Amateur Poker Association & Tour
Archive Boards => Archive => General Live Poker Discussion => Topic started by: Chipaccrual on March 13, 2011, 17:26:33 PM
George Bedi is currently 3rd in chips in the UKIPT in Manchester. 23 players left.
pic courtesy of pokerstars blog
Chipcount for UKIPT Manchester
UKIPT Manchester: Day 2 has ended
Level 20: Blinds 6,000-12,000, ante 1,000
Players: 615, 23 remaining
Player Country Status Chip Count
JP Kelly United Kingdom PokerStars Team Pro 800000
Robert Angood United Kingdom 700000
Rupinder Bedi United Kingdom 650000
Michael Birt United Kingdom PokerStars player 640000
Michael Fletcher United Kingdom 590000
Mateusz Zbikowski Poland 440000
Owen Shiels Ireland 418000
Kevin Williams United Kingdom 405000
Peter Barrable Ireland 400000
Neil Rawnsley United Kingdom 383500
Paul Nash United Kingdom PokerStars qualifier 350000
Dennis Troake United Kingdom 347000
Bryan Slater United Kingdom 330000
Nick Ramsey United Kingdom PokerStars qualifier 280000
Jonathan Spinks United Kingdom 280000
Matthew Mcderra United Kingdom PokerStars qualifier 266000
Bo Cong Le Vietnam 253000
Kirsty Taylor United Kingdom 223000
Neil Hackman United Kingdom 218000
Mateusz Warowiec Poland PokerStars qualifier 200000
Gary Brewer United Kingdom PokerStars qualifier 200000
Richard Haile United Kingdom PokerStars Player 185000
Samad Razavi United Kingdom 180000
John O"hanlon United Kingdom 111000
Mark Wilson United Kingdom 110000
Om Prakash Aggarwal United Kingdom PokerStars qualifier 78000
Paul Murphy United Kingdom 57000
1st. £74,000
2nd. £43,500
3rd. £27,600
4th. £20,300
5th. £16,000
6th. £12,600
7th. £9,500
8th. £7,200
9th. £5,125
10th. - 11th. £3,750
12th. - 13th. £3,000
14th. - 15th. £2,450
16th. - 21st. £1,950
22nd. - 27th. £1,225
Go on George!!
Jon Spinks has played APATs too but is no longer eligible I believe.
Go George! Go Jon!
nice one George.
Good luck George
Good Luck George
One time!
Good luck mate.
9/22 on 520k
Blinds are 8k/16k/2k
16 left, but his chipstack is going the wrong way. Down to 350,000
Good luck George.
OUT in 15th for £2,450
His pocket jacks AIPF against pocket 3"s. A 3 on the flop.
Then lost with AQ v TT. Chips went in on a flop of T 3 J.
wp George, vul with the Jacks hand.
Well played George
thx as always guys- both hands pretty much played themselves. If jacks hold I have 800k- ave for final is around 1.1m so would have been on my way. Should be on tv tho so not all bad!
Still another nice score George....another biggie can"t be far away.
nice one George
Well played lad
wp george and dan owston for cashing