I would like to thank Apat, Des, Leigh,& Matt for asking me to captain the Ireland Team for season seven. What an honour it is to captain the Ireland team in three Apat international events. This will be my second year as captain and didn"t think twice about accepting the challenge for this year. Last season will be a hard act to follow after we won The European Team Championship at DTD but I know we have plenty of great Irish players north and south to choose from for this years teams. What a season its going to be. Caesars Palace Las Vegas, Prague, The Fitzwilliam Dublin, DTD Nottingham, London, Cardiff, Glasgow, Newcastle. So all I have to do now is to ask you guys to put your names forward for two Ireland Teams. All players are welcome to apply, north ,south, UK, the rest of the world, once you have Irish blood in your veins that will do me. You can send me a pm or post here. We need two teams of four for the Home International Championships in Nottingham so don"t be afraid to put you name forward. I will also need a vice captain, so let me know if your up for the challenge.
I"m going to leave this open until 9pm on 21/7/13. and name the teams shortly after and will name the vice captain as soon as possible.