You are starting a bit back to front imho.
Firstly be honest with yourself and ask yourself 3 questions:
1. What are you actually good at, and I don"t mean what do you enjoy I mean what suits your game better, i.e. STT, SNG, small field MTT, large field MTT, cash (because nobody likes grinding for hours and hours for a min cash thats why its called a grind, but if thats what you do well.....)
2. What game do you think is your best i.e. , NLE, PLH, PLO etc etc?
3. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY what bankroll do you want to work within?
I think once you have the answer to those 3 questions, then you can start to look at game selection etc etc.
p.s. You have already started well by looking ahead and looking to formulate a plan for 2013, that already puts you ahead of 90% of the player playing online.