Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: furnesspoker on September 27, 2010, 11:48:13 AM

Title: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: furnesspoker on September 27, 2010, 11:48:13 AM

Every Monday
Time 8.30pm (British Summer Time)

Tournament Name : Furness Poker Friendly
BetFair Poker
Buy in $2.00+20c
Password furness
Texas Holdem
2000 Stack and 12 minute blinds

Bounty on the previous weeks winner of a stunning brass card guard, if you win please make sure you pm me your postal address


For those that have made it back from Dublin, I will look forward to seeing you tonight :)
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: furnesspoker on September 27, 2010, 11:49:04 AM
Bounty is ianski309
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: ian.ski309 on September 27, 2010, 12:36:02 PM
Bounty is ianski309

Just arrived home after three days in Dublin. Can you guess what the wife said when I told her that I have to play the Furness Poker Friendly tonight..?  ;D
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: cincicrappykid on September 27, 2010, 12:38:29 PM
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: cashman on September 27, 2010, 13:55:21 PM

Bounty is ianski309

Just arrived home after three days in Dublin. Can you guess what the wife said when I told her that I have to play the Furness Poker Friendly tonight..?  ;D

Your sleeping at your mothers for a week
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: Waz1892 on September 27, 2010, 14:41:01 PM
Who cares......the sofa you have is comfy isn"t it!!  :D
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: Mahound on September 27, 2010, 15:05:52 PM

Bounty is ianski309

Just arrived home after three days in Dublin. Can you guess what the wife said when I told her that I have to play the Furness Poker Friendly tonight..?  ;D

Was it? "That"s sounds great Ian. I""ll make you a great meal, shout when you want a massage". ;)
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: Mahound on September 27, 2010, 15:07:38 PM
Sorry Paul, wont be able to make it tonight. Its my daughters 21st birthday and we are going our for a meal.
Will be back next week . Good luck all.
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on September 27, 2010, 17:30:56 PM
Cricket committee meeting tonight, but will reg on the off chance I can get it wound up quickly!!
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: ian.ski309 on September 27, 2010, 17:40:04 PM
Was it? "That"s sounds great Ian. I""ll make you a great meal, shout when you want a massage". ;)

Actually Jim, that"s not too far off..  ;)
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: ian.ski309 on September 27, 2010, 17:47:42 PM
Cricket committee meeting tonight, but will reg on the off chance I can get it wound up quickly!!  

If you"ve already pushed the boundaries by stumping up the cash, so you might as well bail out early and play !  ;D
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: Quasar on September 27, 2010, 19:08:27 PM

Just got home, will go and register now. Advance notice - Going to miss next weeks game as I"ll be in Sunny Cyprus for my friends wedding.

Good luck everyone for tonights game  ;D
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: duke3016 on September 27, 2010, 20:24:19 PM
Just back from Dublin, wrecked but hey, my chips will be difficult to prise out of me  ;D
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: nosey-p on September 27, 2010, 22:34:16 PM
Well played Ian, i will get you next week  :)
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: Mahound on September 27, 2010, 23:00:28 PM

Well played Ian, i will get you next week  :)

Quite a big target on you back now Ian.
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: Mikeyboy9361 on September 28, 2010, 09:18:19 AM
Well played fella, two on the bounce, does that mean there are two bounties on you next week?
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: ian.ski309 on September 28, 2010, 09:31:29 AM

Well played fella, two on the bounce, does that mean there are two bounties on you next week?

Two Bounties..?

Don"t Snicker, but on that Topic I"ve heard a Wispa that it might be a Marathon next week. Maybe it"ll be a double Rolo-ver...  :D
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: Quasar on September 28, 2010, 18:46:22 PM

Well played fella, two on the bounce, does that mean there are two bounties on you next week?

Two Bounties..?

Don"t Snicker, but on that Topic I"ve heard a Wispa that it might be a Marathon next week. Maybe it"ll be a double Rolo-ver...  :D

haha that was actually quite witty  ;D
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: EnglandBart on September 29, 2010, 19:58:29 PM
Sorry guys/girls, been really busy recently and missed a couple. Flying out to Gib tomorrow to see the PokerStrategy guys so will likely miss next weeks too, but I will be back soon.. love these friendlies ;)

Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: ian.ski309 on October 02, 2010, 10:43:13 AM
Advance notice - Going to miss next weeks game as I"ll be in Sunny Cyprus for my friends wedding.

Have a great time Debs, missing you already !  ;D
Title: Re: Friendly Poker Game Monday 27th September
Post by: Quasar on October 02, 2010, 10:53:37 AM

Advance notice - Going to miss next weeks game as I"ll be in Sunny Cyprus for my friends wedding.

Have a great time Debs, missing you already !  ;D

Haha I haven"t gone yet  ;D Will be on the plane Monday night so no chance of playing this. I did find out that my friend is taking her laptop so might get a chance to pop in during the week. I"m getting withdrawal symptoms already. This will be the first one I have missed  :(