Author Topic: 7,500 for Cardiff seat  (Read 3895 times)

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7,500 for Cardiff seat
« on: March 27, 2009, 19:57:10 PM »
Hi all,

I live in Cardiff and would love to play my 1st live tourny in my home town (city). I am therefore prepared to pay the princely (of Wales) sum of SEVEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED pennies for a seat.

Can anyone help?

Also, if I can"t get a seat, can someone please tell me the procedure for getting on the alternatives list, and how exactly it works. Would I be correct in saying that as soon as a player is KO"d, the 1st alt sits down, and so on until the end of a particular level?

Anyway, if I don"t see you at the felt  :"( of luck to all who participate!!!


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Re: 7,500 for Cardiff seat
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2009, 13:32:33 PM »
as long as you get to the casino spot on when doors open, look for a guy called des ( just look 4 the apat shirt lol )

Get your name down on the alternate list, nornally 5, 6, 7, + get in so just be in the 1st few on alternates list and u shouldn"t have a problem....

G L and hope u get in Gladiator  8c    tc                 ;)


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Re: 7,500 for Cardiff seat
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2009, 16:07:10 PM »
Hi Gladiator,

Thanks for the reply. I"ll definitely get there early and try to find Des. If you see him, ask him to wear a tall yellow hat, so I can spot him easily  ;D

My mate works in the Cardiff Grosvenor, so I"ll have to see if he can sneak me in the back door just before opening  ;D




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Re: 7,500 for Cardiff seat
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2009, 05:42:43 AM »
loooooooooool i just hope u get a seat, if so see u on the final weeeeeeeee :)


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Re: 7,500 for Cardiff seat
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2009, 17:25:01 PM »
Yes, hopefully I will get a seat....can"t remember the last time I was so excited about losing 75 quid!!

G(ood)L(uck)ADIATOR!!!  ;)


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Re: 7,500 for Cardiff seat
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2009, 13:47:27 PM »
hi there mate am in the same boat with regards to playing this weekend.alternates will indeed replace people as they drop out but there will be a limited number and this will only be possible for a certain number of levels.anyway.i hope we can both find ourselves a seat.


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Re: 7,500 for Cardiff seat
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2009, 12:54:11 PM »
Well I was second on the alternates list and got a seat after about 30 mins. Just as well, as only two alts got in. Anyway, I finally won my first pot 5 mins before the end of level 5!! My table was broken up shortly after and I spent most of the day struggling to stay around 9k in chips.

Had a bit of luck towards the end of day and I am going into day 2 with 70k+, so wish me luck  ;)