What makes a great team? Jo, Stephen and Jo had five players in common, Zinno, Yu, Negreanu, Hellmuth and Deeb, all of whom scored highly, so the competition revolved around their other selections.
Jo and Stephen also shared Glaser, while Stephen and Jo had Monnette in common. Jo has been a big fan of Shack-Harris and Vitch, selecting them every year, always picking up points that no-one else has. She combined them with Racener and Zack to complete a winning team where the lowest scorer added 25 points.
Chidwick brought plenty of points for Stephen, but Volpe and Eveslage let him down a bit, particularly Eveslage who only scored another 4 points after being substituted in after 10 events.
Jo was some way behind the big two, her other players being Imsirovic (Jr), Owen, Johnson and Zhu, of whom only Johnson justified his place.