Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Poker Forum => World Championship of Amateur Poker (WCOAP) => Live Archive => Live Poker => WCOAP 2008 - 2012 => Topic started by: Chipaccrual on May 19, 2010, 22:19:46 PM
APAT are pleased to announce that from Sunday 23rd May 2010, we will be running weekly satellites to the WCOAP Main Event to be held at Dusk Till Dawn, Nottingham.
The satellites will run every Sunday at 7pm (BST), they will be $15.50 with no registration fee, and there will be two seats guaranteed each week. Further details can be found in the Betfair Poker Lobby.
So whether you have already got your seat, or are yet to buyin, this is a great weekly way to satellite into APAT's biggest event of the year.
Good Luck to everyone that takes part.
Thanks Leigh, I think that is a really good idea... Plenty of chances to get a lesser expensive entry to that game...
I know this sounds like I am just moaning all the time, and I do not want to discourage these satellites, but, there are 4 league games remaining for the team leage, and now all 4 of them games are to be played alongside these satellites... Couldn"t there have been a non-clashing evening of the week to play these satts?
great news ;D
Yea excellent - def intend to play a gd few of these
Excellent news. Carl you are a moaning mini, most people these days are quite capable of multi tabling 2 tables! ;) Unfortunately I don"t think I can make this one as Cricket clashes. Any way I think Leigh was going to give me a ME seat for winning the last competition, isn"t that right Leigh? :)
Excellent news. Carl you are a moaning mini, most people these days are quite capable of multi tabling 2 tables! ;) Unfortunately I don"t think I can make this one as Cricket clashes. Any way I think Leigh was going to give me a ME seat for winning the last competition, isn"t that right Leigh? :)
LOL Mikey. Yep we"re in the big league now. We"ve gone from giving away any sort of poker tat, to live national seats. If only we could.
I will make sure that you get an exclusive item from APAT's Merchandising range. Have I said when that will be launched ? ;)
Just to clairify how these satellites will be paid out, as we don"t half make it complicated for Betfair at times, but they have been really good at meeting our demands so far. ;D
These satellites will qualify you for a Day 1b seat. If you have already bought in direct for either a Day 1a or Day 1b seat, then you will be able to unregister and get your buyin back.
If you have not yet got a seat and wish to change it from a Day 1b to a Day 1a, then you will need to contact Betfair and they will sort that for you.
If you have already satellited in for the main event, then please don"t be greedy. ;)
At the moment, both days have a reasonable capacity remaining, this process may need to be reviewed as we get closer to selling out.
And just to clarify, Betfair are guaranteeing 2 seats every week. As long as the demand is there, we will keep running the satellites.
It"s down to the players to play. I"ll get the message out there, but you guys need to ensure the demand for these to allow them to continue.
And regarding the choice of Sundays, yes it does clash with the League games every other week. Carl is quite right that not all players like to multitable, but we are always trying to balance it out. The last thing we want is for members to feel that they need to be online playing APAT events every night of the week, so a Sunday is normally quite a popular day for players anyway.
These satellites will qualify you for a Day 1b seat. If you have already bought in direct for either a Day 1a or Day 1b seat, then you will be able to unregister and get your buyin back.
If you have not yet got a seat and wish to change it from a Day 1a to a Day 1b, then you will need to contact Betfair and they will sort that for you.
I suspect one or more of these a"s and b"s may be incorrect?
These satellites will qualify you for a Day 1b seat. If you have already bought in direct for either a Day 1a or Day 1b seat, then you will be able to unregister and get your buyin back.
If you have not yet got a seat and wish to change it from a Day 1a to a Day 1b, then you will need to contact Betfair and they will sort that for you.
I suspect one or more of these a"s and b"s may be incorrect?
You are quite right Alan, I have adjusted it now. ty.
These satellites will qualify you for a Day 1b seat. If you have already bought in direct for either a Day 1a or Day 1b seat, then you will be able to unregister and get your buyin back.
If you have not yet got a seat and wish to change it from a Day 1b to a Day 1a, then you will need to contact Betfair and they will sort that for you.
What if you already have a Day 1a seat... can you change a satellite day 1b seat to day 1a?
I"m assuming the answer is yes, but it doesn"t quite read that way.
These satellites will qualify you for a Day 1b seat. If you have already bought in direct for either a Day 1a or Day 1b seat, then you will be able to unregister and get your buyin back.
If you have not yet got a seat and wish to change it from a Day 1b to a Day 1a, then you will need to contact Betfair and they will sort that for you.
What if you already have a Day 1a seat... can you change a satellite day 1b seat to day 1a?
I"m assuming the answer is yes, but it doesn"t quite read that way.
Yes, Betfair will move your seat to a Day 1a and then you can unreg your direct buyin.
So many scenarios, we should be able to cover most circumstances.
APAT are pleased to announce that from Sunday 22nd May 2010, we will be running weekly satellites to the WCOAP Main Event to be held at Dusk Till Dawn, Nottingham.
The satellites will run every Sunday at 7pm (BST), they will be $15.50 with no registration fee, and there will be two seats guaranteed each week. Further details can be found in the Betfair Poker Lobby.
So whether you have already got your seat, or are yet to buyin, this is a great weekly way to satellite into APAT's biggest event of the year.
Good Luck to everyone that takes part.
Think you might have the date wrong, is sunday not the 23rd???? or do you mean the saturday 22nd. Thought I might just point this out, sorry
Think you might have the date wrong, is sunday not the 23rd???? or do you mean the saturday 22nd. Thought I might just point this out, sorry
Okay, this has clearly not been one of my better posts. ;) Sorted it now.
Think you might have the date wrong, is sunday not the 23rd???? or do you mean the saturday 22nd. Thought I might just point this out, sorry
Okay, this has clearly not been one of my better posts. ;) Sorted it now.
But your apologies are always perfect! :D
Excellent news. Carl you are a moaning mini, most people these days are quite capable of multi tabling 2 tables! ;) Unfortunately I don"t think I can make this one as Cricket clashes. Any way I think Leigh was going to give me a ME seat for winning the last competition, isn"t that right Leigh? :)
LOL Mikey. Yep we"re in the big league now. We"ve gone from giving away any sort of poker tat, to live national seats. If only we could.
I will make sure that you get an exclusive item from APAT's Merchandising range. Have I said when that will be launched ? ;)
Apology accepted Leigh, thanks for the ME seat. :D
Do you have to unregister first?
I"m trying to join sat but getting message that I"m already registered in another sat for this touurnament, and to wait for that to finish before I enter this one.
.... and is it still "apatmember" ?
.... and is it still "apatmember" ?
That"s the correct password. I will speak to Betfair about that glitch on regging. Maybe we have to put it in a separate holding tank in future.
As it stands at the moment there are 100 in the 1b holding tank. Are there still places left in that "tank". If I unregister it will drop to 99 but 3 will qualify from tonight"s sat taking it to 102. Will I be able to immediately re-register?
As it stands at the moment there are 100 in the 1b holding tank. Are there still places left in that "tank". If I unregister it will drop to 99 but 3 will qualify from tonight"s sat taking it to 102. Will I be able to immediately re-register?
It"s capped at 150, so unless there is a stampede later, it won"t be a problem.
Thanks Leigh - let"s go for it.
The satellites will run every Sunday at 7pm (BST), they will be $15.50 with no registration fee, and there will be two seats guaranteed each week. Further details can be found in the Betfair Poker Lobby.
Not that this should concern me later but......
I am playing the sat and the prizepool says Seat for 1st & $46.50 for 2nd - not 2 GTD as above??
Can someone look into this?
didn"t take the chance that if I unregged - and didn"t bink I might not get back in on my preferred day - pity really
The satellites will run every Sunday at 7pm (BST), they will be $15.50 with no registration fee, and there will be two seats guaranteed each week. Further details can be found in the Betfair Poker Lobby.
Not that this should concern me later but......
I am playing the sat and the prizepool says Seat for 1st & $46.50 for 2nd - not 2 GTD as above??
Can someone look into this?
Will pick up on this tomorrow morning.
Only 13 regged ? We won"t be offering an overlay every week folks.
The satellites will run every Sunday at 7pm (BST), they will be $15.50 with no registration fee, and there will be two seats guaranteed each week. Further details can be found in the Betfair Poker Lobby.
Not that this should concern me later but......
I am playing the sat and the prizepool says Seat for 1st & $46.50 for 2nd - not 2 GTD as above??
Can someone look into this?
Will pick up on this tomorrow morning.
Only 13 regged ? We won"t be offering an overlay every week folks.
I tried regging at 6.58 and it wouldn"t let me in...guess there"s a slight time differential between my PC and Betfair"s servers.
I un-registered which took the players in the holding tank to 99. I"m out of the sat and have been able to re-register to the holding tank.
But when the sat is over there will be 102 in the tank.
Will I be able to do what I did tonight again?
The players seem to think that the tank is capped at 100 and that you cannot register once there are 100 players registered.
The players seem to think that the tank is capped at 100 and that you cannot register once there are 100 players registered.
I know what you are saying - but I for one am not taking the chance
Players ? What do they know. ???
The holding tank currently has 100 in it. I have just regged and unregged myself, and it is fine.
The cap is 150 in each holding tank. Trust me. ;D
Trust me. ;D
Players ? What do they know. ???
The holding tank currently has 100 in it. I have just regged and unregged myself, and it is fine.
The cap is 150 in each holding tank. Trust me. ;D
all well and good, and of course you are trusted (ummmm), but having secured an APAT seat (gold dust!) it would just feel wrong to be unregistering and taking a risk, no matter how minimal.
surely the fix is easy - just have a separate new holding tank for Satellite winners - that way people could stay registered in the main holding tank, and try and win a satellite to get a place in the Satellite winner holding tank.... once achieved, they then unregister from the main holding tank.
Players ? What do they know. ???
The holding tank currently has 100 in it. I have just regged and unregged myself, and it is fine.
The cap is 150 in each holding tank. Trust me. ;D
all well and good, and of course you are trusted (ummmm), but having secured an APAT seat (gold dust!) it would just feel wrong to be unregistering and taking a risk, no matter how minimal.
surely the fix is easy - just have a separate new holding tank for Satellite winners - that way people could stay registered in the main holding tank, and try and win a satellite to get a place in the Satellite winner holding tank.... once achieved, they then unregister from the main holding tank.
I agree. Betfair were trying to keep admin down to a minimum. I will speak to them.
Players ? What do they know. ???
The holding tank currently has 100 in it. I have just regged and unregged myself, and it is fine.
The cap is 150 in each holding tank. Trust me. ;D
all well and good, and of course you are trusted (ummmm), but having secured an APAT seat (gold dust!) it would just feel wrong to be unregistering and taking a risk, no matter how minimal. [/b][/color]
surely the fix is easy - just have a separate new holding tank for Satellite winners - that way people could stay registered in the main holding tank, and try and win a satellite to get a place in the Satellite winner holding tank.... once achieved, they then unregister from the main holding tank.
and this is why there were only 13 registered tonight.
and next week and ....
like Cameron and Clegg, you will have to win the confidence of the members.
Members want more satellites, we give them more satellites.
13 players register. The details are all there, but if they are not supported, there"s not a lot I can do about it.
We won"t be able to continue running satellites for a minority of players, well certainly not with a guarantee.
Members want more satellites, we give them more satellites.
13 players register. The details are all there, but if they are not supported, there"s not a lot I can do about it.
We won"t be able to continue running satellites for a minority of players, well certainly not with a guarantee.
to be fair Leigh, I think the comments about risk are particularly pertinent, and probably go a long way to explain the very low registration for this satellite. I don"t think it"s anything to do with not supporting APAT.
Members want more satellites, we give them more satellites.
Fair point - I was just cautious when it said I could not - next one I will unreg and give it a whirl
Members want more satellites, we give them more satellites.
13 players register. The details are all there, but if they are not supported, there"s not a lot I can do about it.
We won"t be able to continue running satellites for a minority of players, well certainly not with a guarantee.
to be fair Leigh, I think the comments about risk are particularly pertinent, and probably go a long way to explain the very low registration for this satellite. I don"t think it"s anything to do with not supporting APAT.
I"m not criticising anyones support, I"m just not sure what the risk is in playing these satellites ?
The only problem that has arisen is that if you are already regged for Day 1b, then you need to unreg to be able to play the satellites. Players may choose not to do that, but whilst the holding tank is only two thirds full, it is not really an issue.
Any problems, and I am around to get them sorted for people.
To be honest, my personal issue is that I get onto Betfair saying that the APAT members are asking for more satellites and that a guarantee of seats would help assure a satellite worth playing in, and then we don"t get close to the guarantee.
That"s my problem to solve, but it is a very frustrating one.
I think it maybe the lack of faith, or rather lack of confindence with Betfair rather than anytihng APAT have or haven"t done.
Lots of people have had probs depositing, Talk Talk issue, and with hole cards showing then not, regging with tournaments, so its a genereal lack of trust with Betfair that if u do unreg it"ll be plain sailing to get back in.
That said, 13 is still very low by APAT standards, so I can only think that above is the main / only reason.
probs main reason is everyone was BBQing!!!!
I didn"t get one of your facebook invites either - were they sent?
I only happened upon it looking for the League Match, otherwise I wouldn"t have known about it and there would only have been 12.
I think that you assurances have certainly put my mind at ease and I"ll be there for the next one.
I didn"t get one of your facebook invites either - were they sent?
I didn"t send one for these as they will be a weekly thing. Perhaps I should have, although I don"t want to get accused of constantly spamming people. ( I know how much it annoys me, when people invite me to every event available ;D )
We will live and learn, and I"m sure these will be popular for a while.
You never Spam me mate - you keep me informed ;)
Members want more satellites, we give them more satellites.
13 players register. The details are all there, but if they are not supported, there"s not a lot I can do about it.
We won"t be able to continue running satellites for a minority of players, well certainly not with a guarantee.
Maybe it would have been double, if the 1b players were actually allowed to register? Also maybe it would have been more if it were not the first summer weekend of the year. Also remember, there will be 2 less players each week.
Too risk-averse, these poker players. Leigh has said there is no risk, so he would be in a pretty awkward spot if it wasn"t true. Don"t cancel them yet Leigh, there might be some delayed take-up - I know a few others who might have played but were travelling back from another event.
another reason turnout may have been low is youcan"t play something if you don"t know it"s on...yesterday, i checked this page to see if any apat tourneys last night, none mentioned, also logged in to see if there were any apat tourneys last night and when didn"t see any before scottish pro holding tank, closed betfair of the other problems you had i think (and this is a guess) is that the tourney doesn"t appear in the "all" list and this would be why i didn"t see it (i only filter out completed tourneys so def not that)... i don"t look at the satellite tab as i assume they"re all included in the all tab but perhaps not...
will definitely give some of these sats a go now that i know they"re on...would agree with others that perhaps sunday isn"t the best day for it, midweek would be better i think, particularly with the summer weather...
would also disagree that most people can multi-table...well, maybe they can have two tables up but a lot of people will make mistakes due to having the two tourneys running and not being used to the additional concentration required so might as well just play the one to increase their chances...
might be an idea to update that page above with the new info as well...or should i have been looking somewhere else?
also out of curiosity, i"m sure we used to get emails regularly advising of such things...did they stop when you moved to betfair ? (in fact, don"t remember getting many once you moved to bluesquare)...
Allan D.
1b players were able to register but they had to un-register first. Some were afraid of doing this in case they could not re-register if unsuccessful in the sat. I un-registered and re-registered. Leigh has assured us that there is a 150 player cap on the holding tank so no probs there.
Leigh has also said that he will spam us with details of other sats via facebook invites.
As far as summer nights are concerned we"ve had both of them.
So it all looks well for the next one.
As for making mistakes with 2 tables open - I can do that very well with just 1.
Someone did suggest that betfair have a space after the login page on which all the apat tournaments were displayed (like blue square did) but not sure if this was ever a runner......
Another satellite tonight at 7pm.
$15.50 entry with no registration fee and two seats guaranteed to the WCOAP Main Event.
Where did that week go ?
WCOAP Main Event Satellite tonight at 7pm on Betfair Poker.
2 Seats Guaranteed.
I have unregistered from 1b and am now in this - see you all later
2 Guaranteed seats
5 regged
Monster value
Come on in the waters lovely ;D
10 now - and live WEBCAM ( from Chezger as I play ;D ;D ;D
We made the guarantee. How did that happen ? ;)
Good luck everyone.
We made the guarantee. How did that happen ? ;) overlay! It"s like paying for yourself and who"d want to do that? ;D
Seriously, GL everyone.
On break - I"m still in LOL 8/10
We have a luckbox chip leader tho ;D
sigh -- that is all -- re regged for 1b LOL
Congratulations to Phil and Tony for getting seats last night, made all the easier with only 8 runners.
We"ve had 4 weeks of these satellites so far. Two have made the guarantee and two haven"t.
As I"ve stated before, Betfair have very generously agreed to guarantee two seats for these, but last nights satellite had a prizepool of $310 with an overlay of $185.
In my view, that will not be sustainable going forward. Keep spreading the word guys, and we"ll keep the satellites running. ;D
Congratulations to Phil and Tony for getting seats last night, made all the easier with only 8 runners.
We"ve had 4 weeks of these satellites so far. Two have made the guarantee and two haven"t.
As I"ve stated before, Betfair have very generously agreed to guarantee two seats for these, but last nights satellite had a prizepool of $310 with an overlay of $185.
In my view, that will not be sustainable going forward. Keep spreading the word guys, and we"ll keep the satellites running. ;D
Cheers Leigh and well done to Tony as well. To be honest I"m amazed these don"t get more runners. Many thanks to Betfair from me for their generosity.
Congratulations to Phil and Tony for getting seats last night, made all the easier with only 8 runners.
We"ve had 4 weeks of these satellites so far. Two have made the guarantee and two haven"t.
As I"ve stated before, Betfair have very generously agreed to guarantee two seats for these, but last nights satellite had a prizepool of $310 with an overlay of $185.
In my view, that will not be sustainable going forward. Keep spreading the word guys, and we"ll keep the satellites running. ;D
Cheers Leigh and well done to Tony as well. To be honest I"m amazed these don"t get more runners. Many thanks to Betfair from me for their generosity.
yes big thanks to betfair , well done phill great come back , im amazed also at small field also.... very easy to carve through 8)
I did try to register for this last night but was told I was already registered for another sat to this day. I took this to mean I"m in the holding tank for 1b and I"m not sure how I was supposed to get round this. I dont want to unregister, fail (as I invariably do) to get a seat and then not be able to get my place back. ??
Any pointers would be welcomed
I did try to register for this last night but was told I was already registered for another sat to this day. I took this to mean I"m in the holding tank for 1b and I"m not sure how I was supposed to get round this. I dont want to unregister, fail (as I invariably do) to get a seat and then not be able to get my place back. ??
Any pointers would be welcomed
Hi Ian
Yes - Thats all i did the other week unreg from the holding tank, buy into the sat and then rebuy once knocked out. You"d have to run pretty badly for the 13 (as of this post) to be bought up during play.. (although don"t quote me on this! :P)
i"ve just won the satellite to the main event, i know that you have to contact betfair if you want to change from day 1b to 1a but i cant find contact details for them as i want day 1a not day 1b HELP
I had no idea satellites were already running for this! I really want to go to this and hopa that I can still get at least a seat to the ME. I have only just thought to look for satellites because I saw a mention of the tournament in a magazine. I did notice an ealry thread stating that 2 seats guaranteed were not filling, so maybe this will change as Poker magazines etc start to mention.
What"s the deal with seats for the ME, as in how many runners are there going to be? How many seats left? Can you only satellite in, or can you buy ini directly?
in total there are 414 seats, the tournie is spread over 3 days with 2 day one"s 207 players playing on each day with the remaining playing on day 2. i don"t know how many seats are left you will have to look on betfair for that. You can either buy in directly or if your lucky enough to get one in a satalite.
Woo hoo! Just bought the last day 1b seat!
i"m glad to see u got a seat. I"ll see u there
WCOAP Main Event Satellite is tonight at 7pm.
$15.50 entry, no reg fee, 2 seats guaranteed.
It starts an hour before the Online League games, so no excuses.
WCOAP Main Event Satellite is tonight at 7pm.
$15.50 entry, no reg fee, 2 seats guaranteed.
It starts an hour before the Online League games, so no excuses.
Tried to reg, but of course it won"t allow cos I"m already in the tank. Now that the tank is full, advice please.
WCOAP Main Event Satellite is tonight at 7pm.
$15.50 entry, no reg fee, 2 seats guaranteed.
It starts an hour before the Online League games, so no excuses.
Tried to reg, but of course it won"t allow cos I"m already in the tank. Now that the tank is full, advice please.
Good point, paranoia setting in - do I don"t I.......
It"s a no-brainer, you can"t un-register. Maybe Betfair can make some adjustment to allow us to play ... ?
Thanks guys, maybe I didn"t word it well - I actually meant some official advice from APAT.
Something like a guarantee of getting back in if I unregister to support the satellite. Or a statement that I shouldn"t unreg as there are no guarantees.
Or how about a statement that Betfair is doing something to resolve this apparently insoluble problem? Leigh, they clearly haven"t looked at this. They need to set up a separate holding tank for satellites or anyone who already has a seat won"t take part.
If the holding tank is full, and you un-register to play in the sat, you can re-register to the holding tank when you get eliminated from the sat.
But if one of the winners of the sat wasn"t previously registered in the holding tank, or if someone buys direct into the holding tank while you are playing the sat then someone won"t get back in.
Is that right???
If you post on this thread saying that you are unregistering to play the satellite, and then cannot re-register, I will guarantee you will get a Day 1b seat still.
I am waiting on a response from Betfair regarding the main event situation, which I hope will arrive next week.
Any problems, just get in contact with me.
If the holding tank is full, and you un-register to play in the sat, you can re-register to the holding tank when you get eliminated from the sat.
But if one of the winners of the sat wasn"t previously registered in the holding tank, or if someone buys direct into the holding tank while you are playing the sat then someone won"t get back in.
Is that right???
this is my thought too, now esp as Day1b is full....what is stopping someone waiting for it to re-open as people unreg to play the sat, and simply buy the space.
Too risky imo....although I appreicate the offering from Betfair/APAT, as great value
If you post on this thread saying that you are unregistering to play the satellite, and then cannot re-register, I will guarantee you will get a Day 1b seat still.
I am waiting on a response from Betfair regarding the main event situation, which I hope will arrive next week.
Any problems, just get in contact with me.
can"t argue with that.
If you post on this thread saying that you are unregistering to play the satellite, and then cannot re-register, I will guarantee you will get a Day 1b seat still.
OK great stuff I will unreg and play this
Well, waddya know? It doesn"t let you reg for the satellite while you are reg"d in the tank. However, it does allow you to reg in the tank even though you are in the sat! I"m in both, for now.
if it"s full, why do we still need satellites? Not sure what seats are being played for if it"s sold out??
if it"s full, why do we still need satellites? Not sure what seats are being played for if it"s sold out??
The holding tank has a limited number of seats but that is not the full allocation for each day.
Betfair and APAT reserved (held back) some seats for marketing purposes.
Tonight"s satellite is at 8pm.
It will now register you for the Main Event Day 1a. 2 seats guaranteed, doesn"t look like we"ll hit the numbers, so great value once again.
registered :o
registered....and i didnt unreg for Day1b which i have already done the buy in......
has the "issue" been resolved?
registered....and i didnt unreg for Day1b which i have already done the buy in......
has the "issue" been resolved?
the sat is for day 1a ;D
registered....and i didnt unreg for Day1b which i have already done the buy in......
has the "issue" been resolved?
the sat is for day 1a ;D if i some how win....i can still choose a or b?...and if i lose...then i"m still in b
If you win a seat and are already regged for Day 1b, just contact Betfair and ask them to refund you for Day 1a and keep your day 1b seat, if that makes sense. ;D
registered :o
duke already won my seat 2 weeks ago lol ;D ;D ;D
registered :o
duke already won my seat 2 weeks ago lol ;D ;D ;D
A man could go off you Davey ;D
we can resolve that over a few pints next month (first round for the whole casino is on you)
we can resolve that over a few pints next month (first round for the whole casino is on you)
LOL if it"s the Fitz
If you win a seat and are already regged for Day 1b, just contact Betfair and ask them to refund you for Day 1a and keep your day 1b seat, if that makes sense. ;D
Thought I"d take this advice (or did I understand incorrectly?)