80 left, 54 paid in WSOPE Event 3
£133,000 up top
Paul in good shape with 35,000, a top 20 stack
Paul won his seat courtesy of Betfair Poker as the APAT WCOAP Player of Series recently
Good luck to him in Day 2, play beginning at 2pm
Good luck to him in Day 2, play beginning at 2pm
Get it won Paul - fingers crossed for you!!
Keep it up Paul, good luck ;D
All the above
someone 1 day will tell me how he did not make the APAT england team, good luck paul
someone 1 day will tell me how he did not make the APAT england team, good luck paul
I"m starting to worry, because I"m finding myself agreeing with more and more of your posts. ;)
someone 1 day will tell me how he did not make the APAT england team, good luck paul
I"m starting to worry, because I"m finding myself agreeing with more and more of your posts. ;)
don"t think he made himself available
All the above
Absolutely. GL Paul. Best place for updates today?
All the above
Absolutely. GL Paul. Best place for updates today?
poker news i think - sigh more distraction when having a busy day
from pokernews
It"s a disaster of epic proportions for Andrew Lichtenberger, so much so that Michael Bay could make a film about it.
Dean Sanders motioned us to his table where Lichtenberger had got all in with {K-} {K-} against Paul Pitchford"s {A-Spades} {A-Clubs}. The board came {6-Hearts} {2-Spades} {A-Hearts} {8-Diamonds} {Q-Clubs} and a monster 100,000+ chip pot went the way of Pitchford.
It"s probably not the way Lichtenberger wanted to spend his birthday.
now cl, gl Paul
Get it done Paul.
Paul has 123k. Second place has 53k!!!
does anyone know if paul pitchford on 34k or paul ian pitchford who is cl are the same person
Paul has 123k. Second place has 53k!!!
Top Chip Counts
1 Paul Ian Pitchford 123,000
2 Wesley Pantling 56,200
3 Sofia Lovgren 52,500
4 Jeppe Bisgaard 49,000
5 Stephen Chidwick 49,000
6 Claire Renaut 46,000
7 Anton Wigg 45,600
8 Leonard Truche 42,400
9 Martin Andreas-Hansen 41,000
10 Martin Hansen 41,000
APAT. Where Champions are....a) born b) get into a chip leading position then blow it or c) are Kinboshi
We"ll know tomorrow!
does anyone know if paul pitchford on 34k or paul ian pitchford who is cl are the same person
Paul Pitchford 34,600 was his starting stack for today I think
does anyone know if paul pitchford on 34k or paul ian pitchford who is cl are the same person
Paul Pitchford 34,600 was his starting stack for today I think
yep - and he just took down a 100k pot with AA v KK. MBNTBP
from pokernews
It"s a disaster of epic proportions for Andrew Lichtenberger, so much so that Michael Bay could make a film about it.
Dean Sanders motioned us to his table where Lichtenberger had got all in with {K-} {K-} against Paul Pitchford"s {A-Spades} {A-Clubs}. The board came {6-Hearts} {2-Spades} {A-Hearts} {8-Diamonds} {Q-Clubs} and a monster 100,000+ chip pot went the way of Pitchford.
It"s probably not the way Lichtenberger wanted to spend his birthday.
now cl, gl Paul
might be wrong Paul
123k chip leader,,,,2nd has 65k,goodluck paul
Have we confirmed that Paul Ian Pitchford is in fact Paul "APAT" Pitchford ?
If so, good luck PIP.
Have we confirmed that Paul Ian Pitchford is in fact Paul "APAT" Pitchford ?
If so, good luck PIP.
sod it follow the cl and feck the rest
In the money.
Have we confirmed that Paul Ian Pitchford is in fact Paul "APAT" Pitchford ?
If so, good luck PIP.
course he is!
still on around 123k - 2nd place now has 92k after a big 77 v KK confrontation elsewhere on a K87 board. bubble has burst - 55 left and ITM.
£2,252 locked up
get in there pitchie :o
Go go go Paul!!!
I"m heading down there tonight. I"ve not met Paul, nor some of the people wishing him good luck on here, but happy to rail on APAT's behalf for a while!
Hope he doesn"t think I"m some random stalker. Which I kind of will be. Meh.
GL paul, keep it going!!
I"m heading down there tonight. I"ve not met Paul, nor some of the people wishing him good luck on here, but happy to rail on APAT's behalf for a while!
Hope he doesn"t think I"m some random stalker. Which I kind of will be. Meh.
You can"t miss him. :D
I"m heading down there tonight. I"ve not met Paul, nor some of the people wishing him good luck on here, but happy to rail on APAT's behalf for a while!
Hope he doesn"t think I"m some random stalker. Which I kind of will be. Meh.
You can"t miss him. :D
Hahahaha.. Leigh you have too much time on your hands.. or not enough.. I cant decide ;D
Yes I know what he looks like, it"s the other way around that"s the problem!
Yes I know what he looks like, it"s the other way around that"s the problem!
Just wear your England APAT shirt, then he"ll know who you are. ;D
Ironically enough, if he had played for ENG, then he would never got this chance because he scored points in the stud and HU.
Anyway, good luck. People dont get many chances to play for life changing money, hope u tid
Ironically enough, if he had played for ENG, then he would never got this chance because he scored points in the stud and HU.
.....and even better than that, because I knew it would be tough to sell my Stud seat, I mandated that my HU and Stud seat be sold together as a package..... and THAT is how Paul ended up playing Stud (a game he had never played before)!!
34 left,,,124k,,,lying 3rd
I"m heading down there tonight. I"ve not met Paul, nor some of the people wishing him good luck on here, but happy to rail on APAT's behalf for a while!
Hope he doesn"t think I"m some random stalker. Which I kind of will be. Meh.
You can"t miss him. :D
Liking the face transfers Leigh, nice job.
Would now be a bad time to mention the lack of suitable branded headgear and shades? :D
C"mon Paul!!
good luck!
TID Paul :{)
I am indeed Paul Ian Pitchford. Got 115k with 32 left. 3rd place at the moment. Had a tough few levels. Leigh - Nice photo. Please check your facebook email and call me please.
GL Paul! TID
not one of Paul"s hands, but one that made me smile.....
9/20/2010 10:18:55 AM PST
WTF Mate?
Karim Jomeen opened on the button and Kaveh Payman made the call from the big blind before check-calling a bet of 4,200 on the 4s :as: js flop.
Both players checked the qs turn before Payman fired 6,800 on the :2c: river and Jomeen reluctantly called.
"You got a spade?" asked a worried Payman turning over :3s: :3d: for a tiny flush. Jomeen looked digusted and threw ac ah face up into the muck.
GL Paul!
Just got here. Haven"t thought about the denominations yet but he"s got a stack he can hardly see over so I think that"s a good sign.
Seat 9 on his right is a face I recognise from the cash tables here, which means he"s got an 80% chance of being an idiot.
Will rail for a bit and keep you posted.
All the very best Paul
Gl, win that bracelet!
145k chip leader,,,31 left
145k. TBH he hasn"t played a hand since I"ve been here, but he did just reluctafold his BB to an aipf utg with big ai 3-bet in mid pos. I"ll ask him what he had later.
Table now breaking which might make it harder to rail. Down to 27. GL fella.
Just caught up with this.
Good luck Paul
p.s. and the reason he didn"t make the England team is because he isn"t a fish ;)
Laddered just now btw - £4,179 gtd.
Laddered just now btw - £4,179 gtd.
good updates thanks
any big names other than Mr Pitchford that have run deep?
can"t find any alternative updates so the pressure is on you now
FFS Paul hope u take it down. WOW!
Couldn"t resist the smell of free money on the cash tables. Updates are on pokernews. I"ll head back over in a bit.
Are they playing to finish today or FT?
if a finish I will head over and rail live myself :)
I left him an hour ago on 145k. Back just now to find he"s on... 145k. Steady as a rock that lad.
Good updates on wsop website
Nah, just to FT tonight. Good job - 24 still in.
Nah, just to FT tonight. Good job - 24 still in.
well when he makes FT I will come rail after work tomorrow to watch him take it down! :)
Sounds good to me... and I expect to him too!
Just noticed we"re in a break but there"s only 1 min left of it. Chance to catch up missed. I"m the world"s worst poker journalist.
120k,,,joint3rd,,,20 left
Mauceri Doubles
Paul Pitchford opened to 7,500 in late position and Massimiliano Mauceri pushed all-in for around 27,000 from the small blind. Pitchford didn"t like it but made the call with a speculative 9s 8h only to find himself crushed by the Italian"s jh jd before and after the jc 5s ad1 :2d: 8s board.
Pitchford drops to 85,000 while Maurceri has around 55,000 now.
Paul now 8/21
He seems a bit deflated. No need yet - M=12 though 6 handed.
Two tables, 80k. Blinds are up to 2k-4k-500 so it"s fingers crossed time, but one good hand and we"re well above average again.
One tiiiiiime.
16 remain - £5.2k gtd. Next ladder bubble now and the jumps are starting to get healthy.
Some chipping up - 110k which is almost exactly average. Seems happier.
Much quicker than the WSOP site - still 17 left according to them. How did Paul double up?
And there it is - ladder to £6.6k. How many APAT branded hats could that buy?
Not that Paul"s interested in ambling up through the teen places (or in hats). His eyes are firmly on £133k. Oh yes.
No double-up, just accumulation. 10k for every unopened pot. No notable hands to report, which of course is great news.
Pokernews still stuck with Paul on 52K... so he"s up to 100K+??
Happy days ;D
Better get another beer cracked open then.
Ah crap, does that mean I"ve got to stay til the FT? I"ve got work in the morning!
Watching live update constantly, nothing said on paul in ages is he on 100k?
PearsNews is your best bet. At least for the next 15 mins til the break.
And yes, he is. Hovering just below average, M=10.
PearsNews is your best bet. At least for the next 15 mins til the break.
And yes, he is. Hovering just below average, M=10.
PearsNews FTW appreciating your work Paul
Another pre-flop raise gets through unchallenged. Nice n easy.
Down to 13. Might stay to FT after all :P
Many thanks for keeping us updated :)
Nice pot just before the break. Raised pre with K8, called in the BB. Nothing flop, check check. 10 turn, BB micro-bets, our hero brings down the hammer and the BB has been put in his place. Good pot with no hand no draw, up to 113k again.
Lots of steady, sprinkled with gangster. Pitchford ftw.
Keep it going Paul doing gr8 FT here you come
Come on paul, keep going!
First hand after the break... ladder! Down to 12, £8.3k gtd. As they"d say on Facebook... Paul Pitchford likes this.
First hand after the break... ladder! Down to 12, £8.3k gtd. As they"d say on Facebook... Paul Pitchford likes this.
We all like this!!
WTG Paul and gr8 reporting Paul
keep going
Way to go Paul, flying to Scotland in the morning but can"t get away from following this !
11. Not quite FT bubble - playing to 9.
Get in ladderrrrrrr keep it going Paul!
Wow keep it going. 8)
Way to go Paul, flying to Scotland in the morning but can"t get away from following this !
You think thats bad.. I"m out of beer. Having to boil the kettle and everything now :"(
Come on Paul.. you can do it
(I talked to him at DTD for a bit you know.. think I might have even shook his hand. True Story)
Eugh. Down to 60k. Called despero-stack push with KQ. Unlucky for villain to be as strong as A9. Not terminal yet.
Phil, that"s nothing. I"m TALKING TO HIS DAD!!
Do you think I should ask for a photo?
Unfortunately need to go to bed kiddies up early for school, keep it going Paul glglglgl
Phil, that"s nothing. I"m TALKING TO HIS DAD!!
Do you think I should ask for a photo?
Hahaha now thats just showing off ;D
Bet his Dads as proud as punch.
Hand for hand on the FT bubble! Full redraw for the two 5-handed tables. Our hero"s the short stack - cross everything!
Pokernews is reporting these stacks:
Mehdi Senhaji 430,000
Jeppe Bisgaard 327,500
JP Kelly 216,000
Kaveh Payman 173,000
Scott Shelley 143,000
Karim Jomeen 120,000
Jack Lyman 80,000
Stephan Nitschke 80,000
Paul Ian Pitchford 60,000
Demis Hassabis 49,500
Nicky Katz 42,000
Confusion reigns. At least it does for me. They"re all sitting at one table, signing forms. Looks like it"s still the official FT bubble but playing down from 10 to the final 9 on one table. Better still keep everything crossed, if you wouldn"t mind.
Got everything crossed Paul
Just a note from the pokernews website regarding JP Kelly...
"JP Kelly has made it down to the final two tables of action in his title defense run here in London. If Kelly successfully defends his title, he"ll be one of only a handful of players who have successfully captured the same World Series event in back-to-back years in the game of Texas Hold'em. Doing so would put Kelly among a rather elite list of names, just take a look at the following.
Doyle Brunson: $10,000 WSOP Main Event 1976, 1977
Stu Ungar: $10,000 WSOP Main Event 1980, 1981
Johnny Chan: $10,000 WSOP Main EVent 1987, 1988
Phil Hellmuth: $5,000 Limit Hold'em 1992, 1993
As you can see, that list isn"t just your regular Joe Schmoes. Hellmuth was the last to complete the feat, but he did so in Limit Hold'em. The last person to do it in No-Limit Hold'em was Chan back in 1987 and 1988 when he won the Main Event in back-to-back years. Notice that everyone that"s completed this feat in No-Limit Hold'em events has done so in the $10,000 Main Event."
Last year, Kelly beat a field of 608 entrants. This year"s field is 582-players strong. That"s an average field size of 595 players. Not something to bat an eye at at all."
In go most of them, hold breath, passed around, relax.
All in and a call. Paul claps when he sees 99 against the at risk player"s overcards! Very magnanamous mate, lol.
Sadly less jubilant when the short stack hits to double through. Not this time...
It"s hard to not get emotional!
Keep going both Pauls
Sry, should clarify that PP wasn"t involved in the hand. You probably figured.
Paul aipf
Villain (raised before) tanking to Paul"s 3-bet
And folds!
Proof that you don"t have to be huge to get 3-bets through. Much needed breathing space for a round or two.
So much for my dramatic "one post per decision" thing :P
And folds!
Proof that you don"t have to be huge to get 3-bets through. Much needed breathing space for a round or two.
So much for my dramatic "one post per decision" thing :P
And breathe.... phew....
Phil stops pressing F5 every millisecond.
Top suspense there Paul :)
Tell him that he"d better make the final table, as I"m sending Des in tomorrrow with fresh supplies of APAT merchandise for him to wear for the photos when he wins his bracelet. ;D
Might be for the best - he"s thinking of Febrezing his Day 1 shirt.
Might be for the best - he"s thinking of Febrezing his Day 1 shirt.
You don"t get that sort of informative updates on Pokernews. Great work Paul, much appreciated.
Better than live streaming you see ;)
Oh and Paul hasn"t even considered playing a hand since my last post.
Come on Pitchie :D
Argh! AI and a call, not PP, but it"s AK vs. AK. Grrrr
Payouts, for anyone interested. ;D
1st £133,857
2nd £82,854
3rd £55,063
4th £40,862
5th £30,666
6th £23,239
7th £17,768
8th £13,694
9th £10,633
10th £8,317
Players on a break. (20 mins)
Why don"t they just bring 10 back tomorrow ?
just tradition really, the big event of the "final 9"
Players on a break.
Great I have to go :(
WD on the updates Paul.
Give him my best and tell him to get it done!
Footnote - Paul passed 23o that hand. Board inevitably runs out 22xxx
Another break (don"t they know some of us have soulless hotels to get back to?) Stack is short at 83k but not shortest. M=4 in seat 10. For all our sakes ship em quickly fella.
Players on a break.
Great I have to go :(
WD on the updates Paul.
Give him my best and tell him to get it done!
Me too.. have a little one to take to school in the morning :(
Wish him all the best from me as well and thanks for the updates Paul. Superstar you are.
*edit* Ian"s just texted me asking for a texted update later.. phil wanders off to make another cuppa.. keep up the good work Paul, I"m hanging on :)
Cards in the air again.
All in and call, not P
Just had a text that he has made final 9
Just had a text that he has made final 9
Get in!!!! Fantastic ;D
Erm... we appear to have an APAT WSOP final tablist :D :D
Awesome. Really wish I could come back tomorrow to see him turn 10k into 133k!
I"ve just told his Dad. He"s been on the Southern Comforts and probably thinks there"s still 4 tables ;)
Signing out.
Oh, one final thing. He"s celebrating with a coffee. If I"d known I wouldn"t have bothered :P
Back with 77k tomorrow. Double up first hand and away we go.
Great work Paul, and great work Paul.
Wiiiiiiiiiiiii. Well done paul, thanks paul for the updates and gogogo des, iron that man"s final table shirt and sew on the APAT badges!
Congratulations Paul absolutely fantastic and thank you Paul for the updating much appreciated.
Amazing stuff. Superlative in fact.
all the luck in the world for today.
Fantastic job Paul and thanks for all the updates PH, classic APAT spirit.
So today our APAT WCOAP player of the series sits at a WSOPE final table. WOW, that"s got to be worth a shirt...
absofeckinlutely brilliant!!
Congratulations on getting to the final table now get me to say it again by winning
Loved the updates last night, thank you. Looking forward to getting home from work tonight to catch up some more.
Final Table - Wow ;D
Keep going Paul as I said before the start I am sure you will do Apat proud and you have, all the very best.
Top top performance,,,,goodluck today paul.
Brilliant Paul, enjoy the FT, and TID.
Absolutly bloody fantastic gl for today, all apat wishes you well I am sure
WOW - just WOW.
Awesome performance Paul, now finish the job ! GL
I railed this PH (top work fella) update thread untill 2am so am thrilled that PP has made the FT. Gl today sir.
Is JB taking up the mantle for updating this thread or what???
Wish I could make it down, will leave it in the capable hands of Pears, Jb, Des and co
but will do my media flunkey thing for the next 48 hours when he wins!
You guys are a big rail apparently
absofeckinlutely brilliant!!
Very much ^THIS^ !!!
Great stuff! Good luck!
Does anyone know what time the FT starts? 2pm?
Brilliant stuff mate
Take it down, and mines a pint
with you all the way Paul...TID man...yesss!
Morning (or afternoon) all!
Late in bed this morning so no real time for the updates. I just wanted to pop on and say how overwhelmed I"ve been by the support.
I"m sure you"ll see how I get on today via the updates. Hopefully I"ll see you in Luton with the bracelet (if I can get a seat :))
Speak soon.
C,MON PAUL....this is what we all dream of doing when we sat into these events and if you can just go that extra mile today, you become a genuine STAR !!
Take it down Son, u deserve to.
..... and if you can just go that extra mile today, you become a genuine STAR !!
he already is!!
suspect he has entries in this year"s APAT Awards or Hall of Fame locked up now
Good luck today Paul was great railing you last night, same again today mate, you"re doing amazing.
p.s. trivia question.. does anyone know the other APAT player who went on to win a WSOP bracelet.. knocked me out in Vienna in Season 2 he did
Your doing great Paul, good luck.
Sorry I"m so late on the scene, but will be railing you from here to bracelet.
PearsNews is sadly off air today. FML and the need to do some work every now and then.
Hope JB or someone can pick up the reins.
TID Paul. Easy on the lattes.
Good luck today Paul was great railing you last night, same again today mate, you"re doing amazing.
p.s. trivia question.. does anyone know the other APAT player who went on to win a WSOP bracelet.. knocked me out in Vienna in Season 2 he did
Toby Lewis?
Good luck today Paul was great railing you last night, same again today mate, you"re doing amazing.
p.s. trivia question.. does anyone know the other APAT player who went on to win a WSOP bracelet.. knocked me out in Vienna in Season 2 he did
Toby Lewis?
Martin Klaser Steve...
5th in an APAT.. then 2 months later wins a bracelet in Vegas. MBVN
Good luck today Paul was great railing you last night, same again today mate, you"re doing amazing.
p.s. trivia question.. does anyone know the other APAT player who went on to win a WSOP bracelet.. knocked me out in Vienna in Season 2 he did
Have to say I do Phil as I was on his table and I was sat two seats from you when we were down to two tables and it is the very hard to play against Martin Klaesar from Germany.
I did a half head interview with Martin in Vienna. Not one of my finest moments..lol!
Oops looks like you posted again before I sent my answer. Anyways cant wait for the updates, if only I could bunk off work I could get there in an hour would love to watch it live. Good luck again Paul.
Appointments cancelled, phone off hook, out of office on the email, gone to lunch on the door
Is James or Des there? Hoping for some excellent man on the spot Paul style reporting (thanks again for last night, superb) as pokernews was a little slow.. have cuppa and hobnobs all ready for this afternoons railing. Come on Paul!!
is there anybody on the scene?
The second shortest stack coming into the day, Paul Pitchford will have his work cut out for him if he"s to claim his first bracelet today. His cumulative poker tournament earnings total just over $3,000, a number which he hopes to multiply several times over here today. His three previous cashes came in tournaments with buyins of less than £75, but Pitchford has thus far proven that he possesses the skill set needed to handle the jump up to this next tier of tournaments.
His count of 77,000 means he"s got to make something happen early on today, but we certainly aren"t counting him out just yet.
Welcome to the Empire where we"ve just kicked off on the FT.
Paul"s looking confident, and probably looking to get involved early.
In his tournie intro, Jack Effel TD announced Paul as APAT World Championship player of series, who nobody knew beforehand, but who everybody knew now!
Welcome to the Empire where we"ve just kicked off on the FT.
Paul"s looking confident, and probably looking to get involved early.
Is he looking confident in his APAT apparel? Have you got him wearing a shirt / hoodie and beanie hat combination Des? 8)
Paul"s the second short stack on the table and sat in seat 4. JP Kelly, looking to repeat win this tournament and win his third bracelet in total is in seat 8. First few hands easy folds for Paul as everyone settles in slowly.
Will try to report on Paul"s hands where possible, catch the PokerNews live update for counts and updates generally.
All in on the BB for 71k
Nicky needs to find 16k to call. Not looking strong!
And passes..nice early chips for Mr Pitchford.
All in again very next hand.
Not called.
All action start from Paul says TD Effel.
Up to around 120 and looking very relaxed.
Is this going to be televised?
Laddered..JP catching a straight to knock out seat 3.
£13,694 locked up!
From wsop.com....
Seat 4: Paul Pitchford (77,000)
The second shortest stack coming into the day, Paul Pitchford will have his work cut out for him if he"s to claim his first bracelet today. His cumulative poker tournament earnings total just over $3,000, a number which he hopes to multiply several times over here today. His three previous cashes came in tournaments with buyins of less than £75, but Pitchford has thus far proven that he possesses the skill set needed to handle the jump up to this next tier of tournaments.
His count of 77,000 means he"s got to make something happen early on today, but we certainly aren"t counting him out just yet.
The second shortest stack coming into the day, Paul Pitchford will have his work cut out for him if he"s to claim his first bracelet today. His cumulative poker tournament earnings total just over $3,000, a number which he hopes to multiply several times over here today. His three previous cashes came in tournaments with buyins of less than £75, but Pitchford has thus far proven that he possesses the skill set needed to handle the jump up to this next tier of tournaments.
His count of 77,000 means he"s got to make something happen early on today, but we certainly aren"t counting him out just yet.
Didn"t I just say that...? ;D
In BB, Paul saw flop turn and river with seat 6. No action. Paul was hoping for a raise on the end with his two pair but takes a small pot instead.
Well, this is pretty much going according to plan. Nice early action Paul, and good updating Mr Duffy.
Raise to 23k takes another small pot for Paul who has made a faultless start on this FT.
Well, this is pretty much going according to plan. Nice early action Paul, and good updating Mr Duffy.
Well, this is pretty much going according to plan. Nice early action Paul, and good updating Mr Duffy.
I"ll assume that was for the "good updating Mr Duffy" bit ? :D
Seat 1 is AI for around 50k and Paul who now has contemplating chips..contemplates.
..Before passing.
Our man is looking very assured and looks the most assured at this FT so far.
JP doubles the 9 seat pushing his SB with A2, called by his opponent with a better Ace. Arghh!
This is like listening to the fa cup draw on a Monday lunchtime in the middle of winter, oh the excitement and anticipation thanks for the updates Mr Duffy.
Cheers for the updates as well Des. Much better than the ones on pokernews where i was following it. They"re way behind!
Wish i could be there to rail him live but nice to have something to do at work this afternoon. :)
Interesting ruling..... not come across this before (probably cos I haven"t made a WSOP final table I guess)
Finally, the Headphones Come Off
Tournament Director Jack Effel has just asked three of the final table players to remove their headphones. In the States for the WSOP, you cannot use headphones when you make it to the money of an event. Here in London, the rule applies once you hit the final table.
Cheers for the updates as well Des. Much better than the ones on pokernews where i was following it. They"re way behind!
Wish i could be there to rail him live but nice to have something to do at work this afternoon. :)
Wonder if he remembers that I beat him in two SnGs at a PDTP event in Stockton a couple of years ago? :)
Cheers for the updates as well Des. Much better than the ones on pokernews where i was following it. They"re way behind!
Wish i could be there to rail him live but nice to have something to do at work this afternoon. :)
Wonder if he remembers that I beat him in two SnGs at a PDTP event in Stockton a couple of years ago? :)
Noone could ever forget you Dave ;)
Cheers for the updates as well Des. Much better than the ones on pokernews where i was following it. They"re way behind!
Wish i could be there to rail him live but nice to have something to do at work this afternoon. :)
Wonder if he remembers that I beat him in two SnGs at a PDTP event in Stockton a couple of years ago? :)
Noone could ever forget you Dave ;)
LOL - two extra at the 3 Horsheshoes tonight mate. You guys have been having it too much your own way it seems x
I"ll be on my way down at 5.
GL Paul! Des l"ll see you when I get there :)
Blinds just going up to 5k 10k (60 min clock) 1k ante.
Paul has around 125k.
Absolute calamity here.
Waiter taking drinks orders has just fallen over a photographer"s tripod and onto the table.
Chips everywhere!
Paul now 1million in chips??? :D
Not really!
Paul back on BB.
Seat 5 raises to 20k UTG.
Paul looks..dwells...and releases.
Suspiciously small raise.
Paul takes around 30k going AI over the top of an earlier raiser.
It"s textbook. Pitchford.
Should have an aPAT branded facemask.
Great start Paul
Des, I am taking the weekend off. Will send you details of hotel in Dublin and then you can update there too.....
Paul raises 25k one before button.
Seat 5 calls on the button.
BB completes. Big Pot here.
10 2 6
Paul checks.
S5 raises 51k
BB reraises to 141k
Paul releases...hurt but still in.
S5 all in and a call.
BB 10 9 for top pair.
And S5 wins a massive pot!
Great start Paul
Des, I am taking the weekend off. Will send you details of hotel in Dublin and then you can update there too.....
I believe that they have contracted extra catering staff, so that will be a NO then
Is he looking confident in his APAT apparel? Have you got him wearing a shirt / hoodie and beanie hat combination Des? 8)
Not quite...but he is "branded"..
Paul loses monster hand against seat 1, despite having a serious amount of outs.
Around 55k left :(
Needs to see something shortly.
Hand details as per PokerNews. Could someone post please.
First in from the cutoff seat, Paul Pitchford raised to 24,000. Jeppe Bisgaard called from the button, and big blind Kaveh Payman also came along to go three-handed to the flop.
It brought th: 6h :2c: , and Payman checked first. Pitchford did as well, and Bisgaard took his cue to bet 51,000 at the pot. Payman promptly check-raised to 141,000 straight, getting Pitchford out of the way and sending the decision back to Bigsaard. He knew what to do. All in came the rest of his chips, a bit less than 200,000 total, and Payman called off the extra bit to put him at risk.
Bisgaard: jd jh
Payman: 9s ts
Bisgaard"s overpair was looking good to double him up, and the turn and river locked it up. The kd and js filled out the board, and a set of jacks means we have a new chip leader.
Bisgaard - 430,000
Payman - 180,000
Paul all in with A 8 and is doubled up by the SB with 6 3 of spades.
Back in! But still short with 125k.
Good stuff Des. Cheers
C"mon Paul :)
Come on my son!!!!
Tell him to hold on I am on my way!
That hand...
Under the gun, Karim Jomeen open-shoved all in for 68,000. Paul Pitchford re-shoved all in, isolating himself against Jomeen with a chance at the knockout. And it was a race:
Jomeen: 5d 5h
Pitchford: ac qc
Jomeen would be a big fan of the board, as it saved his tournament life. It came td 8c :2c: kd 7d to keep him afloat, doubling him up to 157,000. Pitchford, on the other hand, is in quite a bad way with just 60,000 left.
Paul takes another pot with an AI.
Coming back...
Paul just calls for a latte..his first of the final table.
A tell?
I"m guessing he"s thirsty..
Paul just calls for a latte..his first of the final table.
A tell?
I"m guessing he"s thirsty..
Better latte than never
My heart is literally in my mouth
Better latte than never
I should cocoa! ;D
Brilliant updates TID Paul!
As the comedy chorus kicks in (coffee ahoy), Paul gets a walk in his big blind.
In the next hand Paul makes up the BB with a 5k chip and instafolds to the BB"s all in.
Paul just calls for a latte..his first of the final table.
A tell?
I"m guessing he"s thirsty..
Better latte than never
Hi Leigh, sorry to bother while all this is going on, but did you get my P.M. with regards to Dublin. Cheers Paul M
I spoke briefly to Paul"s dad before play started. He can"t be seen now, sat at the back behind a large rail of Londoners here at the final.
We both agreed his boy was a winner at 2pm and I suspect he"ll be suffering through these hands. It"s literally heart in mouth with every hand Paul enters..and he"s been plenty busy so far.
Paul"s dad will be bursting with pride
10 mins left to the break.
Paul raises to 24k in early pos.
Seat 6 asks for a count and calls.
3 4 2
Paul checks
S6 checks
Paul throws in 32k
And Paul takes a nice pot..while I and you, breath out again.
Wheeee keep it going Paul!
only 1 double up from chip lead :)
How"s JP Kelly doing Des? Still top few in chips?
Paul aside, would be simply astounding if he defended his title, became the youngest ever player to win three bracelets
Updates would indicate he"s not getting involved.
c.285k of c.1.6m in play
Hello to the 30+ APAT members viewing this thread, and welcome to those guests also viewing.
It"s free to become an APAT member, so why not join up now whilst keeping an eye on Paul"s progress.
Quality hand to end the level on Paul"s BB.
Luckily he stayed out, to see 7 4 beating Aces! And still there are 8 left!
Restart in 20 mins.
Hello to the 30+ APAT members viewing this thread, and welcome to those guests also viewing.
It"s free to become an APAT member, so why not join up now whilst keeping an eye on Paul"s progress.
Oh...Luton seats still available in the Betfair lobby too. ;D
And did I mention that there are still a few seats available for the APAT English Championship being held at the G Casino in Luton.
You can enter via the Betfair Poker lobby.
Edit : Saw Paulie"s post, but it doesn"t hurt to post again. ;D
Have been following Paul"s progress since it was posted on another forum - thanks for the updates, much faster than PokerNews! :P
There are also a couple of seats for Dublin [THIS WEEKEND] available in the Seat Exchange.
You"ll be sorry you missed it.
And you can always join the APAT Stockton on Tees poker team whilst your at it. We"re great.
and if you fancy Dublin, pop across for Saturday...great chance to win an APAT title. Only 50 APAT fish and few Irish to beat....
and if you fancy Dublin, pop across for Saturday...great chance to win an APAT title. Only 50 APAT fish and few Irish to beat....
I may do, only i have not had my seat confirmed. With only a few days to go, i may struggle for travel and hotel :(
Welcome to APAT eldazza, browse around, lots of superb value and friendly content here ;)
Spread the word ;D
And we"re back. Any minute now and the cards will be back in the air.
Just reading Daniel Negreanu has turned up Des? Ask him if wants to play for Stockton on Tees please?
Hate that I have an appointment but railing from my phone FTW, logged out of course.
Cmon Paul TID!!
Paul, very confident when I spoke to him in the break.
Not about the money, but he is thinking about the bracelet.
Said he has felt more nervous on final tables at DTD than he has today.
Great insight on his competitors also.
Great guy and let"s hope his cards hold.
JP looks like he is under a great deal of pressure today. Some of the records he is shooting for are immense.
I also think his early SB shove with A 2, only to find the BB with A J, has been a reality check.
Question is does he have the game to win with a varied approach. No doubt he does and I think a lot in the game would love to see him win it for British poker.
No disrespect to JP, but we"re holding our suuport of him for the moment in support of our man.
Blinds now at 6k 12k with a 2k ante.
Quiet start for Paul thus far.
No disrespect to JP, but we"re holding our suuport of him for the moment in support of our man.
where is the like button?
Blinds now at 6k 12k with a 2k ante.
Quiet start for Paul thus far.
Quiet is good ............chews nails profusely f5 ing
Anyways back to the matter in hand.....C"mon Pitchie :)
No disrespect to JP, but we"re holding our suuport of him for the moment in support of our man.
where is the like button?
Quiet is good ............chews nails profusely f5 ing
Auto-refresh Extension in Chrome....loverly!
Quiet is good ............chews nails profusely f5 ing
Auto-refresh Extension in Chrome....loverly!
whats wrong with matt black?
played a couple of hand against paul at bolton apat last year just before final table , made note to avoid him at all costs in future , great player and a lovely chap good luck mate hope it works out for you
Heres hoping the guy on 6k is out to ladder Paul after all it is only 3 antes
Heres hoping the guy on 6k is out to ladder Paul after all it is only 3 antes
I"m here and I have joined Des in my usual spot on the rail :D
The 6k guy is gone, so we"re down to 7 and Paul has locked up £17.8k.
JP has also just doubled.
Wohoo!! get in there Paul! Come on!!
I"m here and I have joined Des in my usual spot on the rail :D
psssst... James... ask Negreanu if he"s free on alternate Sunday evenings
I"m here and I have joined Des in my usual spot on the rail :D
Well we knew it wouldn"t be the bar! ;D
has he won yet?
SB raises Pauls BB by 35k.
Paul pushes over the top.
Another nice move by Mr Pitchford who is impressing enormously with his calm approach.
I don"t want to jinx him here, but he"s shown more than any other player at this final table so far.
He could win this.
I don"t want to jinx him here, but he"s shown more than any other player at this final table so far.
He could win this.
OMG epic bok potential!!!
SB raises Pauls BB by 35k.
Paul pushes over the top.
Another nice move by Mr Pitchford who is impressing enormously with his calm approach.
I don"t want to jinx him here, but he"s shown more than any other player at this final table so far.
He could win this.
Jinx....just because I need an excuse to post this.
Actually, I don"t need an excuse...
I don"t want to jinx him here, but he"s shown more than any other player at this final table so far.
He could win this.
OMG epic bok potential!!!
sigh - gg Paul
Paul raises....
JP now on 515k after a double through Lyman.
...Taking down the blinds and antes.
If I could read the American TD"s mind, I would guess he"s thinking something like "What"s the f"ing amateur on!"
Right 5pm leave office to go home or stay here. No-brainer only one answer stay here and play some sit and go"s I ain"t missing a minute of this.
...Taking down the blinds and antes.
If I could read the American TD"s mind, I would guess he"s thinking something like "What"s the f"ing amateur on!"
The answer, as we all know, is....Lattes!
Des's post count is getting high
There"s been a break in play for the draw for the £10k heads up event and possibly also a bracelet cermony.
I"m trying to catch the TD"s eye, I mean doesn"t he know who I am?
There"s been a break in play for the draw for the £10k heads up event and possibly also a bracelet cermony.
I"m trying to catch the TD"s eye, I mean doesn"t he know who I am?
Buy him a drink...then he"ll remember you. ;D
Standing with Paul now, just discussing how we can carve APAT on the bracelet.
He"s so calm, and enjoying himself.
233K in chips.
Message to you guys is "still overwhelmed by all the support from you guys"
Back at 6pm.
Paul"s going to grab some dinner.
Oh thank the Lord...I can get home from work, grab a takeaway and be back to railing by 6pm.
Is it the dinner break or is Paul just that confident he"s gone off to grab a bite to eat mid World Series final table? :)
Enforced dinner break due to heads up draw and Jeff Lisandro presentation.
Back at 6pm...so the finalists are now on an unscheduled break.
See you all back at 6pm when we"re all going to cheer Paul on to his first bracelet.
Oh thank the Lord...I can get home from work, grab a takeaway and be back to railing by 6pm.
+1 to that woop woop
Enforced dinner break due to heads up draw and Jeff Lisandro presentation.
Shame. Had this great picture in my head of Paul getting up from the table announcing "back in a bit, just off to grab a burger and a pint" in his dulcet Notts tone. Be worth it just to see the pro"s faces. :)
Keep it up Paul. Great updates Des. 2 mins before I can go home and log on there.
beep beep move your car and let me through lady in a hurry... :D
Tell him not to do anything daft. I"m coming over. See you in 10...
Outstanding effort ... TID ...
If there ever was a time to run well. Good luck, hope you tid.
Outstanding effort ... TID ...
Why are APAT not live streaming this? ;D ;)
Good luck Paul.
Just seen this
Pt 2
Nice Intro by Jack "We know who he is now"!
Play is about to restart at the final table.
There is quite a buzz in the room with the heads up in play now, where over 100 players have ponied up £10k a piece to play. And that field is a who"s who. Ivey, Hellmuth etc etc.
Nearly another nice ladder.
I"ve got the only better viewing spot than Des's :P
So Paul resumes with 233k, and the field is very bunched. PokerNews will habe the chip counts.
Completely open here.
And we have an all in.
Not Paul.
JP Kelly doubles up seat 6, who binks an Ace on the river. Kelly in with K 10, S6 calling with A J.
Back home wheeeeee Paul is doing suberb!
Seat 9 goes out when his A Q fails to hold up against the A J in seat 2.
Paul makes top six and a minimum payout of £23k.
Thankfully not missed much. Go Paul.... (Richard will have to wait for his tea :D )
Hurry up and take it down Paul. I am getting hungry.
Seriously, very well done wherever you now finish.
Paul sipping water now as a shortie doubles up, binking a card on the river.
I"ve never seen so many shorties hold up as I have today. Whether ahead or behind when the chips have gone in.
This is epic
Seat 2 raises to 40k.
Paul shoves a stack of pinks (5k each) into the middle.
Dwell from seat two and he shows a card to Paul before folding.
Our man claims the chips..
I saw the shown ace from up here
I haven"t been as nervous as this since a Birmingham team mate sat down at my table on a Sunday night
Paul sipping water now
Me too.......... Oh no it"s Guinness
Go on Pitchie!!
And we"ve lost a shortie! Seat six walks away having been taken out by Seat 2.
Meanwhile Paul ladders up to £30.6k!
Calm everyone.
5 remain.
Hello to the 30+ APAT members viewing this thread, and welcome to those guests also viewing.
It"s free to become an APAT member, so why not join up now whilst keeping an eye on Paul"s progress.
Good Luck Paul.............
Indeed Welcome all guests too. When you join this excellent association & tour forum, if your near Luton, take at look at below.
:) ::)
Defribs to standby, defribs to standby
OMG this is awesome, cmon Paul....superb updates Des!
just got home and read through todays updates. Thanks so much, they are brilliant. Come on Paul ;D
OMG this is awesome, cmon Paul....superb updates Des!
So wish I was there to watch.. come on!!!
What is the payout for Top 5....I saw it earlier but lost it and now more pages now to flick through...
Yep, superb updates Des - thanks.
All the shorties have been hitting, lets see one for Paul! ;D
1 133,857
2 82,854
3 55,063
4 40,862
5 30,666
OMG this is awesome, cmon Paul....superb updates Des!
So wish I was there to watch.. come on!!!
+2 stuck in Walsall :(
How r they stacking up, still showing same as two breaks ago on pokernews ::)
Laaaaaaader :D
Laaaaaaader :D
Try WSOP.com
Sry, Des is more the detail man :P
Seat 6 out to JP"s Ace King.
Paul guaranteed £40k now!
Let"s hear it!!!
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee laddderrrrrrrrrrrr
wsop chip count updates are way ahead of event updates
Yep, superb updates Des - thanks.
All the shorties have been hitting, lets see one for Paul! ;D
1 133,857
2 82,854
3 55,063
4 40,862
5 30,666
TY. quite a year he is having....
LOL had typed a detailed para on last hand and hit wrong button!! Lost!!
Mary, all is forgiven :) lol!
Medhi Senhaji Eliminated in 6th Place (£23,239)
First in from the cutoff seat, Mehdi Senhaji open-shoved for 193,000. He made it through to the big blind, but Scott Shelley squeezed out two sevens and made the covering call to put his man at risk. It was the 7d , 7s and it was racing against the ah 8h of Senhaji.
Shelley"s horse ran the fastest as the board ran 6s 5c :2c: js qd to hold his sevens and earn him the knockout. For Senhaji, his shot at becoming the first player from Africa to win a gold bracelet has come up short, but his fine performance has earned him a healthy cash consolation prize.
Look out for Shelley now, he"s got nearly half the chips in play! We count him at 870,000, heaps really.
Paul puts 42k in the middle on the button.
SB pushes all in!
JP out.
Paul....for his tournament life...
Why would he want to ladder. Not everyday u get to play a final table this big.
Go for the win paul. Free rolling and locked up £40k already....
152k more to Paul.
He ponders....
More pondering.
Looks at seat five.
Grabbing chips...counting
Scratches head
Stacks and restacks chips
Eyes down....
He calls!
Fingers crossed..!
Calls with Ace Six to find himself against Queens!
The board doesn"t help and Paul is crippled...dealer counts as we watch on...
woooooo hooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Paul is left with around 8k.
Chip and a chair...
Why would he want to ladder. Not everyday u get to play a final table this big.
Go for the win paul. Free rolling and locked up £40k already....
£30.6k locked up - ladder must look huge to him though
40k...we lost one mid-post.
4 left. inc Paul
Yikes sooo ul Paul
i guess 10k ladder is a lot. Never been in a situation like that myself so i dont know wat it feels like
damn.....very ul paul...
Paul is all in blind in the next hand
JP raises.
And we"re heads up.
Paul 9 5
JP A 5
Not good! We"re looking for a 9!!
8 3 3
River for his tournament life..
And we lose Paul Pitchford in 4th, for £40,862.
An outstanding performance following on from his APAT WCOAP player of the series performance.
Thanks for railing everyone, but that"s it from the Empire.
Hardly unlucky A6 v QQ. Great effort Paul, this is what added value is all about
Excellent result there Paul, very well played.
Does that count as an infinite ROI?
Superb Performance Paul.. Enjoy it, take it all in, live it up!! 8) A true outstanding result.
Absolutely over the moon for you Paul, vwp and very well done!
Well played Paul, certainly had this forum and overclockers" forum gripped! ;)
brilliant performance paul,,,awesome,,,well played indeed !!!
vwp Paul, awesome display.
I know you"ll be a little disappointed getting so close, but look back on the positives and be very proud.
Cheers Des and Paul Pears.
VWD Paul Pitchford..great game. :)
Absolutely fantastic effort Paul - so chuffed for you. Hope you can bring yourself to grace the APAT tour again now that you"re an international poker star!! :)
Thanks to Des, Paul, and all others at the Empire for the commentary - much appreciated.
well done pitchi you got mad skill boss
Well played that man. 8)
Fantastic Paul! Well played mate and an amazing result you"ve done yourself and APAT proud. Outstanding.
Just Fanfeckingtastic Paul
Catch you soon
Reasons to be cheerful......40,862 of them
Well done m8
and shout out to Des and Paul from last night cheers guys :)
Superb Performance Paul.. Enjoy it, take it all in, live it up!! 8) A true outstanding result.
Apat legend status
Wp great result
Now come on JP, take down that 3rd bracelet
Now come on JP, take down that 3rd bracelet
amen to that
well done paul
Agreed, c"mon JP now.
What can you say. Truly awesome stuff. Brave enough to call with the A6 blind-on-blind. Don"t hate that at all. It"s a snap call in a £50 game and doing it in that spot just adds a new layer to his credibility as a top top player for me.
Enjoyed every minute of railing. Bracelet next year pal.
Great run Paul, well done :)
well done Paul ;D
and thanks for the fantastic updates guys, much appreciated
Just got back from work and read from page 12 without cheating and looking forward. So exciting as he went 6th, 5th, etc.! Sadly I never got the chance for any "F5" action because the fateful hand just got there before me!
Well done Paul! Truely outstanding!
Absolutely fantastic Paul, very well played.
Well done Paul,
I"ve only played in two APAT's so far (3rd one in Luton) but I"ve been gripped to this thread constantly. Don"t know Paul but i was still getting excited for him. Now off to play in my local £5 rebuy game. They will all be getting told (again...)how great APAT events are and what fantastic value can be gained from it"s excellent sponsors Betfair.
Added value??? I"d call a £40,000 cash good value ;D
Well done Paul.
WP GG, 40K happy days. Flying the APAT flag with real style!! :)
Great result Paul well played sir.
Fantastic Paul! Well played mate and an amazing result you"ve done yourself and APAT proud. Outstanding.
Couldn"t put it any better so this ^
Truly delighted for you Mate!
Fantastic Paul! Well played mate and an amazing result you"ve done yourself and APAT proud. Outstanding.
Couldn"t put it any better so this ^
Truly delighted for you Mate!
This just reminded me of Paul"s post when we announced the added value for the Player of the Championship in this seasons APAT WCOAP. A very tongue in cheek comment. :D
Last year I was "Player of the Championship". All I got was this lousy t-shirt! :D
Seriously though gents, well played! That"s going to be an excellent prize for someone.
P.S. I keep the t-shirt nice and safe, I"ve never even worn it!
I hope he"s happy with this years prize.
What a top bloke. I"m sure he won"t mind me saying, but he got me to phone him yesterday at around 7:30pm after I picked up a facebook message from him. It seemed quite urgent, it went straight to voicemail, so I dropped him a text saying to ring when it was convenient.
The phone rings 15 minutes later, and it"s Paul, calm as you like. After a quick hello, how are you, I ask, "what"s up ?, your message sounded urgent." His reply,
"Sorry to bother you, it"s just that I used my APAT shirt on the first day, and I"m thinking that if you could get me another shirt, that would be good for hopefully the final day, or even for later on tonight, as I"d like to make sure I promote APAT"
What an absolute legend. He"s in the middle of the biggest game of his life, and he"s making sure APAT is getting some coverage in the photos.
I just said I"ll phone Des, now get back to the poker. ;D
Superb performance Paul.
And well done to those that made it down to rail, support and update. And also, nice one to those on this thread. It"s days like this that beautifully sum up the answer to the question, "What"s that APAT poker tour thingy all about then ?"
What a fantastic performance and result.
The story from Leigh does not surprise me, this is APAT, nothing else comes close.
Many Congratulations Paul.
Congratulations to APAT and Betfair also. I hope this helps smooth the deal for season 5. ;D
Quality mate.....just quality.
A couple of pics from the Des Duffy rail from earlier, slightly out of context (and also out of focus ;D ) now, but posting them up anyway.
Fantastic Paul! Well played mate and an amazing result you"ve done yourself and APAT proud. Outstanding.
Couldn"t put it any better so this ^
Truly delighted for you Mate!
top work Paul
great brave call with the A6, you are ahead so many times there.
great updates Des (and Paul yesterday)
yeh the A6 call would of taken courage, and his shoving range is really wide here, unlucky that he actually woke up with qq. Goes to show that you wanted to go for the win and not ladder, a true poker player. Great result.
WP Paul - fantastic effort!
I think you have arrived as a poker player Paul !!
Great stuff mate. Forced to follow you from work but truly delighted for you.
Just got back from the Empire
Well via the pub where Paul bought us all a pint ( well quite a few tbh )
Paul is a master of short stack poker and it showed today
Well done mate, proud of you :)
Thanks everyone for your good luck vibes - it was immense. For those that are interested I"ve updated the blog:
http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=7004.msg117488#msg117488 (http://www.apat.com/forum/index.php?topic=7004.msg117488#msg117488)
Hopefully I"ll see you all in Luton to thank you personally.
Never met you Paul, but well done
PS you dont want to join the sheffield club by any chance?
Been away so only just caught up with this.
Fantastic result, well done Paul.