Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Communities => APAT Central Poker Clubs => APAT Local Poker Clubs => Leeds Poker Club => Topic started by: HaworthBantam on September 03, 2009, 19:01:33 PM

Title: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: HaworthBantam on September 03, 2009, 19:01:33 PM

The 16th round of the National League is almost upon us.  Round 16 is this Sunday, the 6th Sept at 8pm.

You can register for the Central Division tournament on BlueSQ now, and you"ll need the following password:


(This will be the password for the rest of the season).


Feel free to forward the password, but remember players must be signed up to a club before they play.  Club registration remains open for the whole of the season.


Feel free to use this thread to post updates on the night, suck outs, etc.
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: nosey-p on September 06, 2009, 20:00:25 PM
Good luck all

We need a win
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: nosey-p on September 06, 2009, 20:06:13 PM
How many do we have tonight?
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 20:10:07 PM
and tonight we have.....


so 10 players out of 49 entrants
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: fribbl3 on September 06, 2009, 20:11:38 PM
5 leeds players on 1 table
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: nosey-p on September 06, 2009, 20:18:43 PM
Tonight is our night, 5 at the FT
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: nosey-p on September 06, 2009, 20:31:46 PM
First out, mrejmak

At least the chips went to Leeds
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: nosey-p on September 06, 2009, 20:37:27 PM

i dont play against team mates unless i have the nuts, and thats how i tell you to get out of the hand  ;)
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 20:38:02 PM
running into some interesting table chat tonight....   >:(

I limp for 20 to see a flop with A4o

flop comes A 7 2 rainbow

turn Q river 2

I figure my AA22Q is good and call his bets.

He then goes on about how poor I am for playing  A 4     lol

Funny, he doesn"t have any points in any APAT events I can see, nor is he on hendon mob!!
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: nosey-p on September 06, 2009, 20:39:24 PM


i dont play against team mates unless i have the nuts, and thats how i tell you to get out of the hand  ;)

AK? nice fold
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: fribbl3 on September 06, 2009, 20:47:31 PM


i dont play against team mates unless i have the nuts, and thats how i tell you to get out of the hand  ;)

I so wanted to play but guessed you had a 9 but thanks for over betting to confrim it

Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 20:52:47 PM
AMW0503 OUT in 47th

8 left
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 21:01:43 PM
1st break and we have 8 still in from 43.

with 5 players in top 15  ;D
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on September 06, 2009, 21:02:03 PM
Okay 5 in the top 20. Come on guys keep going.
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 21:05:59 PM

Okay 5 in the top 20. Come on guys keep going.

6 in top 20  ;D
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 21:07:26 PM
however, GoalMachine9 has been sitting out since the start :(
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 21:16:14 PM
bulldozerD out in 43rd

noseyp out in 42nd

6 left from 40
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: fribbl3 on September 06, 2009, 21:16:57 PM
Bugger took out noseyP

5c 5d Vs  ah kd


5s th ks 4s  :2c:

Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on September 06, 2009, 21:18:10 PM
You did try and tell him though!!
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 21:18:37 PM

Bugger took out noseyP

5c 5d Vs  ah kd


5s th ks 4s  :2c:

[ ] all-in pre

[ ] after flop

[ ] other
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: nosey-p on September 06, 2009, 21:19:02 PM
Nice one James

Playing too many tables at the same time did not relies what game I was in, at least the chips staid with Leeds

Now go and get some points
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: fribbl3 on September 06, 2009, 21:20:11 PM

Bugger took out noseyP

5c 5d Vs  ah kd


5s th ks 4s  :2c:

[ ] all-in pre

[ ] after flop

[ ] other

All in after flop
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on September 06, 2009, 21:24:55 PM
Bloody hell James what you have?
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: fribbl3 on September 06, 2009, 21:25:42 PM
out 37th

qc th Vs  :as: ks


ah ac qc :3d: 5h

all in on turn
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on September 06, 2009, 21:52:46 PM
Boll***s out Ks v Aces. What can ya do? Allin on the flop of 773.
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 21:53:07 PM
GoalMachine9 out in 30th

mikeyboy9361 out in 27th

3 left out of 25
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on September 06, 2009, 21:55:02 PM
Was trying really hard to FT !! Hardly played a hand in half an hour, then Kabooom!!
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 22:12:38 PM
3 left at 2nd Break

ooblio         8.7k
bigalhx3      5k
SirPerceval  4.3k

22 left in
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 22:48:16 PM
bigalhx3 out in 16th
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 22:59:43 PM
Blinds are 220/400

I have  ac ad1

raise to 1200

ooblio (from LEEDS!!!!!) raises all-in WTF?

I call

he has  jc jd


qc ts x  ah kd
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: SirPercival on September 06, 2009, 23:00:04 PM
I"m off to bed    >:(
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: ooblio on September 06, 2009, 23:08:13 PM
 :o Big sorry, thought i was letting you know, i had something. At least  we wont get done for soft playing  ;)
Title: Re: APAT Online League - Round 16
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on September 07, 2009, 08:53:19 AM
Not a good day for the mighty whites. I don"t think the draw helped with 5 of us on one table!