Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => Online Archive => Online Poker => General Online Poker Discussion => Topic started by: gerry5421 on July 27, 2010, 16:06:53 PM

Title: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: gerry5421 on July 27, 2010, 16:06:53 PM
had to change my alias on betfair

new details are

name                  APAT              Betfair
Gerry Thomas       gerry 5421      gerry8620
Title: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: teaulc on July 27, 2010, 16:43:36 PM
just a slight change on my user-name:
was teaulc now it is teaulcBF
Title: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: jacklevel06 on July 27, 2010, 16:57:32 PM
I"m weirhill now on betfair instead of slaterboy
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: duke3016 on July 27, 2010, 17:26:05 PM
sigh had to change - now gerduke
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: cashman on July 27, 2010, 18:34:21 PM
mines pritty much the same  cashman001 changed from cashman00
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: SirPercival on July 27, 2010, 18:39:17 PM
pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on July 27, 2010, 18:40:30 PM
APAT-  Mikeyboy9361
Betfair -Scothy   now defunct
New Betfair- Mike9361     thought I better drop the boy, seeing as I am nearly 50 :o
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Quasar on July 27, 2010, 18:45:03 PM

APAT-  Mikeyboy9361
Betfair -Scothy   now defunct
New Betfair- Mike9361     thought I better drop the boy, seeing as I am nearly 50 :o

Don"t say that, I"ve still got girl on mine and I"m a similar age  :-[

are they making everyone change just for the sake of it - can"t believe some of these names have already been taken, "sigh" never mind.

APAT name - Quasar
Real name - Debs
Old Betfair name - sussexgirl
New Betfair name - Sussex-Girl

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Chipaccrual on July 27, 2010, 18:53:30 PM
Please, please, please Betfair, don"t make Carl have to change his username.   ;D

I know how much he loves it, and his family are so proud when we quote it when he wins stuff.   :D
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: MintTrav on July 27, 2010, 19:14:36 PM

Please, please, please Betfair, don"t make Carl have to change his username.   ;D

I know how much he loves it, and his family are so proud when we quote it when he wins stuff.   :D

Maybe he could keep it almost the same, but somehow rearrange a couple of letters from his existing name to create an amusing result.
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: zzBlizzardzz on July 27, 2010, 19:17:57 PM

Please, please, please Betfair, don"t make Carl have to change his username.   ;D

I know how much he loves it, and his family are so proud when we quote it when he wins stuff.   :D

I agree. Please let him keep it.
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: bear21 on July 27, 2010, 21:19:02 PM
Well I am now THISandTHAT2 not much different LOL ;)
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: colmcg on July 27, 2010, 22:56:26 PM
apat name            colmcg  
old betfair name    barca1
new betfair name  colmcgg
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: pables on July 27, 2010, 23:33:49 PM
apat name Pables
old betfair name: Pables
new betfair name: Pables64
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: on July 28, 2010, 10:07:13 AM
Old - MAxcash
New -  Th3 sHuFfLeR
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: stone on July 28, 2010, 12:48:45 PM
Me too stoneCLM to stone_CLM
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: daveyb147 on July 28, 2010, 14:46:13 PM
old betfair name,,,davey b147,,,new betfair  name,,,davey b147,,,,,lol,,,,,cant stay connected tho,,,hope its not the end of my betfair/apat playing lol !!!
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: billwillo on July 28, 2010, 15:59:45 PM
APAT - billwillo
Old Betfair name - keja
New Betfair name - kejanab77

And dose anyone know where the live world champ tournys are on new Betfair site and what do I do about being reg"d in them in my old name?
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Logie66 on July 28, 2010, 16:29:39 PM
New alias slight amendment - TheDon1966
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Waz1892 on July 28, 2010, 16:59:32 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.

Lavecrepris.  :)
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: ian.ski309 on July 28, 2010, 20:56:53 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.


I"ll have a Guinness thanks !  ;D
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: SirPercival on July 28, 2010, 21:28:46 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.


I"ll have a Guinness thanks !  ;D

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Paulie_D on July 28, 2010, 21:29:42 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.

clap reviser
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: duke3016 on July 28, 2010, 21:39:02 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.

clap reviser

you are thinking too much outside the box - Stu has of course chosen


Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: MintTrav on July 28, 2010, 21:49:51 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Sugarnes on July 29, 2010, 09:32:08 AM

Sigh......just keep on adding "s" another change and people will think I have some kind of snake fetish!

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: ian.ski309 on July 29, 2010, 09:52:20 AM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.


I"ll have a Guinness thanks !  ;D


Well how about a Guinness for having coming up with a ten-letter anagram of SirPerceval then ?  ;)
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Foggy on July 29, 2010, 10:32:16 AM
This is not something you would want to picture, but


Toooooooooooo much
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on July 29, 2010, 11:42:43 AM
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: gerry5421 on July 29, 2010, 13:36:00 PM

APAT - billwillo
Old Betfair name - keja
New Betfair name - kejanab77

And dose anyone know where the live world champ tournys are on new Betfair site and what do I do about being reg"d in them in my old name?

new name/old name associated to your account name so should be no problem i would assume
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: SirPercival on July 29, 2010, 20:49:48 PM


nice try - but...  eh.......   NO
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Cyntaf on July 30, 2010, 00:52:07 AM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.

Yours is a lager.. Cheers I"ll have a Bitter :)
Keep em coming Stuart.

BTW my new name is : LLanfair pwllgwyn gyll go.........Nah same.. Mongoose61 ;D
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Foggy on July 30, 2010, 15:16:29 PM
It has just got to be


As it refers to fish that play  :as: jh
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: RiverAsUsual on July 30, 2010, 22:56:45 PM
Sir Percival - probably CLEAR VIPERS (snakey player :P)
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: SirPercival on July 31, 2010, 09:22:01 AM

It has just got to be


As it refers to fish that play  :as: jh

the closest so far (but still miles off).

It"s not an anagram!
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on July 31, 2010, 10:43:28 AM

It has just got to be


As it refers to fish that play  :as: jh

the closest so far (but still miles off).

It"s not an anagram!

Clues please.
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: ian.ski309 on July 31, 2010, 11:20:21 AM
It"s not an anagram!

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: undisputed on July 31, 2010, 11:38:47 AM
I"ve had to change mine too ...and not for the first time ;-(

Old  -CryBabyCry.

Do i really have to say my new one . . . ;-(
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Cyntaf on July 31, 2010, 13:12:29 PM

It has just got to be


As it refers to fish that play  :as: jh

the closest so far (but still miles off).

It"s not an anagram!

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Cyntaf on July 31, 2010, 13:14:08 PM
Goldfishbowl...... come on i need a drink...... ;D
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Pears27 on July 31, 2010, 15:49:52 PM
Hooray! I get to be Pears27 again. It was taken on old Betfair but not on the new network.

Sad to retire "adidap" as it"s been a successful account for me, especially this year, but it"s a bit simpler to be the same person on there as on here!

New site looks pretty good at first glance...

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: RiverAsUsual on July 31, 2010, 17:09:08 PM

It has just got to be


As it refers to fish that play  :as: jh

the closest so far (but still miles off).

It"s not an anagram!

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: lukybugur on July 31, 2010, 18:02:25 PM
I was gonna keep you all guessing but as my previous name caused Betfair some confusion dating back to the last time they changed networks, and as I"m hardly feared at the felt, why bother.

I was NDND

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: George2Loose on August 01, 2010, 12:26:09 PM
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Glorious on August 02, 2010, 23:35:56 PM
Glorious to Glorious8.
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: zzBlizzardzz on August 03, 2010, 08:28:41 AM
Pantara to -Vanquisher-
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: ck1888 on August 03, 2010, 17:56:34 PM
crazyloose to crazyloose1
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: MAIR on August 03, 2010, 17:57:57 PM
Can I please remind every1 to post their new nickname on your Club members sign up thread to enable the correct name for the league.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: cincicrappykid on August 03, 2010, 18:00:48 PM
old name cincicrappykid................. new name FISH
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: pables on August 03, 2010, 18:02:02 PM

old name cincicrappykid................. new name FISH

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: kinboshi on August 03, 2010, 19:17:32 PM
-kinboshi- as I"m so inventive...
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: kinboshi on August 03, 2010, 19:20:39 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: SirPercival on August 03, 2010, 20:10:28 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.


not funny.  :(
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: zzBlizzardzz on August 04, 2010, 10:22:46 AM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.


Jacobites FTW...
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Roscopiko on August 04, 2010, 13:03:37 PM
Changed to hahaibinked
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: kinboshi on August 04, 2010, 14:37:04 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.


very funny.  :)

I know.  It"s the only historical date I remember - because it"s my birthday (different year though).
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: SirPercival on August 04, 2010, 14:50:49 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.


very funny.  :)

I know.  It"s the only historical date I remember - because it"s my birthday (different year though).

But you can remember the year because 1946 was when you last won a poker tourney?

Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: kinboshi on August 04, 2010, 15:11:14 PM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.


very funny.  :)

But you can remember the year because 1946 was when you last won a poker tourney?

I know.  It"s the only historical date I remember - because it"s my birthday (different year though).

Harsh, but fair.

At least I can quote properly... ;)
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: undisputed on August 05, 2010, 17:35:44 PM
Old Name CryBabyCry.

New Name Peter-File.
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: duke3016 on August 05, 2010, 17:37:03 PM

Old Name CryBabyCry.

New Name Peter-File.

why does that not surprise me  ::)  ;D
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: CincinnatiKid on August 06, 2010, 09:58:14 AM
CinciKid changed to CIK1D !

Good luck @ll.  ;)
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: The Healer on August 06, 2010, 13:02:58 PM
APAT The Healer
Old BF TheHealer
New BF TheHealer_x

It was really difficult !!!
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: thegeezer2k on August 06, 2010, 23:07:02 PM
APAT - thegeezer2k
Old Betfair - IanMatthews
New Betfair - iliketrips
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Waz1892 on August 07, 2010, 14:04:29 PM
APAT - Waz1892
Betfair - Waz1892
Betfair2 - Waz1974
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: bigalhx3 on August 08, 2010, 09:04:12 AM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.

im going to go for petricola, ship the pint but as im not at DTD for the worlds i would like to donate it to paul as captain of the welsh team i think hes going to need it  ;D
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: SirPercival on August 08, 2010, 09:54:02 AM

pint for someone at DTD if they work out mine.

im going to go for petricola, ship the pint but as im not at DTD for the worlds i would like to donate it to paul as captain of the welsh team i think hes going to need it  ;D

lol - DEAL!
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: AceOnTheRiver on August 08, 2010, 10:43:06 AM
Was Aceonfifth

Now Ace0nFifth
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Waz1892 on August 08, 2010, 10:46:28 AM
riverboy08 is now riverboy1905

lombardo is now lombardo99
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: WarrenJ on August 08, 2010, 18:58:06 PM
Old Betfair. Tyl3rDurden.

New Betfair. THE PREST1GE.
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: baldaceguy on August 09, 2010, 09:05:41 AM
Betfair now Baldace1
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: warwickman on October 14, 2010, 16:49:25 PM
Was Chris 83

Now warwickman83
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: Outlander on October 28, 2010, 22:24:19 PM
Was "bokor" on Betfair, now "holdmnweep"
Title: Re: Betfair 2 - Had to change your name ? POST HERE
Post by: ajcairns on October 31, 2010, 20:22:15 PM
first time for a while tonight, and forgot my details would have changed since the last time:

APAT - ajcairns
Old Betfair - ajcairns
New Betfair - Chip Bleader

:as: js