...no you wouldn"t.
In live poker, when you fold a hand and then see a flop, you know if you"d have hit the board with your hand. It doesn"t actually matter if your 75o would have flopped a full house if you"d called the BB"s all-in push with KK, you were right to fold. You can of course thing "if only...", but that would be results-orientated thinking.
Online however, it"s not the case. The random number generator used to "shuffle" the cards and determine the next card to be dealt is constantly "shuffling". So once the hole cards are dealt, the rest of the "pack" is still being shuffled (it"s a lot more complex than this, but the analogy stands) and so if you"re last to act and you take 5 seconds over your decision the flop will be different to if you take 10 seconds. Of course, it doesn"t matter as they are both unknowns to you - they"re random (or as random as is possible - basically, they"re unpredictable which amounts to the same thing). Once the flop comes down, the shuffling continues, as it does after the turn.
So when you fold your 75o online, and the flop comes 775 - you can"t think "if only I"d called" - because if you had called it wouldn"t have been the same flop (of course it might have been - but it could have been any variation of the remaining cards).
I just thought I"d mention this, as I think there are a lot of online players who weren"t aware that this is how the cards are "shuffled".
Happy New Year by the way
