sunday at Cranwell. As a loving parent it would be re miss of me not to get him installed there, before high tailing it across the country to DTD for the start of Day 2! So if anything make it later!!! Purely self interested post and request, but then again aren"t everybody elses?  ;)
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Marty719 on August 13, 2009, 10:17:26 AM
How many players are gng into day2?  How long shud it take to finish?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: bubblebuster27 on August 13, 2009, 10:22:34 AM

Well thanks to all who made constructive replies, and its a shame that some peeps felt the need to hijack the thread.

I still think it would be a good idea to stagger the start times on day2 to allow some early exits in the ME. Hope this will be possible for APAT to arrange

Maybe day 2 could also start at 3pm like Day 1a & b appear to be doing, meaning there would be 90 mins for players to bust out of Main Event before the HORSE tournament kicked off?

I thought that day 1 was starting at 4.30?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: coprey on August 13, 2009, 10:25:50 AM
See this thread
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: bubblebuster27 on August 13, 2009, 10:29:11 AM
My mistake. Cheers
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Claw75 on August 13, 2009, 10:50:07 AM

Well thanks to all who made constructive replies, and its a shame that some peeps felt the need to hijack the thread.

you"re kidding aren"t you? This thread kept me amused for ages, the irony is priceless!! :D

Back on subject, I guess it"s up to the folks at DTD what time they want to open up on the Sunday, but given that the vast majority of players will be staying nearby, the earlier the start of day 2 the better, imo.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Jon MW on August 13, 2009, 10:58:17 AM

Well thanks to all who made constructive replies, and its a shame that some peeps felt the need to hijack the thread.

you"re kidding aren"t you? This thread kept me amused for ages, the irony is priceless!! :D

Back on subject, I guess it"s up to the folks at DTD what time they want to open up on the Sunday, but given that the vast majority of players will be staying nearby, the earlier the start of day 2 the better, imo.


Harmony"s posts have confused me. Is this an in-joke?

Wasn"t just me then

Trying hanging around with the in crowd ...


Also people getting annoyed about a derailed thread is always a bonus, it"s like a form of schadenfreude
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 13, 2009, 11:13:20 AM

Well thanks to all who made constructive replies, and its a shame that some peeps felt the need to hijack the thread.

And you needn"t think you"re drawing this to an end. This thread isn"t finished until we decide it is.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: coprey on August 13, 2009, 11:23:55 AM

Well thanks to all who made constructive replies, and its a shame that some peeps felt the need to hijack the thread.

And you needn"t think you"re drawing this to an end. This thread isn"t finished until we decide it is.

No-one decides when a thread is closed. Threads tend to have a life of their own. Who are we to decide when a thread is closed. Do threads ever close?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 13, 2009, 11:32:21 AM

Well thanks to all who made constructive replies, and its a shame that some peeps felt the need to hijack the thread.

And you needn"t think you"re drawing this to an end. This thread isn"t finished until we decide it is.

No-one decides when a thread is closed. Threads tend to have a life of their own. Who are we to decide when a thread is closed. Do threads ever close?

Well I did notice one recently, concerning the progress of construction works for the 2004 Olympics, which hasn"t had a lot of activity lately.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: AceOnTheRiver on August 13, 2009, 14:57:54 PM

See this thread

Thanks for this.

The main website still states the old times though, both on the "tour dates" and "Championship: Live" links above and below the main image, so I would suggest that someone at APAT amends these.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on August 13, 2009, 15:02:07 PM
Only happened Yesterday or Today, I am sure the powers that be will make the necessary alterations.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 15:22:25 PM

How many players are gng into day2?  How long shud it take to finish?

You need to ask Simon Trumper as he is scarily accurate in predicting such things.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: AceOnTheRiver on August 13, 2009, 15:37:59 PM

Only happened Yesterday or Today, I am sure the powers that be will make the necessary alterations.

Good point. I hadn"t noticed how recent that thread was.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 15:45:41 PM


Also people getting annoyed about a derailed thread is always a bonus, it"s like a form of schadenfreude

Not entirely sure why you would mention a language based on Esperanto, designed to be a universal second language for speakers of different linguistic backgrounds as a language easier to learn than ethnic languages.

An attempt to derail this thread further ?
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 13, 2009, 16:06:04 PM


Also people getting annoyed about a derailed thread is always a bonus, it"s like a form of schadenfreude

Not entirely sure why you would mention a language based on Esperanto, designed to be a universal second language for speakers of different linguistic backgrounds as a language easier to learn than ethnic languages.

An attempt to derail this thread further ?

There is now no need for universal languages such as Esperanto and Ido as another common language has evolved that is accepted worldwide and the majority of the business world speaks, at least as a second language. It is called English, which is now the de facto lingua franca of business.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 16:47:46 PM


Also people getting annoyed about a derailed thread is always a bonus, it"s like a form of schadenfreude

Not entirely sure why you would mention a language based on Esperanto, designed to be a universal second language for speakers of different linguistic backgrounds as a language easier to learn than ethnic languages.

An attempt to derail this thread further ?

There is now no need for universal languages such as Esperanto and Ido as another common language has evolved that is accepted worldwide and the majority of the business world speaks, at least as a second language. It is called English, which is now the de facto lingua franca of business.

However, there is resistance from those born in Newcastle as they simply refuse to speak English at all.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: duke3016 on August 13, 2009, 16:56:03 PM
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 17:06:12 PM


lolz @ 4n33 p|c
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 13, 2009, 17:18:29 PM


lolz @ 4n33 p|c

Ph3(|<1|\| |\|0|\|$3|\|$3 L4|\|9U493
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 17:27:22 PM


lolz @ 4n33 p|c

Ph3(|<1|\| |\|0|\|$3|\|$3 L4|\|9U493

A "Nonsense language" ??

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: MintTrav on August 13, 2009, 18:51:48 PM

On a personal note, I would prefer the ME to start later on day 2. As, if by chance I make day 2, I will be pushing to make the start time any way as my eldest son starts his RAF Offucer training on Sunday at Cranwell. As a loving parent it would be re miss of me not to get him installed there, before high tailing it across the country to DTD for the start of Day 2! So if anything make it later!!! Purely self interested post and request, but then again aren"t everybody elses?  ;)

Blatant "my eldest son starts his RAF Officer training on Sunday at Cranwell" brag post.

Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 19:39:05 PM
Nothing to do with flying or the RAF, but I totally recommend the following non-fiction titles -

"Generation Kill" by Evan Wright

"One Bullet Away" by Nathaniel Fick
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 19:56:51 PM
Back to the title of this thread, if Myalgic encephalomyelitis & Horse clashed, I fear the veterinarian would have no choice but to put the poor beast to sleep.

Hope that helps the OP.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Harmony26 on August 13, 2009, 20:07:06 PM

Back to the title of this thread, if Myalgic encephalomyelitis & Horse clashed, I fear the veterinarian would have no choice but to put the poor beast to sleep.

Hope that helps the OP.

N1 Bainn LOL
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Harmony26 on August 13, 2009, 20:07:42 PM

Well thanks to all who made constructive replies, and its a shame that some peeps felt the need to hijack the thread.

you"re kidding aren"t you? This thread kept me amused for ages, the irony is priceless!! :D

Back on subject, I guess it"s up to the folks at DTD what time they want to open up on the Sunday, but given that the vast majority of players will be staying nearby, the earlier the start of day 2 the better, imo.

Happy to help keep you amused Claw.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Bainn on August 13, 2009, 20:20:25 PM

Back to the title of this thread, if Myalgic encephalomyelitis & Horse clashed, I fear the veterinarian would have no choice but to put the poor beast to sleep.

Hope that helps the OP.

N1 Bainn LOL

You know me Babe, I have a giving personality.
Title: Re: Hypothetical : ME/HORSE clash
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on August 14, 2009, 09:05:51 AM
"Blatant "my eldest son starts his RAF Officer training on Sunday at Cranwell" brag post.

Congrats"    Mint Trav

Not a brag, but defo a "Proud Parent" post. Thanks for the congrats.  :)