As a recreational player ( who plays almost every day!!) I also am in the anti soft ware camp. Surely the idea of playing poker is to pick up tendencies and playing styles by watching and playing your opponents, and adapting your play in accordance with those reads. To have a snap shot of someones method of play in an instant is in my opinion unfair, okay it might help you crazy multi table guys, but in my mind is still wrong. I can"t think of any other game or sport which gives you your opponents style of play before you play them.
It"s OK Mike - I understand. However, if you could let me know when and where you"ll be playing please.......
Gotta move with the times - no sense sitting at a table with 5 other people, all of whom are using tracking software to give them an edge against you, but resisting it"s use yourself on grounds of principle. That"s a little like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
It"s good to take the purist stance once in a while, but all you are doing here is giving away edge, and that just results in lost $$$ in the long run.
As for "crazy multi table guys" - for some people, this is about making a living.... and nobody can make a living at low stakes cash poker when playing just one table... multi-tabling is essential to any online pro nowadays, and if software can help one play and make profit at a dozen tables, then why would they avoid use of the software?