Hi all, its a clear race between the Scots and Wales now but we do have a chance of winning the individual title with John Hubbard now in tenth position with Barry Macdonald not too far behind. Go for it guys!
Here is the league table after week 10
Pos Region Points
1 Scotland 37
2 Wales 35
3 West Midlands 18
4 North East 13
5 South East 12
6 North West 11
7 East of England 5
- Yorkshire and Humber 5
9 East Midlands 4
- London 4
- South West 4
12 Europe 1
- Ireland 1
Name PokerStars ID Region Points
Stephen Morris goddelusion Wales 62
Rhys Langley Rhyslang 88 Wales 53
Ricky Jones bubbba82 Wales 46
Paul Foy foyie West Midlands 44
Lee Mardon leepmar82 South East 42
Tom Clark LombBomb Scotland 40
Johnny Barr Jaybles91 Scotland 34
John Patten Kloobes South West 32
Phil Colls Spirey North West 32
John Hubbard hubbard02 East Midlands 32
Gillian Collins Fraurabid Scotland 32
Peter Newton stumpyn North East 31
Paul Taylor Claret1 North West 30
Steve Roderick 33teetwo33 Wales 30
James Gregory noblelocks East of England 29
Gina plstarshine Europe 28
Naz Wrigley hongkongpoo Scotland 27
Barry McDonald vw28uk East Midlands 25
Louis Manson Honeybadg Scotland 25
Grant Speirs SantinoAPAT Scotland 25
Matthew Dent mattyd86 East of England 25