Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => World Championship of Amateur Poker (WCOAP) => Live Archive => Live Poker => WCOAP 2008 - 2012 => Topic started by: SirPercival on July 17, 2010, 09:55:26 AM

Title: S4 SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: SirPercival on July 17, 2010, 09:55:26 AM
As announced by Des here (ftp:// I have the great honour of being captain of the Scottish team once again this year.

The event this year will take place as part of the World Championship of Amateur Poker festival, at Nottingham"s Dusk Till Dawn on August 26th & 27th

Des has confirmed that captains will be able to select any eligible player to represent their country, including themselves if appropriate.  Unfortunately, I can only pick 4 players so is it inevitable that there will be a number of people who will be disappointed at my decision. What I would say to them is that the The World Championship of Amateur Poker runs from 26th to 30th August so why not get your place secured and come down to support your fellow Scots. One thing is certain, you will have good time!

If you wish to be considered to play in the event please PM me and/or post here and I will be sure to add you to my ever growing list of possibilities. Many factors will be taken into account and it is not a requirement to post here to be selected.

APAT Rankings (from all seasons) will be considered in the selection process as will performances at other events, both live and online. I will only consider APAT members, but being non-active on this forum, or for example not being able to play certain APAT events, will NOT count against you.

Even if you aren"t able to play this year, please post your support to the team both here and during the event.


Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: rejmak on July 17, 2010, 15:08:05 PM
Congratulations Stuart for being captain again!! Good luck with comlpleted Scottish team and see you all soon!
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: SirPercival on July 17, 2010, 15:13:12 PM

Congratulations Stuart for being captain again!! Good luck with comlpleted Scottish team and see you all soon!

Thanks Marcin, congratulations to you also. I hope you get a silver to go with your gold from last year.  ;)
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: Ironside on July 17, 2010, 18:21:30 PM
good luck to the team and the captain

i am unlikely to be down to the wcoap

so you will have to play with an under strengh team i am afraid

but even a scotish 4th team should be good enough to kick the english butt
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: fraac on July 17, 2010, 20:41:06 PM
Good luck us!
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: MAIR on July 18, 2010, 08:28:40 AM
Congratulations Stuart, Scotland is in good hands with you at the helm.  I wish you and the team the very best of luck, you all will do Scotland proud.

Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: lukybugur on July 18, 2010, 09:03:35 AM
Congrats again Stuart. Pick a good team of drinkers
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: Eck on July 18, 2010, 16:57:19 PM
Does this clash with the £250 on the Friday?
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: SirPercival on July 18, 2010, 17:33:30 PM

Does this clash with the £250 on the Friday?

From looking at the schedule it would appear so.  :-\

It also clashes with the HU event and the Stud.  :(
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: ck1888 on July 18, 2010, 21:05:55 PM
Am off this week and would like to make my self availible for the event if selected.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: Cyntaf on July 18, 2010, 22:47:33 PM
Congrats on your Captaincy once again Stuart, best of luck for August :)
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: Honeybadg on July 22, 2010, 00:28:55 AM
I would like to cast my hat into the ring to represent Scotland ...

Since last year I have become considerably more volatile ... though I lay great traps and tell great tales ... thus making me the ideal pick to play rags and slay the English ...

Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: zzBlizzardzz on July 22, 2010, 06:20:46 AM
Well done Stewart. Best of luck in Nottingham. I"ll see you at the tables.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: SirPercival on July 22, 2010, 19:25:53 PM

I would like to cast my hat into the ring to represent Scotland ...

Since last year I have become considerably more volatile ... though I lay great traps and tell great tales ... thus making me the ideal pick to play rags and slay the English* ...


thanks Louis, consider your name to be "in the hat"**

*this ability is high up on the selection criteria.
**for clarity, this is not a random draw
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: GiMac on July 31, 2010, 14:39:32 PM
Great pick for captain. Come on Scotland!!!!
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: Glorious on July 31, 2010, 19:26:13 PM

Am off this week and would like to make my self availible for the event if selected.

Congrats once again Stuart.

I"ve done absolutely nothing to warrant a place, but Chris here would be a great shout for the Scottish team.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: zzBlizzardzz on August 01, 2010, 09:21:25 AM

good luck to the team and the captain

i am unlikely to be down to the wcoap

so you will have to play with an under strengh team i am afraid

but even a scotish 4th team should be good enough to kick the english butt

There goes my early double up plan
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: MAIR on August 01, 2010, 13:09:11 PM

Am off this week and would like to make my self availible for the event if selected.

Congrats once again Stuart.

I"ve done absolutely nothing to warrant a place, but Chris here would be a great shout for the Scottish team.

+1 top notch live player and online.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: SirPercival on August 05, 2010, 13:09:56 PM
I am pleased to announce that the winning team for the 2010 APAT WCOAP team event will be from SCOTLAND and will be:

Stuart J Oliver (playing captain)

Chris Kelly

Louis Manson

Neil McClory

Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: lukybugur on August 05, 2010, 13:11:46 PM
WOOOHOOO!!! Strong Team.

Congrats to all those picked and all the best!
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: GiMac on August 05, 2010, 13:14:57 PM
Congrats all!!!! Enjoy the event but most importantly of all, finish ahead of england.  8)
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: coprey on August 05, 2010, 13:49:43 PM
Great looking team Stuart. Good luck Scotland.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: MAIR on August 05, 2010, 13:54:37 PM
Fantastic picks Stuart delighted to see you on the team. Scotland FTW woot woot!
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: Cyntaf on August 05, 2010, 17:11:18 PM
GL Stuart and the boys, c u in Notts :)
Nice to see you get onto the felt Stu.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: smasher37 on August 05, 2010, 18:17:28 PM
good luck to the scottish team happy for both neil and chris  well done guys looking forward to supporting you down in nottingham from the rail lol  :) :) :)
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: ForthThistle on August 05, 2010, 19:51:40 PM
Top Picks and all the best guy"s..

Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: fraac on August 05, 2010, 19:57:08 PM
Great team. Go and win.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: rejmak on August 05, 2010, 20:27:24 PM

I am pleased to announce that the winning team for the 2010 APAT WCOAP team event will be from SCOTLAND and will be:

Stuart J Oliver (playing captain)

Chris Kelly

Louis Manson

Neil McClory

You mistake Stuart it was happened in 2008:)
Good you will be in a team
cant wait to play with all of you
Good luck Scotland!!

Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: TheSnapper on August 05, 2010, 22:32:53 PM
GL to you all and well done Stuart.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: BOINGBLITZ on August 06, 2010, 16:52:33 PM
GL guys......looking forward to doin battle with the Auld Enemy
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: HaworthBantam on August 08, 2010, 20:28:28 PM

Great pick for captain and a great team.

See you Thursday, Stuart, and we"ll also see you at DTD.

(  (  (  (
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: matty53 on August 12, 2010, 21:47:06 PM
Hi, am new to the site but just trying to find out if i can still register for the omaha, ME day1b and horse events online and if i can but am still playing in day 2 of the ME what happens to my HORSE seat.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: fethepo on August 22, 2010, 16:20:52 PM
Nice one Stuart. Looking forward to seeing you and your team at DTD.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: Glorious on August 29, 2010, 12:02:51 PM
Had a great time playing for Team Scotland - a huge honour so thanks to Stuart for selecting me.

As usual at APAT events it was great to meet up with known faces and also meet loads of new ones who I"ve probably only previously played against online.

Was my first visit to DTD and I can"t wait to go back.

Well done to Wales, Canada and the Northern Ireland boys.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: zzBlizzardzz on August 30, 2010, 20:49:10 PM
Well done Scotland. Nice to meet you all.
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: Cyntaf on September 01, 2010, 12:45:16 PM
Cheers Neil, it was a remakable atmosphere. Thank You Scotland, also for the support shown.
Roll on next year, best of luck boys, c u again then :)
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: SirPercival on September 02, 2010, 18:50:44 PM
Now that the event is over I would like to post this PM I received as an application to be on the Scotland team. The sender has given permission for it to be posted but I will leave his/her name off. ;D

Och Aye the Noo, Bonnie Lad! Not actually being Scottish should not be a barrier to representing Scotland in this years champs. Having a sir name that actually starts with SCOThern, many many holidays in Scotland, being hardy enough to have actually been skiing in the Lecht, Glenshee, and Aviemore, admitting to loving "The Flower of Scotland" , being stupid enough to have been to Muirfield this year to watch the worst Calcutta Cup game for many a year, and having actually tasted and enjoyed Haggis, should all be reason enough to warrant selection. I await the call!!  
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on September 03, 2010, 09:17:12 AM
I aim to give team captains a bit of light relief when agonising over their selections, I am sure it brought a smile to Stuarts face!
Title: Re: SCOTLAND - WCOAP Team Championships
Post by: undisputed on September 03, 2010, 17:55:08 PM

Now that the event is over I would like to post this PM I received as an application to be on the Scotland team. The sender has given permission for it to be posted but I will leave his/her name off. ;D

Och Aye the Noo, Bonnie Lad! Not actually being Scottish should not be a barrier to representing Scotland in this years champs. Having a sir name that actually starts with SCOThern, many many holidays in Scotland, being hardy enough to have actually been skiing in the Lecht, Glenshee, and Aviemore, admitting to loving "The Flower of Scotland" , being stupid enough to have been to Muirfield this year to watch the worst Calcutta Cup game for many a year, and having actually tasted and enjoyed Haggis, should all be reason enough to warrant selection. I await the call!! bloody genius !! ;-/.

still chuckling.