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Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: MAIR on December 01, 2009, 13:53:51 PM

Title: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: MAIR on December 01, 2009, 13:53:51 PM
Happy Birthday Dawn, have a wonderful day xx

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: lukybugur on December 01, 2009, 13:59:04 PM
Happy Birthday Dawn. Hope you have a great day.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: Digger on December 01, 2009, 14:08:41 PM
*******HAPPY BIRTHDAY********
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: kinboshi on December 01, 2009, 14:58:04 PM


Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: APAT on December 01, 2009, 18:31:33 PM
Many happy returns Dawn, hope you"re having a great day.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: Ant1966 on December 01, 2009, 19:16:26 PM
Happy birthday girl!

Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: duke3016 on December 01, 2009, 19:17:59 PM
Nice start to your birthday -- hope it is a great day
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: jacklevel06 on December 01, 2009, 20:03:45 PM
Happy birthday Dawn.Hope you had a good one.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: SirPercival on December 01, 2009, 20:07:37 PM
Happy Birthday - trust it was a quiet one ::)
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: Swinebag on December 01, 2009, 20:14:23 PM
Happy birthday Dawn. Hope you had/have a good one
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: Laxie on December 01, 2009, 20:45:59 PM

Happy Birthday - trust it was a quiet one ::)

Not so much, but not my fault this time. 

Kids ran in the door of my house around 5 or half past freaking out because the house 3 doors down was on fire, their mom wasn"t home and 5 kids on their own.  Youngest (2 years old) still upstairs in burning house.  Sent my oldest to get our fire extinguisher while ringing 999, sent my other two to a different neighbour"s house to get the couple living there so they could help too.  While we were busy doing that, the 14 year old ran back into the house, upstairs into burning room and got her baby sister out.  By the time myself and the other 2 adults were on the scene, all kids were out and fire brigade on the way.  Mom landed 20 minutes later and fire brigade 20 mintes after that.  The smoke was too much for any of us to go in, so we just made sure doors were closed so as not to fuel the fire with draft. 

Long and short of it, the fire got bad enough, but was put out in the end.  House and everything in it is ruined, and the 2 girls were carried of in the ambulance being treated for burns and smoke inhalation - BUT everyone is alive and will be ok.  Present enough for me considering all that"s gone on in the past couple of hours.

Not supposed to drink as I"ve been to the doc this morning and there"s a whole other tale to go with that.  Blood pressure through the roof apparently...among other things.  I"m on a proper cocktail of fun meds for a bit, but with all the madness, I never got to take the meds.  So feck that...I"m off to the pub!  The meds can wait until tomorrow.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!!!  xx
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: WASP on December 01, 2009, 20:59:14 PM
Happy Birthday Dawn and if your BP is still high next time we meet I owe you a massage.

(that sounded soooo wrong)
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: duke3016 on December 01, 2009, 21:13:09 PM
Life in Knocknagree is never boring - glad to hear all the wee ones were ok
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: Cyntaf on December 01, 2009, 21:54:22 PM
All the very best Dawn, under the circumstances. Hope you have a lovely evening tho :-*
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: mal666 on December 01, 2009, 22:30:26 PM

Happy Birthday - trust it was a quiet one ::)

Not so much, but not my fault this time. 

Kids ran in the door of my house around 5 or half past freaking out because the house 3 doors down was on fire, their mom wasn"t home and 5 kids on their own.  Youngest (2 years old) still upstairs in burning house.  Sent my oldest to get our fire extinguisher while ringing 999, sent my other two to a different neighbour"s house to get the couple living there so they could help too.  While we were busy doing that, the 14 year old ran back into the house, upstairs into burning room and got her baby sister out.  By the time myself and the other 2 adults were on the scene, all kids were out and fire brigade on the way.  Mom landed 20 minutes later and fire brigade 20 mintes after that.  The smoke was too much for any of us to go in, so we just made sure doors were closed so as not to fuel the fire with draft. 

Long and short of it, the fire got bad enough, but was put out in the end.  House and everything in it is ruined, and the 2 girls were carried of in the ambulance being treated for burns and smoke inhalation - BUT everyone is alive and will be ok.  Present enough for me considering all that"s gone on in the past couple of hours.

Not supposed to drink as I"ve been to the doc this morning and there"s a whole other tale to go with that.  Blood pressure through the roof apparently...among other things.  I"m on a proper cocktail of fun meds for a bit, but with all the madness, I never got to take the meds.  So feck that...I"m off to the pub!  The meds can wait until tomorrow.

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!!!  xx

Have a good drink and happy birthday.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: Laxie on December 02, 2009, 04:11:27 AM
Have since checked on the girls and turns out they have to wait until morning to see the burns and plastics specialists, so spare them a thought or two if you get the chance.  Cheers.  xx
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: kinboshi on December 02, 2009, 09:59:40 AM
You couldn"t just have a quiet birthday, could you?

Glad to hear everyone"s OK.  You must be proud of your kids.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: Fatcatstu on December 02, 2009, 17:02:31 PM
Happy birthday laxxie, and glad to hear all are well as can be in the circumstances, fingeres crossed for the girls.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: APAT on December 02, 2009, 19:32:49 PM
Real shame about the neighbours house Dawn, but were the fire brigade able to salvage your cake?
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: APAT on December 02, 2009, 19:35:44 PM
Didn"t see the post about the girls  before my contribution above.  A serious business and those kids were extremely lucky that Team Dawn had its collective heads switched on.  
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: Laxie on December 02, 2009, 19:55:55 PM
The girls are ok!!!  Actually, the wee one is great all things considered.  Just a small burn on her arm.  Her 14 year old sister will be ok too.  Needs a month of recovery with special treatment to the burns on her face and hands and she should get away without scars from it.  They"ve even been left out of hospital, so we"re all relieved around here. 

Had a few quiet (YES...QUIET!  lol) drinks in the pub after the madness and a few more at a friend"s house as well.  Left my kids hoover the cake as a thank you for being such a big help and that"s it for another year.   :)  
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: mike saban on December 02, 2009, 20:01:45 PM
Hey Dawn, pleased to hear that your neighbours are ok - I bet thats the last time you have those comedy candles that never blow out on your b"day cake  :D
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: AMRN on December 02, 2009, 20:24:37 PM
flippin eck!! ummmm happy birthday lax.
Title: Re: Happy Birthday Laxie
Post by: Laxie on December 03, 2009, 10:35:36 AM

Hey Dawn, pleased to hear that your neighbours are ok - I bet thats the last time you have those comedy candles that never blow out on your b"day cake  :D

LOL!!!  Cheeky pup!