Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Poker Forum => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chipaccrual on October 22, 2010, 12:32:14 PM
All APAT forum members who play in this tournament for a very worthwhile cause will also receive a limited addition APAT card guard courtesy of Betfair Poker.
To receive the cardguard, you need to register for the tournament and post your Betfair Poker Alias on this thread prior to the start of the tournament on the 1st November 2010.
Please spread the word, and let"s help Betfair to raise a significant amount of money.
Many thanks,
As an added bonus, I"ll personally add an APAT Hoodie for whichever APAT member lasts longer and doesn"t make the final table for the added value.
You"ll need to have posted on this thread to be included.
List of registered APAT Players :-
Al McNuts
davey b147
shonky O.o
suzy666 x
I"m a sucker for charity events, I shall have to come out of online retirement and register...
I"m a sucker for charity events, I shall have to come out of online retirement and register...
The tournament is not up yet, but there will also be satellites running from Wednesday, so no excuses folks.
Minor details at this stage, but it says 7.30pm in the title and 8pm in the text.
Count me in.
List of registered APAT Players :-
Count me in
Count me in Leigh
If Ian"s in then I"m in for the extra value.
Definately in :)
great value, great cause
alias: gomarrrahh
Count me CIK1D, such charitys much more helpfull than good words ! Iknow from what I speak, still engaged in an association of a parental home for kids with cancer.
count me in TONYTRIPPS
Anything for a good cause and you can"t beat something like this,
count me in
well done betfair
( just hope the site has been sorted ) LOL
Count me in and if there is a poker fairy PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put me on John Tabatabai"s table :P :P :P
Great cause. I"ll be there.
Listening to Joe being interviewed by Mayliss in Luton, he mentioned that the rake on the charity event would count towards the points needed to get an APAT T-Shirt, so make sure you"ve opted in in advance and can make the most of both promotions at the same time.
Betfair/APAT TShirt Offer (
Count me in and if there is a poker fairy PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put me on John Tabatabai"s table :P :P :P
It"s an online tourney, Suz, but I suppose you can dream of the real thing, subject normal
Yep - gerduke on Betfair
Count me in. AlaMow on Betfair.
in daiwelly
NellieG on Betfair
Me too - Sussex-Girl
I"m in too.
ianski309 on Betfair
There seems to be a mixture of people who"ve said they want to play it, and people who have actually registered (think it only went up in the lobby very recently).
I"m now reg"d - Pears27
I"m in - Carlarge
There seems to be a mixture of people who"ve said they want to play it, and people who have actually registered (think it only went up in the lobby very recently).
I"m now reg"d - Pears27
It"s up in the lobby now.
I heard a rumour of some satellites into it aswell, not sure if that is true, but would all add to the money collected for the charity.
Im in marmite3465
Count me in - ReapUrChips on Betfair.
Although as a Liverpool fan expect to see me shoving all in every hand or folding myself up the ladder to avoid finishing 4th or 5th!! :)
Great to see a charity event. Any chance of a live APAT one? Take money from the entry and once the APATers get drunk you can take even more!
Tighty sit and go charity event anyone?
Just registered
CoronaNFL on Betfair
In - WiseOwlBF
i"m in. betfair alias: iriskzim
i will be there count me in 8)
As an added bonus, I"ll personally add an APAT Hoodie for whichever APAT member lasts longer and doesn"t make the final table for the added value.
You"ll need to have posted on this thread to be included.
16 players registered so far, and I reckon APAT members make up 13 of them.
Top stuff guys. Please spread the word, your generosity in playing this is greatly appreciated.
count me in DundeeShug
just made it 18 registered :)
Outside of my budget sadly.... looking at least $50 to play it properly (1r & 1a).
If anyone has a link where I can make a direct donation though would be happy to do so. Much better me sending them $10 directly where it is all used as opposed to buying in above BRM for $30 with $20 going to waste (if you know what i mean)
Outside of my budget sadly.... looking at least $50 to play it properly (1r & 1a).
If anyone has a link where I can make a direct donation though would be happy to do so. Much better me sending them $10 directly where it is all used as opposed to buying in above BRM for $30 with $20 going to waste (if you know what i mean)
Not a problem. The Anthony Nolan website is here - (
And it looks like Betfair are running satellites into this at 9pm for the next few nights. $5 + $0.50
Every bit helps.
Thanks for your support.
And it looks like Betfair are running satellites into this at 9pm for the next few nights. $5 + $0.50
oooh I see Mark (jayteejack) in the sat.. I"m in for the one tonight (temp unreg from the main to see if I bink)
Thanks Leigh, that"s great.
I"m in - PAmazing
And it looks like Betfair are running satellites into this at 9pm for the next few nights. $5 + $0.50
oooh I see Mark (jayteejack) in the sat.. I"m in for the one tonight (temp unreg from the main to see if I bink)
and MrnoseyP -- only 7 so far for two seats
And it looks like Betfair are running satellites into this at 9pm for the next few nights. $5 + $0.50
oooh I see Mark (jayteejack) in the sat.. I"m in for the one tonight (temp unreg from the main to see if I bink)
and MrnoseyP -- only 7 so far for two seats
ooh Jack and John M - this could get messy ;D
Count me in .. New Betfair alias .. JBizzle-uk
count the donk in blueno5e woop woop
As an added bonus, I"ll personally add an APAT Hoodie for whichever APAT member lasts longer and doesn"t make the final table for the added value.
You"ll need to have posted on this thread to be included.
Hi I have registered on Betfair for the event hope more will join is for a good cause.....Username Amazon99000
Myself & John Murray finished the satellite HU -- so we are both in the main one -- well done john HU was easy all in every hand is such fun (why not finish when you win ??? )
Solent ftw ;D
Yep, Ill be in when the main one comes up on Betfair -Vanquisher-
I"m in - AnTeallach
Just need to remember to play it now (although would last longer if I didn"t)
Count me in!
count me in and reg"d pables64
Im regestered ..
Allias: B1GHAND
There"s another satellite for this at 9pm tonight.
I"m pretty sure APATers have won all the seats so far in the satellites. (Cheapskates, the lot of ya ;) )
30 Players so far registered, and I make it 21 from APAT, great effort guys.
Please spread the word over the weekend. The link and stuff is up on both the APAT and my facebook pages, so please invite your friends and make sure they know about the bonus for APAT members.
Be prepared, I am likely to spam this during the league games on Sunday night also. You have been warned. ;D
Am working but i will register and give the mrs permission to dump some rebuys.
I"m in
Betfair Poker alias RicayJL ;D
Be prepared, I am likely to spam this during the league games on Sunday night also. You have been warned. ;D
Normally hate spam but do it as much as necessary for this one. Asked as many as i can.
Now registered. ReapUrChips.
I"m in
Betfair Poker alias RicayJL ;D
Courtesy of your A3 v my A6 on the bubble in last night"s sat... ;D nh wp gg, see you Monday ;)
I"m in xxAJDxx
I"m in - TheBantam
I"m in - TheBantam
and Amanda?
I"m in - TheBantam
and Amanda?
She wanted to, but decided against as she"d have problems concentrating on the poker action with the kids wanting this, that, and the other.
On saying that, if she was to play, she"d win the last longer bet in this household, so maybe I"m glad she"s not
mousebob in
free chips from me. ::)
This is building up to be an epic...
Just registered.
Username - Denham4
I am in, my playername is LadyStar67
im in. bigredders83
im in. bigredders
oh and for god sake, pls don"t let me finish fourth or fifth
please god!
57 in, 36 APATers, 2 Bounties and 19 Randoms ;D
Let"s raise a lump of cash for the charity and ship some added value courtesy of Betfair.
Im in (BOROTC) although I wont be able to play "properly" till 9ish and mini Phil gets to bed..
It just gets better and better ;D
Betfair Poker Masters Freeroll Seats available for APAT members (
OK I"m in
In there like swimwear! Especially for a good cause. TeleMech9
I"ll give it a shot as its for a good cause. shonky O.o @ betfair
Sorry Leigh,
I have to cancel double booked!
A very good charity.
I"m in, Cormach
im in davey b147
Im in Mair41
im in spudgun0077
In weirhill
I"ve registered - Jagshemash
In as it"s for charity, (wanting the chip guard really).
Man U tickets will appear in the exchange thread if i"m unlucky enough to win those!
I"m in; Thinker28
Looking down the list of reprobates in this, is it exclusively APAT ;D ;D ;D
oh and as it"s a rebuy - I will probably be reducing my bankroll significantly ::)
i"m in cashman001
i"m in cashman001
Stay off my table Davy LOL ;D
anyone know john tabatabais alias?
i"m in cashman001
Stay off my table Davy LOL ;D
i make no promises
in - sosk1nt
anyone know john tabatabais alias?
good question anyone????
I"m in. Betfair name is Luciojoleen.
GL all, hope we make the charity some decent $$$$
I"m in NinjaHooOOoo
I am probably being silly here but I can"t find this in the lobby. My filters are not setup, anybody know what I am doing wrong?
I am probably being silly here but I can"t find this in the lobby. My filters are not setup, anybody know what I am doing wrong?
erm 19.30 scheduled tournaments - (all game types -- all buy ins - all tournaments clicked)
I am probably being silly here but I can"t find this in the lobby. My filters are not setup, anybody know what I am doing wrong?
erm 19.30 scheduled tournaments - (all game types -- all buy ins - all tournaments clicked)
Yep, as suspected - I was being silly - IN
john tabs alias anyone ???
john tabs alias anyone ???
kunku wap
Mongoose61 is in, cheers Leigh
john tabs alias anyone ???
kunku wap
thanks a lot
i"m in colmcg
I"m in too...joojoo6885
I think I"m in...
Lol, my alias is PhilipQuinn.
Think I may have been a little worse for wear when I registered...
what is John Tabatabai"s alias please? Will Greenwood is pretty obvious, John apparently less so.....
Well it took me till the 2nd hand to lose all my chips.... :-\
88 v"s AK all in pre.... how that was an APAT member the chips went to.
Oh well at least its a re-buy and for a good cause :-)
i think i have made more than my donation to charity already!
I"m in the tourney.... have I posted in time for the spot prize thingies???
I"m in the tourney.... have I posted in time for the spot prize thingies???
Go on then. ;D
Jon Taba is kunku wap
posted sayin i was in but not on the list leigh ???
I"m in the tourney.... have I posted in time for the spot prize thingies???
Go on then. ;D
Jon Taba is kunku wap
Just realised he"s 2 to my left
and i realised my alias is colmcgg and not colmcg
No problems guys. Will add you to the list as soon as I can. Running late tonight, so only just got in. Quickly building a stack, after first donating to Carl.
A great turnout guys, much appreciated.
after first donating to Carl.
Did you have to FFS
I might be missing a few names on the list. If you"ve posted your username on here, then no problems.
I reckon we have about half of the 127 runners on this thread.
Absolutely great effort from all of you.
Now let"s get those bounties won and as many on the final table as we can.
Good Luck all
I"m in the tourney.... have I posted in time for the spot prize thingies???
Go on then. ;D
Jon Taba is kunku wap
Just realised he"s 2 to my left
i"m on that table aswell
mad feckers the lot of them
I"m in the tourney.... have I posted in time for the spot prize thingies???
Go on then. ;D
Jon Taba is kunku wap
Just realised he"s 2 to my left
Mad is good ,keep donating chips to me
i"m on that table aswell
mad feckers the lot of them
both bounties out any apater get em ???
no idea - I have THISandTHAT2 & numptynuts on my immediate left - I am a little busy right now ::)
I"m in the tourney.... have I posted in time for the spot prize thingies???
Go on then. ;D
Jon Taba is kunku wap
Just realised he"s 2 to my left
If he knocks you out Micky, offer him a weeks coaching ;)
it"s official I hate poker
KK don"t beat AQ
AK obv dont beat AA even with KK on the board (all in pre of course ;D )
good luck all
i hate ak !!
To receive the cardguard, you need to register for the tournament and post your Betfair Poker Alias on this thread prior to the start of the tournament on the 1st November 2010.
Me = CookMySock
To receive the cardguard, you need to register for the tournament and post your Betfair Poker Alias on this thread prior to the start of the tournament on the 1st November 2010.
Me = CookMySock
My mistake - CookMySock99
me = colmcgg
how many of us still in?
busto in 48th, my AQ open shove got caught by AK.
26 left. 17 APATers. GET IT WON. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
AMRN - 62k
blueno5e - 25k
cgull69 - 26k
colmcgg - 53k
CookMySock99 - 41k
daiwelly - 55k
joojoo6885 - 40k
MrnoseyP - 67k
mousebob - 32k
petricola - 55k
shonky O.o - 53k
sosk1nt - 57k
spudgun0077 - 62k
Sussex-Girl - 36k
WiseOwlBF - 20k
x-ZeroTime - 47k
out 38th
beware of pingo penguin... current chip leader and also current tourney leaderboard leader
127 Runners, and 68 of them were from this forum.
I am totally gobsmacked at the level of support for this.
By my calculations that"s a total of $2360 worth of rake for the Anthony Nolan Charity, which Betfair will match, making a grand total of $4720.
Many thanks to everyone. Now for those of you left in, we want a totally APAT final table. :D
1st = $1215 + Entry to Betfair Sunday $200k GTD tourney.
2nd = $838 + £125 APAT European Championship live package
3rd = $599 + £125 APAT European Championship live package
4th = $443 + Pair of tickets for Man Utd v Everton
5th = $341 + Pair of tickets for Man Utd v Everton
6th = $262 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010).
7th = $210 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010).
8th = $168 + Betfair chip set
9th = $134 + Betfair chip set
10th = $112 + Betfair chip set.
11th-12th = $93
13th-15th = $78
16th-20th = $63
20 left. Here"s our runners :-
Al McNuts
shonky O.o
I"m still in too.
Al McNuts (aka Alan McBride), currently 10/18 with 48k
I"m still in too.
Al McNuts (aka Alan McBride), currently 10/18 with 48k
Hi Alan. Good Luck.
I"m out, lost with AA as usual :(
I"m still in too.
Al McNuts (aka Alan McBride), currently 10/18 with 48k
Hi Alan. Good Luck.
Cheers Leigh. May have bokked myself. Now 16/16!
ul debs,,,,,lost to a 2 outer,,,lucky sods lol
ran 10 10 into KK
ran 10 10 into KK
Wrong - 15th - and got paid too - cant complain - but I wanted them Everton tickets
played 1 dollar re buy on stars to stop me donkin my chips on charity event !! now sittin 4th with 20 left 1 time lol over 2500 runners !!
edit 6th with 17 left its rapid lol
I"m still in too.
Al McNuts (aka Alan McBride), currently 10/18 with 48k
Hi Alan. Good Luck.
Cheers Leigh. May have bokked myself. Now 16/16!
Out in 14th for $77. AQ < Chip Leaders JJ
Go Steve Woop Woop. I just took down a $5 deep stack on PKR.
TID mate
bokked myself in bb un raised with 45 flop 356 i shove someone pocket 6s i miss but still in
and 2 hands later shov e with qj with 6 bbs q9 calls and hits straight why did i post on here !!
Wd everyone who made FT
Final table
PingoPenguin - 262k
AMRN - 215k
MrnoseP - 111k
shonky O.o - 97k
colmcgg - 97k
dadofalex - 81k
Cinnati Si - 80k
blueno5e - 72k
petricola - 70k
spudgun0077 - 70k
Come on APAT FTW TID boys WOOP WOOP!!!
come on matt !!!! woopwoop
come on matt !!!! woopwoop
This ;D ;D ;D ;D
Out in 10th = $112 + Betfair chip set
spudgun0077 = Mike Rainsford
As an added bonus, I"ll personally add an APAT Hoodie for whichever APAT member lasts longer and doesn"t make the final table for the added value.
You"ll need to have posted on this thread to be included.
I reckon this goes to daiwelly for finishing 11th.
Well played Mr Llewellyn.
Out in 8th = $168 + Betfair chip set
shonky O.o = John Winter
Out in 7th = $210 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
petricola = Stuart Oliver
dadofalex is APAT Leigh
dadofalex is APAT Leigh
Good spot
Out in 9th = $134 + Betfair chip set
dadofalex = Gareth Fry
Out in 6th = $262 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
AMRN = Steve Redfern
Out in 6th = $262 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
AMRN = Steve Redfern
At least u didnt come 5th Steve. Watching Nani and Neville in action is hardly a prize worth taking! ;D
Out in 6th = $262 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
AMRN = Steve Redfern
At least u didnt come 5th Steve. Watching Nani and Neville in action is hardly a prize worth taking! ;D
He"s currently negotiating to swap his racing tickets for Man U v Everton tickets with Cinnati Si.
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Out in 4th = $443 + Pair of tickets for Man Utd v Everton
blueno5e = Matt McKinlay
well if I"d made final table I would have given them away. Footy tickets yuk.
I thought one of the prizes was coaching from John Tabatabai? Now that"s the prize I wanted ;D
Out in 3rd = $599 + £125 APAT European Championship live package
MrnoseyP = Wayne Parker
that bloody pingo
well if I"d made final table I would have given them away. Footy tickets yuk.
I thought one of the prizes was coaching from John Tabatabai? Now that"s the prize I wanted ;D
That was a bounty for knocking him out.
Matt McKinlay knocked out Will Greenwood, but didn"t see who knocked out Jon Taba
Out in 6th = $262 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
AMRN = Steve Redfern
At least u didnt come 5th Steve. Watching Nani and Neville in action is hardly a prize worth taking! ;D
He"s currently negotiating to swap his racing tickets for Man U v Everton tickets with Cinnati Si.
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
gotta wait on the diary secretary telling me if 18th Dec is good or not..... fingers are crossed, but have a feeling we"re out at a panto!
well if I"d made final table I would have given them away. Footy tickets yuk.
I thought one of the prizes was coaching from John Tabatabai? Now that"s the prize I wanted ;D
That was a bounty for knocking him out.
oh right, well I never got near his table so me winning that was never gonna happen :( :( :(
I"d have loved to win that.
Out in 6th = $262 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
AMRN = Steve Redfern
At least u didnt come 5th Steve. Watching Nani and Neville in action is hardly a prize worth taking! ;D
He"s currently negotiating to swap his racing tickets for Man U v Everton tickets with Cinnati Si.
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Just thought it IS Everton. S"pose it"ll just make it harder which team not to support! ;D
Matt McKinlay knocked out Will Greenwood, but didn"t see who knocked out Jon Taba
John Tabatabai knocked out by " the whale 70"
ah well 2nd aint that bad...
Out in 2nd = $838 + £125 APAT European Championship live package
colmcgg = Colin McGrane
Which means tonight, we"ve all been beaten by a penguin.
All hail PingoPenguin
Out in 6th = $262 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
AMRN = Steve Redfern
At least u didnt come 5th Steve. Watching Nani and Neville in action is hardly a prize worth taking! ;D
He"s currently negotiating to swap his racing tickets for Man U v Everton tickets with Cinnati Si.
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
gotta wait on the diary secretary telling me if 18th Dec is good or not..... fingers are crossed, but have a feeling we"re out at a panto!
I"m sure they could get someone else to play your part for just one day Steve. ;)
Out in 6th = $262 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
AMRN = Steve Redfern
At least u didnt come 5th Steve. Watching Nani and Neville in action is hardly a prize worth taking! ;D
He"s currently negotiating to swap his racing tickets for Man U v Everton tickets with Cinnati Si.
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
gotta wait on the diary secretary telling me if 18th Dec is good or not..... fingers are crossed, but have a feeling we"re out at a panto!
I"m sure they could get someone else to play your part for just one day Steve. ;)
LOL Stu - thanks for that!
thanks betfair and apat for the added value... i am away that weekend any ideas
Out in 6th = $262 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
AMRN = Steve Redfern
At least u didnt come 5th Steve. Watching Nani and Neville in action is hardly a prize worth taking! ;D
He"s currently negotiating to swap his racing tickets for Man U v Everton tickets with Cinnati Si.
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
gotta wait on the diary secretary telling me if 18th Dec is good or not..... fingers are crossed, but have a feeling we"re out at a panto!
I"m sure they could get someone else to play your part for just one day Steve. ;)
Too tired for a photoshop. Must go to sleep, but so tempting. ;D
thanks betfair and apat for the added value... i am away that weekend any ideas
Betfair should contact you, just ask for the cash instead. See what they say.
If they insist on you taking the seat, just pop it on the seat exchange.
thanks betfair and apat for the added value... i am away that weekend any ideas
Betfair should contact you, just ask for the cash instead. See what they say.
If they insist on you taking the seat, just pop it on the seat exchange.
You do realise that you have won a seat into APAT Coventry so therefore it is the last weekend in November?
Pardon my ignorance if not?
Out in 4th = $443 + Pair of tickets for Man Utd v Everton
blueno5e = Matt McKinlay
Well done Matt, being a blue nose, Everton tickets are good lol... I wanted them btw.. lol
Well done APAT final tablers, shame one of you couldn"t TID, but great showing none the less. :)
Well, seems Dec 18th is free for me (Panto is next day!).... and just looking at the Ascot website, 18th is Family Day, with free admission for U18s, party and father christmas..... woop woop - great prize, thanks Betfair!! Should be a fun day out for the wife and kids!!
Well, seems Dec 18th is free for me (Panto is next day!).... and just looking at the Ascot website, 18th is Family Day, with free admission for U18s, party and father christmas..... woop woop - great prize, thanks Betfair!! Should be a fun day out for the wife and kids!!
Great, that"s them sorted then. Should leave you free for a decent poker schedule. ;)
Out in 10th = $112 + Betfair chip set
spudgun0077 = Mike Rainsford
I really enjoyed the tourney just a pity I walked into AA
thanks for the invite Leigh & well done all
You should all be receiving an email from Betfair regarding the cardguards.
Please respond to it with the details required.
Many thanks for your support.
Matt McKinlay knocked out Will Greenwood, but didn"t see who knocked out Jon Taba
I think it was "The Whale"
Well, seems Dec 18th is free for me (Panto is next day!).... and just looking at the Ascot website, 18th is Family Day, with free admission for U18s, party and father christmas..... woop woop - great prize, thanks Betfair!! Should be a fun day out for the wife and kids!!
Kids get in free at all racecourses in the Uk,but they might charge when the "Redfern bus" turns up!
18th Dec.......isn"t that BCPC "Christmas" deepstack bonaza day?
Well, seems Dec 18th is free for me (Panto is next day!).... and just looking at the Ascot website, 18th is Family Day, with free admission for U18s, party and father christmas..... woop woop - great prize, thanks Betfair!! Should be a fun day out for the wife and kids!!
Kids get in free at all racecourses in the Uk,but they might charge when the "Redfern bus" turns up!
18th Dec.......isn"t that BCPC "Christmas" deepstack bonaza day?
lol love it ant it ant the dingles its the donks woop woop sorry steve couldnt help myself
Out in 4th = $443 + Pair of tickets for Man Utd v Everton
blueno5e = Matt McKinlay
Well done Matt, being a blue nose, Everton tickets are good lol... I wanted them btw.. lol
sorry mate already gave them away to sum 1 brummie blue nose here
any way great game last night i played like ant rock ace ace or pass woop woop
Out in 6th = $262 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
AMRN = Steve Redfern
sighhhhhhh - looks like the weather has put paid to this! Gutted!!! (spent a flippin fortune on new outfits for the kids and the missus especially for this - can"t imagine the kids will get any wear of jackets and ties elsewhere :( )
fkn winter!
Suggest you get in touch with either Ascot or Betfair as I
am certain they will transfer your tickets for another day (try for the summer)!!
Just don"t let the kids grow too much!
Out in 7th = $210 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
petricola = Stuart Oliver
I run so good. >:(
p.s. I have emailed Betfair
Out in 7th = $210 + Pair a Premier admission tickets for Ascot races (18th December 2010)
petricola = Stuart Oliver
I run so good. >:(
p.s. I have emailed Betfair
p.p.s. me too