Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => Strategy => Topic started by: AMRN on October 30, 2010, 00:26:00 AM

Title: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: AMRN on October 30, 2010, 00:26:00 AM
It"s level 300/600/a50, and I have 18k. (just moved up from 6k, and am above starting stack for first time in tourney - 6 hours in!). I have a tight image at table, although this hand is with a guy who just arrived.... no info on him at all.  SB has also just arrived and already shown a tendency to be super-loose with his massive stack.

I"m UTG and have 88, and choose to limp, with a plan to shove over any raise from three particular serial 3-bettors, or fold to any other raises. 

Folds round to the super loose SB who makes up, and the BB checks..... 3 way to the flop.

FLOP - 82K rainbow.  SB and BB check, and I check behind, hoping to show weakness that will get the super-loose SB into action.

Turn A (full rainbow). SB and BB check again, and I checked again, still trying to get the SB into action. [I feel I should have tried to get a pot on the go at this point though.]

River J. SB checks, BB bets 1100 into 2300 pot. I raise to 3300. SB folds. BB shoves (has me covered).

So - having slow played a flopped set to try and get a max payoff, I now have to call for my tourney. I have no reads on the BB player, and he is displaying no obvious weakness or strength physical tells. I have to make a decision based on situation and maths.

Call or fold?
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: mousebob on October 30, 2010, 00:34:41 AM
My gut instinct is for QT & I"m reluctantly folding.
Too many free cards for my liking.
Time to start the rebuilding a stack process again!
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: George2Loose on October 30, 2010, 00:45:00 AM
Yeh probs a raise/fold spot here. I can"t see him shoving worse here for value or bluffing against your table image
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: ian.ski309 on October 30, 2010, 10:45:53 AM
I"d like to chip in with a really wise and insightful reply here, but I"ve already seen the outcome on your FB status  ;)
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: AMRN on October 30, 2010, 10:57:29 AM
By the way, my thought process was around the fact that when he shoves the only possible hand he can have that beats me is QT (I discount JJ, KK, or AA, due to the inactivity preflop). When his range is so polarised to either QT or a losing hand, does that make the decision easier or harder?

Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: Marty719 on October 30, 2010, 15:59:44 PM

By the way, my thought process was around the fact that when he shoves the only possible hand he can have that beats me is QT (I discount JJ, KK, or AA, due to the inactivity preflop). When his range is so polarised to either QT or a losing hand, does that make the decision easier or harder?

Think his 3b shove range on the river i pretty much dominated by Q10.  I def raise/fold this river w/ no other info but i make it slightly bigger, like 4k, for value.
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: pables on October 30, 2010, 16:03:08 PM

I"d like to chip in with a really wise and insightful reply here, but I"ve already seen the outcome on your FB status  ;)

+1 but you know I would have folded here Steve. I have history  ;)
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: deanp27 on October 30, 2010, 22:05:53 PM
well i fold river as played but don"t like any street beforehand tbh
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: Swinebag on October 30, 2010, 22:33:12 PM

well i fold river as played but don"t like any street beforehand tbh


I"ve been there, done that with slow playing sets. You put a good case for slowplaying though and I know you prefer to play
much faster here normally.
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: mousebob on October 31, 2010, 18:29:17 PM
This "polarising range" stuff is okay but if I was bb I could have any old sh*t here !!
For me it"s an instinct play made harder as no info on villain.
He too COULD be slowplaying trips (not everyone plays the same!)
Bottom line is you call & lose-you"re out.
Fold & you"re still in & good enough to rebuild.
Just makes me realise how difficult the game is.
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: bigredders on November 01, 2010, 12:38:32 PM
I think you defintely have to fold here. I didn"t mind the check on the flop, but the check on the turn is pretty horrible imo. The thing is he could be shoving thinking your raise stealing due to inactivity on previous streets but to call means you are hoping your winning rather than thinking your winning. It makes the river call a complete guess.
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: kinboshi on November 01, 2010, 16:48:38 PM

Yeh probs a raise/fold spot here. I can"t see him shoving worse here for value or bluffing against your table image

He has no table image as these players have just arrived.  Has to start from scratch with that.  Although of course if they"ve played him before they"ll have an image from that, but otherwise he"s a random.
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: AMRN on November 01, 2010, 19:17:16 PM
Here"s how it played out...

Preflop, I looked down at 88 and couldn"t decide whether to raise, limp, or fold. I had just doubled up, and got a preflop 3-bet through, and was feeling pretty good..... however was aware that despite having played tighter than a gnat"s chuff for six hours, the two new arrivals had been there for around 5 hands, of which I had played 2, and now I was attacking their blinds from UTG.... so I was wary of raising. However, I did count out a raise, managed to fumble my chips, then decided to limp :)

When trying to decide whether to call the river shove or not, part of my thought process was that I had shown no aggression during the hand at all, although I had visibly considered raising pre..... and with the indecision and fumble, I had probably shown huge weakness..... so I figured that if he is a thinking player, he may be putting my weakness to the test with this raise/shove. Of course, he might have QT or an overset, but in my opinion at the time, there was significant scope for him to be punishing me with air.

In the end, if I had a coin, I would have flipped and made the call based on the outcome. Without a coin to hand, I decided I would call if we were within 10 minutes of the next blind increase.... the clock showed less than 4 mins.... so I called.

He had QT. gg.

Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: Pitchie on November 02, 2010, 11:51:18 AM

In the end, if I had a coin, I would have flipped and made the call based on the outcome. Without a coin to hand, I decided I would call if we were within 10 minutes of the next blind increase.... the clock showed less than 4 mins.... so I called.

He had QT. gg.

Overall, I think the biggest mistake in this hand was....

Not knowing when the next level began!   :P

Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: WarBwastardo on November 03, 2010, 00:52:58 AM
I remember this hand, sort of. I was there anyway, think I had just arrived, but I was thinking about biscuits at that time and lost my concentration.  Was I the small blind in this hand?  I think it was me. I think I didn"t get out of line because you"d limped UTG and because I was craving a ginger nut biscuit and a cup of tea.

Think the mistake was not betting the turn as you"re up against the blinds and we could have anything like.  When you"re up against two blind hands against players you don"t know much about, you"re better off protecting your hand no?  I mean it"s difficult to try and eek out value when you don"t know what you"re up against.  Also as you say it"s a polarising"s not often a guy new to a table would decide to bluff in a spot like this the first hand he"s played at a new table.

Plus he probably knew you had played for your country and would be unlikely to have had the huevo"s to try and bluff such an internationally respected poker personality.  Easy fold.  Piece of piss fold actually.  It"s like so easy my Nan could have found a fold here and she"s the most aggressive person I know cause she only eats bacon and whiskey.

Everyone slagged you off when you left as a matter of fact, they said it was the worst call they"d ever seen.  The chap in the six seat actually had to back swallow some sick he was so appalled and one of the valets delivering a can of Redbull and a ham sandwich remarked on how shocking the bald fella played that hand.

Having said all that.....hmmmm bourbon creams
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: AJDUK on November 03, 2010, 01:02:53 AM

Easy fold.  Piece of piss fold actually.  It"s like so easy my Nan could have found a fold here and she"s the most aggressive person I know cause she only eats bacon and whiskey.

Everyone slagged you off when you left as a matter of fact, they said it was the worst call they"d ever seen.  The chap in the six seat actually had to back swallow some sick he was so appalled and one of the valets delivering a can of Redbull and a ham sandwich remarked on how shocking the bald fella played that hand.

Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: technolog on November 03, 2010, 01:05:14 AM


lol - If there"s one thing I hate, it"s p1ss-taking Mexicans!
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: PHIL_TC on November 03, 2010, 01:23:13 AM

I remember this hand, sort of. I was there anyway, think I had just arrived, but I was thinking about biscuits at that time and lost my concentration.  Was I the small blind in this hand?  I think it was me. I think I didn"t get out of line because you"d limped UTG and because I was craving a ginger nut biscuit and a cup of tea.

Think the mistake was not betting the turn as you"re up against the blinds and we could have anything like.  When you"re up against two blind hands against players you don"t know much about, you"re better off protecting your hand no?  I mean it"s difficult to try and eek out value when you don"t know what you"re up against.  Also as you say it"s a polarising"s not often a guy new to a table would decide to bluff in a spot like this the first hand he"s played at a new table.

Plus he probably knew you had played for your country and would be unlikely to have had the huevo"s to try and bluff such an internationally respected poker personality.  Easy fold.  Piece of piss fold actually.  It"s like so easy my Nan could have found a fold here and she"s the most aggressive person I know cause she only eats bacon and whiskey.

Everyone slagged you off when you left as a matter of fact, they said it was the worst call they"d ever seen.  The chap in the six seat actually had to back swallow some sick he was so appalled and one of the valets delivering a can of Redbull and a ham sandwich remarked on how shocking the bald fella played that hand.

Having said all that.....hmmmm bourbon creams

Possibily the funniest post I"ve read on here. Ever. Still giggling :)
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: pokerpops on November 03, 2010, 10:30:22 AM

I remember this hand, sort of. I was there anyway, think I had just arrived, but I was thinking about biscuits at that time and lost my concentration.  Was I the small blind in this hand?  I think it was me. I think I didn"t get out of line because you"d limped UTG and because I was craving a ginger nut biscuit and a cup of tea.

Think the mistake was not betting the turn as you"re up against the blinds and we could have anything like.  When you"re up against two blind hands against players you don"t know much about, you"re better off protecting your hand no?  I mean it"s difficult to try and eek out value when you don"t know what you"re up against.  Also as you say it"s a polarising"s not often a guy new to a table would decide to bluff in a spot like this the first hand he"s played at a new table.

Plus he probably knew you had played for your country and would be unlikely to have had the huevo"s to try and bluff such an internationally respected poker personality.  Easy fold.  Piece of piss fold actually.  It"s like so easy my Nan could have found a fold here and she"s the most aggressive person I know cause she only eats bacon and whiskey.

Everyone slagged you off when you left as a matter of fact, they said it was the worst call they"d ever seen.  The chap in the six seat actually had to back swallow some sick he was so appalled and one of the valets delivering a can of Redbull and a ham sandwich remarked on how shocking the bald fella played that hand.

Having said all that.....hmmmm bourbon creams

Possibily the funniest post I"ve read on here. Ever. Still giggling :)

And underneath all the humour - it"s right too! I"m a big fan of the hero call (I have a massive leak) and would probably have made it here too - and then posted the hand and hoped for some sympathy/advice
Title: Re: Hand from DTD GP
Post by: RubyMurray on November 05, 2010, 01:46:10 AM
I was at  DTD but this post was worth my entrance. Brilliant.