Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: Perrygarl on April 29, 2010, 16:20:30 PM

Title: Average amount for a weekend of APAT MTT's
Post by: Perrygarl on April 29, 2010, 16:20:30 PM
Ok, this is hypothetical (hypothetical as in "really want to do this".)

I am looking to play more of the APAT tournaments, most likely next season. I will probably try to win the satellites online for ones furthest away, and direct-buy into ones close by.

What I wanted to ask was, how much do you spend on average for a weekend, strictly on accommodation, travel and buy-in, so I can get an idea of what to save up for next season.

I probably won"t be playing the specialist MTT"s, as I really only know NLHE, so just the main event buy-in.

Title: Re: Average amount for a weekend of APAT MTT's
Post by: AMRN on April 29, 2010, 16:39:23 PM

Ok, this is hypothetical (hypothetical as in "really want to do this".)

I am looking to play more of the APAT tournaments, most likely next season. I will probably try to win the satellites online for ones furthest away, and direct-buy into ones close by.

What I wanted to ask was, how much do you spend on average for a weekend, strictly on accommodation, travel and buy-in, so I can get an idea of what to save up for next season.

I probably won"t be playing the specialist MTT"s, as I really only know NLHE, so just the main event buy-in.

stuff to consider when doing your weekend"s budget:

Travel to and from the venue
Parking charges
Cash to donk off on the cash tables after too much beer
More beer

Oh and as for your last comment, surely this would be the perfect opportunity to learn the new disciplines, rather than shying away because you don"t know them too well....?
Title: Re: Average amount for a weekend of APAT MTT's
Post by: Paulie_D on April 29, 2010, 16:45:55 PM all depends on how far you have to travel, your mode of transport and where you want to spend the night...and who with!


£75 - £100 (Nationals & Worlds) etc.


Around £40-75 per room a night is standard depending on the quality of the hotel but don"t forget to factor in transport to and from the casino if you aren"t driving. Obviously a hotel you can walk to from the casino is the best option. Generally, I plan on travelling the Friday and staying over at least until Sunday so there"s two nights right there. Often there are some cheap hotels (I maintain a list in my browser favourites of the common ones).

Booking well in advance can often reduce the cost but beware of locking yourself into non-refundable deals unless you are certain of going.

Let"s say £150 max....although room shares are often available if you don"t might sharing which can reduce the cost.


The UK events are usually reachable within a few hours by car or train. For longer distances (Aberdeen) the flying is another option. Again, the cheaper airlines are usually mentioned.

There are a bunch of TRAVEL TIPS threads going at the moment in the National"s area where we post up details of how we are getting to the location, what hotels we are staying at and any deals that might be going.

So, to sum with all things in poker...the answer depends. How much you are willing to pay or save but going a little "downmarket" or how close you want to be to the action in the town.

Others may have differing thoughts and I"d like to hear them as I"m contemplating a long "sticky" of popular web sites and other thoughts for those wanting this type of information. Heck, if it"s long enough, Des might even put in the magazine.  ;D