Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Poker Forum => World Championship of Amateur Poker (WCOAP) => Live Archive => Live Poker => WCOAP 2008 - 2012 => Topic started by: zzBlizzardzz on July 21, 2010, 10:24:22 AM
Congratulations to all the Captains of the countries represented. There are some good players on there and I"m sure some strong Captains. I look forward to meeting you all in Nottingham. As most of you know it"s been a bit of a struggle for Sean and myself to get a team together but with great support from APAT it looks like we will make it after all. It"s a great honour to play for your country and I know our Team is proud to do so. The Team Canada home base in Nottingham will be at Hooters and your all welcome to join us for a pint and some hotwings. Good luck all and we will see you in August.
Congratulations on your post, gl 2 u and your team
Congratulations on your post, gl 2 u and your team
Thanks Mair.
Brilliant News Craig, You deserve the shot at this. Great wishes and luck for You and Your team. :)
Brilliant News Craig, You deserve the shot at this. Great wishes and luck for You and Your team. :)
Thanks Paul, much appritiated.
Congratulations and good luck. See you at DTD.
Best of luck to the "chief" fish ;D
Congrats fella. I see you now have a full team. Good luck in the team games.
Thank you gentlemen.
Congrats fella. I see you now have a full team. Good luck in the team games.
;) ;D
Congrats fella. I see you now have a full team. Good luck in the team games.
;) ;D
Thanks Dell, I was hoping youd get in..
I have asked my friend Dave Scharf for some team hats. I"m just waiting for him to get back to me. If he has some extra"s and gets them to me in time I will hopefully be bringing them with me. Fingers crossed. You guys will like em. :)
I have asked my friend Dave Scharf for some team hats. I"m just waiting for him to get back to me. If he has some extra"s and gets them to me in time I will hopefully be bringing them with me. Fingers crossed. You guys will like em. :)
Wow i started on his book, bought from a bookshop for £5 by my children. My brother now has the book. Absolute stonking book for a beginner. What a nice bloke he seems to be.
C u @ Dtd cheers Paul
Cmon Paul, we are like the Welsh, we all nice guys.
Cmon Paul, we are like the Welsh, we all nice guys.
And we all apperently know each other as well.
Thank You Brother Craig :)
(clears throat)
I"m not a lumberjack,
or a fur trader...
and I don"t live in an igloo
or eat blubber, or own a dogsled...
and I don"t know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada,
although I"m certain they"re really, really nice.
I have a Prime Minister,
not a President.
I speak English and French, (Just for Paul)
NOT American.
and I pronouce it ABOUT,
I can proudly sew my country"s flag on my backpack.
I believe in peace keeping, NOT policing.
DIVERSITY, NOT assimilation,
Red White and True....
You were doing really well, until you mentioned the French bit........ ;D
Great addition to this championship. Good luck Canada.
Great addition to this championship. Good luck Canada.
Much appritiated Colin.
Ok then, looks like everyone is getting ready for the tournament. I thought Id take this oppertunity to say what a great honour this will be. I realize that some of the other teams had some issues as well and its been difficult for everyone to make it this far. Those of you who know me or have been reading my posts will know the difficulties Team Canada has had in the past couple months. Team Canada wouldnt have been possable without APAT and more specifically Des Duffy"s help. I really appritiate it Des as do the other members of Team Canada. This wouldnt have been possable without your help so a big Thanks. I know that the goal of this tournament is to win, and that is definetly high in Team Canada"s to do list. However, what over shadows this is the oppertunitly to sit down at a poker table and represent my country against some of the best players that Amateur Poker has to offer. Ok, so without any further bs, Id like to wish all Teams good luck at the tournament, but the best of luck to Canada.
I must say that the dedication of my fellow members of team Canada has to be second to none. I will see you soon.
shopping list,
1 book for Paul (if dave ever gets back to me, he might be on vacation)
4 hats ( same as above)
1 case of beer ( only a canadian would consider making an international flight and bringing beer with them)
1 maple syrup (for my pal neil banks last time it broke on the headphones i sent him, oops)
1 good dose of fantastic team and country spirit.
:) I cant wait.
I must say that the dedication of my fellow members of team Canada has to be second to none. I will see you soon.
shopping list,
1 book for Paul (if dave ever gets back to me, he might be on vacation)
4 hats ( same as above)
1 case of beer ( only a canadian would consider making an international flight and bringing beer with them)
1 maple syrup (for my pal neil banks last time it broke on the headphones i sent him, oops)
1 good dose of fantastic team and country spirit.
:) I cant wait.
You the man Mike
Ok then, looks like everyone is getting ready for the tournament. I thought Id take this oppertunity to say what a great honour this will be. I realize that some of the other teams had some issues as well and its been difficult for everyone to make it this far. Those of you who know me or have been reading my posts will know the difficulties Team Canada has had in the past couple months. Team Canada wouldnt have been possable without APAT and more specifically Des Duffy"s help. I really appritiate it Des as do the other members of Team Canada. This wouldnt have been possable without your help so a big Thanks. I know that the goal of this tournament is to win, and that is definetly high in Team Canada"s to do list. However, what over shadows this is the oppertunitly to sit down at a poker table and represent my country against some of the best players that Amateur Poker has to offer. Ok, so without any further bs, Id like to wish all Teams good luck at the tournament, but the best of luck to Canada.
Which team are you?
Aw Sorry Minty. Didn"t you catch what team I"m on. I"ll make a point if mentioning it more often.
Final Confirmation,
Flight: Air Canada #868 (Class: Economy)
Departure: Toronto (YYZ) - Aug 25, 2010 8:50 AM
Arrival: London (LHR) - Aug 25, 2010 9:00 PM
Flight: Air Canada #859 (Class: Economy)
Departure: London (LHR) - Aug 30, 2010 6:00 PM
Arrival: Toronto (YYZ) - Aug 30, 2010 9:00 PM
Yes I am able to extend my flight depending on how things shape up in the main event.
P.S- a very nice online friend of mine in the UK had said that he has Canada pegged to with the Team event. TY squire.
Let the games begin. Think twice about sucking out on me, cuz you will hear about it, in fact the whole room will. Gl all.
Final Confirmation,
Flight: Air Canada #868 (Class: Economy)
Departure: Toronto (YYZ) - Aug 25, 2010 8:50 AM
Arrival: London (LHR) - Aug 25, 2010 9:00 PM
Flight: Air Canada #859 (Class: Economy)
Departure: London (LHR) - Aug 30, 2010 6:00 PM
Arrival: Toronto (YYZ) - Aug 30, 2010 9:00 PM
Yes I am able to extend my flight depending on how things shape up in the main event.
P.S- a very nice online friend of mine in the UK had said that he has Canada pegged to with the Team event. :)
Excelent news Mike.
Final Confirmation,
Flight: Air Canada #868 (Class: Economy)
Departure: Toronto (YYZ) - Aug 25, 2010 8:50 AM
Arrival: London (LHR) - Aug 25, 2010 9:00 PM
Flight: Air Canada #859 (Class: Economy)
Departure: London (LHR) - Aug 30, 2010 6:00 PM
Arrival: Toronto (YYZ) - Aug 30, 2010 9:00 PM
Yes I am able to extend my flight depending on how things shape up in the main event.
P.S- a very nice online friend of mine in the UK had said that he has Canada pegged to with the Team event. :)
FFS itscosting enough already. Normally i would, this time i"ll just stir the pot a bit. :)
gl to the canadian team at dtd ,i visiting your country sept 3rd,
visiting sister,in quesnel,
dissapointed no game available mid week in quesnel.
hope to get a go while in vancouver.
goodluck and enjoy
While in Vancouver look up the River Rock Casino or the Richmond Casino.
Canada ftw !!
P.S- a very nice online friend of mine in the UK had said that he has Canada pegged to with the Team event. TY squire.
The guy is obviously a genius.
Thanks Bainn, any support we can get is appritiated.
Thanks Bainn, any support we can get is appritiated.
Behind your team all the way, I love your bacon & maple syrup !
Oh and Mike is a top mate.
Be that as it may, bring your mini skirt and pom poms. You comming to Nottingham?
how u doin bainn,
see u soon at dtd then,hopefully have a chat,
r u playing ME that weekend.
Be that as it may, bring your mini skirt and pom poms. You comming to Nottingham?
Me ??? Mini skirt ? ?
Er, I believe there are a fair few people who would pay for me not to arrive in a mini skirt fella.
Yes, I will be there.
how u doin bainn,
see u soon at dtd then,hopefully have a chat,
r u playing ME that weekend.
I am good fella, thanks, how"s yourself ?
I will be there but not playing the 2 card Bingoament but playing the skill games...
After England I will be supporting TEAM CANADA, don't mind where you finish just as long you are in front of the Scottish :o
Thank you squire Bainn. I didnt want to name names as you could see in my previous post, so I am rather pleased to see you step out on my post. Cheers pal. I will see you in nottingham and will rail you in those skill games. :) :)
TY also to nosey-p. :)
cheers all, see you next week.
Thank you squire Bainn. I didnt want to name names as you could see in my previous post, so I am rather pleased to see you step out on my post. Cheers pal. I will see you in nottingham and will rail you in those skill games. :) :)
TY also to nosey-p. :)
cheers all, see you next week.
If I give my support I am public about it my friend, just don"t let me down.
Looking forward to catching up at DTD and very kind of you to rail me fella, just ask if you want the skill games explaining ;)
To all of team Canada, I will be easy to find as I"ll be the one with the huge beard and wearing the "PokerTime" logo.
After England I will be supporting TEAM CANADA, don't mind where you finish just as long you are in front of the Scottish :o
Thanks nosey-p, we can use all the support we can get.
We should be easy to find as well Bainn, we will be the ones with the pints and the massive beaver.
We should be easy to find as well Bainn, we will be the ones with the pints and the massive beaver.
I will just listen for -
"Aboot" & "Eh"
Yep, that will do it..
Yep, that will do it..
See you there eh ?
Yep, that will do it..
See you there eh ?
The question Mark gives you away. See you there eh!!!
We should be easy to find as well Bainn, we will be the ones with the pints and the massive beaver.
Oh and Sean will have an umbrella in his drink.
We should be easy to find as well Bainn, we will be the ones with the pints and the massive beaver.
If Bainn combs his beard, I"m assuming you"ll trim the beaver?
Should Team Canada win the event, Beaver trimming will commence.
We should be easy to find as well Bainn, we will be the ones with the pints and the massive beaver.
If Bainn combs his beard, I"m assuming you"ll trim the beaver?
*Scratches head*
We should be easy to find as well Bainn, we will be the ones with the pints and the massive beaver.
Oh and Sean will have an umbrella in his drink.
LOL, oh yes. Peach Schnapps all around.
I would also like to thank people with the APAT who have helped find players for Canada.
ALSO, I would like to thank Craig for all his work in getting the 2010 World Team Champions: Canadian Team, together.
Great work pal!!!
I can hardly wait for the words "shuffle up and Deal"
We should be easy to find as well Bainn, we will be the ones with the pints and the massive beaver.
Oh and Sean will have an umbrella in his drink.
LOL, oh yes. Peach Schnapps all around.
I would also like to thank people with the APAT who have helped find players for Canada.
ALSO, I would like to thank Craig for all his work in getting the 2010 World Team Champions: Canadian Team, together.
Great work pal!!!
I can hardly wait for the words "shuffle up and Deal"
See you there eh !
Let"s get it on!!!! You got it Bainn, f**king eh!!!!
Ok, the waiting is almost over. Will be good to see old friends and make some new ones. Best of luck to all in the team event. Best of luck to Team Canada, as the team from the furthest away we"ve had a hard time getting here and look forward to the tournament. Safe trip down, up or over to DTD to all.
Let"s get it on!!!! You got it Bainn, f**king eh!!!!
Canada to win eh !!
All I can say after meeting the team and seeing them in action.....
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Here you go, feel the pride -
O Canada (
Great first day guys! :)
Loud first day guys! :)
Seriously lads & lass, ruddy well done, to come 2nd for the sake of 1 point gutted me but it was a great comp and you played brilliant !!!
Well done eh !
:D :D :D
Many congratulations to Team Canada on your silver medal success at the first attempt ! It was great to meet you all, you certainly brought plenty of "colour" to the championships... ;) and we"re already looking forward to doing it all over again next year.
Well done to Canada. Enjoyed meeting you and having you there really added to the international feel of this event. Hope to see you next year.
Team Canada, excellent showing at the inaugural worlds team event. I am very proud of all four of You. It was a very close run thing and we lucked out to the tune of 1 point. Do not be discouraged you were all Awsome and anybody who disagrees will have me to contend with.
You certainly lifted the atmosphere with your determination and willingness to play poker and table chat. Your company was great and enjoyed a few beers and laughs along the way. I really hope you can defend again next year. Mike, what a star you are. You travelled half the globe at your own expense and played like a Trojan, total respect to you man.
Sean and Cath, you played brilliantly, and Craig? What a captain, lead from the front, i"d be proud to have you on any team of mine mate. Great stuff guys and gal, God Bless Canada :)
You made a lot of friends and admirers here in the U.K. and quite understandable.
Hope to see you soon,
Paul Mac
Right, well where do I start. Very proud of my team, they did brilliant and I couldnt have asked for anything more. Thanks to all of you who supported us in our first event and big well done to Team Wales, a great bunch of guys. Was I loud? Your dam right I was, this meant alot to me and I apoligise if it threw anyone off their game. Sorry about that, but I guess I let the excitment get to me a bit, and really why shouldnt it. I thought the venue was a little to strict when it came to celebrating. I may have deserved it on the first day and Ill put my hands up to that, but definetly not the second, I thought it was getting a little to vindictive by then. I said a couple things on my facebook page regarding this, however I had a little chat with Tighty and I realised that it may impact APAT's reputation, this was definetly not my intention and when Tighty explained that, I removed it immediately. I stand by what I said and I believe it was my right to voice my opinion, however I have nothing but respect for what APAT does and would never knowingly hurt the reputation Des and his Team have built. Anyway Ill leave it there. Well done to Northern Ireland as well, they did their country proud and are a great bunch of guys..I came into this comp really not caring how we did as long as we were represented and to be honest I still feel that way, dont get me wrong Im happy as hell we won a medal but thats not the reason we entered. To play against some of the best amateur players Europe has to offer is why Team Canada was there. To actually win a medal was beyond anything I could have hoped for and Im very proud of my team for doing that, thanks guys..Apat...another amazing job, how you guys do it day after day after day is beyond me, why you do it is another matter entirly, thanks guys. Thats onther sucess under your belts..I hope I speak for all of Team Canada when I say to all the Teams, well done and we will see you next year...
I will say this only once....paragraphs! ;D
Started to edit my paragraphs but then I though, cant be assed...sorry Paulie..
I will say this only once, paragraphs! ;D
FYP- I will say this only once, paragraphs.
No debate on this please. I"ve said what I wanted to say and that"s the end of it. It has dragged out far to long. No more comments will be responded to.
I have been asked to close this thread and although I am not aware of the circumstances surrounding the discussion (I was busy elsewhere) I will do so.
If anyone has an issue with this, please PM me with your reasons and I will re-consider.