Hi Erimus thanks for reply,if you were playing yourself would you find it easy to get a good idea of your limping range.
As a suggestion if you vary raising all pairs 22 - 99 it will make you far harder to read.
Still limp in with them but try to to mix it up as with say low suited connecters [you limp in with these ?],just occasionally raise those in late position 1st to act in the pot,i dare say your opponents will have a tough time trying to get a read on limp/raise ranges then.
Today in a mtt online i got 55 in ep with a healthy stack [around 70bb] raised them 3x and a fairly solid guy 1.5x re-raises me,the alarm bell in my head started but i had decent odds to see a flop,i was out of position so i was going to re-evaluate on the flop.[i know fishy play out of position but it disguises my hand]
The flop came K52 rainbow,so i lead out 1/3 pot and the solid guy re-raises to 3/4 pot size,hmmm i thought ?? so i min-raise back,the solid guy thinks for about 12 seconds then goes all in, i fold...he shows KK and asks if i had AK , QQ or AA i tell him i made a tough laydown with pocket aces
It cost me about 28bb of my stack to find out my set were beat but i got away from them by sizing my bets and together with my read on the guys style made a good decision to fold.[i still had enough chips to rebuild and finish deep in the money]
So you can get away from set over set,always start to try narrow an opponents range down by your reads and the use of bet sizing.
hope this helps you in anyway Erimus...
ps - i am not saying you should play small pairs from ep all the time or even call with them in lp in a raised pot.
As general ish rule for myself if my stack is less than 30bb then in ep i wont raise small pairs,also if i am to call a raise with them if the implied odds are less than 10 to 1 then i fold..