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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #285 on: August 09, 2013, 16:45:31 PM »
good luck tomorrow Brian!


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #286 on: August 09, 2013, 19:44:33 PM »
Hi Brian. Best of luck to you in the Gukpt Bolton.
I have just found this blog and realized we were on the same table without knowing we were both Apaters.
We spoke to each other briefly and you said you were from Middlesbrough.
I will look out for you tomorrow

Break time got 33k, hit kings full, but no one had a flush which hit on the river, next hand get a walk with AA in big blind.
Unlucky that it was passive old me on the button instead of Eames when you had AA in the big blind.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #287 on: August 09, 2013, 21:38:27 PM »
Hi Craig, passive !!,it was the only time you didn"t raise my big blind all day, lol, well done on your chip count, hope to catch up tomorrow, see you there.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #288 on: August 09, 2013, 22:16:36 PM »
Just remembered as well Craig, pretty sure it was you, I squeezed with AJ from big blind think you called on the button, the flop was Ace high but by the end there was flush out and 2 sevens on board, you jammed all in.

Can you Remember what you had ?, if it wasn"t you completely ignore above post and just say You had a flush so I can sleep tonight, cheers.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #289 on: August 10, 2013, 11:43:20 AM »
Arrived at Bolton, ready to go, may be short and sweet, or could be long and hard (oops wrong forum).

No one times from me, just go with the flow.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #290 on: August 10, 2013, 14:26:41 PM »
Got through first 2 levels, haven"t got double up yet made 4k I think, had JJ, AQ open folded, jammed K4 last hand before break over aggro guys steal attempt, next level will determine the rest of the afternoon.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #291 on: August 10, 2013, 16:59:41 PM »
Dinner break, got 105k, got the important double when I jammed 88 over raise and flat, bb rejammed with AQ, eights held, since then chipped up steadily, without going to showdown, cheeky check raise with air after cut off c bet a jj8 flop, got back a few of the blinds they had been nicking.

Think blinds are 3k/1k5 when we return so no margin for error, whatever happens its been a decent effort.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #292 on: August 10, 2013, 18:42:35 PM »

Think blinds are 3k/1k5 when we return so no margin for error, whatever happens its been a decent effort.

Great effort Brian. Done fantastic so far... but don"t be resting on those laurels. Get the fecker won x
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #293 on: August 11, 2013, 01:21:02 AM »
Just got home safe and sound and as I won"t be able to sleep for a while may as well give my final thoughts on the Gukpt from Bolton.

I finished 12th for a min cash £1k which is slightly disappointing but from what I started Day 2 with I have got to be happy.

The cash bubble seemed to last an eternity, the shorties kept doubling and although I was comfortable, it"s still slightly annoying, I did nit it up a bit, not on purpose I just did not see any decent cards, knowing the shorties were going to shove.

I lost a few chips when I played A10 weakly in the big blind, I hit a 10 high flop, but didn"t lead and let the Q3 hit, should of 3 bet pre, although he had loads of chips and he wasn"t in the mood for folding.

I then raised 3 hands on the trot and with my image got through so no lasting damage.

My last hand was with the said villain, always knew we would clash, wasn"t an ego thing it just seemed destiny.

the bubble burst and we had made the cash after this it was never my intention to fold my way to the final table.

The blinds are 8k/4k/1k, I start with 178k, around 21 bigs, serial raiser raised to 18k, I 3 bet to 40k, A8 hearts, ( it just looks so pretty),  we are 7 handed, folds to original raiser who flats, the flop is K xx, (2 hearts), he checks, I lead out 35k, he check raises, I can"t flat so I jam the rest in approx 60k, he tanks for a good 5 mins before making the call, he has JJ, I don"t hit either an Ace or a heart so I am a goner.

He does say its the first time he has actually had a hand which was one of my reasons for the 3 bet i was pretty sure he was at it, just unfortunate for me he had a hand, but I still think I almost got away with it.

With another trip to Bolton on the cards I wanted that double up and was quite happy with the spot, obviously not the outcome, went for it, didn"t get it,that"s poker.

If I win that hand I have nearly 400k and in a pretty strong position to final table with a healthy stack as opposed to coming back for a flip, alas it wasn"t to be.

On the drive back home if I have played badly I am pretty annoyed with myself but going over the above hand I am pretty sure I played it ok and it didn"t really annoy me that I didn"t get there with it so i was happy with my decisions all the way through the hand.

When I first started to play live poker, my buy ins were £30 and this used to scare me to death, I have now just handed over £550 (with a bit of staking involved so not as bad as it sounds)to play a game of cards, obviously this was a shot with previous winnings and I don"t think that this type of buy in will be a regular occurrence for me, although with a tiny sample have made 3/4 day 2s in these games just not getting the rub of be green at the business end.

I imagine going back to the local £30 freeze outs is going to be a tad frustrating after playing in a game were people can and do fold after putting chips in the pot, but that"s we"re I got the money to enter this so cant knock it to much.

Thanks for all the well wishes by the way, hope you enjoyed the ride as much as I did, run good, be lucky stay healthy, cheers.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #294 on: August 11, 2013, 01:50:01 AM »
1. you played good
2. you played good
3. you played good

oh and did I mention that you played good

nice one don"t beat yourself up.....


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #295 on: August 11, 2013, 03:16:10 AM »

Just remembered as well Craig, pretty sure it was you, I squeezed with AJ from big blind think you called on the button, the flop was Ace high but by the end there was flush out and 2 sevens on board, you jammed all in.

Can you Remember what you had ?, if it wasn"t you completely ignore above post and just say You had a flush so I can sleep tonight, cheers.
The reason I jammed instead of small value bet was because I was hoping you had hit the flush against my A7 full house.
I don"t know if you heard the player to my right Gerald "Skullman" David  after the hand he was complaining that the deuce on the river would have given him full house with his pocket 22, and I said to him "well I wish you had stayed in the hand".
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #296 on: August 14, 2013, 03:52:05 AM »
back to reality poker wise after Boltons exploits, made the final table on Sunday at the G, only 4 paid and I went to ft as a short stack after losing a few standard 70/30s, I finished 9th calling a shove with 22 with 10 bigs, hoping for a flip but unfortunately was AA, didn"t bink but was fun.

Hand of the night I raise, then get 3 bet, who gets 4 bet by an old guy has 1 of 2 hands here, it gets round to probably the worst player at the G, who rejams, I fold , 3 bettor folds, 4 bettor shows kk, versus 23 off, gotta love he G, kings hold.

Tonight 2 casinos have a 2k gtee and a 2k5 gtee, probably splitting the player pool and possible overlays at both, it was my intention to go to  Gala first try and build a stack and if I get knocked out go to G and late reg theirs.

I didn"t get my backside in gear so I would of missed the extra chips at Gala for early reg and went straight to the G.

Chip up to 18k in the first 3 levels and take the add on at he break, chip down to 13k when I 3 bet and Chet and lose about 3/4 hands on the trot, was feeling slightly tilty.

at 300/600 get the usual 5 limpers, there is 4k in the pot and I jam A8 suited, not a decent play but thought they would all fold, queens didn"t, not to worry the ace from space appears.

Reach the final table along with Dave ( who is running in God mode at the minute, no doubt he will add to his blog at a later date).

Kk beats JJ, then I get dem aces but get no action after that nothing of note just stealing the big blind when folded to me to keep my head above water, 5 handed we do a chip count deal which gives me £273, 5th place is £130 so am happy to accept, Dave had a few more chips than me and we had agreed a 10% swop so I got another £10.

Looking forward to Phils wedding at the weekend, and then Nottingham a week later, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #297 on: August 21, 2013, 03:23:32 AM »
Back to back chops of the £2k guarantee at the G tonight, bought the 8k chips at he beginning and first hand is AA , Bob and Betty have both limped so I raise to 350 (I know ridiculous sizing but these 2 never fold), as is there want both call, I c bet on a fairly safe board, 2 spades but not fussed about that yet, get 1 caller who gives up when I bet the turn , up 2 11k, decent start.

Get up to 21k 20 mins before the break when I flop a set and 2 people pay me off, looks like no add on required quite comfy playing with 21k after the break, spoke to soon, lose about 12k when I open AQ clubs, flop an open ended straight flush draw, straight draw and nut flush draw against Betty"s flopped straight, didn"t get there so I took the add on.

Get chips when I  3 bet the obligatory 4 limpers at 500/1000 with Aj, 1 caller comes along for the ride but my c bet on the king high flop gets through.

Young lady, who I constantly get chips off by 3 betting her limps has already warned me she is ready to stick it in my eye, she limps cut off with Ak, button comes along, I 3 bet with QQ, she jams, I call, classic race, door card K, but the flop also contains a Q, case one apparently but I will take it.

We reach the ft and have about 85k, probably second in chips, get a few light raises through in late position, table very passive.

A few coolers later we are 4 handed and the chip leader loses the lot when button hits quad tens against his 44, I still have about 85k when we do a deal, chip leader takes £550, and me and another guy take £450 each, we had similar chip stacks so was happy to accept, also won the card guard which is a bonus prize.

Hardly played online this month, not feeling it but still down about $300 in the games I have played, just constantly running into massive hands all the time, can"t complain about live though as its been very profitable.

May be travelling with Martin ( ft Cardiff) to Nottingham, but he has to get the go ahead of his other half first, Dave is at Leeds I think, Phil honeymooning, Stuart will be already there and don"t think any one else from up here attending, hope the run good continues at Dtd, would be nice to make Day 2, Vegas was the only time I have achieved this feat maybe next week can break my duck on British soil, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #298 on: August 31, 2013, 08:51:25 AM »
Ok, end of the month has finally arrived and unfortunately ended in a damp squib for me.

Total live winnings for month was £2475 actual profit around £1400 so that was ok.

Nottingham was a bit disappointing, had decent cards in the first 2 levels, but after that nothing of note and eventually ran 33 into 44 who flopped me pretty much dead on a KK4 flop.

Thought I was on for double early when a flopped set of Queens was beaten by a turned straight, I paid the guys turn bet hoping for the board to pair which it didn"t, the river putting a k on board so a 4 card straight board was on board but I was pretty sure I was beat on the turn, he bet 4 or 5k out of turn and I open folded my set.

The guy got a 1 round penalty for acting out of turn, and heard him say to his mate that he was on for a double up till he made the mistake ie top set v turned straight but I didn"t even pay his value bet on the river, if the board paired I was in for the double, oh well it happens.

On the local scene, a recurring theme, made the ft at Gala on Friday with 22 bigs, doubled up a shortie AQ into KK, then 2 hands later, ran KJ into AA, yawn, no cash.

Tuesday at the G jammed K3 suited over 3 limpers, at 300/600, they all folded as I knew they would but the bb woke up with AA, standard, no binkage.

Last night at Gala again ran AQ into AA in another standard spot so was home early again.

Quite a few games on locally over the weekend, Sky at Newcastle, G and Genting both have decent guarantees on over the weekend at Newcastle but to o much hassle getting Susan looked after for the full day so doubt I will be playing any of these.

Stars roll just about gone, may re deposit in a few months but giving it a rest on there for a while cant win a hand never mind a tournament and on Full Tilt the downswing continues, another $500 disappeared in to the ether, volume been very low only played about 22 games, I managed 1 final table in which I lost the flip with Ak v 10 10, winning $60, obviously need to finish in top 2/3 for any decent cash.

Boro game this afternoon, freebie and a chance to catch up with some mates who I don"t see much off now I don"t go to the games as often as I used to, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #299 on: September 02, 2013, 02:00:32 AM »
Good start to September, 3 way chop at the G for £235, so free rolling the next few tourneys, got a phone call from home just before the break so had to make a quick dash home, sorted that little problem out and got back in the middle of the 200/400 level, I had 17k so a playable stack,  never got anything going before I 3 bet QJ on the button which was flat called by the big blind, and value was announced by the limpers and we went 4 way to the flop.

Flop was QA3 rainbow I lead after it was checked to me and was flatted in the big blind, the others got out of the way, I have pretty much give up on the hand now as the big blind is fairly standard and an ace is definitely in his flatting range, turn was a 9, check check, river was a jack which gave me 2 pair so was now pretty confident I was ahead, he lead out for 2k5, I jammed for another 8, if he has K 10 then good luck to him, he tanks for a while and he says set as if asking me if I had a set, but apparently he had a set of threes and he folded them, couldn"t believe he folded tbh, obviously put me on k 10 or a bigger set, got away with that one, phew.

Get to final table, with about 15 bigs and get a double up after Dave had 3 bet serial limper with A 10, I woke up with JJ, on the button and he is priced in to call, I avoid the ace and get a playable stack.

Dave goes out before the cash, his QQ no match for the KQ, which had limp called and hit KK on the flop, horrible spot but I got revenge for Dave in the following manner.

We are 4 handed and the short stack cheekily asks for a deal, the big stack refuses as he has loads, this is the guy who has just knocked out Dave.

The big stack loses the next 2 hands one to me and one to another guy and he has now become the short stack, he now asks for the deal, no chance.

The former big stack limps at 4000/8000 with about 20k behind, I am in big blind with 83 off, flop comes 993, 2 clubs, he jams and I call, thinking he was going to jam any flop, I have hit, chances are he hasn"t and I had enough chips to call, he turns over AA, regular readers will know I have been consistently running into AA and KK and I started to have a little strop bemoaning my luck at running into AA again at a final table, however mid stream during the rant the river was a 3, I sheepishly said unlucky to the guy who went off to collect his £70, a few hands later we dealt for £225 each, and all in for the extra £10 and the card guard, which I scooped.

Dave and I swop 10% in any game we play down there so popped to the cash table and dropped him £25, which almost covered one buy in. If I had seen the guy who folded the set I think I would of give him £10 for the opportunity to make the cash.

Run good, be lucky, stay healthy.