One question Leigh, I can"t make Cardiff, if I win a seat can it be transferred to another event?
regged for all of week 1 get in
i for one would have played if there were 5 different types of poker but not as they are all nearly NLHE does not test the overall skills of the players. will wait till you decide to include stud, draw, lowball, razz, badugi.......
Just LOL wtf get real kiddo
i for one would have played if there were 5 different types of poker but not as they are all nearly NLHE does not test the overall skills of the players. will wait till you decide to include stud, draw, lowball, razz, badugi.......
Super Swinebag to the rescue!
And now i know what he looks like i can buy him the pint i owe him in Newcastle. So long as he"s wearing the outfit. ;)
Super Swinebag to the rescue!
And now i know what he looks like i can buy him the pint i owe him in Newcastle. So long as he"s wearing the outfit. ;)
It will have to wait untill Nottingham - I wont be wearing the suit but will be wearing thick rimmed spectacles
Reg"d for tonight, but wont be able to play many TBH. Weren"t you doing some sort of free draw for this Leigh?
It was indeed, and i won. Yay me!
Unfortunately it"s not looking good for this week. :(
Just noticed they all kick off at 7 o clock and with a busy week at work it"s not looking like i"m going to be home for most of them. Not a happy bunny.
Apologies to anyone looking forward to the Heads Up,
Apologies to anyone looking forward to the Heads Up,
I was looking forward to that most of all. Will it reappear in later weeks or is it dead and buried ?
It was indeed, and i won. Yay me!
Unfortunately it"s not looking good for this week. :(
Just noticed they all kick off at 7 o clock and with a busy week at work it"s not looking like i"m going to be home for most of them. Not a happy bunny.
60 Minute late reg on all tourneys.
Next excuse ?
It was indeed, and i won. Yay me!
Unfortunately it"s not looking good for this week. :(
Just noticed they all kick off at 7 o clock and with a busy week at work it"s not looking like i"m going to be home for most of them. Not a happy bunny.
60 Minute late reg on all tourneys.
Next excuse ?
Well, as i don"t normally get home until 6.30-7.30 working late will mean later than that therefore it"s going to be a struggle this week to play more than 1 or 2 and they"d be late reg so not worth it. Rather play the full week next week and be in with a shout in the league. May manage tonights game.
It was indeed, and i won. Yay me!
Unfortunately it"s not looking good for this week. :(
Just noticed they all kick off at 7 o clock and with a busy week at work it"s not looking like i"m going to be home for most of them. Not a happy bunny.
60 Minute late reg on all tourneys.
Next excuse ?
Well, as i don"t normally get home until 6.30-7.30 working late will mean later than that therefore it"s going to be a struggle this week to play more than 1 or 2 and they"d be late reg so not worth it. Rather play the full week next week and be in with a shout in the league. May manage tonights game.
I"m only kidding Andy. Appreciate your support.
Don"t agree with the late reg at all but nevermind.... Just finished 5th... Very happy to make the final table.
110th? ? ? ? :P x
Nothing to see here.
Move along. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I"m not a fan of late regging either to be honest. I know it"s a bit of fun and I understand the requirement to get the numbers up...
... but if you late regged at the last minute you bagged a minimum of 50 points - almost half the points on offer. I imagine that if an unscrupulous so-and-so did that every night they could do quite well. ::)
as its an option to everyone, surely those who thinks its an unfair advantage could late-reg themselves???
There is nothing unscrupulous about it.
There is nothing unscrupulous about it.
I"m sorry if that sounded like an accusation John, it was merely a hypothesis. I"m not having a go at yourself or anyone else. I just prefer to know the size of the field when a tourney begins.
If not having a late finish is a consideration, then it seems counterproductive to encourage the number of runners to swell by 30 or 40% (or possibly more), during the first hour. I"m just having a moan because I played crap last night, I feel rough and the Day Nurse tabs haven"t kicked in yet.. ;)
I finished 110th out of 111 runners. Hope that makes you feel better. ;D ;D ;D
Appreciate all the feedback guys. Means we can always look to improve as we go.
I finished 110th out of 111 runners. Hope that makes you feel better. ;D ;D ;D
Appreciate all the feedback guys. Means we can always look to improve as we go.
Ok, how about we allow Leigh to have multiple entries (a bit like the Full Tilt tourneys). That way we swell the pot without adding any extra talent to the player pool.
Just a thought. ;)
There is nothing unscrupulous about it.
I"m sorry if that sounded like an accusation John, it was merely a hypothesis. I"m not having a go at yourself or anyone else. I just prefer to know the size of the field when a tourney begins.
If not having a late finish is a consideration, then it seems counterproductive to encourage the number of runners to swell by 30 or 40% (or possibly more), during the first hour. I"m just having a moan because I played crap last night, I feel rough and the Day Nurse tabs haven"t kicked in yet.. ;)
I finished 110th out of 111 runners. Hope that makes you feel better. ;D ;D ;D
Appreciate all the feedback guys. Means we can always look to improve as we go.
silly game ::)
Don"t agree with the late reg at all but nevermind.... Just finished 5th... Very happy to make the final table.
Got home after Rugby training last night and wanted to late reg for the Newcastle qualifier, but couldn"t, booo :(
Got home after Rugby training last night and wanted to late reg for the Newcastle qualifier, but couldn"t, booo :(
There is late reg on those, but I think it"s only 30 mins.
Got home after Rugby training last night and wanted to late reg for the Newcastle qualifier, but couldn"t, booo :(
There is late reg on those, but I think it"s only 30 mins.
Is there any way you can make sure that the lobby info contains the details about Late Reg and Re-Buy periods?
Can you at least confirm how long the Late Reg and Re-Buy periods are for tonight"s sat.
Thankyou muchly.
No decision made. Looks like a mistake in setup, currently onto 888 to see if they are able to reopen it now.
We advertised it as late reg, and it should be 60 minutes late reg.
lol guess you can"t win Leigh - yesterday I was reading posts from people moaning about having a late reg option - now it"s flipped round.
No decision made. Looks like a mistake in setup, currently onto 888 to see if they are able to reopen it now.
We advertised it as late reg, and it should be 60 minutes late reg.
lol guess you can"t win Leigh - yesterday I was reading posts from people moaning about having a late reg option - now it"s flipped round.
To be fair steve we"re not maoning that it"s flipped round we are moaning that things are "not as advertised"
No decision made. Looks like a mistake in setup, currently onto 888 to see if they are able to reopen it now.
We advertised it as late reg, and it should be 60 minutes late reg.
Thought that may be the case Leigh... standing by...
lol guess you can"t win Leigh - yesterday I was reading posts from people moaning about having a late reg option - now it"s flipped round.
To be fair steve we"re not maoning that it"s flipped round we are moaning that things are "not as advertised"
No decision made. Looks like a mistake in setup, currently onto 888 to see if they are able to reopen it now.
We advertised it as late reg, and it should be 60 minutes late reg.
Thought that may be the case Leigh... standing by...
Just ignore him, he"s in an argumentative mood.
just got in opened lappy up no late reg guttrd i was joint top :(
Will have to get the go ahead from 888 to possibly offer an extra package of goodies aswell to the first person to log on after 7pm and point the error out
Im thinking this late reg lark will open a can of worms at some stage lol
Im thinking this late reg lark will open a can of worms at some stage lol
I don"t see why, it"s standard practice through most of the industry, both live and online.
Bearing in mind the problem last night will late reg be ok tonight?Cheers.
Just realised tonight tourny is heads up. take it that it is impossible to have late reg for this.
Scouse is officially off my Christmas card list ;D
Up to 52nd i see Leigh. Time to sprint yet? ;)
Up to 52nd i see Leigh. Time to sprint yet? ;)
You know I can"t go full throttle and win one of these Andy. 52nd / 145 is respectable enough, without giving the conspiracy theorists an opportunity to question the integrity of either myself or the 888poker software.
A small cash last night, in what was clearly the most skillful game of the week so far, gives people a glimpse at reality, but lets be honest, how many poker players actually want to live in that real world ?
If players knew I was bringing my "A" game to these events, numbers will drop, as everyone else is playing for 2nd place. You only have to look at that "SUPER" team in the online league to see how much of an impact that has had on numbers. ;)
Up to 52nd i see Leigh. Time to sprint yet? ;)
You know I can"t go full throttle and win one of these Andy. 52nd / 145 is respectable enough, without giving the conspiracy theorists an opportunity to question the integrity of either myself or the 888poker software.
A small cash last night, in what was clearly the most skillful game of the week so far, gives people a glimpse at reality, but lets be honest, how many poker players actually want to live in that real world ?
If players knew I was bringing my "A" game to these events, numbers will drop, as everyone else is playing for 2nd place. You only have to look at that "SUPER" team in the online league to see how much of an impact that has had on numbers. ;)
Up to 52nd i see Leigh. Time to sprint yet? ;)
You know I can"t go full throttle and win one of these Andy. 52nd / 145 is respectable enough, without giving the conspiracy theorists an opportunity to question the integrity of either myself or the 888poker software.
A small cash last night, in what was clearly the most skillful game of the week so far, gives people a glimpse at reality, but lets be honest, how many poker players actually want to live in that real world ?
If players knew I was bringing my "A" game to these events, numbers will drop, as everyone else is playing for 2nd place. You only have to look at that "SUPER" team in the online league to see how much of an impact that has had on numbers. ;)
52nd is slightly are last of all the players who have played all 4 games ;) ;) ;)
Is there late reg tonight ??? debs has broken down in her car ??
Is there late reg tonight ??? debs has broken down in her car ??
Is there late reg tonight ??? debs has broken down in her car ??
Yeah, should be 60 minutes. Which it has been for all the others, apart from the PLO problems, so she"s got a bit of time.
Any prize for highest two game points scorer!! ;)
Up to 52nd i see Leigh. Time to sprint yet? ;)
You know I can"t go full throttle and win one of these Andy. 52nd / 145 is respectable enough, without giving the conspiracy theorists an opportunity to question the integrity of either myself or the 888poker software.
A small cash last night, in what was clearly the most skillful game of the week so far, gives people a glimpse at reality, but lets be honest, how many poker players actually want to live in that real world ?
If players knew I was bringing my "A" game to these events, numbers will drop, as everyone else is playing for 2nd place. You only have to look at that "SUPER" team in the online league to see how much of an impact that has had on numbers. ;)
52nd is slightly are last of all the players who have played all 4 games ;) ;) ;)
Any prize for highest two game points scorer!! ;)
Errr... which would be Suzy ! ;D
And she thoroughly deserves a prize! :D
This is a really good series!! Will be a shame to see it go. Would be great to see it on a semi-regular basis!!!
Is the software not able to run O8 or Stud MTTs? Both are available as cash games.
You"d better watch out, I"m coming to play on Chipaccrual"s dollar this week and am planning to take it down (read: donate)
Anyone else ever have this problem on 888, when playing and either making notes, chatting in the chat box etc, you are about to push enter and at the same time it becomes you turn to act, you have suddenly min has happenend to me everytime i play. Anyone know how to stop it please, becoming very annoying and costing me chips
Feedback on 3k starting stacks for PLO ?
We had 55 runners, started at 7pm, finished at 11:15pm.
Feedback on 3k starting stacks for PLO ?
We had 55 runners, started at 7pm, finished at 11:15pm.
Feedback on 3k starting stacks for PLO ?
We had 55 runners, started at 7pm, finished at 11:15pm.
Feedback on 3k starting stacks for PLO ?
We had 55 runners, started at 7pm, finished at 11:15pm.
It was a quite tight game but its hardly surprising - did you see the amount of scots on the final table???!!!
I liked it too.
Was it just me or was that the tightest game of Omaha ever played?
It was a quite tight game but its hardly surprising - did you see the amount of scots on the final table???!!!
It was a quite tight game but its hardly surprising - did you see the amount of scots on the final table???!!!
It was a purty sight all that blue n white hehe
Nice to see a stout-hearted Englishman prevail though.
Nice to see a naked Englishman prevail though.
Again, feedback on format and starting stacks would be great.
Started with 4k at 7pm
51 Runners, and finished at 9:15pm
Again, feedback on format and starting stacks would be great.
Started with 4k at 7pm
51 Runners, and finished at 9:15pm
Again, feedback on format and starting stacks would be great.
Started with 4k at 7pm
51 Runners, and finished at 9:15pm
Again, feedback on format and starting stacks would be great.
Started with 4k at 7pm
51 Runners, and finished at 9:15pm
Again, feedback on format and starting stacks would be great.
Started with 4k at 7pm
51 Runners, and finished at 9:15pm
Only thing i think should be changed is the points system , understand more points on runners etc but can it be say top 10% gets points or even points same as cash? If you cant make one night you cant really win . First week i made 3 out of 4 final tables i played and come no where near top.
And on a different note can the league late registration be an hour too not half an hour ?
I agree Iv had a good 2 weeks playing these tournanments im gutted to be going back to work next week and will miss most of the rest of them. At least I managed to win this week (Bit of a brag). Just wondering which sunday challenge I will be put into? will it be my choice? And when will i recieve my 888 goodies? Looking forwrd to the aqua mouse!
Did the entry draw for this weeks bunch of fives take place?cant see any mention of it.
You owe Ger a beer ;)
You owe Ger a beer ;)
Result 8)
Apat seems to have gone from 888 tournament lobby headings.Had to find tonights bunch of fives under leagues?our prehaps ive just finally cracked.
Oh and thanks Leigh and 888 for a great set of tourneys and free entries, much appreciated.
Leigh I don"t know what anyone else thinks but I really wish this was password protected. We are getting more and more non-apaters in this and it"s changing the whole league as a result of it. One off games are a totally different thing but when you are playing 5 nights to try and actually win it then it"s pretty annoying.
I"m getting more and more fed up with it. I don"t think this encourages people to join apat as most of the extras that join just see it in the tourney list and play.
What does everyone else think?
Same here, not that i don"t like a bit of competition but tonight a guy from spain ???? called my all in with Q 3 ( off suite ) ffs and as you guessed he hit a Q
With apat you expect reasonable play ( well most of the time ) lol
As said leigh, if something isn"t done I won"t be playing many more of these , Just a donk fest
APAT isn"t some sort of members only club and has always encouraged openness to all.
As for poor players - surely that"s what we all want isn"t it?
APAT isn"t some sort of members only club and has always encouraged openness to all.
As for poor players - surely that"s what we all want isn"t it?
I would normally agree with you but in that case why do we password protect the Sunday league games? Why is this any different? We are spending 5 nights and almost $30 to play in a weekly league.
As I said previously I think it"s totally different for a one off type game but this is totally different.
APAT isn"t some sort of members only club and has always encouraged openness to all.
As for poor players - surely that"s what we all want isn"t it?
I would normally agree with you but in that case why do we password protect the Sunday league games? Why is this any different? We are spending 5 nights and almost $30 to play in a weekly league.
As I said previously I think it"s totally different for a one off type game but this is totally different.
The league games are different in that the players each have to sign up to a club first.
Sorry stu but totally disagree, as it says in the title APAT bunch of fives, if anyone wants to play in these great, just join apat and get the password, won"t complain then if I get donked out but as it stands you are getting anyone playing and well?? its a crap shoot sometimes
story of the weekend continues - all in ahead in a race - come out the end losing - gg tho enjoyed it
story of the weekend continues - all in ahead in a race - come out the end losing - gg tho enjoyed it
sorry ger... Lucked out on ya.... :-)
story of the weekend continues - all in ahead in a race - come out the end losing - gg tho enjoyed it
sorry ger... Lucked out on ya.... :-)
np Llyr - cuurently smashing the 1c 2c PLO -- LOL
I think adding a password would be counter-intuitive to the idea of these tournaments - Bring new players to APAT via the link to the site in the lobby and provide cheap tourneys for regulars to enjoy with added value.
I have no problem with having lots of new players involved but can understand why some do. I would say that these tournaments are far from crapshoots, stacks are always deep enough to play. I know what you mean that some of the non-regulars will go a bit crazy, fair share of those in all tournaments.
I would personally leave it as is.
rogue players upsetting the dynamics of a league
rogue players upsetting the dynamics of a league
Damn ::)
surely if someone with an 888 account enters an APAT event, they become a member of APAT and are welcome to donate.
They may not be active members of the forum (otherwise that Young Ben should be banned ;D ;D) but they are part of our poker community
I think this league has been created to show 888 that APAT is worth sponsoring and its members are willing to support the site. If we are raking a fair bit for them then they will continue to offer the good value that is currently on offer.
rogue players upsetting the dynamics of a league that is essentially a bit of fun should really be low on a list of concerns
I think you should be pleased to have the additional players in these Debbie. They are no different really to players like me who play the odd one if I"m around but am unlikely to play enough times in one week to qualify for anything. They (we) are helping to keep your added value going. Also they help to swell the numbers towards the end of the week when people who are just playing for points and who got a poor start are likely to drop out. Games consisting of the small number who play every night might not encourage the site to continue with this.
My understanding is that if you play ANY APAT event then you become a member of APAT. So these players you are complaining about are actually APAT members.
OK so you are saying that because they are on 888 they are a member of APAT , in that case as we are on 888 also we should be able to play any of the tourneys on there that are password protected, AHHH don"t think so, We can"t play any of these so why?? should they be able to play apat tourneys
My understanding is that if you play ANY APAT event then you become a member of APAT. So these players you are complaining about are actually APAT members.
I recognise the need for growth, but are we that desperate for members that we"ll consciously include people who don"t know who we are and what we stand for ?
APAT (or 888) isn"t "consciously including" these "randoms""s just that they aren"t consciously EXCLUDING them...which is a whole other thing.
APAT (or 888) isn"t "consciously including" these "randoms""s just that they aren"t consciously EXCLUDING them...which is a whole other thing.
I accept that... but why call it an APAT tournament when quite clearly it isn"t ?
APAT (or 888) isn"t "consciously including" these "randoms""s just that they aren"t consciously EXCLUDING them...which is a whole other thing.
I accept that... but why call it an APAT tournament when quite clearly it isn"t ?
I think maybe we"ll just have to agree to disagree.
I cannot see the problem myself, if non APATers play this, surely they cannot be listed in the weekly tables, therefore, the points a non APATer would earn would not be counted, and the points they get would go to the next APATer.
I am not sure if I have explained this eloquently enough.
I cannot see the problem myself, if non APATers play this, surely they cannot be listed in the weekly tables, therefore, the points a non APATer would earn would not be counted, and the points they get would go to the next APATer.
I am not sure if I have explained this eloquently enough.
I"m with Nellie on this.. Nothing against having non-apaters playing these tournaments.
Although Leigh might have something to say if he"s constantly having to look to see who"s signed up and who"s not. All for the sake of a couple of points here and there.
I"m not going to comment further ;D
I had no intentions of starting a big argument about this. I was merely posting my opinion and asking what others thought. Thanks everyone for your input. I"m not going to comment further ;D
I had no intentions of starting a big argument about this. I was merely posting my opinion and asking what others thought. Thanks everyone for your input. I"m not going to comment further ;D
Okay Moose. :D
I had no intentions of starting a big argument about this. I was merely posting my opinion and asking what others thought. Thanks everyone for your input. I"m not going to comment further ;D
My problem with the league system as it is the fact that these 888 players with no knowledge of have no idea what they are playing
I cannot see the problem myself, if non APATers play this, surely they cannot be listed in the weekly tables, therefore, the points a non APATer would earn would not be counted, and the points they get would go to the next APATer.
I am not sure if I have explained this eloquently enough.
I"m with Nellie on this.. Nothing against having non-apaters playing these tournaments.
Although Leigh might have something to say if he"s constantly having to look to see who"s signed up and who"s not. All for the sake of a couple of points here and there.
Leaving aside the issue of whether some is a "real" APATer or do you know if someone is serious or not?
Let"s say I"m in, oh, the Czech Republic and I fancy a shot at the Bo5 games...I win the first but because I"m not a known APATer you"re going to take my points away and give them to the second placer...say what now?
How do you know I wasn"t trying to win my way into the Sunday challenge or perhaps a live APAT event?
If they were serious and were trying for the Sunday Challenger or a live APAT event, surely they would look at the site and join APAT
I don"t think they should get the points if they are not an APAT member.
who are these "non-APAT"ers"?
and at what point did you become an APAT"er?
who are these "non-APAT"ers"?
and at what point did you become an APAT"er?
Ok to be specefic someone who is a Member or APAT ok (I wish I had not commented on this subject now)!!!!!!
who are these "non-APAT"ers"?
and at what point did you become an APAT"er?
Ok to be specefic someone who is a Member or APAT ok (I wish I had not commented on this subject now)!!!!!!
ok - so what makes someone a member of APAT?
Not exactly sure what makes you an apat member but you are a platinum one
My problem with the league system as it is the fact that these 888 players with no knowledge of have no idea what they are playing
Again, I do you know they have no knowledge?
I am a platinum forum member.
Anyone who plays an APAT event is an APAT member as well as anyone with an 888poker account.
I am a platinum forum member.
Anyone who plays an APAT event is an APAT member as well as anyone with an 888poker account.
i think they should just stop using the term APAT member and start calling people poker players, now i know this might exclude some APAT members but thats just how it is ;)
in for tonight but running a tad late , so start stealing my chips lol
I am a platinum forum member.
Anyone who plays an APAT event is an APAT member as well as anyone with an 888poker account.
i think they should just stop using the term APAT member and start calling people poker players, now i know this might exclude some APAT members but thats just how it is ;)
Kettle and fecking pot come to mind ;D
in for tonight but running a tad late , so start stealing my chips lol
3 handed tables Gerry, so if you happen to only have 2 players on the table, your chips won"t be around for long.
Late reg for 60 mins if that helps.
Can"t believe they keep clashing with stuff, was going to Cardiff but it clashes with the Champions league Final which I have been fortunate enough to get a Freebie courtesy of Sony, so at this rate it"s gonna be Christmas!
Can"t believe they keep clashing with stuff, was going to Cardiff but it clashes with the Champions league Final which I have been fortunate enough to get a Freebie courtesy of Sony, so at this rate it"s gonna be Christmas!
you"re putting a stupid football game over an apat weekend. Are you mad!!!!
Can"t believe they keep clashing with stuff, was going to Cardiff but it clashes with the Champions league Final which I have been fortunate enough to get a Freebie courtesy of Sony, so at this rate it"s gonna be Christmas!
you"re putting a stupid football game over an apat weekend. Are you mad!!!!
Mikey....her Mooseness has spoken, get it sorted :D :D :D
Can"t believe they keep clashing with stuff, was going to Cardiff but it clashes with the Champions league Final which I have been fortunate enough to get a Freebie courtesy of Sony, so at this rate it"s gonna be Christmas!
you"re putting a stupid football game over an apat weekend. Are you mad!!!!
Mikey....her Mooseness has spoken, get it sorted :D :D :D
excuse me, Mr Curlywurly Baker, don"t you start. I have enough trouble with MTM ;D
What has happened to the APAT tab?
If monteroots tries to join APAT I would suggest you look over the tournament chat, telling everyone they were gay and informing amator 18 he was a Gay Polak
not good
just my opinion, Don had a different one but basically the same
If monteroots tries to join APAT I would suggest you look over the tournament chat, telling everyone they were gay and informing amator 18 he was a Gay Polak
not good
just my opinion, Don had a different one but basically the same
lol he took me out on the river
Last nights Omaha was great fun, with a veritable APAT who"s who FT! With Dan Owston and Mat McKinley, we were only missing Scouse for officially the loudest FT ever! Wayne was hiding behind his sofa for most of the FT! Any way can I claim a bronze (Tony Trippier equalling) medal ? ;)
888poker alias | Name |
wolfey75 | Lee Wolfe |
daveyb147 | Dave Butler |
PaulETWE | Paul Roper |
technolog_ | Jack Prime |
hollaboo | Mark Holliday |
cormach1 | Frank Bailie |
CRACYHORSE77 | Gianluca Ragusi |
Quasar9 | Debbie Kimm |
gizagu | Mark Barsley |
fandango32 | Carl Pilgrim |
And here"s what they will be playing for........................ Grand Final Freeroll Added Value Seats 1st - Entry into 888poker APAT Welsh Amateur Poker Championship - Cardiff, 28th/29th May ($122) 2nd - Entry into 888poker $50,000 Sunday Challenge ($80) 3rd - Entry into 888poker APAT Welsh Online Championship, 21st May ($55) 4th - Entry into 888poker APAT Welsh Online Side Event, 21st May ($22) 5th - Entry into 888poker APAT Welsh Online Side Event, 21st May ($22) APAT's Bunch Of Fives, Grand Final Freeroll will be on Monday 9th May at 8pm. 3,000 starting stacks, 15 minute levels, 1 table. 10 players will take their seats, only 5 will leave with added value seats. It"s gonna be epic. |
just enquiring been to lobby for the freeroll,
to reg requires password,when will this be available and were.
ty for quick reply
just enquiring been to lobby for the freeroll,
to reg requires password,when will this be available and were.
888 will enter the ten players manually.
I emailed it across to them last night.
Well played all and good luck may the best man/woman win. Special gl to Jack,Carl & Debs
Well played all and good luck may the best man/woman win. Special gl to Jack,Carl & Debs
My apologies to XrayEye..
I was watching something on the TV and the kids were messing about and I noticed that I was on about 2 seconds....
Without looking properly I pushed a button quickly, should of been F5 to fold but pressed F6 by mistake to call the All-in.
Had tc 6c and you guessed it... Hit the Flush and knocked out XrayEye... Sorry for winning that hand by mistake....
My apologies to XrayEye..
I was watching something on the TV and the kids were messing about and I noticed that I was on about 2 seconds....
Without looking properly I pushed a button quickly, should of been F5 to fold but pressed F6 by mistake to call the All-in.
Had tc 6c and you guessed it... Hit the Flush and knocked out XrayEye... Sorry for winning that hand by mistake....
Bad result for fandango - usually comes 3rd ;D
enjoyed the apat bunch of fives final freeroll,and the league the week before.
welldone to all members making it to the final.
especialy those making the prizes,
look forward to any other leagues coming up,
unlucky to daveyb when i spawned a 7 to kill is kk
ps i was lucky 2 win
All winner should now have been entered into the relevant tournaments.
Any problems, let me know.
Good Luck