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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #225 on: April 10, 2013, 14:31:27 PM »

The End.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #226 on: April 14, 2013, 00:26:41 AM »
Quick report on todays poker efforts, full of the usual rubbish so beware.

£100 fo at G saw 63 runners take their seats, had a decent start up to 27k then the following occurs,

A raise utg to 600 by loose player, flatted by utg2, i have 77 in the big blind i complete flop comes down 7 4 2 rainbow, bink happy days, i check original raiser bets ot 2100,

utg then min raises to 4200, joy of joys a treble up is on the cards, i click it back to 8400, original raiser shoves all in utg2 reshoves, i double check my set, get my 27K in.

Cards on their backs 77 me, 44 utg2, original raiser has 35 off suit, of course he binks the ace for the straight and i dont fill up on the river, would of been nice to have 80k at 100/200, massive sigh.

i take the second bullet and build my stack back to 30k after card racking it for half an hour, but it didnt last and eventually went out calling blind with 7 bigs couldnt hit my gutshot and i was gone.

Got home regged for a turbo on tilt made the final table get it all in for 200k pot with 10 10 v j7 and he manages to hit the straight again massive sigh $1k6 up top i get $161 for my troubles.

3 massive pots in my last 3 big comps have gone against me big time and it is certainly causing massive frustration, but it is what is and have to just get on with it.

Saving run good for Gukpt next month at the local G.

The second bullet today means shopping at Aldi this week instead of M&S, only kidding Mark and Sparks tomorrow for the weeks grub.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.

Made  a second final table tonight, get 25 bigs in with 10 10 v q9, lose it obviously, the rest goes q3 v q 10 $85 for 9th was in for $20 ( $10 rebuy), one day Rodney.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 03:16:59 AM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #227 on: April 14, 2013, 12:43:54 PM »

Saving run good for Gukpt next month at the local G.

10% please :p
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #228 on: April 14, 2013, 13:04:40 PM »
Will sort something nearer time Stuart, hope things at home are as ok as they can be.

As a slight diversion from the poker, i set this thing up 6 months ago, gone from a box of water to below, this is my self indulgance from poker winnings, win at poker buy a fish, simples.

This lot currently feeding on Lobster eggs, beans on toast for dinner for us today then.


Followed your instructions Phil but once i click youtube button the correct stuff is there but nothing shows in preview.

Skills see
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 14:29:03 PM by duke3016 »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #229 on: April 14, 2013, 14:55:24 PM »
Awesome stuff Brian!!

Those are very happy Fish, look superb.

Wish I had the commitment to keep marine fish, had cold water, and tropical before but have always loved marine set ups.

Keep up the good work  :)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #230 on: April 14, 2013, 15:00:55 PM »

Awesome stuff Brian!!

+1 and video posting notes updated :) x
Winner of 1 gold, 2 silver & 1 bronze medals.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #231 on: April 17, 2013, 13:49:05 PM »
Thought i would add another one of these, it is only 15 mins long, the ft starts at around 8 mins i think, just wondered about a couple of hands i played, thoughts please

QJ clubs in small blind, 10 mins in, as i said in commentery a 3 bet and fold to a shove would of been a better play.

KQ around 12 mins in, again shove or fold rather than flat in hindsight might of been better.

The A9 suited hand again should min raise this then decide subsequent action depending upon any action.

Again apologies for the sound quality, plus the Teesside accent is not made for public broadcasting, not a voice for radio, or a face for tv come to think of it.

Any comments appreciated, cheers.



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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #232 on: April 18, 2013, 02:35:02 AM »
Massive sigh, just pure bubbled seat for Gukpt main event lose the flip 77 v AK, gutted is an understatement.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #233 on: April 24, 2013, 02:57:25 AM »
Attempt number 2 at a Gukpt sat resulted in disappointment again tonight, card and spot dead with 10 bigs got 2 shoves through to chip up a bit but after matey boy min raises at 600/1200 I look down at pocket 2s he has about 13 bigs left I shove hoping he can fold his rag ace hands, if he has a pair I can bink a set, alas the might of A7 is too good to fold and the 77 flop saw my demise, oh well at least it wasn"t the bubble like last week.

In last weeks game was going along nicely and was in a decent position until I doubled up 3 shorties pushes, all with decent equity both pre and post flop.

I was in 3rd  place when the fish at the table limps at 2k/4k and shoves his 10 high into the big blinds trip 2s, which he had let him see for free, this put me in third and prob cost me a seat, tbh it was who was going to get the fishes  chips which would determine 2cd place, I ended pushing 77 into AK and didn"t win that flip.

Also bubbled the Sunday night game AQ v KQ v 88 for 90 k  and the chip lead, alas no ace from space for me and Betty scooped the lot, glad she got it and not the KQ, this left me with 5k blinds 2k/4k and I was in the big blind, I actually got a walk which made me chuckle but hey ho chip and a chair and all that, pushed blind next hand and Betty tanked for a while in the big blind, she only had to call 4k I think, she eventually called with 10 2, she had to call with any 2 tbh, but the annoying thing was another player got involved by attempting to tell her what to do, I did say no coaching you are not involved in the hand  I had 4  5 and binked a 4 so got a double up, then ran a9 into A10 we both hit our respective kickers and that was that, no mention or asking for bubble payment which I am ok with as I wanted to win the thing not get my £30 back thats gone as far as I am concerned.

Spent a bit too much on live poker in the last few weeks so need to curb it a little, it"s all covered by previous wins so it"s not as if I am putting us in the poor house or anything like that, just have to be careful.

I may have one more sat attempt next week, I would like to play the Gukpt as its on my doorstep but not paying the full £550, if I don"t play the  main probs do a side event but will decide that later on. I will have a look online to see if any sats are currently running on their site and see if it"s worth having a dabble on there.

Had a decent run online I have made 5 final tables so far this month on tilt but have been unable to take one down, the early fiddy today I got to the ft with 25 bigs but couldn"t get the elusive double to 50 bigs, eventually shoving 18 bigs with 10  10 and the chip leader wakes up with AK, even if I min raise AK always going to 3 bet and never folding in that spot so get it in good is all you can do after that the rng does its thing.

It would of been nice to even ladder up one more place as this would of got the roll on Tilt up to $3k, as it is it"s currently $2888, happy with how that is going and with a bit of variance on my side it could of been a lot healthier but it is what it is.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #234 on: April 30, 2013, 18:28:04 PM »
Last day of the month means final day blog entry.

Online going ok made a few final tables on Tilt unable to convert one to a win but had some close shaves would of liked to of reached $3k but satisfied to be starting May with bankroll at $2800, peaked at $2937 but just donated the last couple of days.

Sit and goes are now just filled with regs during the day and they don"t run that frequent so it"s quite difficult to get any momentum going in them, usually  4 or 5 left when blinds are big then it"s who calls shoves correctly and holds or vice versa.

I went to play a sat on Sunday for Gukpt but there were no guarenteed seats so I decided to play cash, and possibly enter sat at break with 20 bigs and spin it up, back to the cash this was the first time ever I have played live cash as I prefer mtts.

[ ] cash went well.

I sat with £60 blinds 25/50 won a bit with JJ v AK, then dribbled down to £45 decided to raise in cut off with 97, get 1 caller and a min re raise from big blind, I call hoping to smash the flop, flop 6 8 10 rainbow, that will do then, I check gets to original raiser who leads for £7, I flat and other person comes along, turn card A, he leads I reraise leaving £10 behind he agonises for ages and eventually puts me all in saying I am calling for the board to pair which it duly does, he fills up with his flopped set of sixes,he then apologises which is actually more annoying than losing the pot, it"s the game nh wp etc.

The wife then phones and asks to see if I can get home as soon as which I duly did, great timing , phone 10 mins earlier I save £50 lol.

Got a free £30 off Sky for depositing £10 today won £30 so will use that for tonight"s Gukpt sat, hopefully it will run as last weeks was cancelled, only needs 8 runners to start ,2 seats guarenteed.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #235 on: May 04, 2013, 06:06:39 AM »
Decent start to the month just chopped Gala freezout for £590, was chipleader but with the blinds at 10k/20k was a bit of a crapshoot and could of gone to any one of us, perhaps I should of asked for a bit more as one person only had 9 bigs, but during negotiations Susan phoned up and wanted me home ASAP as she was still sat up at 4am so done an even chop, it was one of the regs and an unknown so a bit of karma for future deals possibly.

Had a couple of days off online but did finish 350/2500 in the miniftops 6 max rebuy for not a lot, lost a flip with AK v 44 v AK for a decent stack, $51 for my troubles, was only in for $20 so a little bit of profit.

This week sees the gukpt roll into town, I have been unsuccessful so far in the sats for the main event, bubbling one and got unlucky on the final table on Tuesday finishing 7th I think, Pokerpops unluckily bubbled in that one As well.

I had budgeted to play two side events the £100 freezout on Tuesday and the 6 max on Wednesday and also at least one more sat attempt on Sunday 10 seats guarenteed £30 rebuy, obviously with tonight"s little bink the main event might be on the cards, this will depend on a few things like getting Susan looked after for a full day on either Thursday or Friday, then if I make Day 2 this will have to have some cover as well, but it is only 10 mins from home and it should be manageable to get back home if required.

If I do decide to play the main event I will be selling a bit so watch that space if anyone is interested.

In other news went to see Micky Flanagan last night and had a right good laugh, if you get the chance to see him he is very good, it"s daft o"clock now but I can"t sleep due to feckin birds singing.

I shall be purchasing a few Turbo snails today as I have an outbreak of Algae in the tank and these things are supposed to munch on that so will give that a go, that"s provided the mantis shrimp which I have still failed to trap eats them which he did when I bought a few aiptasia eating shrimps, £18 for a meal for a mantis shrimp, better fed than me.

Waffled on too much, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #236 on: May 04, 2013, 09:02:51 AM »

keep it going fella!
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #237 on: May 04, 2013, 11:57:32 AM »


keep it going fella!


Turbo snails is an oxymoron surely?
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #238 on: May 06, 2013, 02:47:54 AM »
Just got in from the Super sat to main event at the local G where I have managed to bink a seat, happy days, I have to take parents to the airport at 3:30 so may as well bore you with some details.

Seat draw placed to the left of Pokerpops, not the ideal situation but we have to get on with it.

It"s a £30 rebuy with 10 seats guarenteed,  2k starting stack, I 3 bet 10 10, to 200 early doors get the obligatory 3 callers, 9 high flop, checked to me there"s 1k in the pot so just put it all in hope no one has hit a 4, 449 flop 2 diamonds, folds all around , get KK reraise 2 limpers bb makes up limpers fold, flop 89 10 rainbow, guy shoves he only has 650, I make the call he has j 10, don"t avoid the 7 on the river so I am back under starting stack.

I don"t play another hand and take the add on and rebuy so I have 8k at the first break which is 40 bigs, it"s only a 20 min clock so need to get busy.

Unfortunately I go totally card dead and the only hand I won was a walk in the big blind.

I get a table move and blinds are 300/600 I have 7k so in shove mode, push AJ gets through,Hold with A5 v QJ, then a double up with KJ v 22.

I  am still hovering around 10 bigs so can"t make any plays then the following happens folds to me in cut off look down at 33, we are still 3 of a seat, g had made it 11 guarenteed, I shove and get slow rolled by QQ in the big blind, the gentleman in question has been my memisis lately and has cost me at least one seat in previous games due to his unconventional style, flop was Q24, urgh stood up to walk away, turn card was a 6 and the river was the miracle 5, Boom runner runner straight, now I don"t usually show any emotion at the table either winning or losing a hand but i did actually cheer when the 5 hit, especially against this opponent.

When we were down to 12 players one player asked if we all put £45 in the pot all 12 can get the seat and seeing as it was full of regs I agreed but there was 1 person who refused, so the game carried on hand for hand, the short stack shoved 7 bigs from the cut off, I look down at 10 10 I reshove and he tables k 5, now an arguement ensues on the other table and it was at least 10 mins before the flop was dealt, no king appeared and I make a flush on the river, seat gained.

The person who bubbled is a well known local and a few of the players asked if I was prepared to put the £40 towards his seat, now I was happy to do this before the bubble burst and knowing the guy agreed, I only had £30 on me so I  donated, wonder if I had bubbled the same would of happened to me, not sure really but poker karma may come back and reward me.

Friday was my preferred choice of day 1 to play so will be there at 12pm, one time please, couple of sides to play first Tuesdays £100 and Wednesdays £100 6 max, Mondays £75 is a maybe will make a decision on that one later today.

Run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #239 on: May 08, 2013, 00:10:16 AM »
Played the 2 side events of the gukpt and unfortunately bricked both, last night ran KK into AA, nothing much i could do with that one.

Tonights game started ok got from 7k to 12k at first break then dribbled down to 10 bigs after a couple of 3 bets which bricked flops and any c bet was met with resistance, finally got 10 bigs in with A10 on the button, the big blind finds 88 and it holds, fairly standard stuff.

6 max tomorrow night, may give it a swerve will decide nearer the time, looking forward to main event on Friday, saving run good for that one.