Amateur Poker Association & Tour

Poker Forum => Strategy => Topic started by: pokerpops on November 12, 2010, 13:53:17 PM

Title: Avoiding the blow up
Post by: pokerpops on November 12, 2010, 13:53:17 PM
Played the £50 at DTD on Wednesday night. 71 runners and a 20 minute clock - all those years of Pub Poker coming into use.
All went swimmingly for a while - got above average stack and kept building. Two big pots around level 4 which put me well over average for a while and by the time we get to this hand I"m still in decent shape although my 25000 is only just above the average at the time.
Villain is in BB, playing a stack almost identical to mine, been at table for a few orbits - he shoved AQ over the SBs reraise against an earlier button raise from me. He and the SB obviously know each other well and both reckoned I was rasing light...

600/1220/100 and we"re 8 handed so the pot has 2600 in it
Folded to me on Button and i have  5s  5c

I raise to 3,000
SB folds
BB raises (slowly, oh soooooooo slowly) to 8,000

Easy fold?
Title: Re: Avoiding the blow up
Post by: AMRN on November 12, 2010, 14:11:48 PM
these tourneys become shovefests quite quickly - this seems a decent spot to 4-bet shove while you still have good fold equity.
Title: Re: Avoiding the blow up
Post by: mousebob on November 12, 2010, 22:06:41 PM
The ""slowly"" bit seems like you"re implying a tell ??  ???
I read it as if he"s got a monster pair or is that too obvious ??
Also as from the "AQ" hand earlier if he thinks you"ll 4 bet light he"ll call anyway.
Tricky spot. Fold. Make a fuss. Say you"ve folded AQ, then bet lighter next time & watch them all fold ?!!
Title: Re: Avoiding the blow up
Post by: LongshanksED on November 13, 2010, 13:49:43 PM
As AMRN said mist tourneys of this ilk are shove festa after a certain point

As played I reluctantly fold as we can"t really call to set mine as were too shallow. He could be raising with any 2 but I"d imagine were in a race or dominated if we shove. His re raise could be a bluff to make you think that were the one with fold equity

Personally I"d have just openshoved for the 20bb maybe a little spewy but the pot is 2600. That"s 10% of our stack. If on of the blinds turns up with a hand so be it, but it makes it a tough decision with a crappy ace or KQ type hand!
Title: Re: Avoiding the blow up
Post by: George2Loose on November 13, 2010, 23:09:17 PM
I do a fold.
Title: Re: Avoiding the blow up
Post by: kinboshi on November 15, 2010, 09:47:01 AM
What was your plan when you raised?  Obviously you were happy if they all folded, but what had to planned to do in the event of a re-raise?
Title: Re: Avoiding the blow up
Post by: pokerpops on November 15, 2010, 10:03:03 AM

What was your plan when you raised?  Obviously you were happy if they all folded, but what had to planned to do in the event of a re-raise?

I"d planned to fold ........... but made the mistake of then thinking about it for a while, decided he had something akin to AQ and revised the plan, I"m happy to get it in here against two over cards and I think he may fold those to the shove anyway

He debated for a while and then decided that  qd qh was too big to fold  :"(

I should have stuck to the plan!

Would anybody seriously have open-shoved this?
Title: Re: Avoiding the blow up
Post by: deanp27 on November 15, 2010, 13:04:21 PM
his sizing indicates a massive hand, do a fold.

you could open shove but i think you have slightly too much to do this in a live game. Not many people are restealing light in these comps imo.

oh and lol at him nitrolling you
Title: Re: Avoiding the blow up
Post by: pokerpops on November 15, 2010, 13:23:23 PM

his sizing indicates a massive hand, do a fold.

you could open shove but i think you have slightly too much to do this in a live game. Not many people are restealing light in these comps imo.

oh and lol at him nitrolling you

As soon as he started the monologue about what I might have and said ".... only two hands I"m behind to" I knew I was pretty much praying for a 5

I should have stuck to the plan
Title: Re: Avoiding the blow up
Post by: George2Loose on November 16, 2010, 08:37:35 AM

his sizing indicates a massive hand, do a fold.

you could open shove but i think you have slightly too much to do this in a live game. Not many people are restealing light in these comps imo.

oh and lol at him nitrolling you

As soon as he started the monologue about what I might have and said ".... only two hands I"m behind to" I knew I was pretty much praying for a 5

I should have stuck to the plan

The fact that he is planning to 3 bet fold queens says it all. He obv is abso huge when he 3 bets with this sizing