Evoking the spirit of the 300, Paul Regan and I took on the hordes from Nottingham, Luton, and Sunderland, as well as a smattering of troops from across the Division 3 globe.
BaracusT took an early increase and shot up the placings whilst I toiled.
I then had an UTG raiser and a flat call from MP. I shoved on the button and my AK beat AQ and JJ for a triple up and 1st place.
Throughout the next hour or so I led the tourney and Baracus T occupied 3rd/4th. Unfortunately, only I made the FT.
When I was flatted by the button and SB and raised with A10 to be re-raised all-in I was laid 3:1 and paused, then called to lose to Aces. I shoved with Ac2c next hand and got looked up by AJ but turned a flush.
Eventually, I got heads-up with Waz from Luton and finished 2nd for 8pts. This gave us 3rd on the team score for the night and 1 point on the league table. Carlisle"s first point.
We now need to increase our numbers to have a shot at winning this thing. Although, with Baracus T and I we could just put a bloody good fight up ourselves. Come on SPARTANS!!!