Author Topic: Did i play this wrong?  (Read 3165 times)

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Did i play this wrong?
« on: January 21, 2010, 19:11:26 PM »
Did i play this hand wrong, or was i just unlucky?  With no PreFlop Raise, and a call post flop, i put him on possibly J-10, or something along those lines. Should i have raised his post flop bet?  I thought i was well ahead, and thought i could try to milk it a bit!

Table #24140023 - STT #14705785
Starting Hand #1147079683
Start time of hand: 21 Jan 2010 19:04:04
Last Hand #1147078939
Game Type: HOLD"EM
Limit Type: NO LIMIT
Blinds are now $30/$60
Button is at seat 4
Seat 2: yardarm - $1,910
Seat 3: tintin57 - $3,804
Seat 4: jlane1980 - $3,286
Moving Button to seat 2
tintin57 posts small blind ($30)
jlane1980 posts big blind ($60)
Shuffling Deck
Dealing Cards
Dealing [7s 9c] to jlane1980
yardarm folds
tintin57 calls $60
jlane1980 checks
Dealing Flop [7c 7d Tc]
tintin57 bets $120
jlane1980 calls $120
Dealing Turn [3d]
tintin57 bets $120
jlane1980 raises to $360
tintin57 calls $360
Dealing River [5h]
tintin57 bets $480
jlane1980 raises to $1,920
tintin57 raises to $3,264 (all-in)
jlane1980 calls $2,746 (all-in)
Returning $518 to tintin57 uncalled
tintin57 shows [5c 5s]
jlane1980 shows [7s 9c]
tintin57 has Full House, 5s over 7s
tintin57 wins $6,572 with: Full House, 5s over 7s
Seat 2: yardarm - $1,910
Seat 3: tintin57 - $7,090
Seat 4: jlane1980 - $0
End Of Hand #1147079683

All views welcome.



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Re: Did i play this wrong?
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2010, 19:14:57 PM »
sigh this is just a cooler on the river, where exactly do you think you went wrong?

only thing i would do is raise turn bigger (in relation to the pot not his tiny bet)
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Re: Did i play this wrong?
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2010, 19:21:34 PM »
I"m restarting out in my poker playing, and just checking this was unlucky, or if maybe i shoulda pushed sooner? i think he would have folded if i shoved the turn!?
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Re: Did i play this wrong?
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2010, 19:24:55 PM »
Maybe raise to 800 on turn. lets him know that its going in on river anyway. Hope hes limped in with Aces or somthing. he would of folded the 55. Bad beat in the end, but you made wrong decision on turn.


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Re: Did i play this wrong?
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2010, 20:13:29 PM »
tbh id raise the flop

too easy for a 8-6 or 2 clubs to catch

although for a 55 holding i doubt he"d go away thinking he still held the best hand

sucks but **** happens


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Re: Did i play this wrong?
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2010, 21:06:23 PM »
Ignore the fact that you lost the hand for a moment - when you flopped trips, what was your ultimate aim?

Clearly, if you could manage to get it all in on the flop, you would 100% of the time. The turn and river would then be dealt, and you would have got unlucky on the river.   That"s exactly what happened - it"s just that your chips got in by a slower route..... they were all going in anyway, and you were more than happy for that to happen. 

The 2 outer on the river is a pain, but it"s just the downside of variance. You played the hand fine.


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Re: Did i play this wrong?
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2010, 21:09:35 PM »
OK, thanks for your advice.
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Re: Did i play this wrong?
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2010, 00:02:26 AM »
you sure want him to fold the turn
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Re: Did i play this wrong?
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2010, 08:21:21 AM »
play it out with both hands face up , then the rr on turn is perfect if u think villain calls worse with just top pair etc.
The bit i question is what did u put villain on after he calls the rr then still leads on the river with what looks like a value bet, so imo the shove is rather [sorry] spewy..just a call imo , unless u have a good read on villain that he calls light on the river [especially this deep] then pretty much on the river u only get called by a better hand..u played it fine till the river but if u think about it with 2 flush draws on the turn and a maybe oesd [89 of which u have 1 blocker] then after the call of your rr and the value bet [river] just pause and think what u are beating and if u shove [or rr so big you are committed] will villain call with worse?

edit - sometimes just pause and look at the texture of the board and try to put villains on a hand or range of hands,if u have very little reads then use the bet sizing and the pattern and by the river u can have villain on a pretty narrow range on a lot of different type boards especially in position.

sigh this is just a cooler on the river, where exactly do you think you went wrong?

only thing i would do is raise turn bigger (in relation to the pot not his tiny bet)

dean pointed it out and having had time to think about how i"d played it rather than the line jlane took, i"m guessing the buy in was low , in these i would play a good flop like this faster i never slow play anything [as these players rarely think about what u have and sometimes they have the they are bluffing me complex] so after a pot bet by him what is he repping? a ten.a seven,a FD, our 9c blocks a lot of combo FD/str8 draws so just those 3 plus a stab bluff , so i rr the flop to 400 ish if he rr i"m willing to rr and stack off , if he just calls then i"m looking to get no ten or club card on the turn.. the 3d comes and he bets weak , mostly at this level this means that they could have a weak ten or they are playing the FD plus a picked up a pair also etc in the usual spew manner [if he had a 7 i"d expected him to rr on the flop not just call our rr] sometimes these characters turn up with small pairs also [i"ve seen them played like this a lot , must be some sort of disease :)]
so as dean+WYoung suggest i"d rr 2/3 ish pot size bet [600] if he rr here i get my stack in [still to many hands that these guys are willing to spew chips with to consider anything else] .. if he calls here then i"d spew up tbh :) and pray for no club or ten [i"d still be wary if a jack or 6 comes but not overly so] now if none of these come on the river we have to plan for his action on the river,mostly villains will check or throw in a daft very weak bet at which i would bet 1/3 pot [around 700to800 leaving around 1500 ish back] and look to get paid off by his ten x or there FD plus a pair etc, if they bet out anymore than a spewy weak bet its a reluctant sigh and fold because after 2 reraises and then all of sudden these characters are now leading out bigger it pretty much mostly means u are beaten..likewise if he check raises all in it is a reluctant fold hence the 1/3 value bet rather than anything bigger because after reraising the turkey twice and he has just called i am still wary without any reads what the f##k he is playing with and i want worse hands to call.

« Last Edit: January 22, 2010, 21:50:07 PM by noble1 »