You can find the full WCOAP 2018 schedule
HEREThe Tag Team (NLHE) Championship will take place as follows:
#25 Fri 6th April 2018 17:00
£50+£7 per player (team member) estimated capacity 6 x 10-handed tables (60 players seated/teams)
10k stack - 30 min clock
Late Entry 19:15 (02:00 estimated completion)
The event will play as a NLHE MTT throughout, with only 1 member playing at any given time, and where team members may 'tag' at any time when not involved in a hand.
The is NO requirement for any team member to play a minimum number of hands, or levels, or time - this should allow team members to partake in other events on the same day - late reg is open until 19:15 - only 1 member will be required to register in person (but pay the full buyin and reg for both players at that time).
If both players have pre-registered via the Online Holding Tank, then they MUST inform me of both team member names ASAP - and chips will go into play from the start of the event.
If only 1 player has registered in the Online Holding Tank then they other player will be required to register and buyin before that team is considered 'registered'.
If 1 or both reserve via Eventbrite, then again they will need to register in advance (and team spot will only be reserved until 30 mins prior to event start).