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Poker Forum => Strategy => Topic started by: bhoywonder70 on November 10, 2011, 16:48:53 PM
On the button....with 4d 8d.....table is 6 handed....loads of limping...we have around £100..started with £60..2 limpers...I limp... sb(very capable) raises to £2.50....fold to me. ...I call for the flop...which is. 5s 6c leads out for £6....I call..thinking floating and try n take it away on the turn or river if he shows weakness...turn is 7d...... Wow...oppo leads out for a pot size bet..£20....he started with around £100 also......what do you do?.......
I"d do a little dance and probably call
Need more info that "very capable" to really answer properly. IP, call is probs gng to be the best option most of the time.
Need more info that "very capable" to really answer properly. IP, call is probs gng to be the best option most of the time.
Was thinking that....aggressive...defends...a winner....can fold...not a lag....but not abc image is tag
Assuming a tight range in sb and AQ min when he pot+ the turn ( which btw doesn"t fit well with "very capable" )
You could flat and hope for a non action killing river card, but he can bluff catch check a lot on the river and its tough to get stacks in.
Any raise is super strong so I prefer jamming which can be construed as trying to maximise FE and looks a little weaker. Probably close enough to make not much difference but I prefer a jam.
Seems a definite jam for me in a live cash game - too many action killers to come on the river for me
Well it"s a fold pre 100%.
£40 in middle/£60 if you call, another diamond would kill the pot and you already have the goods so I"m jamming to make it look like I only have the flush draw. Hopefully he has hit that flop and still thinks he"s ahead
Cheers guys......
Thought I,d gave it away when I said he was capable....I shipped for all those reasons stated....his hand seem defined as v strong or weak...he snapped.......n shows me.. 8c 9c.......spewww......obv I bricked.....rebought n got most of it back...I thought his play was adventurous to say the complaints.....I guess I get that for messing around with ****tttty hands.....
..I thought his play was adventurous to say the least...
says he who limp/calls pre with 84, then calls a pot bet on flop with a gutshot :D
..I thought his play was adventurous to say the least...
says he who limp/calls pre with 84, then calls a pot bet on flop with a gutshot :D
I thought this quote was illuminating. ".I call..thinking floating and try n take it away on the turn or river if he shows weakness"
When people say "float" what they really mean is "I don"t have a fold button".
Though don"t take it the wrong way bhoywonder70, we all live and learn:)
..I thought his play was adventurous to say the least...
says he who limp/calls pre with 84, then calls a pot bet on flop with a gutshot :D
his play was pretty standard IMO. surely being aggressive in a huge limp and peel fest is the best way to play.
Limp, peel, float, flat, jam, FE - ???
oh well roll on Vegas, cos even if I don"t understand at least I will have some craic
Limp, peel, float, flat, jam, FE - ???
oh well roll on Vegas, cos even if I don"t understand at least I will have some craic
just lol, that"s all :D
his play was pretty standard IMO. surely being aggressive in a huge limp and peel fest is the best way to play.
Wouldn"t agree Rob. Maybe if he was on the button and likely to have position but in the SB with an implied odds type hand that plays well multiway?
I am bad at cash games but i know that over limping OTB is really bad with your hand, you should be iso rasing or folding with this kind of hand, doesnt really play well after flop, so just folding is best. For him to raise oop is also bad with 98s because it plays so good multiway and all hes doing is bloating the pot.
Anyway, as played i dont think the float is too bad, but you did say hes a capable player. Well in cash games capable players fire and fire on dry boards like that, esp after he raise pre, so maybe just calling with Gs and back door FD isnt great. On turn nothing u can do, you mistake preflop cost you some Skrilla.
I am bad at cash games but i know that over limping OTB is really bad with your hand, you should be iso rasing or folding with this kind of hand, doesnt really play well after flop, so just folding is best. For him to raise oop is also bad with 98s because it plays so good multiway and all hes doing is bloating the pot.
Anyway, as played i dont think the float is too bad, but you did say hes a capable player. Well in cash games capable players fire and fire on dry boards like that, esp after he raise pre, so maybe just calling with Gs and back door FD isnt great. On turn nothing u can do, you mistake preflop cost you some Skrilla.
Bloating the pot I kinda got - my head hurts ;D
Liking the criticism...good and ger...kidz innit
raise £3 pre or fold although isolating with 8 high isnt the greatest play :) but if table plays nitty/passive its fine..... Calling on this flop to take away on the turn is hard on this board /if hes capable/if you have the sort of image i think you have
I would like to be in a lot of pots with your "capable" oppo lol
..I thought his play was adventurous to say the least...
says he who limp/calls pre with 84, then calls a pot bet on flop with a gutshot :D
his play was pretty standard IMO. surely being aggressive in a huge limp and peel fest is the best way to play.
Your spot on Rob imho, strange how the thread views it...
Meh it plays well multi-way etc etc and calling may well be +EV in some of these situations BUT there are many players who for one reason or another don"t even consider the +EV situation a raise would set up for them and how much greater that EV would be than that of calling... [especially so versus limpers with wide ranges, likewise 3betting say 98s versus a wide ranged button or CO raiser is perfectly fine]
Whether Mr 98s realised it or not :) by raising those pesky limpers he does gain momentum, he can over-rep his hand and force them/bhoywonder etc to make a hand, and his raise/re-raise range obviously increases in the eyes of the more observant, Mr 98s becomes tougher to play against, by doing what he does his opponents if they call will face decreasing implied odds, afterall they are calling to try to crack his big hand :),,, also by mixing it up will increase his action on his big hands... Does it look +EV calling pre oop versus wide ranged limpers? or does raising look more +EV [in the long run] ??
Mr 98s might find his variance shoots up, but the number of bigger +EV situations he will be involved in does too ;)